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File: 11 KB, 318x159, 1919.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11078882 No.11078882 [Reply] [Original]

Right this instant you time travel back in time exactly 100 years from now. Yes you missed the great war. Be grateful. You're at the exact same location you are now.

What can you build with your knowledge to get rich?

>> No.11078885

Rap, plastic surgery, and social media.

>> No.11078887

Plummet to my death.

>> No.11078896

I would quickly die in the vacuum of space

>> No.11078897

assume you move along with the earth

>> No.11078903

you wouldn't make it as a rapper even with zero competition

>> No.11078944

Since this building wasn't here 100 years ago, I plummet to the ground, breaking my legs and probably dying shortly thereafter.

>> No.11078956

>What can you build with your knowledge to get rich?
The electric transistor

>> No.11078969

The idea was proposed in 1927 but couldn't be built until 1947. You'd just be proposing it earlier unless you can replicate what whole teams with huge research grants and resources from bell labs did in 1947.

>> No.11078977

Buy all shares possible with the money i have in Coca Cola.

>> No.11079001

In 4 years you'd get 44% back and still have the shares. Almost exactly 10 years from when you'd land in 1919 you'd hang yourself. You wouldn't be able to diversify either.

It's a winning strategy long term but come on.

>> No.11079008

Invest in nationalistic german nazi flag factories.

>> No.11079009
File: 34 KB, 634x420, DavidHahn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nuclear reactor

>> No.11079010

fences, trains, star patches, ammunition and zyklon b

>> No.11079030

You can't design or build a nuclear reactor from scratch with 1919 technology. Nobody can, not even pioneers and people that have been in teams actually building ones in the late 20th, early 21 centuries.

>> No.11079205


>> No.11079293

Fuck this is surprisingly hard.

>> No.11079314
File: 90 KB, 862x854, Bob.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>You travel back 100 years, what can you build with your knowledge to get rich

>Go to daddy Adolf
>Screech autistically in his ear that he has to keep Stalingrad at all costs, only deploy German divisions in the siege of Stalingrad, that city will decide the war
>Live happily off of Deutschmarks in the new German Imperium

>> No.11079350


>> No.11079351

I'll tell Hitler to destroy the Dunkirk pocket.

>> No.11079358

There should never have been a siege in the first place. The Germans were poised to take the city unopposed. But you're right about the city's significance.

>> No.11079515

Cleaner energy sources, not neccesarily renewables but just minimize carbon emissions and push for better industrial legislation. It wont prevent climate change but maybe it would slow it down enough for us to be able to deal with it better

>> No.11079554

The winner move would have been not escalating into WW2 in the first place. Just ask politely for the colonies back instead of annexing Czechoslovakia.

>> No.11079615

Yes you can, retard, do you think 1919 was stone age?

>> No.11079743

An empire of psychic prediction books. I would also lend my services to the rich to gain more notoriety and increase sales. With all the money rolling in I would use money to invest in profitable stocks like IBM, have teams research incomplete diagrams of ideas to create patents of inventions now. Of course I will capitalize on natural resources required to this. I will create oil companies to set up operations at locations I know have oil. I would extract CBD from cannabis and sell it as a natural cure all. I would develop other medicines. I would expose global occult agendas and I would develop weapons and private security that would help me put an end to freemasonry and all occult based monarchies so that America is unchallenged and free and other countries are free themselves.

>> No.11079857

Lovely. My country just gained independence. One of the fastest growing economies at the time.
I'll enjoy comfy tech-less life and emigrate before the commies occopy us for the hundreth time.
As for what i would do - anything is better than nowadays.

>> No.11080028

Manufacture Hitler, ez money

>> No.11080067

Things I could make (Electrical Engineer)
>All the basic transistor types
>Modern vacuum tube
>Amplification diagrams
>FM Radio
>Cathode ray tube color television
>Silicon crystals
>(based on silicon crystals) The very basic first Integrated Circuits
>A very basic CPU with a couple thousand transistors based on the previous Integrated Circuitry.
>Solar panels based on ICs
>Lithium batteries

I could basically single-handedly push Humanity from about 1919 technology to 1970s technology in maybe 5-10 years time assuming I'd have to gather capital to build my own facilities slowly over time.

I would be the first trillionaire (Transistor patent was worth more than a couple trillion but it was waived, I would keep it in private property)

I would also try to avoid the 2nd world war and give most of my technology to the British Empire to ensure they never lose grip of their colonies. I would also heavily fight against the Communists in the Russian civil war which was still ongoing in 1919.

I'd use my vast amount of wealth and technology to establish a new world order under the British empire, crushing Communists and the world never developing Fascism due to the 1920s and 1930s events never happening.

By 2019 the world would probably be united under the British Crown which would have been my children as I would marry into the crown using my vast amount of wealth and influence at that point.

There would be no global warming as I would have tackled the energy problem before widespread powerplants were even a thing replacing them with my own solar panels and lithium battery setup instead.

I would also use the knowledge of large deposits of resources unknown in 1919 to buy up those lands such as the oil fields in Saudi-Arabia under British Control which I would monopolize for my own so that there is no chance of Oil becoming the leading power generation resource.

>> No.11080107

Apart from the lithium baterries, there is no way you could build any of the rest in 1919. Most of the ideas were proposed anyway. They just couldn't build them.

>> No.11080111

Rap requires jazz, soul and the general shitty urban conditions of the 80s as a prerequisite. You will have nothing to rap about and no beat to rap to.
>Plastic surgery
Was actually banned in a lot of countries back then. WW1 helped change views on it but it was deacades until operating on healthy people became acceptable. The lack of antibiotics makes this a risky venture anyway.
>Social media
With what internet?
See >>11078969
Dude the Great Depression is around the corner.
See >>11078969

These threads are so stupid, you can't just invent new shit without all the prerequisites. And what everyone always seems to forget in these threads is that people simply are skeptical of new ideas. You could bring an M16 back 200 years ago and army chiefs will trash it for "wasting ammunition" and being "unreliable" and that is pretty much what happened when repeaters were introduced in the US civil war.

>> No.11080116
File: 124 KB, 900x575, 4ah2bmeid1511.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Find and try to get a job with John Moses Browning, make the AR-15. Then join the Corps to fight in the pacific, like my forefathers did before me.

>> No.11080162

Vinyl-like pickup disks and players.

But it really depends if you start with an appreciable amount of money or not.
If you're penniless in 1919 you're either a dead man or a wageslave for life despite what you may or may not know.

>> No.11080166


I have personally build a NPN bipolar junction transistor from scrap. It was technically possible since at least the late 1800s but we didn't have the information to know that doped silicon would behave in this way thus it was never manufactured until the 1940s brute force led to its founding.

You have 2 types of innovations. One is innovation of understanding. Knowing how something works suddenly makes it possible because it's not hard to manufacture. Things like anti-biotics and transistors fall in this category.

You also have innovation of production where things only become possible after the tools are advanced enough to build things at such a precision and reliability for it to become a genuine product. Things like the steam engine and the atomic bomb fall within these categories.

However the things I named >>11080067 were specifically named for being extremely easy to manufacture with handheld tools let alone industrial capacity. There's a reason why I didn't name personal computers or smartphones or anything like that. LCD screens are a manufacturing nightmare.

The majority of progress made from 1919 to 2019 has been due to better understanding and revolutions made in electrical engineering which is why an electrical engineer being send back to 1919 could do most of the innovation since they are mostly innovations of understanding. Not of precision based manufacturing.

>> No.11080184


Interestingly enough, I could actually be in the same place I am now because my house was built in 1906.
I fear most people would find themselves impaled on trees or interred underground, or between the walls of a building long since torn down.

>> No.11080197

It would get rejected for being unreliable, not having widely available parts, using non-standard cartridges, too small caliber to stop a banzai charge and that there is nothing wrong with the Garand.
What scrap parts exactly?
You'll also be directly competing with established vaccum tube manufacturers which are perfectly fine for a basic 1920s radio and probably cheaper to manufacture than one guy making his own transistors Just because something is a better way doesn't mean it will be cost-effective or even adopted.

>> No.11080199

>my house was built in 1906.
Americans think this is amazing.

>> No.11080404

i might be able to somehow manage an elecric guitar

>> No.11080464

Dude all your response come from a pessimistic outlook. The situations you describe are entirely possible but so is the opposite. The logistics can easily be sorted and especially with knowing how to wheel and deal with people. The gun guy could easily patent the gun and show it off to manufacturers shopping it around until eventually someone bites.

The same goes for the transistor. Approach one tube company and convince them to invest in the new technology to beat the competition. This is all basic shit and all it stems from is a get it done no matter what attitude.

>> No.11080531

I disagree. Main idea being magazine fed intermediate cartridge small arms. Plus float a 240b, quick change barrel over water cooled.
I'd argue that more accurate rounds downrange would do quick work of any japs.

>> No.11080583

You're a nobody that spawned from nowhere with no information source apart from your memory. What seems easy to do today is way way harder with no information. To demonstrate:

I know how NPN transistors work too. Off the top of my head; I don't know how the doping process is done, what lab materials I need, the exact concentration formulas, what dopant elements work best, which ones would be cheaper/reliable/mass manufacturable, how an assembly and production line work exactly. I also don't know how I would sell the idea of it being extremely useful even if I do manage to somehow build a crude prototype.

>> No.11080588

Meant to tag >>11080067

>> No.11080910

>What can you build with your knowledge to get rich?
Penicillin. Then rely on my far more practical knowledge of history to play the market and invest on the ground floor of everything I could. Then eventually buy a few islands in hawaii, and some land in alaska from the government long before they're granted statehood and establish a sex cults, then use my fortune to slip in all kinds of cryptic messages and symbols into media just to fuck with schizos in the future.

>> No.11081224

So you can make penicillin from scratch without looking it up? You do know it's a bit more complicated than biting a rotten apple right?

>> No.11081237

look up the story of how it was found perhaps.
for OP's question, I have a few organic synthesis protocols memorized

>> No.11082051


I'm 70 meters above ground anon, why the fuck do you want to kill me?

>> No.11082060

I'd do my best to save John Jacob Astor IV

>> No.11082065

well you've got to kill lice somehow if you want to control the typhus I guess

>> No.11082070

yeah my local church is 960 years old, the pub is from 1532, and the house I live in is from the early 1800s

>> No.11082082

inb4 you get dethroned by the eternal friend of the anglo empire, the jews.

>> No.11082083

Rothschild already did this.

>> No.11082098

First I would trek for two days toward town and hope like hell that the water that's here now was there then too. Then I'm going ""prospecting"".

>> No.11082273

>So you can make penicillin from scratch without looking it up?
Yes nigger. Its bread mold.

>> No.11082277

>dude just leave some bread out mold will grow lol thats penicillin right?
Thanks for admitting you don't know how to make it.

>> No.11082317

It's true though, literally everything that is standard now was either not cost effective or outright opposed at the time of invention. Wankel engines have a better power-to-weight ratio but no-one bar Mazda took them up because no-one wanted to retool their entire factories.
>The gun guy could easily patent the gun and show it off to manufacturers shopping it around until eventually someone bites.
That's basically what happened, the British weren't too interested in the Maxim gun so he took it to Germany and the rest is history.

>> No.11082322

buy bitcoin

>> No.11082420

>What can you build with your knowledge to get rich?
I wouldn't. I would just become an academician. The greatest polymath of all time.

>> No.11082422

I could even beat Gödel to the punch.

>> No.11082441

I'm not very skilled or knowledgeable so I would have to leverage my cultural knowledge and produce something within the arts such as films or music. Perhaps comedy film would be very easy, if I manage to not become too controversial. If I just want to flex, arthouse.

>> No.11082882

Unless you're doing/have a PhD in pure math or theoretical physics you don't have the mathematical/physical knowledge of the top class mathematicians of 2019. If you do have a PhD you have an edge over them in a very specific field but you'll have to prove any corollaries you use that were proven in between 1919 and 2019. It's not that far back in time to easily be a polymath.

>> No.11083632
File: 120 KB, 334x346, 1571463062952.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

invest in tobacco, then gold before the depression hit, then back to tobacco after

>> No.11084488

Invest in gold, oil and tobacco. Cash out before the great depression then buy back dirt cheap in the same things. Invest in Steel and Weapons companies. Rake in cash during the 30's thanks to Germany and well into the 40's thanks to WW2

>> No.11084609

>I would quickly die in the vacuum of space
Based and technically accurate pilled

>> No.11084615

I would fall to my death because my neither my house nor its trash hill foundation exists