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11078644 No.11078644 [Reply] [Original]

What do you think are the current Manhattan-like Artificial Intelligence programs?

There is 100% chance every Major Country has one, what do you think about Google/FB/MS/Deepmind chances? ETA of singularity?

>> No.11078652

Also on the topic. How divergent do you think their field is compared to consumer/public AI?

I'd speculate the entire work is completely different than the neural networks in use today except at consumer-facing companies like Google/etc. As in not even using most things we see today since the goal would be AGI and not quick ROI.

>> No.11079206

I speculate you're a faggot

>t. Watson

>> No.11079210

Harvesting the brains of aborted fetusrs and using them as missile guidance systems/roombas

>> No.11079218

I doubt it. These projects are prohibitively expensive. The original manhattan project probably could have been done like 20 years earlier but it took the extreme competitive environment of a world war to force states to actually get off their asses and do it. Subsequently the cold war funded much of latter physics research, as well as biochem, toxicology, chemistry, etc.

>> No.11079486

can't wait for the retarded AI hype to die down in five years

oh wow neural networks can identify cats, we singularity now

>> No.11079495

Not happening, bud.

>> No.11079861

>oh wow neural networks can identify cats

They can't even get that right. Google assistant keeps thinking my husky is a cat and always makes random "cat video" complications out of the photos of him on my phone, just because he's white and has pointy ears.

>> No.11080079

1. They have production-ready killerbots. If boston dynamics can go public with that shit imagine what the DoD can do with secret funds+recent recurrent neural nets on motor control
2. Incredible chatbots. Go to Leddit and look for "SubSimulatorGPT2". This is the current state of the art available to public domain.
3. war-ready communications blackout. a china-like censorship network is ready to be deployed and censor all smartphone (and perhaps even landline) comms of their choosing in case of conflict, anywhere in the world. Imagine the damage that can be done with fake texts and phonecalls to high-ranking officials.
5. The killerbot video is probably now a ready-to-deploy project
6. More things I can't even imagine. None of them working for good though.