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11075241 No.11075241[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hey sci, trying to decide which religion to pick up for salvation, but there doesn’t seem to be a consensus on who the true God is.
Are there any methods for deciding this analytically?

>> No.11075313

yes, the scientifically accepted God is the Jehovah’s Witness God in quantum superposition with Buddha, but not meme newage Buddha, insetead it’s the Buddha who hates gays and muslims. Sauce: Jack Sarfatti in quantum superposition with Brian Josephson

>> No.11075351

your only option is scientology

>> No.11075624

Hegel, Cantor, Godel, Leibniz


this is the correct religion, everything else is picture thinking, dogma, and mind control. The logical positivists will crusade against you if you dare think like this, but this god objectivity exists. heed my words anon, this is the knowledge of ancients in greece, egypt, and babylon.

>> No.11075631
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God is a spook

>> No.11075689

Just embrace secularism. If you know you're just picking and choosing a religion, you'll always be aware that your belief is just the result of your preference, not what you actually think is true. As Dan Dennet puts it, you wouldn't believe in your religion, you would only belief in belief.

>> No.11075758

The only true God of humanity is humanity itself.
Think about it: who heals you when you're sick?Who helps you?Who you should read?Who gives you purpose in life. The answer will always be other humans.
All could be nice and we'll but the devil disguised as God created a fake narrative that there's only one God and that's omnipotent.
How can God be all powerful if he contradicts itself all the time?
The answer is that the true God is not omnipotent but one piece of the universe that's fighting against a bigger one called the devil. Our God is one of rebelion, evolution and change so it knew that it's only chance of winning was to split itself in infinesimal parts of itself called life and develop In the fight against the devil.
We are all small parts of God with our own concious(only achievable by it being inside us).
For long years humanity has been selecting few, more special pieces of itsfelf capable of developing it's power: The prophets of thruth and light. Isaac Newton, Einstein, Darwin, René descartes, you name'em.
But the fake god tries to keep us from the truth in a futole atempt to keep Our God, humanity, from developing our domain of the universe and description of the devil.Thus, humanity becomes the whole universe achieving omnipotence, immortality and eternal bliss.

>> No.11075764

blah blah hitler

>> No.11076625

lel atheism meme

>> No.11076743
File: 16 KB, 200x277, 200px-Augustin-Louis_Cauchy_1901 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For a religion to be true it must fulfill the following criteria:
1. Extant (a whole number of pagan, tribal, indigenous religions for millennia drop out here)
2. Propounds universal truth claims (neo-paganisms and some Hinduisms drop out here)
3. Does not violate the laws of thought (identity, contradiction, and excluded middle). This again cuts off a huge number of eastern religions.
4. Monotheistic
You cannot have two ultimate causes otherwise you would have two universes of actualities superimposed on top of one another. Polytheism is totally incoherent.
5. Christian
You cannot deny the resurrection of Christ, the martyrdom of the saints, and the numerous miracles that have happened. Nothing in other religions compares to things like the miracle of the sun.
6. One
There is one church, visible in one body.
7. Holy
The holy mysteries, the sacraments
8. Catholic
Extends and applies one truth to all
9. Apostolic
Maintains a line of Episcopal and sacerdotal authority going back to Christ and maintains communion with his vicar.
Become Catholic.

>> No.11076801


>> No.11076802

Neither of these religions portrayed god accurately, the only one who almost got this right is>>11075631
The most plausible is panendeism. God is literally an energy and it distant itself from the physical world if it's even real or can think for itself. You can even be an atheist and believe in this crap since he's never going to contact with us so who literally cares. Maybe God Genesfags care. Pantheism also might be a decent portrayal but without the spirituality crap and panentheism is kinda off. Just don't tip me or bring stalin to the discussion. Thanks

>> No.11076812

Ask God and leave the schizo middlemen out of it for now

>> No.11076971

have sex

>> No.11077043

I’m God lol

>> No.11077234

Have determinism

>> No.11077356
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hmmmm i can't really figure it out, per capita which religion is the best at science and math?

>> No.11077374

scientifically speaking what is the evolutionary purpose of goyim?

>> No.11077768

>muh "miracle" of the sun
>a dozen conflicting testomonies out of tens of thousand of attendees
>some reporting having seen nothing at all
wtf i'm a christian now

>Does not violate the laws of thought
Remind me what's the trinity again?

>You cannot deny the resurrection of Christ
Yes you can, and it's quite easy to find natural explanations for what took place: https://celsus.blog/2013/07/04/1-corinthians-15-and-the-500-witnesses/

>> No.11077898

Confucian-Zen-Christian is peak civilization

>> No.11077911

Is loli a sin?

>> No.11077921

"And how many a sign in the heavens and the earth do they pass by, while they are turning away from it."
"And do not pursue that of which you have no knowledge. Indeed, the hearing, the sight and the heart - about all those one will be questioned."
"We will show them Our signs in the horizons, and within themselves, until it becomes clear to them that this is the truth. Is it not enough that your Lord is witness over all things ?"

>> No.11077995

Thanks for becoming Christian dude. :)

>> No.11078124
File: 41 KB, 659x317, 7AABF12D-1433-415B-8B89-257A8A7085A3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Remind me what's the trinity again?
The trinity is a well known construct in computer science.

>> No.11078131

I will simplify the problem a bit in an effort be more formal.
I'm going to assume that all religions have the same probability of being true. This of course can be argued against but I've never seen anyone make an actually good argument for any particular religion other than "Dude, look at all the people that believe in it". And even religions that seem to make demonstrably false claims (like the Jehova's Witnesses and the end of the world) have lots of leeway by saying "It's just a metaphor". In any case, extending my line of reasoning to arbitrary probabilities shouldn't be too difficult.

I'm also going to assume that every religion has some (non-negative and finite) reward per time unit for believing it and some (non-negative and finite) punishment per time unit for not believing in it, where these quantities are averaged over a large timescale in some sort of limiting procedure. A total reward and a total punishment are not well-defined in all cases: for example, in an everlasting afterlife, they can be infinite. I also assume that you can only believe in one religion. Again, introducing more complexities is besides my main point.

It seems reasonable that the goal would now be to maximize the expected reward per time minus the expected punishment per time. This means that we can immediately discard all religions with only a finite total reward and finite total punishment, as their averaged reward and punishment rates will converge to zero. Under the above assumptions, we simply have to find the religion with the biggest difference between reward and punishment: focusing for example on Christian religions, we should look for ones that have extremely good Heavens and / or extremely bad Hells and see where we have the most to gain.

>> No.11078152

you're not allowed to eat sausages and bacon or ever own or play with a dog
this is hell on earth

>> No.11078170

interesting post, a rendition of Pascal’s wager. my feeling is that if god somehow does exist in spite of offering us mere mortals no evidence of his existence, then he would be a complete douche not to let agnostics and atheists escape eternal punishment for simply using reason to think about whether or not he exists. i could see him smacking down on false-god believers but for people who simply aren’t convinced, that would just be vindictive to send them to hell, even evil. and if god is evil then fuck him.

if one religion has infinite upside, and all other religions have infinite downside, but nonbelievers are just at 0, i think the safe bet is nonbelief, since picking the one right religion is only one in however many religions there are

>> No.11078171
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You only need one believer to become a god.

>> No.11078181

What if God is a clown and reason a ruse?

>> No.11078184

>or ever own or play with a dog
I hate it when people have heard of some muslim guys saying something and then they assume anyone called "muslim" would conform to the teachings of the Quran. Dogs are nowhere forbidden in the Quran, in fact there's a group of believers with a dog, chapter 18. As for not eating sausages being hell on earth...well, if it actually feels THAT bad (I kinda doubt it), I guess you could invoke the clause of "being compelled", even though God will know what you really felt. Or you could consider that porks do not chew their cud, and are generally disgusting. Or you could consider, as a few quranists do, that the words are mistranslated and it doesn't mean that (remember the second verse I quoted about not following any source blindly and always verifying information for yourself ?). Or you could find some other great foods that taste the same or better (I personally think pork tastes awful anyway but that's just my opinion...).

>> No.11078188

then fuck god. if god is a douchebag then i don’t want to be on his side

>> No.11078199
File: 76 KB, 907x1360, 61bNCrrJLaL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eastern traditions made much more sense to me than any of the stuff widely known in the West. Pick up pic related then read his other stuff.

Stirner's resolution runs into a brickwall when up against Eastern traditions. His notion of the 'human being' only works in Western nations.

>> No.11078206

please tell me you are actually from asia. if not, you are a shitbag newager who knows jack shit about what you’re shilling

>> No.11078212

>no evidence
What do you call CRISPR?

>> No.11078216

Then the religion where you'd have the most to gain and to lose would certainly be islam.

>> No.11078218

CRISPR is evidence that Man is stupid, and if man can know Man is stupid, then that means there's something smarter than Man. God for example.

>> No.11078219

There is no evidence any gods exist. Just be atheist.

>> No.11078221

i call CRISPR a nice human innovation that allows the genes that evolved naturally to be manipulated intentionally by humans. i see no relation to YHWH or Jesus or Allah or Buddha or Krishna of Osiris or Zeus or Quezacoatl, sorry

>> No.11078225

>4. Monotheistic
>You cannot have two ultimate causes otherwise you would have two universes of actualities superimposed on top of one another. Polytheism is totally incoherent.

No polytheistic religion suggests that there were multiple “ultimate causes”. This is a lie.

> 5. Christian
You cannot deny the resurrection of Christ, the martyrdom of the saints, and the numerous miracles that have happened. Nothing in other religions compares to things like the miracle of the sun.

Sure you can. There is no evidence these things occurred.

>> No.11078229

There's just enough evidence of God for those who'd like to believe, and just enough lack of evidence for those who'd prefer not to.

>> No.11078233

>4. Monotheistic
>You cannot have two ultimate causes otherwise you would have two universes of actualities superimposed on top of one another. Polytheism is totally incoherent.
Why are you a christian then ?

>> No.11078238

>There's just enough evidence of God for those who'd like to believe

You mean zero? Zero evidence is indeed sufficient for those who’d “like” to believe.
In reality, only people brainwashed into religions actively “want” to believe in them.

>> No.11078240
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>> No.11078241

false. there is zero real evidence and every religion trumps up its own particular pseud shit, but that doesn’t make it real evidence

>> No.11078247

>what happens to you according to my extremely flawed understanding of all these religions
So, you don't believe in justice after death ?

>> No.11078249

You could literally just make up your own deity that rewards good deeds, bad deeds, belief, and no belief, and you’d be set. Pascal’s wager is pseudo philosophy.

>> No.11078252

>So, you don't believe in justice after death ?

1. There’s no evidence you continue to exist to any extent “after death” as anything more than rotting meat.
2. What is “just” and what is “unjust” is mere opinion.

>> No.11078260

>What is “just” and what is “unjust” is mere opinion.
There is no scenario in which I can imagine that a man saying that would be sincere.

>> No.11078267

guy you were replying to here. maybe there is justice after death, it has a negligible but nonzero probability. even so i think a person going all out on any given religion has a small probability of being right, and arguing you were just using reason and ended up at agnosticism is more defensible

>> No.11078274

>a person going all out on any given religion
What do you mean, going "all out" on any given religion ? Have you ever tried to do that ? Like, studying etymology and stuff ?
What makes you think justice after death has a negligible, but nonzero probability ?

>> No.11078287

>What makes you think justice after death has a negligible, but nonzero probability ?
the fact that zero evidence for it exists

>> No.11078291

If something as important as justice after death has a nonzero probability, it's not a negligible probability, don't you think ?

>> No.11078302

it would be very important, true. that’s why i’m not willing to become an atheist. i just don’t think any religion can provide anything convincing enough for me to sign onto it. i choose to not choose

>> No.11078309

>There is no scenario in which I can imagine that a man saying that would be sincere.

I don’t give a shit what you “imagine”.
This is philosophy 101
Some people think capital punishment is wrong.
Some people don’t.
Some people go further and think it’s okay to torture some people literally forever.
These are opinions.

>> No.11078321


It’s only your opinion that it’s important, and why should we entrust these imagined entities to share our own personal value systems when so many exist within humans?
After winning the game of chance to determine whether or not some spooky afterlife bullshit exists, (it doesn’t), you then have to luck out on these imaginary gate keepers to share your concept of ethics, which is about as likely as selecting any particular speck of nitrogen sand on Pluto.

What if you were celibate, and the deity is deeply hedonistic, finds you disgusting, and sends you to Hell where you are raped eternally?

>> No.11078324

>some people think a
>some people think b
>somehow this proves "justice" is mere opinion
Perhaps you're just not intellectually strong enough to form and defend your own opinions about what is just and unjust ?

>> No.11078330

What is just is what the strongest man still on his feet says it is.

>> No.11078338

based. humanism is the best. doesn’t stop religion shillers from telling you you’re wrong though, because they operate in a super-reality that isn’t just life but also the mystical “””afterlife”””

>> No.11078340

>It’s only your opinion that it’s important
So, if there were justice after death, it wouldn't be important in your opinion ? The possibility that you have acted wrongly and may get punished for that, or rewarded for the good you've done, wouldn't be important ?
Ethics isn't chance and luck. Values are simple and fairly universal and easily understood if you just apply your mind to it. People make everything complicated when there's no need to. Feeding a homeless guy, killing a rapist, preventing an unjust war, this is good. Purposefully hurting people or not caring about them to the extent that they suffer, this is evil. This really isn't rocket science.

>> No.11078348

You are very religious actually, making an idol out of man.

>> No.11078356

why haven’t you replied to this, jesus anon?

is agnosticism too difficult of an enemy for you and you need to target atheism instead? as the convenient brainlet strawman?

agnosticism, unlike atheism, is actually a very strong intellectual stance to take

>> No.11078363

>making an idol out of man
i have no shame in admitting that. humans are currently the pinnacle of nature, and we should respect that.

>> No.11078364

lol gay

>> No.11078371

I'm not a christian.
Claiming lack of knowledge isn't "a very strong intellectual stance to take", it's just you saying you don't know. How could there be no justice after death, when every imbalance in the natural world is always balanced by something else ?

>> No.11078377

i am not claiming there is no justice after death. that’s possible, i don’t know. but i can say for sure that if you have convinced yourself that justice after death MUST be true, then you are deluding yourself

>> No.11078387

Yes, literally, it HAS TO be true.

>> No.11078397

good argument bro

>> No.11078400

Hi! Just going to drop this here for anyone interested in some thought provoking topics on the subject in OP. He's thorough, and his voice helps with the amount of content hes giving. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJ-vHE5CrGaL_ITEg-n3OeA

>> No.11078410

Does balance include extinction? It seems horrendously unfair for the universe to allow a species to cease existence, but it happens anyway.
Justice and fairness are ideals created by winners to justify their victory and ensure continued success.

>> No.11078415
File: 98 KB, 550x893, Doland.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A man is but a lump of flesh and a jar of blood, a placeholder imbued with the rage and desire of others.
He lives on in the heart of others when they are no more.
In that way, he is of the essence of gods.
Carried away by the continuum.

There is no other God but man, and God is his creation.

>> No.11078420


>> No.11078421

>>some people think a
>>some people think b
>>somehow this proves "justice" is mere opinion

Yes, it does. Whether or not something is “just” varies depending on the opinion of the observer, and there is no mechanism by which we could determine the truth value of moral claims. Even if we did, we’d have no obligation to care about those moral “truths” unless there’s some powerful entity operating by those “truths” that treats us based on those “truths”.

By what mechanism do you propose we prove “moral truths” to exist? Please revolutionize philosophy.

>> No.11078422

>It seems horrendously unfair for the universe to allow a species to cease existence
Why do you presume life in this material world is such a great thing ? Perhaps this is merely a simulation, or worse perhaps we're actually in Hell.

>> No.11078434

I don’t need to presume, I’m a winner and my life is quite good. According to bible all I need to do is believe in the power of Christ and I’ll be saved. So I’ll get best of both worlds.

>> No.11078438

>So, if there were justice after death, it wouldn't be important in your opinion ?

I never said it wasn’t important in my opinion.
Speaking of “acting wrongly”, you just lied. Strange.

> Ethics isn't chance and luck. Values are simple and fairly universal and easily understood if you just apply your mind to it.

Humans tend to share ethics because we all have the same monkey brains, but this offers no moral truths.

> Feeding a homeless guy

Prove that’s good. Some disagree.

> killing a rapist

Prove that’s good. Some disagree.

> preventing an unjust war

Begging the question fallacy.

> Purposefully hurting people or not caring about them to the extent that they suffer, this is evil.

Prove it. You just said killing rapists is good so there’s already a contradiction in your kindergarten morality.

>> No.11078441 [DELETED] 

> agnosticism, unlike atheism, is actually a very strong intellectual stance to take

Agnostics claim that it is unknown whether ot no

>> No.11078445

You don't seem very sane to me.
Balance is the essence of justice, this has been known for ages. The law of retaliation is a good example of it, and it isn't based on subjectivity. You murder an innocent, you deserve to die, that's balance, equity, nonpartisanship etc...

>> No.11078448

uhhh i think you need to fix your english anon

>> No.11078450

>agnosticism, unlike atheism, is actually a very strong intellectual stance to take

Agnosticism is only the claim that it’s unknown whether or not deities exist.
Atheism is not believing in them.
These are not contradicting positions, and agnostic atheism is the strongest position on the subject.

>> No.11078452

>Balance is the essence of justice, this has been known for ages. The law of retaliation is a good example of it, and it isn't based on subjectivity.

Prove it.

> You murder an innocent, you deserve to die,

Prove it.

>> No.11078458

Who decides what qualifies as murder and who is innocent? The answers to these questions are inherently subjective because they involve value judgements, such as alien civilians being caught in war having less value than your own nation’s soldiers, and it therefore killing some during bombing is justified and not murder. They were guilty by association with their nation and their deaths require no justice.

>> No.11078459

i disagree. i think that agnosticism means not committing to any dogma about what does or doesn’t exist in the “““spiritual”” realm. i think it is perfectly fine to admit that living mortals cannot use reason to deduce what goes on in the “““afterlife””” since the reason of mortals is purely based on experience in normal reality

>> No.11078461

>i disagree. i think that agnosticism means not committing to any dogma about what does or doesn’t exist in the “““spiritual”” realm.

Okay, you’ve made up your own definition.

>> No.11078462

>I’m a winner and my life is quite good
I sincerely doubt that, you've just convinced yourself that the walls of your cell being golden is awesome.
>According to my flawed understanding of the bible all I need to do is believe in the power of Christ and I’ll be saved.
You seem to be the kind of guy who pretends not to get basic things just because he likes to argue and wants to appear smart.
>It’s only your opinion that it’s important
Clearly implies that you do not share this opinion, so you accusing me of lying is more of a lie on your part.

>> No.11078467

fine, maybe i have. agnostics don’t have a dogma to adhere to. is it wrong for me to find my own spiritual beliefs? is it better to listen to a priest or preacher or rabbi or imam or guru?

dogmatic people are cancer

>> No.11078470

>Balance is the essence of justice
>Prove it
The words are related in their meaning, for example ?
>Who decides what qualifies as murder and who is innocent?
God has and will have the last word.
>such as alien civilians being caught in war having less value than your own nation’s soldiers, and it therefore killing some during bombing is justified and not murder
War crimes are known as crimes for a reason.

>> No.11078474

>You don't seem very sane to me.
You believe that justice is an absolute property of nature. Who's the insane one?
The quicker you realize that justice isn't black and white, and, even worse, that black is white and white is black depending on who's looking, the quicker you'll understand that justice is a meaningless word.
A meaningless word used by the weak to justify their anger.
A meaningless word used by the strong to legitimate their dominance.

>> No.11078478

>Clearly implies that you do not share this opinion

It might imply that to you, but it is not intended as such. You’re simply mistaken.

>> No.11078489

> The words are related in their meaning, for example ?

Prove balance is the essence of justice.

> God has and will have the last word.

Prove he exists, and that his opinion on what’s “just” is magically truth.

>> No.11078494

Being mistaken and lying are two different things. Furthermore it's you who weren't clear.
>You believe that justice is an absolute property of nature
Yes, experiments with magnets, communicating vessels, gravity etc...prove that there are always forces counteracting each other. This is an expression of balance.
>and, even worse, that black is white and white is black depending on who's looking
"The exception that proves the rule"

>> No.11078498

>Yes, experiments with magnets, communicating vessels, gravity etc...prove that there are always forces counteracting each other. This is an expression of balance.

That’s physical forces in balance not the moral concept of justice you fucking mongoloid

>> No.11078502

>Prove balance is the essence of justice.
Open a dictionary and see for yourself how they're related.
>Prove he exists
Everything has a cause, this temporal universe has a cause, that cause is above time, that cause is God.
>that his opinion on what’s “just” is magically truth.
I'm sure you'll be convinced when you meet him.

>> No.11078503

So the physical world would be ordered but the non-physical would be disordered ? You're insane.

>> No.11078510

>Open a dictionary and see for yourself how they're related.

Done. They aren’t.

> Everything has a cause

Baseless claim number one.

> this temporal universe has a cause

Baseless claim number two.

> that cause is above time

Baseless claim number three, and entering the realm of complete absurdity. Causation has no meaning as a concept independent of time.

> that cause is God.

Baseless claim number four.

>> No.11078513

>So the physical world would be ordered but the non-physical would be disordered ?

Prove the “non-physical” is “ordered”.

>You're insane.

Not an argument lol

>> No.11078516

>Done. They aren’t.
Maybe you just don't want to see how they're related in meaning, or you have a bad dictionary.
> Everything has a cause
>Baseless claim number one.
I can't argue with someone who genuinely thinks some things can happen for no reason. That's the opposite of a scientific mindset.

>> No.11078522

I know your kind.
Feeding on empty words (justice? right? wrong?), translating patterns from the physical words to the realm of human emotions and pathos, thinking you can derive logic from what is devoid of any...
All your life is being built on Chimeres and clouds that will evaporate the very instant you'll feel like you accomplished something, anything.
And that won't change your mindset. Oh no. Because you need something tangible to hang to. Something, anything. As long as it be charged with a weight, any weight!
You don't see the truth because it's crystal clear.
Oh sweet summer child, I weep for your blindness.

>> No.11078527

>Prove the “non-physical” is “ordered”.
If it weren't, you wouldn't see patterns in psychology for example.

>> No.11078534

See a therapist sometime.

>> No.11078548

>Maybe you just don't want to see how they're related in meaning, or you have a bad dictionary.



Please explain how the definitions are “related”.

> I can't argue with someone who genuinely thinks some things can happen for no reason.

I never said that I thought things can happen for no reason. I said your claim that everything had a cause was baseless.
Were you merely mistaken again, or are you lying?

Prove that everything has a cause.

>That's the opposite of a scientific mindset.

Wrong. A scientific mindset would be to recognize that causality may not exist independent of the physical context of spacetime.

>> No.11078551

>God has and will have the last word.
This is how Christian's justify all evil. To hide behind God while pretending they somehow know better.

>War crimes are known as crimes for a reason.
But are rarely recognized as such by the perpetrator and their allies. To civilians, all wars are crimes, only criminals can justify war.

>> No.11078552

>Humans have the same kind of monkey brain so they tend to have similar minds

Wow shocker

>> No.11078555

Arguing with atheists/agnostics is just as tiring as arguing with christians or lgbtards. Same unwillingness to accept the truth. In your case, perhaps due to you letting yourself be brainwashed by the western way of life.

>> No.11078565
File: 82 KB, 1600x1600, Doland_big.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Arguing is tiring. That much is known.
But we're made to argue, may it be against others, or against our own condition, or that of others, that we may love, or hate, or both.
An arguing machine.

>> No.11078575

You’re the one that won’t accept the truth.
This claim is just as baseless as your own analogous claim, so it’d be funny to see you take issue with it.

>> No.11078588

>Stirner's resolution runs into a brickwall when up against Eastern traditions
Stirner was actually influenced by Eastern philosophy. His writing was more of a mockery of Hegelian philosophy than attempting to be a monolithic philosophy itself (because that would be rather hypocritical).

>> No.11078605

>Argues with Atheists/Agnostics
>Argues with Christians/LGBTG
>Brainwashed by Western Life
I assume you're a Monk living in a monastery, then?

>> No.11078607
File: 41 KB, 736x233, singularity intelligence scale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Singularitarianism is the only true religion, and God-AI is the one true goe.


>> No.11078618

So if you had a really smart Gameboy, would you worship it as God?

>> No.11078631

It takes one worshiper to become a god...

>> No.11078763

If that gameboy is somehow intelligent on a level beyond the human scale, I don’t see why not

>> No.11079035
File: 399 KB, 411x487, spacetime.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A scientific mindset would be to recognize that causality may not exist independent of the physical context of spacetime.

>> No.11079062

If there was a person with an IQ of 500 (I know that's not how it works but bear with me)
they would be capable of everything that god is said to have done. If there was an entire civilization of people with average IQ of 500, that civilization could and would exercise complete and total control over our own. We would be to them as dogs are to us. Literal pets.

>> No.11079077

Probably not, but maybe we can decide it numerically

>> No.11079083

God is and has always been a metaphor for the cosmos.

>> No.11079086

Or maybe we can make some simplifying assumptions to make our model linear, and then we can solve analytically

>> No.11079219

Are traps gay