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11071449 No.11071449 [Reply] [Original]

List of elementary, settled facts, physics edition:

> Nature is inherently continuous. Discrete theories or theories based on cellular automata-like or pixel-like concepts are blatant pseudoscience.
> Nature is inherently stochastic/probabilistic/random. Deterministic theories are demonstrably false. Probabilities is all that we can predict, and this is not just due to our lack of knowledge or precision, but it is fundamental.
> Nature is inherently local. No faster than light transfer of information or any other effects is possible.
> Nature is inherently non-realist. We cannot speak meaningfully of the definiteness of the results of measurements that have not been performed. An observer (not to be conflated with conscious beings) is a basic requirement in quantum mechanics.
> "Interpretations of quantum mechanics" are overwhelmingly pseudoscience. But as much as some of them can be said to be correct, it is Copenhagen or it's upgrade, Consistent (Decoherent) Histories.
> String Theory is very likely the correct general approach for the theory of high energy quantum gravity (and also other forces, otherwise known as the Theory of Everything).
> Cosmic Inflation is likely the actual mechanism behind The Big Bang.
> Conservation of Energy is just a good low energy approximation. Conservation of energy does not globally hold in General Relativity. It is also globally glossly violated in the presence of Inflation, and possibly violated in quantum gravity regime. And there is nothing wrong with this. Also, this does not mean various "free energy" concepts are any less of a crackpottery.

Some of these statements may seem controversial to laymen or even subpar physicists. They are not controversial among actually competent researchers at all.

Thank you for listening.

>> No.11071549

>> Nature is inherently stochastic/probabilistic/random.
Lack of a discription of underlying mechanisms does not equal randomness.
>> Nature is inherently local.
According to Mach's principle, this is false.
>>No faster than light transfer of information or any other effects is possible.
This is true.
>> "Interpretations of quantum mechanics" are overwhelmingly pseudoscience. But as much as some of them can be said to be correct, it is Copenhagen or it's upgrade, Consistent (Decoherent) Histories.
Neither of these interpretations suffice to explain the self interaction of particles in the DS experiment or the Scarnhorst effect. They are also mutually exclusive with the claim that Nature isn't deterministic.
>> String Theory is very likely the correct general approach for the theory of high energy quantum gravity (and also other forces, otherwise known as the Theory of Everything).
String theory is one of several candidate theories that are all equally untestable while making similar predictions. Presenting your pet theory as superior or correct is unscientific, even though I also favor it.
>> Cosmic Inflation is likely the actual mechanism behind The Big Bang.
This is a non-statement as it leaves the reasons for inflation undefined. Did you mean to talk about dark energy, the curvature of spacetime or the cosmological constant?
>> Conservation of Energy is just a good low energy approximation. Conservation of energy does not globally hold in General Relativity. It is also globally glossly violated in the presence of Inflation, and possibly violated in quantum gravity regime. And there is nothing wrong with this. Also, this does not mean various "free energy" concepts are any less of a crackpottery.
Can you provide any evidence for violation of the conservation of energy?

>> No.11071556

>Conservation of energy does not globally hold in General Relativity
what the fuck. can you explain?

>> No.11071565

>We cannot speak meaningfully of the definiteness of the results of measurements that have not been performed.
I would hope so lol

>> No.11071569
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>Nature is inherently continuous. Discrete theories or theories based on cellular automata-like or pixel-like concepts are blatant pseudoscience.
Apart from the fact that there are cool theories of non-commutative geometry which have no points as such, underlying this statement is a weird conviction of "naive" realism. There's no good reason to be biased against the idea that physics models we are able to describe would ever directly correspond to the world. The map (our language, math and theories), doesn't have to be the territory. You can guess that people will never find a physics theory of non-continuous structures and so there would not be a good non-continuous theory - but this doesn't mean that >>Nature is inherently continuous
We may not be able to come up with and word that has a correspondence to nature - just like Force or Temperature are found to be accumulations of smaller scale notions. We may only ever be able to speak in terms of coarse notions. Turtles all the way down.

Surprisingly I don't take offense with your other assertions.
Although in
>Cosmic Inflation is likely the actual mechanism behind The Big Bang.
I'm skeptical that either of those notions are good concepts (from the perspective of some human like physicist and his theories in 10,000 years.)

>> No.11071676

> Conservation of Energy is just a good low energy approximation. Conservation of energy does not globally hold in General Relativity. It is also globally glossly violated in the presence of Inflation
Eeeh, only under a somewhat narrow and restrictive sense of "energy." The Landau-Lifshitz pseudotensor provides a perfectly valid and consistent way of restoring a conserved Noether current corresponding to energy-momentum.
GR doesn't really break energy conservation, it just shows that our pre-geometrodynamic conception of energy needed a bit of revising.
LL is the unique construction satisfying the requirements to be in the spirit of GR, like satisfying the equivalence principle and deriving only from the metric.
The rest is based though

>> No.11071685

>string theory is very likely the correct approach
A formalism in physics is only as good as the predictions it gives for the experiments we do.
"naked" Newtonian mechanics are a better description of reality than String Theory in that regard.
ST is beautiful, but right now it's not physics.

>> No.11071824

Based thread, btfo the pseuds but also provocative enough to lead to interesting discussion.

I got two questions:
> Conservation of Energy is just a good low energy approximation

How is conservation of energy related to the energy scale (here: low energy approximation)? I thought it not being conserved in GR was independent of scale.

Seconde question, I only know of Noethers theorem for theories that have a Lagrangian description. Does it also hold for theories which dont admit a Lagrangian?

>> No.11071862

>Copenhagen interpretation's upgrade
>consistent histories
You mean quantum Bayesianism. Otherwise you're right, interpretations of quantum mechanics are a waste of time.

>> No.11072649
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I'm annoyed by these threads because they are a literal circle jerk to anyone who agrees and a reminder that we are living in an Orwellian nightmare to those who do not.

This is cancerous shit. At least make an argument for your claims.
>Hurr authorities all agree that these statements are facts!
Not an argument.

>> No.11072654

Excellent post,
my smile is back and my faith in humanity is restored.

>> No.11072691

> what is quantum mechanics?

Right, because nature isn't continuous.

No, they all suck. Copenhagen sucks most, since it tries to impose the concepts you called wrong onto qm.

Very wrong. String theory is the worst we have so far. It only shifts questions we have to different, less intuitive questions. Example: why are there three generations of fundamental particles? String theory: Because there are 3 odd-dimensional "holes" in the Calabi-Yau manifolds attached to each point in spacetime.
It's also not falsifiable (unless you mean m-theory, which needs SUSY).

That makes no sense. What came after the big bang cannot have caused it, since our universe is causal.

>> No.11072699

Energy is a single component of the energy-momentum tensor in GR. As such, it changes for different observers. See for example the Unruh effect.

>> No.11072861

Quantum Bayesianism is of course a very valid concept, however not sure I would call it an interpretation.

Not to be confused with QBism, which is pseudoscience, along with most other interpretations.

>> No.11072865

> what is quantum mechanics?

An inherently continuous theory, just quantum. "Quantum" does not mean "discrete", in a sense of there being any pixelation or cells in spacetime on smallest scales.

>> No.11072875

Not spacetime, but energy etc and hence, states of systems. Think for example electron orbits.

>> No.11072879

If reality has to be either continuous or discrete, my bet is on discrete.

>> No.11072890

Sure, but that is not what OP is talking about. Just about spacetime being discrete on smallest scales.

>> No.11072893

>Conservation of energy does not globally hold in General Relativity. It is also globally glossly violated in the presence of Inflation
also how can energy be quantized if nature is inherently continuous

>> No.11072973

Not OP, but:
>Lack of a discription of underlying mechanisms does not equal randomness.
Is this a Bohmian post?

>According to Mach's principle, this is false.
Gödel's rotating universe, one of the solutions to Einstein's equations, violate Mach's principle. Not all the solutions of GR are Machian.

>Can you provide any evidence for violation of the conservation of energy?
Local conservation of energy is still true, but global conservation of energy breaks down because parallel transport is no longer trivial

>> No.11072985

>also how can energy be quantized if nature is inherently continuous
Look at the hydrogen atom, the quantization comes from the bound states, but when you have sufficiently large energy you go back to a continuous spectrum. That's how you can get a discrete spectrum win a continuous problem: having a potential that has bound states.

>> No.11072987

Dark energy. The universal expansion means that per unit space volume, energy is pumped into it resulting in a net positive energy.

Energy is a conserved quantity for time symmetry. However if that is violated, so is energy.

>> No.11072994

>Nature is inherently continuous
But it's what he said. Otherwise it should be formulated as "spacetime is continuous". Nature isn't.

>> No.11073009
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> Nature is inherently continuous. Discrete theories or theories based on cellular automata-like or pixel-like concepts are blatant pseudoscience.

Lesser intelligent people like to think so.

>> No.11073107

>List of elementary, settled facts, physics edition
>"very likely"

>> No.11073121

Quite the contrary, brainlets are drawn to discrete theories like moths to a flame. Because at the base level they are so simple that even their brainlet brain can comprehend them. Too bad Nature does not work that way.

>> No.11073892

bumpity bump

>> No.11073943
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A /sci/ worthy toll appears.

>> No.11074449

>> "Interpretations of quantum mechanics" are overwhelmingly pseudoscience. But as much as some of them can be said to be correct, it is Copenhagen or it's upgrade, Consistent (Decoherent) Histories.
They're not pseudoscience you dope, nobody talking about metaphysics has ever claimed it to be science, they've claimed it to be metaphysics. That said, there is no real reason to take one interpretation over the other at this point, so just shut up and calculate

>> No.11074858

Based and Lubosh pilled

>> No.11076208

more pseuds need to read this

>> No.11076246

>List of elementary, settled facts, physics edition:
Newtonian mechanics was "settled" until something else came along.

>> No.11076260

>It's a COPEnhacuck pushing his dumb worldview as fact episode.

>> No.11076270

And it is still very much valid in it's quite broad domain of validity.

>> No.11076339

bell's theorem only says that QM cannot be local AND realist. Local-nonrealist and Nonlocal-realist are both valid possibilities.

>> No.11076365

>Copenhagen or it's upgrade, Consistent (Decoherent) Histories.
Holy shit, motls, buy yourself a working brain.

>> No.11076367

Bell's theorem says that if there's no hidden variables, local realism is fine.

>> No.11076373

except that non-local realism is ruled out by relativity, learn some QFT please

local non-realism is the only remaining option

>> No.11076385

Excellent post.

>> No.11076389

You might want to keep your delusions to yourself. Especially if you ever have to write an entrance exam to a higher institution.

>> No.11076404


nonlocality of the nature required by realistic interpretations of QM is not against relativity, as entanglement cannot be used to transfer actual physical information FTL.

>> No.11076430

>entanglement cannot be used to transfer actual physical information FTL.
nothing can, hence why non-local theories are dead for over a hundred years

>> No.11076434
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Still confusing

>> No.11076454


nope. entangled particles influence each other's positions faster than light, through the pilot wave. thus the nature is nonlocal and realistic. this picture is compatible with relativity, simply because any entangled particles must first traverse the distance slower than light.

Nature is realistic, nonlocal and relativistic. Deal with it.

>> No.11076478

>doesn't know NP is contained within P.
low key b8, m8.

>> No.11076514

>Is this a Bohmian post?
Not necessarily. I literally meant that if we have insufficient information, we cannot claim something as fundamentally true.

>Gödel's rotating universe, one of the solutions to Einstein's equations, violate Mach's principle. Not all the solutions of GR are Machian.
All current 'solutions' to Einstein's equations are partial solutions achieved by zeroing other parts of the field equations to make them easier. No one has ever solved them in totality, that is, no one has found the structure that satisfies them all. This structure would be our own Universe provided that Einstein's formulation was correct. The partial solutions are still useful because they can describe limited cases in the Universe or describe certain extreme scenarios, but the final solution is likely to have all properties our Universe has, including Mach's principle.

>> No.11076519

ITT mind projection fallacy circlejerk, perfect example of the miserable state of physics

>> No.11076542

>Deterministic theories are demonstrably false.
Prove it. I'm curious.

>> No.11076748

>pilot wave
into the trash it goes

>> No.11077353


>> No.11077432
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>> No.11077476

Im not on your level with any of this and with saying that, I'll add all these notions are the basic in your face blurbs that are thrown around in the media and in articles. In deep context I know it's more substantial but some really do just seem like conjecture and cannot be verified.
And what are some other ones?

>> No.11078782
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This is the daily cold war thread.

Platonic idealism vs dialectical materialism

Continuous universe vs discrete universe

Free will vs determinism

Established dogma vs based sperglords

Glow niggers vs Commie bastards

There is a conspiracy, singular, to enforce ignorance about the true nature of the cosmos.
Because knowledge is power.

Disinformation is an extremely effective method of control in this domain.

Take the premises into consideration, and see if you follow the conclusion.
1. There are groups and individuals with motive and opportunity to suppress education in physical science.
2. If the cost of suppression is lower than the profit of exploitation, knowledge is suppressed.
In conclusion, there is conspiracy to suppress education in physical sciences.

>> No.11078848

>However, the interference pattern can only be seen retroactively once the idler photons have been detected and the experimenter has had information about them available, with the interference pattern being seen when the experimenter looks at particular subsets of signal photons that were matched with idlers that went to particular detectors.
literally a meme

>> No.11078866

>Nature is inherently continuous
You're preaching to the choir. At times I have found myself arguing this point on this board with brainlets. But yes, this is now settled science.

>> No.11078928

circle jerk

>> No.11078939

Whatever, you fucking loser. I'll be studying mathematics.

>> No.11078941

>Nature is inherently stochastic/probabilistic/random. Deterministic theories are demonstrably false.
> Nature is inherently non-realist.
Cringe and Lubosh pilled

>> No.11078989
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>Nature is inherently stochastic/probabilistic/random. Deterministic theories are demonstrably false. Probabilities is all that we can predict, and this is not just due to our lack of knowledge or precision, but it is fundamental.

Only in the realm of mathematics can you understand a prophetic and precise view of the future. Thus: first, we postulate any number of point-dimensions in space. (This is the classic n-fold extended aggregate of n dimensions.) With this framework, time as commonly understood becomes an aggregate of one-dimensional properties. Applying this to the prophetic phenomenon, we find that we either are confronted by new properties of time or (by reduction through the infinity calculus) we are dealing with separate systems which contain n body properties. For the known prophets, we assume the latter. As demonstrated by the reduction, the point dimensions of the n-fold can only have separate existence within different frameworks of time. Separate dimensions of time are thus demonstrated to coexist. This being the inescapable case, our prophet's predictions require that he perceive the n-fold not as extended aggregate but as an operation within a single framework. In effect, he froze his universe into that one framework which was his view of time. This is the hack of the quantum phenomena and allows for a way a round probabilistic reality.

>> No.11079184

But it isn't. Spacetime is continuous, everything else isn't.

>> No.11079215


schizo pls....

>> No.11079220

You made some brainlets and cranks seethe with this one, OP. Great job. Just one tiny nitpick:

>Nature is inherently local. No faster than light transfer of information or any other effects is possible.

Some quantum gravity models predict specific, small violations of locality in the presence of spacetime singularities. Still, this is an exception that proves the rule, and does not invalidate your broader point.

>> No.11079229

What a fucking retard you are.
>some models predict
>spacetime singularities
>this proves

Circle jerking faggots.

>> No.11079279

not an argument, seethe more pls

>> No.11079292


>List of elementary, settled facts
>Last four aren't even statements of truth and the last contradicts itself

Why are you people so fucking stupid?

>> No.11079307

Probably something in the drinking water.
These fucking normalfags make my entire blood volume vaporize instantaneously with their erroneous reasoning and their blatant unfounded arrogance.

>> No.11079335

There is no contradiction.

>> No.11079517


Isnt it arrogant to think that you know better than professional string theory researchers?

>> No.11079538

Why would I compare myself to those mongoloids?

>> No.11079542


Based and Sabinepilled.

>> No.11079563
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low IQ detected

>> No.11079751


Not sure of trolling or a genuine retard.

The truth is very simple. There are two kinds of theoretical physicists. Those who mainly work on stringy topics, and those who are too stupid to work on stringy topics. The third kind, those who understand string theory but choose to work on lesser hep-th topics, basically does not exist.

That should tell you all about who the real mongoloids are.

>> No.11080070

>in the presence of spacetime singularities
Good to know they aren't present.

>> No.11080115

how about ‘t Hooft and Polyakov? they made major contributions to ST but mostly work on other stuff now

>> No.11080212

>'t Hooft
early stage senile dementia

>> No.11080275

Why? I mean, while saying the word schizo is of course, an iron clad argument and rebuttal of which only the highest caliber debater would use... if you could elaborate, that might be even better!

>> No.11080702

he’s only 5 years older than witten and more than a decade younger than weinberg and 5 years younger than gross

>> No.11080814

>> Nature is inherently continuous.
Quantum(discrete) states of energy exist. All thermodynamics is likewise based on these discrete energy levels.
> Nature is inherently local. No faster than light transfer of information or any other effects is possible.
Information has been teleported using entanglement.
>inb4 this didn't happen because reasons

>> No.11080816

>Information has been teleported using entanglement.
absolute brainlet

>> No.11081978



>> No.11081998

Don't fucking post if you don't know what you're talking about. You are doing no favors by making contradictory statements like that.
Nothing can instantaneously transport across arbitrarily large distances in a discrete universe.
>Information has been teleported
You are either controlled opposition, baiting, or an absolute brainlet.
Fucking normal fags get off my board REEEEE

>> No.11082006

>Don't fucking post if you don't know what you're talking about.
This should be written, in capital, golden letters in the sticky

>> No.11082036

not him but the fucking OP is stating his shit opinions like they are facts as well.

>> No.11082039

No one here is denying that OP is a massive faggot with a bigger mouth than brain.

>> No.11082343

>Information has been teleported using entanglement.
No transfer of information is possible using entanglement.

>> No.11082691


yup. but that does not mean there can be no FTL influence. depending on your QM interpretation's answer to bell's theorem, entangled particles could influence each other superluminally (instantaneously). this interpretation is compatible with all observations, even with relativity - because any entangled particles must first travel slower than light and entanglement is a one time trick, measuring destroys it. its as if laws of nature "conspire" to prevent actual superluminal communication even in the presence of superluminal entanglement influence.

>> No.11082701

You know that is just contrived bullshit, right? Our universe is local.

>> No.11082726


opinion, mate... interpretations are experimentally indistinguishable. imho, sacrificing realism on the altar of bell is more contrived than sacrificing locality. especially since the only reason to believe in locality is relativity, which is compatible with entanglement nonlocality, thus there is no actusl problem.

>> No.11082737

A karla trained hood if I ever saw one.

>> No.11082896

>opinion, mate... interpretations are experimentally indistinguishable

Again, learn some QFT. Indeed, interpretations are usually indistinguishable. Except for Bohmian bullshit, which is ruled out by the theory of special relativity. Which is why nobody has managed to make it work except for trivial, non-relativistic cases. It should not even be called an interpretation, just a (failed) attempt at one.

>> No.11083288

Bohm failed but that doesn't mean metaphysical realism got btfo.
Glow niggers love to talk shit about bohm because he was a communist who wanted a deterministic theory of everything.
His failures as a physicist and mathematician do not prove his guiding intuition was false.

>> No.11083515

super determinism is the best way to hang onto determinism. look up ‘t Hooft’s automata interpretation

>> No.11084886

heh nice larp mate, but your clearly blowing smoke up your own ass.

Saying "Nature is this and nature is that" is just bunk. What you are really saying is that our measurement regime draws these conclusions, which work for our practical means. There is no definitive conclusion past the measurement. As such your proclamations are "not even wrong", so well done, you're a religious faggot.

>> No.11084982

>especially since the only reason to believe in locality is relativity, which is compatible with entanglement nonlocality, thus there is no actusl problem.
But in a non-realist theory entanglement isn't non-local, that's the whole point. True non-locality violates relativity without question.

>> No.11085098


>> No.11085287

the inability to measure anything faster than electricity does not mean nothing is faster.

>> No.11085296

>Bohm failed but that doesn't mean metaphysical realism got btfo.

Not just Bohm, everyone else of the realists failed, too. There is no viable realist QM theory or interpretation.

>> No.11085307

Why in the hell couldn't we measure something faster than electricity?
>Send FTL thing towards detector along with flash of light
>Record FTL thing arriving before light flash
>Synchronize two clocks, place a distance apart
>Measure time of FTL object passing clock 1
>Measure time of FTL object passing clock 2
>Divide distance by time difference

You're dumb, there are a million ways you could measure something moving FTL.

>> No.11085320

show me your directional emitters other than lasers that could go a meaningful distance without being guided by and elctro-magnet. If you move something via an elctro-magnet oh smart boy then tell me the means that give it the higher speed than the electricity of said magnet.

>> No.11085340

Again, you're dumb. Do you know how a synchrotron works? Have particles go around a closed ring, with a magnet in the middle that increases in strength. You can make the magnet increase in strength fast enough such that, according to nonrelativistic physics, the particles should be accelerated to faster than FTL. But they aren't.
Did you know that, when radioactive isotopes decay, they shoot off particles at high speeds? So what you can do is fire a beam of radioactive particles very close to light speed, and as they decay, some particles will shoot off in front at a higher speed. According to nonrelativistic physics, some particles should end up moving much faster than light speed and you would detect them before light could reach. But you don't.

>> No.11085362
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>should be accelerated to faster than FTL.
This is not rocket-science, boy.
I guess you need to take your grade school physics book and look at electromagnets again
>radioactive isotopes decay
show me how you trace "one" of these good luck with that. Plus you are again assuming things without any knowledge you are assuming that the inertia of the particle is additive.

Build your FTL perpetual motion machine and make a ton of money.
My guess is you will not be able to and stay a little idiot.

>> No.11085372

In the nonrelativistic physics you claim is right, yeah, they would be accelerated to faster than FTL.
>show me how you trace "one" of these good luck with that.
Accelerate particle beam.
Fire at predetermined time towards target.
Detect when radiation arrives at target.

>> No.11085383

>> Nature is inherently continuous. Discrete theories or theories based on cellular automata-like or pixel-like concepts are blatant pseudoscience.
I may be dumb-tier but what does the Planck length significate if not the shortest past anything could take? If there is a limited amount of distance then how could nature not be discrete?

>> No.11085388

meant *to faster than light, not faster than FTL lmao

>> No.11085395

read your own post
your brain is a sieve

>> No.11085396

Planck length isn't actually a smallest distance. It's really just a unit of length based on physical constants, at which quantum gravity is expected to be important (because standard quantum mechanics makes the obviously wrong prediction that a distance measurement at this scale would create a mini black hole)

>> No.11085401


>> No.11085406

Where exactly is the inconsistency? If you're talking about me saying "faster than FTL", I meant to just say "FTL."

>> No.11085407

>a distance measurement at this scale would create a mini black hole
By which magic?

Please do elaborate

>> No.11085420

There obviously wouldn't ACTUALLY be a black hole created. Naive application of standard quantum mechanics, by application of the HUP, predicts an uncertainty in momentum large enough from such a measurement that a black hole would be created, from so much energy in a concentrated space.

>> No.11085428

What about continuous automata? Discrete automata are just approximations of continuous ones that are easier to compute.

>> No.11085432

>By which magic?
black holes are created through dividing by zero.

>> No.11085435

>continuous automata
The ones that actually work well enough to be worth mentioning are QFT and GR

>> No.11085439

state applications?

>> No.11085449

But when Planck wrote his theory, that wasn't much about how much observation would need a velocity but rather how temperature growth shouldn't be placed on a continuum to be mathematically coherent. Hence the need to describe a step by step motion. Hence the deduction of his multiple constants.
Then, again, why?

>> No.11085456

>Semiconductor physics
>Quantum chemistry
>Electron microscopy
>NMR spectroscopy

>> No.11085461

trusting in wikipedia as a quality source of information. I pity you fool.

>> No.11085464

>temperature growth shouldn't be placed on a continuum to be mathematically coherent.
That's the thing, there's no reason it shouldn't be placed on a continuum in classical physics. There's no classical justification for Planck's modification of the blackbody radiation law.

>> No.11085469

>If he knows things, he's just reading from wikipedia

>> No.11085470

just curious if you believe wikipedia is completely useless, even as a jumping off point for further research?

>> No.11085475

not completely.
A lot of information on there is "popular science" or completely outdated.

>> No.11085479

let me give you a little hint
elctron microscopy look who invented it then think if he would have used gr or qft.

>> No.11085480

I thought the methematical expression wasn't coherent when he first thought about a continuum model. And also that's why he admited he failed even if his calculus was true when corrected to a discrete model.

>> No.11085509

I don't see your point. Electron microscopy depends on principles of QM, which are a special simplified case of QFT.
The ultraviolet catastrophe is a natural consequence of basic principles of classical physics. The number of available modes increases with frequency, and in classical physics all frequencies have the same energy density per mode, so equipartition would assign all thermal energy to arbitrarily high frequencies and all thermal energy would be radiated at once.
Planck introduced a correction to the blackbody law that produced the correct result, which involves discretization and increase in energy with frequency, which are totally non-classical. That's why Planck thought it had to be wrong.

>> No.11085511

FTL is not compatible with relativity, also see delayed choice experiment.

>> No.11085513

Many worlds, the only viable one, actually.

>> No.11085516

a christcuck could make the same arguement since everything is made by god the theory of creation explains everything and everything is evidence of the theory of creation.

You just made a creationist argument. Amen

>> No.11085523

>Planck introduced a correction to the blackbody law that produced the correct result, which involves discretization and increase in energy with frequency, which are totally non-classical. That's why Planck thought it had to be wrong.
Then is there a failure of some sort somewhere for it not to be of "continous" nature?

>> No.11085533

Electron diffraction cannot be explained classically. This is what's known as "experimental evidence."
Precisely, the failure lies in the assumptions of classical physics. Quantum physics makes assumptions which are more consistent with reality.

>> No.11085537

>Quantum physics makes assumptions which are more consistent with realit
So the first statement of OP is debatable? Right?

>> No.11085552

The OP is a bait post, obviously. It's a common opinion among physicists, based on assuming that modern physical theories are the most accurate representation of reality we have (which IMO is a good assumption), but it is an opinion, not a fact.

>> No.11085560

Continuous nature means that there's no precision limit. Quantization is on a continuous spectrum, see Zeeman effect.

>> No.11085568

Yes, that's right. Wasn't sure what the anon you're replying to meant.

>> No.11085578

It's a characteristic threshold. Planck length is wave length of a photon equal to its schwarzschild radius. Similar how Planck constant is a characteristic threshold for quantum effects.

>> No.11085582

Many worlds is a meme. Copehagen or consistent histories is where it is at. Or maybe shut up and calculate.

>> No.11085588

whooosh this is my point going over your head.

>> No.11085594

Thank you for your explainations (and the time you kinda wasted on a dumb person). Are you a doctorant?

Well, I see that this is related to spin (and I'm certainly not expert in that field) but isn't precision related to measurment? So if there is a finite let's say "threshold" on precision wouldn't it equal to consider it limited "by nature"?

So it implies that everything beneath that threshold is "terra incognita" or negligeable?

>> No.11085615

Meant below. Sorry.

>> No.11085629

Copenhagen is incompatible with special theory of relativity, so it's thoroughly bunk. CH is pretty much the same as MWI.

>> No.11085653

but what if god forbid GR is wrong?

>> No.11085666

>but isn't precision related to measurment?
Nature itself lack precision limit, because it's fundamentally the field, energy moves through this field and wouldn't be able to move through discontinuities similar to how sound can't move through vacuum.
>So it implies that everything beneath that threshold is "terra incognita" or negligeable?
Well so far nature leaked as fuck, people even take detailed pictures of molecules so who knows.

>> No.11085673

if then

>> No.11085683

Copenhagen also has contradictory axioms and undefined measurement. It actually doesn't pass internal criticism.

>> No.11085687

but gr at its base is just a cheap exercise in falsifiable circular logic.

>> No.11085690


>> No.11085722

Contradiction between axioms is independent from GR.

>> No.11085730

>Copenhagen is incompatible with special theory of relativity
Copenhagen isn't realist, so not it's not

>> No.11085736

Lol no not a doctor, just some autodidact with a decent amount of formal education

>> No.11085779

yeah gotta agree with the outdated bit

>> No.11086002

Copenhagen isn't even a systematic theory, it's a sketch of a recipe that requires additional ad hoc decision how to apply it in every situation. If the situation is intuitive.

>> No.11086038

In many-worlds, the probability of any outcome occurring across all branches is 1. In order to come up with meaningful observable probabilities, you have to only evaluate probabilities relative to one specific branch at a time. This is an additional ad hoc decision that isn't derived from the Schrodinger equation, and is really the same as Copenhagen's measurement problem.

>> No.11086042

I should say, the probability of any POSSIBLE outcome occurring across all branches is 1.

>> No.11086060


Born rule?

>> No.11086072

The problem is, Born rule applied to what?

>> No.11086093

Daily reminder that there are people that spend their lives trying to prove proton decay. One of them might be lurking this thread.

>> No.11086144

Die you even read that post? Goddammit people really stuck at reading these days.

>> No.11086151

>show me how you trace "one" of these good luck with that.

Bruh what


>> No.11087179

Probabilities are not intuitive. And according to theory of probabilities itself they are not observable due to bayes formula: whatever happens, happens with probability 1. And schrodinger equation confirms that.

>> No.11087210

And copencucks can't event reason about decoherence, they only suggest to not think about it, cope this massive can't be taken seriously.

>> No.11088354

Well said. Many worlds is really just Copenhagen with additional philosophical baggage tacked on top.

>> No.11088358

>And copencucks can't event reason about decoherence


>> No.11088835

>inb4 this didn't happen because reasons
I was wrong, obviously, you're so fucking dumb you couldn't even give any reasons to back up your claims.
>Don't fucking post if you don't know what you're talking about.
This should apply to you two faggots all the more so.
I understand that there are differences of opinion about whether quantum entanglement can transmit information. But it clearly can, so you have been proven wrong.
>controlled opposition
What planet do you live on?

>> No.11088886

>According to nonrelativistic physics, some particles should end up moving much faster than light speed and you would detect them before light could reach. But you don't.
>Ergo Relativity is right.
Unfortunately, this is not a logical conclusion. If, as we observe, particles get heavier as they approach the speed of light, or are otherwise impeded in their travel, then we would expect to see the same kind of retardation (and yes, I use this word in respect to you also) in the emitted particle. As yet there is no scientific proof of the claim that the path of the particle is retarded (like you) by relativistic effects and there could just as easily be some other effect responsible for this, including but not limited to an increased drag from passing through space, the ether, the higgs field (call it what you will and I'll still call you a niggerfaggot), and therefore we cannot legitimately claim at this stage that relshitivity is right or that you are not a collossal illogical faggot.

>> No.11088900

>whether quantum entanglement can transmit information. But it clearly can
absolute brain let double-downing on his microcephaly

>> No.11088904

the expression is doubling down you mong.
t. not him

>> No.11088907

meh, i don't play blackjack

anyone who argues that you can instantly communicate because of entanglement is not only denying special relativity but is also revisiting popsci shit that got debunked in the early 90's. it's like discovering a strain of a brain prion that has been eradicated for 20 years

>> No.11088912

or someone who reads eurekaalert.org and thinks it's not on the same level as buzzfeed.
fucking human garbage.

>> No.11088915

oh okay mr. ad-hominem. good argument. you get upgraded from preteen-level to apprentice-level /sci/ pseud

>> No.11088936

Having read that article all that has to be made clear is this
Quantum teleportation =/= FTL transmission of info by entanglement
The only way you can tell that there was any teleportation is by checking at both locations of the teleportation, which requires subluminal speed obviously. The information that you teleported doesn't exist to anyone until they've made subluminal contact between both points.

>> No.11088940

was this idiot talking about quantum teleportation? everyone with half an IQ knows that quantum teleportation requires the transportation of the entangled particles at subluminal speeds. it really should be called "quantum cloning" because that's more like what it really is, i think they picked this bad name because the "no-clone" theorem stole the terminology -- either that or they wanted to capitalize on memey sounding words

>> No.11088988

Still no reason given. Like I said
>I understand that there are differences of opinion about whether quantum entanglement can transmit information.
I would argue that this proves that it can be done:
Even if I am wrong, there is no legitimate way to prove that it can't be done, unless you try everything in the book and fail miserably, which as the above experiment proves is not the case. Fancy mathematics, of which there are none in this field, can also be proved wrong when faced with legitimate observable facts.
I get the feeling that you are a relatashit and that entanglement scares you.
> True non-locality violates relativity without question.

>> No.11088999

Interesting. But flawed. If I send a piece of information from my desk in Berlin and it arrives in Hiroshima. The person will recieve the data instantly. They can observe it's appearance, note the time and see that it travels FTL. Simple.

The really amusing thing about this is that another anon made the exact same argument, as I have just done, in order to prove that FTL is impossible, >>11085307. All of which lends credence to the idea that relashitivity is bullcrap and that even those who advocate for it don't understand it, or even attempt to.

>> No.11089000

for an opinion of a nobel laureate in physics, see here:
for an opinion of someone who has really thought about this see this:

for not being a brainlet, let me just school you:
entanglement only causes "superluminal" correlations between measurements made on observations, or series of observations (like, e.g. measuring the spin of photons as 0 or 1 in a long string of 0s or 1s where one might hope to decode that string of 0s and 1s into a message) that are inherently random. the measurers only record a random string of 0s and 1s -- this random string encodes nothing, and only after traveling subluminally to one another can they confirm their measurements had a correlation. nothing in their measurements encodes information.

>> No.11089005

i don't even see an argument here. you're contradicting yourself. instantaneous communication is definitely impossible and denying special relativity is /pol/ tier bullshit that is debunked billions of times per second every time the LHC does its thing

>> No.11089010

The quantum teleportation event itself doesn't give the receiver any information. Information must be sent about the result of the sender's measurement in order to know anything new about the particle's state.

>> No.11089016

>The person will receive the data instantly.
The change in the quantum state will happen instantly, but they won't know what data you sent until you tell them what you did at your end to make that change. Watch the delayed choice quantum eraser episode on PBS Spacetime and the challenge question that goes with it. They explain why you can send winning lottery numbers to the past, but nobody will realise they were sent until after you've done your bit to send them backwards.

>> No.11089029

at the smallest level the universe is totally a cellular automata, but we'll never be able to probe that small to prove it :(

>> No.11089033

>every time the LHC does its thing
See >>11088886
>Information must be sent about the result of the sender's measurement in order to know anything new about the particle's state.
On what grounds?
>they won't know what data you sent until you tell them what you did at your end to make that change
Again on what grounds?
> why you can send winning lottery numbers to the past
If they are saying this, then they are basing their entire opposition on the assumption that relativity is correct, rather than looking at the evidence staring them in the face and capitulating.

>> No.11089044

On the grounds of how quantum entanglement works; the information is encoded by the correlations between states at both ends, which requires looking at both ends of the experiment. Watch the PBS Spacetime episode, where SR makes no appearance and is not needed.
I'm 95% sure you're just trolling anyway since you KNOW we will keep replying if you keep denying. I could go into why >>11088886 is a shit argument but it wouldn't matter.

Russell's teapot

>> No.11089046

i didn't even read your post but i can tell you are some sort of anti-science troll. please fuck off. if you deny science then i encourage you to never take any vaccines and keep smoking vapes and walk in radiation areas and use your redpilled understanding to drive through red lights/stopsigns and do kratom and shoot yourself in the head because "quantum suicide implies you will live"

>> No.11089047

this faggot again?
>appeal to authority incarnate
>theory makes no testable predictions
>literally a useless fairytale
>thinks it's insightful

an hero

>> No.11089048

>appeal to authority is wrong
>trust 4chan anons on physics, not real physicists, that makes you based and redpilled

>> No.11089050

>an hero
Is this an old meme now? Haven't seen it in ages

>> No.11089053

that meme is ancient. an hero and suicide are like 2004 tier

>> No.11089056

I rub your nose in it but you take a big whiff and asks for seconds. lmao

>> No.11089062

>opinion of a nobel laureate in physics
Not sure if this is an appeal to authority, but if it is it is surely misplaced in the drivel you linked.
>measuring polarisation and spin
In the case of the article you linked, no such measurement is taking place. The photon itself is being teleported. But even if it were not so, there is reason to think that spin could be used to send information, as I will demonstrate, by way of demolishing the arguments of Mr. Flapdoodle here.
>a particular branch of history
>on a different branch of history
This seems to be suggesting that if a photon is measured with spin up then its entangled particle, no matter where it is in space or time (i.e. millions of years in the past) must therefore have spin down. This is ridiculous for obvious reasons, so he must instead be talking some other statement about relativishit. This is of no value to the debate, if the observed effect 1. casts doubt on relashitivity itself or 2. disproves it completely.
>Bertlmann's socks
Only a joomer could have written this. Imagine if I were to come on here and try to prove anything scientific by way of analogy to a pair of mismatched green and pink socks. My God, this is what passes for intellect in nobel terms?
>yet no signal is propagate from one to the other
Now have the grandpa switch his socks from one state to another in morse code and what happens? A message is sent.
>Hence the limerick:
This passes as scientific proof?
>wank about precogs
I'm done. Go fuck yourselves.

>> No.11089063

good argument bro, though you still stay at apprentice-tier /sci/ pseud.

jon was active earlier tonight. try asking him for pseud mastership tutorials.

>> No.11089066

>which requires looking at both ends of the experiment.
No shit. I've written this message. I've sent it to a server, you recieved it. The information is seen at both ends, the time the message took to get to you can be calculated. Same goes for the experiment I sights, albeit over a much smaller distance.

>> No.11089068

You are a moron.

>> No.11089072

>No shit. I've written this message. I've sent it to a server, you recieved it.
It's not a message though.

>> No.11089073

>Only a joomer
bruv I need to know
what the fuck is a joomer
it's not listed on urban dictionary
please tell me it's the jew version of the *oomer meme, please

>> No.11089075

okay, first of all you are a fucking retard trying to argue with a nobel laureate in physics. do you see why you are probably wrong?

okay, now then
>The photon itself is being teleported.
wrong and retarded.
> there is reason to think that spin could be used to send information, as I will demonstrate, by way of demolishing the arguments of Mr. Flapdoodle here.
oh okay, Doubling Down

> This is ridiculous for obvious reasons,
no, it's absolutely not, and you are retarded for saying that.
>Now have the grandpa switch his socks from one state to another in morse code and what happens? A message is sent.
no, he didn't change his argument, it is perfectly consistent. and no, no message is snet.

please learn undergrad physics before you think lurking r/holofractal makes you smarter than the guy who invented the quark model and made many Nobel-level contributions to physics. this may be a serious challenge to people with a 88 IQ but trust me, you will benefit from tackling these average-IQ tier problems

>> No.11089076

oh how refreshing, mr. ad-hominem with his super great arguments again. logical fallacies BTFO

>> No.11089078

Or maybe the reason why nothing can exceed the speed of light is because relativity is correct. The data doesn't support your assertions.

>> No.11089080

If it is possible to alter the spin of the photon intentionally then you can transmit data. If you can teleport a photons from one place to another then there are a myriad of ways that you could encode information into said photons.

>> No.11089082

>please tell me it's the jew version of the *oomer meme, please
If you say so. ;)

>> No.11089086

>makes appeal to authority
>accuses others of ad hominem
LOL! U are fucking retarded!!! :)

>> No.11089088


>> No.11089089

>>A message is sent.
>No message is snet. REEEEEEEEEEE

>> No.11089094

I'm glad that you finally admitted your actual intentions posting on this board. Lol.

>> No.11089095

empirically no message can be sent. fact

>> No.11089098

>If it is possible to alter the spin of the photon intentionally then you can transmit data.
Sure, but it isn't possible. Also, it's not actual teleportation but you already know that.

>> No.11089099

no i was mocking you. violations of special relativity imply violations of causality, which violates reason

>> No.11089371

>If it is possible to alter the spin of the photon intentionally
It isn't.
>If you can teleport a photons from one place to another
You can't.

>> No.11089510

>> Nature is inherently continuous.
>Nature is inherently stochastic/probabilistic/random.

Here's one for ya.

>There isn't even a hint of extraterrestrial life. The odds of such an event are so dismally low that not even an infinite universe -- if it is infinite -- mean that this event can happen more than once. Or more than zero, for that matter.

>> No.11089833

>brainlets in seething mode

again, good job, OP

>> No.11090084

>as entanglement cannot be used to transfer actual physical information FTL.
Why the hell not?

>> No.11090087

just read a fucking book

>> No.11090113


yup. this thread keeps on giving. repost worthy.

>> No.11090116
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>> No.11090265

>inherently continuous
Doesn't probabilities require at least pixelation of time. If your only prediction is that something will or will not happen, without a time limit, (and often also a spatial or relational frame) how is that ever useful?

>> No.11090788

If it is a fact then you should have no problem providing the evidence, yet some 15 comments later and nothing.

>> No.11090794

Or, more logically, non-locality violates relativishity. Therefore, relativity is wrong.

>> No.11090808

> No faster than light transfer of information or any other effects is possible.

thats wrong. light cant traver faster than information. causality is the actual speed limit.

>> No.11090809

>>If it is possible to alter the spin of the photon intentionally
>It isn't.
>Next, the team measured the polarization of the emitted photon and found that the observed polarization determines the effect of measurement on the spin. This suggests that an observer can influence the collapse of superposition just by adjusting the orientation of his photon-polarization measurement apparatus.
>The reason for this "action-at-a-distance" is that the spins of the measured atoms and the emitted photons were entangled. That is, even after they were separated, a measurement of one of them instantaneously affected the other.

>>If you can teleport a photons from one place to another
>You can't.


> Once the two pieces are entangled, meaning their physical characteristics are so intertwined they cannot be described individually, a photon which holds quantum information is applied and the electron absorbs the photon. The absorption allows the polarization state of the photon to be transferred into the carbon, which is mediated by the entangled electron, demonstrating a teleportation of information at the quantum level.

>> No.11090899

They assume that it's instantaneous, but didn't verify it.

>> No.11090902

>The person will recieve the data instantly.
That never happened. Take your pills, shizoretard.

>> No.11091385

Quantum entanglement is instantaneous. Or are you a science denier?

>> No.11091392

See >>11090809
> which is mediated by the entangled electron, demonstrating a teleportation of information at the quantum level.
Lack of accurate reading comprehension is indicative of schizoid tendencies, which you have in abundance my friend. Wipe the cheetoz dust off your fingers and get out of your mom's basement.

>> No.11091447

You don't even know the basics of quantum mechanics.

>> No.11091669

You don't even know what the basics are and yyou are denying the existence of more advanced concepts to prop up relashitivism.

>> No.11091678

Only you don't know what you're talking about.

>> No.11091850

Kratom and vapes have more science supporting them as healthy alternatives than cigs or heroin.

>> No.11092378

Someone get the defibrillator! This nigga OD’d on red pills!

>> No.11092382

Science begins with acknowledgement of facts, and the fact is that this instantaneous shit is assumed and wasn't verified. Unverified assumption still may or may not be true, but it's still unverified assumption.

>> No.11092398

We can't claim ANYTHING is fundamentally true in physics. We can only say what is true about our measurements and predictions.

>> No.11092402

Copenhagen is just quantum mechanics. Everything else is neckbeard cope.

>> No.11092408

How does "very likely" = "settled fact"?

>> No.11092423

Copenhagen is self-contradictory, it's antiscience.

>> No.11092482

Get on my level scrub, I eat secrets and shit out redpills. The blackest pill in the darkest reaches of the cosmos is still too weak for my level of tolerance.

>> No.11092483

good thing that no non-locality is possible then

we knew laws of physics are local for over a hundred years, and it ain't changing

relativity deniers do not belong on /sci/

>> No.11092490
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This thread has been visited by the council of the skinned chickens.

>> No.11092498

>the second best tested theory we have is wrong
Revoke this guy's posting license, please.

>> No.11092499

You're the faggot for putting your faith in something which has never been proven true, and which has been contradicted by countless experimental observations.

>> No.11092528

Violations of relativity weren't observed. They are assumed by copencucks, into the trash their assumptions go.

>> No.11092545

Relativity proposes that the mechanism which causes the phenomenon of gravitation is the, and I quote, "curvature of space and time."
Sounds like a whollatta HOOPLAH

>> No.11092563

>nature is inherently continuous
Impossible to prove
>nature is inherently probabilistic
Impossible to prove
>nature is inherently local
Impossible to prove
>nature is inherently non-realist
This fact is precisely why the above are impossible to prove
>"Interpretations of Quantum mechanics
The only true interpretation of any physical model is it's predictive ability.
>Conservation of energy

>> No.11092573

>>nature is inherently non-realist
>This fact
[citation needed]

>> No.11092579

Ok, you got me, I'm a mathematician. The last physics I took was college EM like 4 years ago lmao.

>> No.11092589

You're the real winner because you are open to the idea that you may be mistaken.
I swear, my deepest desire and most desperate fantasy is to talk with someone who can show me why I am wrong.
Still waiting, much to my dismay.

>> No.11092596

Would you agree that if it is a fact, then my logic is correct?

>> No.11092639

That's a big if https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Metaphysical_solipsism#Criticism_of_metaphysical_solipsism

>> No.11092688
File: 416 KB, 623x527, 3alwhwj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's odd to me that more people are not aware of the debate between realism and idealism in physics.

I should think that more people would be concerned about a debate between two conflicting schools of thought with implications that are nothing short of all encompassing.

>> No.11092692

>Nature is inherently stochastic/probabilistic/random
even in macro scale? lol

>> No.11092694
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>impossible to prove

Except that it is proven, lol.

>> No.11092699

>It's odd to me that more people are not aware of the debate between realism and idealism in physics.

The debate was conclusively solved sometime in 1920s, with naive realism being disproven. Get with the times, grandpa, and learn some QM.


>> No.11092701

It is true even in macro scale, however often the probabilities approach or even reach 100%. Fundamentally it is all probabilistic, tough.

>> No.11092706

This art style and format are exquisite. So refined and so expertly applied I am genuinely enthralled.

Not every true claim will be falsifiable.
If I say that the universe is discrete, there is literally no way, even theoretically, to falsify that claim.
Same goes for claiming that the universe is continuous.
Now, one of those claims must be true. I think we can all agree on that much.
However, your balls would be hard pressed into oblivion if you had to prove or falsify either claim.

Theories are only valuable if they can be applied to solve an engineering problem. If there's a non-realist theory describing the cosmos that can be applied to solve an engineering problem, then I'm a monkey's uncle.

>> No.11092713

Where do I learn to be this astonishingly based.

>> No.11092717

>If there's a non-realist theory describing the cosmos that can be applied to solve an engineering problem, then I'm a monkey's uncle.

Quantum mechanics?

>> No.11092718

>The debate was conclusively solved sometime in 1920s
Please tell me more. [citation needed]
>counterfactual definiteness
Why would you direct me to that wiki article when it literally has no relevance?

>> No.11092732

>one of those claims must be true
Are you claiming that it is impossible for the universe to be continuous in some areas and discrete in others?

>> No.11092734

No. It's definitely you.

>proven true
Holy kek, you really have absolutely no clue about science.

>> No.11092743

Where would these hypothetical areas be located and how would you differentiate them?

>> No.11092746

Quantum mechanics isn't non realist, only a few retarded interpretations are.

>> No.11092761


>> No.11092764

>>List of settled facts,
There is matter.

>> No.11092827

Quantum mechanics is non-realist for sure. There are basically two attempts to interpret it in a realist manner. Bohmian mechanics, which fail to even recover QFT and violate relativity, so they just blatantly do not work at all. And then many worlds interpretation, which is bullshit because it merely ignores the question of how the universe splits.

>> No.11092837

Relativity violates reality.

>> No.11092850

>relativity denial

What a sad state crackpots ultimately reduce into..

>> No.11092852

kek "stuff occurs"

>> No.11092854

You don't know what you are talking about, the old notion of realism in 1920s was newtonian model, not naive realism, and not general realism. Newtonian model doesn't work, but it says nothing about realism. Fix your education.

>> No.11092891

Discontinuities exist, but they are gaps between universes, so logically they aren't part of the universe, everything else in the universe is continuous, because otherwise there would be no motion.

>> No.11092896

>Theories are only valuable if they can be applied to solve an engineering problem.
That's the reason right theories are valuable: wrong theories are unlikely to solve anything.

>> No.11092900

The universe splits through decoherence.

>> No.11092906

Quantum mechanics is such bullshit.

>> No.11092911


>> No.11092922

Show anything without matter.

>> No.11092931

does the hilbert space where the universe's wavefunction resides contain matter?

>> No.11092936

fuck off schizo

>> No.11092940

[citation needed]

>> No.11092952

>the universe occupies a discrete volume
>the universe is continuous
which is it?

>> No.11092979

Show anything without matter.
Matter and energy are the same thing. Matter can not be destroyed or created it can only change form. Everything is matter.

>> No.11092982

[brain needed]
Are they incompatible? Define discreet volume.

>> No.11092991

Energy is a motion integral of matter, not matter itself.

>> No.11093032

Einstein disagrees and so do I. Energy is matter.

>> No.11093244

>The universe splits through decoherence.
Yep. Even the OP mentions decoherent histories as the best interpretation.


>> No.11093253

>Nature is inherently stochastic/probabilistic/random
Stop gaps aren't finished product. COPEnhagen is not a scientific interpretation, its a psychological/anthromorphic interpretation.

>> No.11093266

>I come to these conclusions by stirring my shit around in the toilet and reading it like tea leaves
>It's a slow day on /b/ but I'm still on the clock to shill

Why did you even make this post OP? just to grind some gears?

>> No.11093305

Thread was likely made to enlighten you assorted plebs about what actual physicists, especially those clever enough to contribute to modern research in hep-th, actually think. There is plenty of other content on the internet where various bohmian, many worlds, world-is-deterministic and FTL pseuds are aggressively pushing their unexamined ideas. Nice change of pace for once.

>> No.11093629

if nature is continuous then why are electrons quantized

>> No.11093777

Excuse me what the fuck.
You're going to ignore all of reddit like it doesn't even exist are you fucking kidding me?
This is not your safe space kiddo. If you don't like arguing with based spergs, this is the wrong website for you.

>> No.11093791

Go have your circle jerk where the democratization of ideas has already eliminated all forms of descent, where you can be sure that anyone who disagrees with you will be banned, and you will get 1000 upvotes from defending the infallible all knowing god known as science from the hideous and evil menace known as fourchan.

>> No.11093833

No he doesn't, brainlet. Holy fuck you're dense. E=mc^2 doesn't mean they're the same. It means mass contributes to total energy even at rest.

>> No.11094046

The universe becomes more continuous as nearby observes decrease.

>> No.11094202

It can not be destroyed or created it can only change form. Matter and energy are the same thing. We observe this every day.

>> No.11094392

>having a random probability distribution or pattern that may be analysed statistically but may not be predicted precisely

1. Define ""precisely""
2. Post proofs of said ""true randomness""

oh wait, you're saying it's unfalsifiable?


>> No.11095282

>If I say that the universe is discrete, there is literally no way, even theoretically, to falsify that claim.
Discrete space breaks Lorentz invariance. This can be measured.

>> No.11095286

No we don't. As said, you're wrong and neither Einstein nor anyone else said anything like that.

>> No.11095498

If the reals are continuous then why are the integers a subset of the reals?

>> No.11095514

hah, got'em

>> No.11095765


>> No.11097012

bumpity bump

>> No.11097177

Here is a brain fart if speed is limited what would be the effective limits of energy potencials we know that gravity waves propagate whit the speed of light but its potencials pull is felt 《 instantly》.
So is the ripple a result of the suddent potencial energy change and if so then there has to be some sort of medium that enables that ripple to propagate. You have to have water to have waves argument

>> No.11097342

Literally nothing you're saying is right.
You can have a discrete but probabilistic universe, or a continuous deterministic universe, and platonic idealism vs materialism has nothing to do with theories of the economy.
The universe being continuous and stochastic (which it is, you fucking stupid moron) doesn't have anything to do with communism or capitalism or platonic idealism vs materialism.

>> No.11097374

Just because you WANT the universe to be deterministic because you falsely believe that it somehow is necessary for communism, doesn't mean the universe is deterministic. It's not deterministic and this has nothing to do with communism.

>> No.11097934

It would sure be convenient for you if everything I said is that easily dismissed but that's not an argument, you're just saying nuh uh.
Keep it up bud, having an easy target like you around is great for me.

>> No.11097940

I'm not a communist, I hate niggers too much to share with them. I'm just pointing out the motivation for the absurd amount of glowniggers constantly shitting up metaphysics threads.
I arrived at the conclusion that the universe is deterministic through logical deduction years ago. It wasn't until that many worlds fag started shilling his incredibly retarded bullshit that i noticed the connection to politics, and looked it up. You're just putting words in my mouth that make it easier to combat my argument, classic kike technique you fucking glowing nigger.

>> No.11099068

But the only argument IS "nuh uh" because you're literally just saying bullshit.
There is no connection between idealistic or materialist philosophies or determinism or interpretations of quantum mechanics. You're making up bullshit and postulating a conspiracy theory that doesn't exist. And trying to defend it makes you sound like a fucking retard.
Shut the fuck up retard. Your logical deduction doesn't work against contradictory empirical observation. EMPIRICALLY the universe is not deterministic. Saying "I've logically deduced it years ago!" Isn't an argument and you're wrong and a retard.

>> No.11099112

if conservation of energy does not hold in GR, why cant free energy devices be constructed, at least in principle?

>> No.11099225

Conservation of energy doesn't hold unless you include gravitational energy. This is a tricky thing to pin down in GR, but the Landau-Lifshitz pseudotensor provides a satisfactory answer and restores energy conservation. This even works for dark energy, so that the increase in total vacuum energy of the expanding universe is balanced by a corresponding decrease in another component.
You can have two distant objects accelerating apart by dark energy, but in order to extract work from the acceleration, you have to somehow bring them together again which takes work against the accelerating expansion of space. Or if you have a long spring, it'll be stretched, but re-compressing it would require doing work because the spring's equilibrium length is really just changing.

>> No.11099387

All empirical observation so far was in favor of schrodinger equation, and schrodinger equation is deterministic. So determinism is pretty natural conclusion.

>> No.11099456

>the only argument IS "nuh uh"
Retard alert.
>There is no connection between idealistic or materialist philosophies or determinism or interpretations of quantum mechanics.
False and cringe.
>You're making up bullshit and postulating a conspiracy theory that doesn't exist.
I'll just take your word on that I guess, since you have offered no arguments.
>And trying to defend it makes you sound like a fucking retard.
Well if I'm right that would mean you're mistaken, so of course you think that. Again, not an argument. I've been called a retard on 4chan once or twice, do you really think that's going to deter me?
>Shut the fuck up retard.
lmao no faggot.
>contradictory empirical observation.
[citation needed]
>Saying "I've logically deduced it years ago!" Isn't an argument
You've taken that completely out of context and presented it as if it is my argument in favor of determinism, but that's false because it isn't.

Keep seething brainlet, maybe you will get comforted by some of the other assblasted normalfags on this board.

>> No.11099491

No, empirical observations are in favor of squared amplitude of wavefunction being the probability. Schrodinger equation alone does not cut it.

>> No.11099847

>I never measure my states

>> No.11102007

I agree with all this but
> Cosmic Inflation is likely the actual mechanism behind The Big Bang.

There are indications that string theory is incompatible with simplest inflation models.

>> No.11102017

okay so let's modify inflation models to fit with hottest string model.

>> No.11102537

Your "does not cut" is just hand waving against quantitatively verified dynamic equation.
You can always project the state to a basis, where the state has norm 1, then measurement doesn't make any difference.

>> No.11102870

I concur Doctor.

>> No.11103081

So how do you decide which basis to use for the measurement before the measurement?

>> No.11103207

Go to a bar or club man this shit is endless.
GR can't solve the fucking definition of distance.

>> No.11104257

It doesn't matter. Properties of the state are provided by wave function exhaustively and objectively, this is yet another fact copencucks can't cope with.

>> No.11104676

What function did yoy graph here?

>> No.11104680

The fuck are you rambling on about?
Measurements are inherently nondeterministic, that's a fact independent from interpretation.