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11070913 No.11070913 [Reply] [Original]

Howdy there partner!

I've been seeing you post those real numbers here lately. Y'know we don't take kindly to those hooligans around these parts. Sorry to say buckaroo, but I'm going to have to ask you to stop. You should know by now infinity is inherently a flawed concept.

Stay out of trouble partner. Yeehaw!

>> No.11070926

Ah Norman while you are here I've been meaning to ask. Do you think if we exclude transcendental numbers from the reals, we can construct the realms by saying they are the set of numbers which are solutions to polynomials or can be constructed by linear combinations of square root terms. I believe this definition would satisfy proper rigor, at the cost of some very useful transcendentals. As a corollary how could we include the transcendentals or any other type of number I'm missing?

>> No.11070927

What kind of number is pi then?

>> No.11070933


>> No.11070935

And a transcendental isn't a real number anymore?

>> No.11070945

I don't know how to construct transcendentals in general, I would like to include transcendentals in the reals. But Norman does not accept dedekind cuts, so we need a different construction method. Perhaps there is a function out there which has zeros at transcendentals or something like that. We could then construct the reals as solutions to that magic function.

>> No.11070999

kek i haven't seen that video of him wearing that goofy hat. is he explaining infinity with a hat?

>> No.11071038


>> No.11071051

No, this is part of a series on banking.

>> No.11071059

I just realized: is Tooker the arch nemesis of Wildbeger?

>> No.11071069
File: 53 KB, 800x450, wildberger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when you become the meme

>> No.11071073

not a number

>> No.11071083

Are lengths numbers?

>> No.11071087

define length

>> No.11071109

the quantity that my ruler measures

>> No.11071111

What is wrong with real numbers?

>> No.11071120

They're not based

>> No.11071123

wasted quads

>> No.11071137

They're fake AND gay

>> No.11071145

>finitist fags still cant answer my question

>> No.11071164

homer brain: real numbers are real
good brain: real numbers are fake
elite brain: root(2) is rational
galaxy brain: transcendentals are integers

>> No.11071166

sick byorn my russki fryend

>> No.11071185

irrational, it only exists in our heads

>> No.11071207
File: 48 KB, 379x520, 1415863951363.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>literally dropping redpills about banking
>videos are still up
im getting worried folks

>> No.11071219

This non-mathematician has never been funny.

>> No.11072268

circles aren't real, they're an ill defined platonic object that cannot be meaningfully implemented in the real world.

>> No.11072273

neither are straight lines and parabolas, yet wildberger arbitrarily decides that straight lines are okay.

>> No.11072275

He just posted a continuation to his Little Cactus Bank video.

>> No.11072883

you can't straighten a curve

>> No.11072969

my fucking sides

>> No.11073104

At the end, he said he's going to go into fractional reserve banking next video.
Is he going to name the jew in part 4?

>> No.11073180

They are dual opposites
Wildberger is a competent and smart mathematician constructing a coherent, but useless new math because of purism
Tooker is a deluded idiot who knew basic math at some point, but then thought he could understand heavy concepts just by looking at their wikipedia pages and it went all downhill from here

>> No.11073206

>Wildberger is a competent and smart mathematician constructing a coherent, but useless new math because of purism
this. he's not wrong, but he's also not right. his philosophy is that "world is finite, therefore the math should also be finite", and it's everyone's personal decision whether they agree with this. most mathematicians don't, and not because they religiously believe that infinity is in some sense real, but because infinite math a) is useful and gives correct predictions and results about our world b) is fun.

>> No.11073207

Anyone who uses more numbers than 1, 2, 3, and 4 is lying to themselves and others that they can even conceptualise such things. Also you can't have zero of a thing. That's just not having it. And infinity can't be processed and probably isn't real.
t. 2nd year math student

A scam by greek cultists. Nothing has changed except the cultists are more multicultural.

Australia's proudest son.

>redpills about banking
Pls link

Um based?

Wildy is doing good work but is unwilling to acknowledge that maths is fake.

Addendum: Even using 4 is iffy. I suspect most people who actually try to consider "4" as more than just a symbol with no actual meaning other than rules around it is actually visualising two lots of two. Three is probably the bleeding edge limit of human cognition.
Neuron fire and neuron not fire is about as complex as human thinking. I see three as two outside things with a middle thing. I see two more solidly as two things.
If you want to tell me that 10,000 is a real number, I don't believe you.

>> No.11073212

infinity is just approximations, approximations have no place in pure math so they're wrong

>> No.11073258

Infinity isn't a number. It's a concept.

>> No.11073264

>he going to name the jew in part 4?
Not in this political climate but given that he names every character, look out for upcoming jewish names. Or if he needs to be more cautious, look out for a new character named Jonathan intentionally pronounced as Jewnathan. I mean, even if not antisemitic, it's impossible to tell the history of banking without mentioning them.

>> No.11073265

>t. never seen pure math

>> No.11073270

yes """""""pure""""""" math

>> No.11073278

Based and realitypilled

>> No.11073325

>Pls link
What worries me is that LC bank and had some stake/deposit in CG but Norman didnt mention they lost money from it.

>> No.11073338

or were they his profits not money from his bank?
who knows

>> No.11073434

But he acquired CG including all loans. Whatever loss he had from CG, it's negligible compared to:

>A new building in LC and now one in CG
>New loans
>CG shareholders on your side
>CG previous CEO as your General Manager

>> No.11073586

>i have an extremely controversial/fringe view of math
>why, no I dont have any education! does that matter?

>> No.11073595

applied math>>>>>>>> pure math
deal with it brainlet

>> No.11073619

I already agree with that. But you aren't educated in applied math either.

>> No.11073763


>> No.11073982

LC should be rebranded as JP Norman.

>> No.11073993

not an argument, undergrad