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11065801 No.11065801[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

what is the scientific reason behind nofap?

I've lost 34 pounds in 3 months after nofap
and i can concentrate on writing my master physics thesis on non-linear system than ever before.

what went right

>> No.11065819

nofap is a meme invented by gaving mcinnes. he is basically a /pol/ tier shill. if anything, the science says that fapping reduces the risk of cancer. proud boys can have their incel larping fun until they all die of prostate cancer

>> No.11065824

your concentration goes up and your will becomes stronger because you have more sexual libido, which is intimatley related to you motivation to do things. The only people that deny either:
1. cant go a few days with out fapping
2. are too brainlet too observe their own mind
3. believe psychology is a hoax

>> No.11065833

Addictive behavior acts out like a singular, impulsive personality
To overcome addiction, they say you have to replace it with another addiction but I think that's wrong. I think you have to generate and rehearse acting out a new personality which subordinates to a priority higher than the desire of the previous, personality of addiction

So I think what you did is something like relocate to another country first seeking asylum, then citizenship, and so demonstrating civic loyalty to the place that took you in, leaving everything else behind

>> No.11065854

Retarded fatso.
It's not uncommon to lose lots of weight in a few weeks or months.
You attributing it to nofap just shows how ignorant you are of how things works.
T. lost 20 pounds in 2-3 months and didn't stop maturbating.

>> No.11065885

Yeah but he stopped jaghinoff THEN lost the weight (faggot)

>> No.11065890

What this rude and inarticulate man meant is that it could very well be other reasons for your weight loss than NoFap.

>> No.11065897

Might be something else that changed as well. Doing new stuff changes your state of mind in ways sometimes hard to both forsee and notice.

>> No.11065910

I yes. The correlation implies causation meme. Makes me remember kindergarten.

>> No.11065922

I rememba kidneygotten... Kids was always stealin candy off my desk and one day I had to do a basedtch...

"Ooh i dont have no candy up thah unco Paul"

"Yeah but I gotta check..."

>> No.11065991

>What this rude and inarticulate man meant
That's what your mom said when I benchpressed her.

>> No.11066220

>your will becomes stronger because you have more sexual libido, which is intimatley related to you motivation to do things
if i don't jerk off i don't have motivation to do anything EXCEPT fuck. this doesn't make any sense to me. When I fuck or jerk off my mind feels clear and i can concentrate better. I probably have ADHD tho, so maybe my need for stimulus isn't the same as others

>> No.11066222

it's hilarious how they say "ok i started nofap (also started going to the gym, started eating healthier and sleeping better). omg nofap is real u guise

>> No.11066265

Im afraid you got the coom brains

>> No.11066345

Yes it is real because they're overwriting an impulsive, single minded (yet very strongly incentivised, so difficult to overcome) reward system with another. Literally good luck ceasing any addictive behavior by pure abstinence, basically everyone knows that if you suppress something it just comes back with a vengeance

>> No.11066350

so nofapfags eventually become ultra coombrains?

>> No.11066392
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If you have deathgrip from fapping so much, it rehabilitates your worn-out dick so when you go back to fapping it's awesome again.

>> No.11066400


Testosterone causes prostate cancer food for thought

>> No.11066412

>What is the scientific reasoning behind recommending nofap?
>I've lost 34 pounds in 3 months after nofap and I can concentrate on writing my master thesis in physics on nonlinear systems better than ever before.
>What went right?

You're full of shit.

>> No.11066430

>what went right
You stopped flooding your brain with dopamine and endorphins, not to mention other neurotransmitters. You basically stopped "getting high" and you're body is normalizing.

>> No.11066433
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>nofap was invented by gavin mcinnes
>prostate cancer

>> No.11066546

>science is bait
>pseudoscience is true
ah, /sci/.

>> No.11066776

>what is the scientific reason behind nofap?
Broscience, other than that it's retarded.

>> No.11066925

Not if they overwrite the circuitry which takes about a year
t. recovery groups for drugs and alcohol

>> No.11066930

>turn off filters
>check most prominent topics
>expect anything but pseudoscience
You've only got yourself to blame.

>> No.11066946

How is changed your sexual desire? Have you lust of sex?

>> No.11066976

Thank you, she needed it

>> No.11066983

placebo effect

>> No.11066985

>t. science denier
At least try doing some search before mindlessly reposting memes

>> No.11066987

>want to make a study
>undegrad cage is empty again

>> No.11066992

Pretty positive the main benefit of nofap is leaning off porn.

>> No.11067313

What's so bad about getting high off porn though? Serious question because I've never been drunk or high off anything else except like coffee

>> No.11067325
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No fap is for losers. It has no benefits

>> No.11067379

Feels great man, day 16 in and I've been happier to be alive

>> No.11068719

>gaving mcinnes
>reduces the risk of cancer
holy fuck this has to be a shitpost. firstly, no it wasnt. he only made a single video about stopfap or something like this and that was all. nofap was began by redditors and folks like trainreckz (not him but people of same mindset). Also, the prostate cancer crap is a joke. thats like saying eating millions of gallons of icecream is good for you because you get enough calcium. youre missing the point retard

>> No.11068725

>gavin mcinnes isn't responsible for nofap
he started proudboys which is the original nofap community, and the original /pol/ shitposter club for promoting their shit
>Also, the prostate cancer crap is a joke.
just fucking look it up on pubmed. it is well-known in the medical science community. the fact that you deny well-known science is telling

>> No.11068733

I'm still waiting from before earlier

>> No.11068745
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delusional. also, its mostly found in blacks. so most people here (latino, white, etc.) are not impacted by this. Annnd no, gavin mcginnes and his proudboys are not the original nofap community. not sure why you are obsessed with them and /pol/, it seems you run in progressive circles that sees them as your only one enemy. regardless, it wasnt proudboys who started it. there is a nofap website where they call themselves fapstranauts. Also, proudboys are hated by /pol/ and gavin mcginnes is seen as a race-mixing fag who cucks for Israel

>> No.11068753

Im a fapmagic advocate. I go hard at least 3 times a day and most women in the world including starlets fucking love me. Thing is you have to come from royal blood or it does not work.

>> No.11068793

I'm on no fap and I get really fucking hard to the point it feels like a baseball bat

>> No.11068812

Its all about the desire. I just recoop and am back at it again

>> No.11070178

check it out

>> No.11070306

Yo anon what are you doing your thesis on? I also got meme'd into researching non-linear system