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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11065726 No.11065726[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

wouldn't "she" want the climate warmer?

>> No.11065731

lmaoed at turtleman in pic

>> No.11065733

Please take your schizophrenia meds.

>> No.11065737

take your ritalin greta

>> No.11065767
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wellaware1 is well aware.

>> No.11066820

keked and shreked

>> No.11068447 [DELETED] 


>> No.11068453

Greta is adorable. Triggering anti-science retards with political agendas is just icing on the cake.

>> No.11068461

>implying you can't still agree with climate models but disagree that it's a bigger deal than the authoritarian countermeasures
wew lad

>> No.11068478

All of the evidence suggests that immediate and strong action is the best response. Much to the chagrin of denialists and economic fetishists.

>> No.11068479

I wanna munch on her all over

>> No.11068487

depends where you are globally. i'm in a part of the world which is expected to benefit from climate change.

>> No.11068498

Even if you are projected to benefit directly from physical changes, you likely won't benefit from declines in economic activity from affected countries, nor economic sanctions for noncompliance in the case that climate action becomes a mainstream international political agenda. Besides, no one likes Canada and Russia anyway, so economic sanctions or outright conquest seem likely in the long term for high latitude countries.

>> No.11068507

>countries with failing economies putting sanctions on economies that are growing
If they really wanna an hero go ahead, we'll be fine.

>outright conquest
Not possible without a strong economy to back it.

>> No.11068512

Even if you want to, you can't stand against the entire world migrating poleward in response to the effects of global warming.

>> No.11068515

Why would anyone want the climate warmer?

Except, like, Norwegians.

>> No.11068520

>Dur I haet wen government make me stup doin bad things

>> No.11068525

>entire world migrating poleward in response to the effects of global warming.
lol ya thats why they're migrating

>> No.11068528

Not a big deal, I'll be rich from all the cheap land investments I do before that.

>> No.11068529

Migration is almost entirely due to war and poverty, and both of those things can be expected to increase as a result of climate change.

>> No.11068531

I like driving sometimes aimlessly on cheap gas, bite me.

>> No.11068533

>war and poverty, and both of those things can be expected to increase as a result of climate change.
lol ya both of those things are gonna increase "due to climate change"

>> No.11068537


>> No.11068547

lol ya its all due to climate change and for no other reason

>> No.11068549

Nope, didn’t say that.

>> No.11068558

lol ya you did you said
>the entire world migrating poleward in response to climate change

>> No.11068559

Is the "scientific consensus" that we're in a "climate emergency" that can be stopped by reducing CO2 emissions?

>> No.11068565

No. I didn’t. You’re confusing different posters now.

Only these posts are mine.
Is someone else.

>> No.11068568

"scientific consensus" has nothing to do with catchy phrases politicians like to throw around: "climate emergency"

>> No.11068581

Science isn't about consensus, however alarmists claim that we should listen to the science which they claim tells us we're on the brink of disaster unless we dramatically start reducing our CO2 emissions.

Is this what scientists are saying?

>> No.11068588

Science is about evidence. The evidence shows a rapid warming trend most likely caused by human activity. That's pretty strong justification for decarbonization measures.

>> No.11068599

The problem is the disaster isn't something that is like, reduce carbon output or this year the world will melt.

It's like, reduce carbon output now or in 50 years everything is going to melt.

So everyone goes "Why can't we just do it in 20 years" but the problem is that in 20 years time it will be too late to stop the chain of events we set in motion.

What sucks is the 50 year mark was about 20 years ago.

>> No.11068616

Can you show me where the scientists are claiming we're in an emergency situation?

>> No.11068619

A little warming is nothing human industrial power can’t deal with.

>> No.11068623

Well, that would be scientists advocating for political policy. The academic papers are purely concerned with identifying and quantifying the phenomenon. For political advocacy, James Hansen's work is a good start.

>> No.11068626
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>> No.11068629

So they're confident about predicting the state of the climate decades into the future?

>> No.11068630
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>Science isn't about consensus
>Science isn't about what the evidence says

>> No.11068634

Predicting long term climate trends is much easier than predicting short term fluctuations.

>> No.11068636
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They're confident about predicting a range the climate will be in decades into the future.

>> No.11068638
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See the IPCC's reports.

>> No.11068640
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>a little warming

>> No.11068643

Pfft. Harmless.
We can purposefully emit aerosol pollution to compensate

>> No.11068645

The warming isn't the issue. The destabilization of current climate conditions is. We have very specific resources in place to combat specific disasters. If areas that only ever worried about tornadoes get flooded that's a problem. If areas expeting hurricanes get droughts that is a problem. etc. etc. These things will stack up and absolutely wreck economies all over the world as billions of unprepared people have to readapt and our infrastructure has to be retrofitted for disasters that might not evne be the same in 5 years.

This isn't even going into the ocean acidifcation killing off shit loads of marine ecosystems and plankton. Plankton use calcium carbonate as their "shells". If these are destroyed the plankton dies. As the oceans acidify due to increased carbon dioxide the amount of killed plankton increases. Plankton are the majority producer of oxygen and consumer of carbon dioxide on the planet.

This isn't even getting into the rampent plastic, pharmaceutical, industrial, and oil waste being shunted into everything and mucking shit up.

We can surivive if we fucking destroy the planet. But it will not be easy, it will not be comfortable, it will not be healthy, and we may never recover the world as it was. Life will go on, but it will not be life that humans are comfortable dealing with. I don't want to have to go backwards ten steps instead of waiting a couple minutes to take the right next couple steps.

>> No.11068653

if she has a cool rock? maybe she doesn't

>> No.11068657

my favourite part about that map is Mongolia surpassing US in GDP/capita

>> No.11068676

Environmental devastation is tragic and should be prevented, purely as humans to continue enjoying the beauty of nature. Economic activity, not wanting any regulation or any expense restrictions (e.g. cap and trade or carbon usage taxes), wishes to continue not paying a price for externalities polluting the world. Environmental regulations "kill jobs," but they also save lives and enforce long-term outcomes, most importantly survival, preservation of existing nature, and continued economic prosperity relating to improving livelihoods.

>> No.11068711

But the IPCC is a political organisation who alarmists are crediting for their alarmism. What have these scientists said that's caused such hysteria?

>> No.11068717

Consensus isn't evidence.

>> No.11068722

>Predicting long term climate trends
Using what?

>> No.11068727
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>consensus of scientific evidence isn't evidence

>> No.11068730
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Holy shit, whoever took the time to make that image, god damn bro

>> No.11068731


>> No.11068732

>But the IPCC is a political organisation who alarmists are crediting for their alarmism.

The IPCC actually has a record of underestimating the speed of warming. It’s the other way around

>> No.11068734

All of those issues can be solved with industrial power. Can’t wait to see the Amazon paved over.

>> No.11068737

This model uses an accurate amount of CO2 to get these results?

>> No.11068750

The IPCC is an international commission to collect scientific information and offer political policy options on the basis of that information. What you claim is hysteria is actually an honest need to reduce carbon emissions and anthropogenic warming to a threshold lower than those caused by natural factors.

>> No.11068752

If this was about real, objective science, then there would be positive effects listed as well.

Are these effects based on models?

>> No.11068757

See >>11068750

IPCC reports and academic papers serve different purposes.

>> No.11068762

So the IPCC don't share the alarmism that the media/activists do?

>> No.11068763

Which would fuck up plants and agriculture, reduce precipitation, deplete the ozone, and does nothing about ocean acidification.

>> No.11068765

What do you mean?

>> No.11068769

>If this was about real, objective science, then there would be positive effects listed as well.
But there are. Did you even read it?

>Are these effects based on models?
All science is based on models.

>> No.11068771

If the models forecasted temperatures dropping in the next few decades, would they publish it and what would happen if they did?

>> No.11068775

Why wouldn't they publish it?

>> No.11068776

>If the models forecasted temperatures dropping in the next few decades

That’s a non-possibility.

>> No.11068778

To get the rising temperatures, do they tweak man-made CO2 emissions to a level consistent with real life?

>> No.11068780

Oh well. De-acidity the ocean by dumping bases into it. I do that all the time with chemical mixtures

>> No.11068782

>But there are. Did you even read it?
>All science is based on models.
I mean computer models.

>> No.11068786

>Why wouldn't they publish it?
It would be embarrassing.

>> No.11068790

>That’s a non-possibility.
How so?

>> No.11068799

I still don't get it, when would they be tweaking it? The projection is for an emissions scenario called SRES A1B. The point is not to predict emissions, the point is to predict the response to whatever emissions occur.

>> No.11068808

It's much easier to just not emit massive amounts of CO2 than to constantly have to produce ever greater amounts of aerosols and minerals indefinitely.

>> No.11068818

>increased water availability in moist tropics and high latitudes
>tendencies for some cereal productivity to increase at mid-to high latitudes
Again, did you even read it?

>I mean computer models.
What's the difference?

>> No.11068822

Embarrassing to whom? It would be a relief and whoever discovered it would win awards.

>> No.11068838

Do the models accurately simulate the effect of greenhouse emissions on temperature? Or is the effect too overblown in favour of warming?

>> No.11068844

Well, warming is actually happening according to measurements, so any upward trend would seem to agree with the evidence. Projections are hard because of what is unknown.

>> No.11068852

So GCMs factor in everything that could change climate and temperatures?

>> No.11068864

>Again, did you even read it?
So those are the only positives?
>What's the difference?
It's not natural science.

>> No.11068875

Isn't that what I already showed you?

>> No.11068883

>So GCMs factor in everything that could change climate and temperatures?
No, just to the best of our ability. And we are confident that they reproduce the general features that determine the temperature.

>> No.11068891

You keep using that word but I'm not convinced you know what it means

>> No.11068894

>So those are the only positives?
Those are the main positives that can be predicted.

>It's not natural science.

"Natural science is a branch of science concerned with the description, prediction, and understanding of natural phenomena, based on empirical evidence from observation and experimentation."

>> No.11068895

>So those are the only positives?
>It's not natural science.
I get the feeling that the only thing that would satisfy you is if we had an extra earth that was magically exactly the same as ours but without the increased CO2 as a control?

>> No.11068898

Reverse psychology, kid. Ever heard about it?

>> No.11068915

That still wouldn't satisfy him, since it would still lead to the conclusion he doesn't like.

>> No.11068946

It's embarrassing to use computers to model "the climate" and use the results to base policies on.

>> No.11068955

It's embarrassing to deny massive amounts of scientific evidence because you don't like the result and your only "argument" is

>durr compooterz bad hurrrr

>> No.11069155

Is she a reptilian?

>> No.11069163

How much coal has burned for shitposting about climate change?

>> No.11069439

what an utterly pointless reason to doom future generations. We honestly deserve whatever we get, nuclear annihilation once the Midwest's crops fail and the US goes full expansionist is my bet.

>> No.11069444

remind me again how big is the ocean? quick do the math how much material would you need to dump in to offset increased carbonation?

>> No.11069456
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stay mad. driving is relaxing af. what have future generations ever done for me? nothing. i owe them nothing.

>> No.11069486

I guess this is a good argument for the extermination of incels.

>> No.11069491

heh, guess it's a good thing i fucked girls in my car then.

>> No.11069501
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>doom future generations

>> No.11069518

Isn't she getting paid by Soros and used by her mom as advertisement for her book?

>> No.11069602

Why are they always talking about latitude but never elevation? If people near the equator move up in elevation it gets colder too. Ah right, because we need to import as much "climate refugees" to higher latitudes as possible because mostly western countries are there, better not talk about elevation.

>> No.11069851

No process exists to reverse the current warming trend barring chemical weathering, which would take thousands of years, Milankovich cycles, which aren’t going to cause another glaciation for tens of thousands of years. or some kind of cataclysm like a super volcanic eruption, asteroid impact, or nuclear war that’s largely unpredictable and a much bigger issue anyway.

>> No.11069880

she is brainwashed

>> No.11070338

jaimey pull up that video

>> No.11071125

reverse psy ops

>> No.11071309

If global warming is real then why hasn't the sea level rose yet?

>> No.11071435
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explain this picture then

>> No.11071506

why is this thread on this board

>> No.11071532

>The party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.

yes good serf, ignore the evidence, the only truth is what we tell you.

>> No.11071989

First day?
Why are half of the retard offtopic threads on /sci/?

>> No.11071995

Extensive brainwashing.

>> No.11072168

how can climate be real if your eyes arent real

>> No.11072230


>> No.11073388

no u

>> No.11073417
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Imagine spending time making that pic