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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 217 KB, 1158x1152, Isaac-Arthur-futurism-e1530449703162.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11061306 No.11061306 [Reply] [Original]

Is this guy /sci/ approved?

>> No.11061321


>> No.11061400

No. It's unsubstantiated garbage.

>> No.11061423

Its essentially a science fiction channel and references scifi more than actual science.

Its a great channel

>> No.11061428

It exists for fun
The perpetually asshurt babies on /sci/ despise him for that

>> No.11061506

He does fun thought experiments and brings sci fi ideas to logical conclusions. Virtually nothing he says is based in actual science

and I love him for it.

>> No.11061508

I like some of his content, but his voice makes it hard for me to watch. Half the time I'm struggling to understand him rather than listening to what he has to say.

>> No.11061557

torn on the captions you wascally wabbit

>> No.11061696

What bits dont qualify as not based on scientific principles?

>> No.11061725

Which bits do?

>> No.11061792

blocking sunlight before it hits a planet cools the planet

>> No.11061935

Retarded asshole always favoring right wing views.

"ohh ohh, a future society could exist, politics doesnt matter we could all get along wtih technoloogy" fucking technofacists

also he reaaallly likes to mention he was in the army, altough he was probably safe behind a trench while being bullied for beign a fat fuck and he thinks he knows everything, nothing more than a scam artist really

>> No.11061946

Am i the only one who thinks the concept of a Dyson sphere is retarded?

What if aliens want other plants to have access to sunlight?

Why does it have to be some autistic 100% energy collection policy they hold?

>> No.11061975

>Why does it have to be some autistic 100% energy collection policy they hold?
I think the argument goes that energy required to power civilization grows exponentially with respect to population. So, as the civilization will (presumably inevitably) grow, it would need an ever increasing amount of energy. It'll (again, presumably) eventually reach a point to where gathering a large portion of sunlight would not only be viable technologically but necessary. Eventually near 100% of their star would be "covered" by very low orbiting satellites

>> No.11061999
File: 32 KB, 839x655, 1568398985980.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who hurt you?

>> No.11062012


Plants dont need direct access to sunlight when you can provide them all sunlight theyll ever need with led lights.

>> No.11062292

You sound like a guy who uses word "reactionary" unironically.
Go die of famine.

>> No.11062337

I prefer Clark Asimov, tbqh.

>> No.11063459


>> No.11063533

Someone gas this communist faggot

>> No.11063537

Rittel Kwittorz.

>> No.11063726

Having a Dyson sphere would be really cool.
Think about how big it is.

>> No.11064068


>> No.11065094

One Dyson sphere would power thousands or millions of solar systems of an intergalactic empire because of how absurd the energy output of a star is. of course that comes along with another problem of transporting the energy to those star systems

>> No.11065202


Engineering stuff. Like his Arcology video and his space habitat/artificial planet videos. His is a professional engineer after all.

>> No.11065203


He is an engineer. That explains everything.

>> No.11065207

Some of his vids are good, but I can't listen to his voice for too long.

>> No.11065218
File: 13 KB, 426x364, 1377636995184.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


He keeps talking about his speech impediment; which condition does he have? what makes your voice sound like that? i actually quite like it

>> No.11065398


I think what makes his pronunciation hard to understand has more to do with how he pronounces certain vowels around r rather than the inability to pronounce the consonant r. He pronounces er/ir/ur etc. like "or" - he drops the r like in many accents like most British ones, but more confusingly the vowel also becomes the same as in "or". Hence Formi pawadox, Orth, vortual weality etc.

>> No.11065524


>> No.11065544

It gets tiring hearing him handwave impossible feats of engineering and the same goes for him reiterating the dogma that is the existence of liquid water = assured and spontaneous alien life.