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11059908 No.11059908[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>> No.11059912
File: 22 KB, 203x257, 028.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck are you asking are you trying to be retarded?

>> No.11059924

that is literally why

>> No.11059972
File: 156 KB, 500x522, the-ride-never-ends-34900827.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one asks to born but everyone can choose to be dead at any moment
Passing away seems painful and only a few likes to suffer

>> No.11059979

Maybe I was the people that lived before me.
We conveniently don't remember so that's a possibility, right?

>> No.11059981

Yesterday I bench pressed your mom -> it wasn't easy

>> No.11059987
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I expect it wouldn't be, she's an unreasonable cunt that was probably fighting you the whole tiem

>> No.11059999

>After death is the same as before birth
So we will be born again?

>> No.11060017

Yes brother, we will rise again

>> No.11060023

Because I have the opportunity to experience something rather than nothing, and I prefer the something.

>> No.11060029

Then the obvious conclusion is that we should be good and improve the world, or we might “reincarnate” as some miserable being.

>> No.11060034
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What am I afraid of, and why would I bother re-enabling anything that emboldens fear to return once more to humanity?

>> No.11060036
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>or we might “reincarnate” as some miserable being.
but anon, being miserable is a blast

>> No.11060041
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The only three things any human/immortal/conscious+intelligent entity never wants to experience as distributors/consumers thereof:

>> No.11060042

Quads checked, but no. "Being born" in the way you're saying it here means somehow there's a connection between the absence of you and some later presence of a new person. There wasn't a connection like that before the time you were actually born either.
I think the problem (with both your interpretation and OP's picture) is you're trying to identify with the nothingness. That's like calling the lack of guitar music after you break a guitar part of the last song you played on it before breaking it, and then calling the next song you play on some other guitar part of the lack of guitar music.

>> No.11060047
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Nope, I'm just the singularity point and I'm dragging all you idiots along with me.

>> No.11060049

fuck off solischizus

>> No.11060050

yeah and maybe a bunch of your waifus live under your bed but just happen to disappear when you check and reappear right after

>> No.11060051
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Weeaboo STRIKE!

>> No.11060054
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>> No.11060055

Thank you for proving my point and being an inferential data plot value from this moment onwards.

>Initialize FUCK vectors
>Establish Guassian FUCK integers
>Bound the branching TANGLE

IOTAN, motherfuckers.
>What is the I/O of tan anyway?

>> No.11060057

I like being alive, dumbass. I can’t lick tasty female buttholes if I’m dead

>> No.11060065

When you're nothing, time passes infinitely faster.
Aren't you curious about what's on the other side of time?

>> No.11060068
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>> No.11060070

Because there was an infinitesimal chance that I would come into existence as a human and be granted the ability to experience life and the Universe. I don't want that to be taken away from me.

>> No.11060075

Not afraid of death. Just the pain that I know I must endure before I get to it.

>> No.11060078
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The void before I was born was not eternal. It was finite and not scary. But the void I'm to become will be eternal.

>> No.11060104

You poor souls, time doesn't even exist.
You've only experienced the present, you literally have no proof that the past or the futur even exist!
All that exist could be reduced to one frame with your mind at the present moment you wouldn't even be able to tell

>> No.11060111

>you wouldn't even be able to tell
>time doesn't even exist.
What happened to not being able to tell? Pick an argument.

>> No.11060134

I should have formulated that way:
time doesn't even exist the way we think it does
Why should it be linear?
Why does the order matter?
We're like characters inside a movie, unaware of the movie we partake in.
Cut the movie into frames, and reorder them randomly and the actors wouldn't be able to tell the difference that makes from their perspective.
Why does nobody even acknoledge that fact? Why are you all so cowardly straying from the truth? You DISGUST me. And it shouldn't because it makes no difference WHATSOEVER.

>> No.11060155

>Passing away seems painful and only a few likes to suffer
Jump off a building man, you'll be dead before you know you hit the ground.

>> No.11060158

The order is explained by the difference between more orderly arrangements and less orderly arrangements.
There are a lot of different ways for egg to break or a glass to shatter, but there's only one way to take that broken egg or shattered glass and have it go in reverse back into an undamaged whole.
Because there are many possible configurations on the one hand and only one on the other, and because this is true not just with an egg or a glass but on a massive scale with the entire observable universe, we therefore have a direction to reference for events, that direction being the arrow of time.
And you're right in that this arrow of time is not a factor at all in many sorts of physical processes. But to the extent it's a factor in anything, it's definitely a factor for the sorts of stuff that allow biological organisms to either thrive or die out. So we ended up tuned to this arrow by necessity. Any of the earliest life forms not operating with some sense of past to future reactivity to surrounding events would die out, leaving the ones that do to continue to reproduce and propagate by process of elimination.

>> No.11060200

>Why should it be linear?

Doesn’t matter. It is linear.

>> No.11060207

So stuck inside the same old mindset...
Desperately clinging to irrelevant concept like order, entropy, and other chimeres...
The ultimate truth doesn't care about those empirical concepts.
They only serve the purpose of reassuring your poor soul, can't you see it already?
Make the FUCKING jump. What if instead of frames describing our universe, conveniently ordered linearly like good little boys, what if instead of this arbitrary reality EVERY frame of possible universe existed, not ordered in any way, but just merely existing at the same "time"?
What if the most fundamental truth was that EVERYTHING POSSIBLE, EVERY CONCEPT, MAY THEY BE ABSURD, SELF CONTRADICTORY, EXISTED? Something that trancendes our understanding and limited view.
What truth holds an arbitrary linearly flowing, ordered universe in the face of a truth so simple, yet infinitely powerful?

Cowardly convenience. You don't even realize you're the butt of the joke.

>> No.11060217

> Cowardly convenience. You don't even realize you're the butt of the joke.

Sorry I don’t speak schizophrenia.

>> No.11060222

I am Mr. Bones most satisfied prisoner/park attendee!

>> No.11060226

What would realising that bestow if not selfishly putting the joke Cape on someone else?

>> No.11060235
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How can we say that the void we emerged from wasn't infinite?
Can you really ascribe a beginning to it? Even before our universe, there was only the void.
Then how did we emerge? How did something that was infinite end?

>> No.11060449

By you asking me the question and I satisfying the bend in the path we both share.
>U r n sigmoid colon

>> No.11060450

Fuck I hated that manga.

>> No.11060485


This guy is probably "right", desu. Think of how a block of stone contains all possible statues, ever. They're all in there simultaneously.

Existence may as well be felt to be similar, a solid "block" of reality-stuff containing every frame of existence. Naturally, many of these can be lined up into the sort of plausible timelines we tend to experience. Just like how in my statue analogy there exists a perfectly smooth statue animation of OP sucking dick, along with every other animation you could dream of.

>> No.11060496

Death and pre-birth are not nothingness or void. The lack of strong emergence implies cosmic consciousness (panpsychism), so death is unification with that consciousness, but without sense organs or memory capacity. It is indescribable and timeless, but not nothing.

>> No.11060514

Of course I'm right.
The fact that the ultimate truth of the universe can be stated as simply as:
is infinitely more powerful than all those assclown theories developped to explain our existence.
If everything exist, then it's only evident that we exist, in particular.
The strength of this explanation resides in its minimal complexity.
It's elegant. It's respectful of Occam razor.