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File: 2.09 MB, 2080x3152, A New Human Species.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11058436 No.11058436 [Reply] [Original]

Here, i outline how to create a new species of human, one able to survive and thrive on a minimally terraformed mars. We will no longer be able to breed with homo sapiens and the ability to undergo the process to transition species will be VERY controlled using a method i outline in the attached document. this will be a fresh start, we wont be white, or even technically human for that matter, we will be to homo sapiens and to whites, what homo erectus is to modern man. With us we take and continue the achievements of the white man and we learn from the mistakes our race and species has made and we will not remake them. We will only be accepting whites and Hapas for the founding stock of this new species. Imagine anons, a planet populated by a species with no niggers or kikes. Terrans will be the new niggers. long live Homo caelestis

>> No.11058441
File: 127 KB, 600x600, sunglasses.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, my doctoral thesis is sorted now.

>> No.11058443
File: 48 KB, 500x667, download - 2019-10-15T003726.419.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

p.s. the new species will be pale skinned but will have violet purple tones to their skin and lips ect due to violet coloured blood. They will blush, inflame and bleed a brilliant manganese violet.

>> No.11058445


>> No.11058446
File: 32 KB, 738x410, lore-thursday-the-awoken.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we will be similar in appearance to the awoken in destiny

>> No.11058448

How're we going to make sure that the gametes will be "updated" with this new biological information?

>> No.11058462

EVERY cell in the human body will be infected eventually, including gamete producing cells.

>> No.11058463

Also, you do realize, it makes more sense to build space habitats in the gravity well of the planet, and use the planet for resources, rather than wasting all of that time terraforming it and augmenting people.

>> No.11058467

no it doesnt, the time to get mars to just 5% earth pressure and to develop a synthetic bacterium is WAYYYYYYYY less difficult and expensive and time consuming than taking decades to build space habitats and spending hundreds of billions or trillions

>> No.11058475

To get any of this through clinical trials and legalized would also probably take decades, and a great deal of money.
Space habitats are viable for all of humanity, not just "Homo Martius", and much of the cost could be reduce by using minerals and metalloids from Mars.
They take no more engineering than simply being build, no need to alter humanity, no need for geoengineering.

>> No.11058476

Oh, and ethically, most people would be perfectly fine with space habitats, but less so with bioengineering of humans.

>> No.11058477


>> No.11058484

basically if gametes arent infected in the human body that means that you get some interesting reproductive dynamics going on, the first generation of the new species would be able to breed with humans as their gametes would have the correct number of chromosomes, however reproductive outcomes differ by sex pairing, if a non human male breeds with a human female the child will be human, and if a non human female breeds with a human male, the child will become a non human almost immediately due to infection from the mother, because every one of their cells will have been infect by the time Oogenesis starts that second generation of child will ONLY be able to breed with other non humans because their gametes would have the full "updated" chromosomal count

>> No.11058492

Wouldn't all of this still mean that the femoral vascular surgery would need to be performed?

>> No.11058501

who said this would have clinical trials or be legal, also who gives a fuck what people think? i made it pretty clear this is a the establishment of a new species escaping nonwhites. this is NOT for all of humanity, FUCK the rest of (((humanity))). the just of building a MASSIVE base for non engineered humans on mars to act as a base of operations for megastructure construction is absolutely more expensive than bioengineering a parasite and nuking mars poles and using bio engineered algae to convert the atmosphere into oxygen

>> No.11058507

not for the second generation, only for the first generation, adding a few genes isnt going to physically rewire the adult developed body, but if the genes for such the counter current vascularity are present during embryonic development like they would in the second generation, no surgery required

>> No.11058508

>who said this would have clinical trials or be legal, also who gives a fuck what people think?
Ah, you're my type of guy. Where would source the funding required to prototype these techniques, refine them; send missions to Mars, send resources, et cetera, come from?
Much of the industrial complex is well under the thumb of "liberal progressivism".

>> No.11058510

To be sure, wouldn't we have to carry out developmental studies? Otherwise you could end up with some horrible variant congenital disorders.

>> No.11058516

after we have a significant population of engineered humans, we can take the necessary resources by force. no money necessary lmao.
sure there will be some tests, maybe on chimps ect, but we will not be getting this approved by the (((fda))) (((tga))) ect. we will test it on some fetuses, if it works cool, we will go ahead.

>> No.11058520

>after we have a significant population of engineered humans, we can take the necessary resources by force. no money necessary lmao.
An interplanetary smash and grab, very Martian.

>if it works cool, we will go ahead.
In terms of infrastructure, I'm guessing we're going to start off as fissile and then move into fusion? Water recycling will be a necessity. I mean, there's a lot in terms of infrastructure to address.

>> No.11058536

its not named after the god of war for nothing,
also yeah fissile, and solar while setting up and expanding. yes water recycling, not sure water, well liquid water will be able to flow on mars again so im not sure water will be an issue, desalination will be required, we could have kangaroo rat like kidneys to drastically reduce water loss, but we would be peeing SUPER concentrated urine, practically maple syrup

>> No.11058558
File: 638 KB, 1491x1055, Magnetic_shield_on_L1_orbit_around_Mars.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>but we would be peeing SUPER concentrated urine
That could be processed to reclaim minerals.
How far are we planning to go with the terraforming, for instance, a project like a magnetic shield on L1 orbit?

>> No.11058576

I mean it could but its easier to just use as fertilizer for crops. And yes a artificial magnetosphere would be a priority to help increase the atmosphere to the Armstrong limit of these individuals. Dissolved sugars like glycerol, and a slightly lowered body temp could reduce the armstrong point an extra kpa lower than the 6 it currently is. Meaning a average pressure of 2.5 is all that would be required to make 5 kpa at the bottom of hellas planitia, or about 4 times greater than it currently is, just the poles would double the pressure and the remaining pressure could be reached rather simply also.

>> No.11058578
File: 1.31 MB, 718x944, 1561449342348.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we would be peeing SUPER concentrated urine, practically maple syrup.
Sign me up.
The doujins practically write themselves.

>> No.11058580

We also gonna be purple lmao. Hahha doujins for days

>> No.11058582

Just for you, i will make sure females martians produce the richest smelling of braaaps

>> No.11058588

Alright, where do I sign up?

>> No.11058599
File: 1.13 MB, 2250x1600, 1570967233985.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my fucking sides!

>> No.11058606

I will engineer the female gut ecology to house more sulfogenic bacteria

>> No.11058610

Here i guess lmao, keep an eye out for future posts

>> No.11058614

At some point we're going to have to be more organized.