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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11056021 No.11056021[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>tfw the dean of our engineering school basically said scientists and mathematicians are just cucks for engineers, who actually use their knowledge and apply it to do something useful

>> No.11056023

enjoy your money and things, I'll enjoy my total job satisfaction.

>> No.11056025

>implying engineers don't have comfy asf jobs.

>> No.11056029

You're satisfied working at McDonald's?

>> No.11056032

I suppose he got his office thanks for his groundbreakig contributions to science and engineering and not as the consequence of being a convenient paper-pushing nonthreatening administrator.

>> No.11056052

I'm an engineer and enjoy my job, anon.

>> No.11056060


>> No.11056068

>no job satisfaction

>> No.11056094

Why are scientists and mathematicians so inscure about engineers? I mean we actually make things in the real world, but why?

>> No.11056097

>tfw president of our university in his annual address always says how we don't want nerds at a technical school
I wish I could go back, but I heard it's getting mismanaged into the ground and I don't want to see the end of it.

>> No.11056109

you're right, we often make threads about our deans shitting on engineers. o wait.
why are engineers satisfied with a boring ass job where you are fed monotonous problems to feed some corporate hack 7 figures a year? I went to uni to learn, not to get the tools to be a good consumer for the rest of my life. I think it's hilarious you all are satisfied with not being in an environment where you will constantly be learning new shit and techniques to analyze the world.
but enjoy making kewl stuff, research prototypes are cooler anyways

>> No.11056166

Sounds like engineer envy.

>> No.11056172

>enjoy my wife and things, I'll enjoy my satisfaction.
The absolute state of job sanctification cucks,

>> No.11056186

This. Materialist NPCs btfo.

>> No.11056224

Why are engineers more materialist than scientists and mathematicians?

>> No.11056275

well you generally own more physical materials than us. and tend to care about money more, and status/prestige. i guess that's it.
of course im just generalizing, may not apply to you.

>> No.11056291

What's wrong with money and status, and why does it necesarily invalidate other things?

>> No.11056394

I guess it's not that there is anything inherently wrong with those things, just that they are... more arbitrary I suppose? from my perspective of course.
Money has no end. A friend of mine in finance who made bank explained this to me, that there was no end goal, no end number he wanted to hit to be happy. He could never be happy chasing numbers, numbers dont end. He quit and got an MBA and is way happier now.
Status, especially in capitalistic societies, is often based on what you can tangibly provide to the economy. Even scientists with high status or prestige are basically due to the commercialization of what they do.
Now I don't care about any of that stuff. I just like learning shit and discovering stuff using cutting edge technology to gather data about the real world. Unfortunately, this is the real world, where I need money, so I have to play into the game just a little bit, but not too much (like I never have to wear fancy clothes is a good example, but I still have to appeal to high status people for money).
it doesnt invalidate other things, just for me and people with my mentality, it *isnt* a thing. it is just an obstacle getting in the way of me and what I want to do.
Hope that helps a bit.

>> No.11056414

>basically said
wow what a madman did he give them the finger too?

>> No.11056456

This is might be the most articulate response as to why we have a dislike of engineers.

>> No.11056466

incel COPE

>> No.11056471

Everyone knows engineers are more likely to be homosexuals.

>> No.11056491

>not wanting to become an 8-figure net worth chad engineer and use your political/economic influence to fund the scientists
You're missing the bigger picture, INTPcel.

>> No.11056492

Incel virgin COPE

>> No.11056503

is solving trivial problems and maybe optimizing already accessible solutions actually fun for you?

>> No.11056508

Okay, faggot, lemme know when you stop rogering your apprentices, thanks.

>> No.11056532

Dude, stop projecting your degenerate fantasies onto me. I showed my gf your messages and she said it's very creepy.

>> No.11056564
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>he didn't understand what >>11056023 meant
classic engie, yeah little goy keep it up.
>Oh what's that boss? a promotion? I'm no longer a technician? an engineer you say? gee, thanks boss.
>hello I am prajeet from muttalutolia in India, yes I study the mastery of numerical approximations using a computer. What? excel? yes I am very well verse in excel. 5 dollars an hour? that is 100 times what I am paid in India, yes I will take your job offer.
>another industry cuck thread.

>> No.11056570

>my gf
Your anime pillow doesn't count.

>> No.11056572
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>engineers wouldn't even understand an inkling of REAL math yet find it appropriate to act superior
I cannot stop you from your own degeneracy, keep acting this way it does not matter.

>> No.11056585

My gf is real. Incel. We eng chads get TONS of pussy, including the math and physics pussy. Even the math and physics girls know that engineers are the alpha males of STEM.

>> No.11056592

Building shit is fun. Scientists probably have it better than engineers on average, but not all of engineering is soul-sucking code-chimpanzeeing (not that SWEs seem to mind since they're overpaid af).

>> No.11056599

Boipussy doesn't count, and traps are still gay. Just because Julian dresses up for you, doesn't mean he's now your "gf".

>> No.11056606
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That's because your IQ is low and you don't need to solve real problems or be creative to be satisfied. Enjoy being a shekel grubbing cog in an industrial machine that rapes the working class.

>> No.11056611

Sounds like mathcel COPE

>> No.11056613

topkek, just dropping by to say you're doing god's work anon.

>> No.11056614

Anon, why are you inventing myths to cope? To cope with your inferiority complex? It's okay bro. Us Eng chads are willing to be to friends with science and maths bros.

>> No.11056620

If the problems were trivial then why do I get paid so much? Couldnt anyone just learn how to solve these trivial problems?

>> No.11056628

>Couldnt anyone just learn how to solve these trivial problems?
yep, you nailed it.

>> No.11056631

>tfw the dean of our engineering school basically said scientists and mathematicians are just cucks for engineers, who actually use their knowledge and apply it to do something useful
but could they come up with the math and physics if they had to?
i think everyone gets off on similar thoughts on their field but whatever keeps em going i guess..

>> No.11056641

I'll let Mister Pence know about you.

>> No.11056648
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>> No.11056661

>you don't need to solve real problems or be creative to be satisfied
If work is the only thing that keeps you going, it ain't a life worth living anyway. Much of academia and labs are also just slave factories.

>> No.11056666

Ouch. Anon, you're grasping for straws.

>> No.11056671

So why do engineers get paid so much? Why isn't everyone just learning how to do it

>> No.11056679

Phy/Phil/Math all around 130+, engineering, down around 125. Lmao. You beta-brain faggots.

>> No.11056682

Because they fill the niché of just smart enough, but too dumb for actual science. So most of the population can't apply. And those who are smart enough, but also smart enough for science, realise they want their lives to be meaningful.

>> No.11056685

IQ isn't a real science buddy

>> No.11056688

5 point difference is literally nothing. Not to mention the more abstract thinking required in math/phil more or less trains you for IQ tests. Don't have an explanation for astrofags, but they're pretty based I agree.

>> No.11056693
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>Dean of Engineering thinks Engineers use any knowledge beyond Excel

>> No.11056698
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>> No.11056703

SD is normally between 11-15, that's fairly significant.

>> No.11056704

>1/3 SD difference is nothing

>> No.11056718

imagine having to use IQ to try and take the high ground after getting absolute BTFO. Damn are scientists and mathematicians on this board that pathetic?

>> No.11056721

typically e = 3 = pi engineer

>> No.11056727
File: 2.72 MB, 1280x720, Scientists At Work In Laboratory.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>job satisfaction
Actual former scientist here. You must have an extremely low IQ, son. As it turns out, being a scientist is an extremely boring as fuck job with lots of carpel tunnel and paperwork.

>> No.11056741

>implying statistical rarity ≈ difference in intelligence
It's a gap that can be easily closed if the average engineer took a course in real analysis or probably even just formal logic.

>> No.11056743

>lots of carpel tunnel
fml that hit home really true anon.
still, i love the job, minimal paperwork (lab tech to do that shit), and overall flexibility of schedule. Current scientist here, if you were bored, you were not a scientist. You were a disposable lab monkey

>> No.11056745

You mean they are capatilistic enough to understand that their effort is best spent building things productive for society

>> No.11056787
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I'm sure boredom might have been alleviated had we the grants for something cool to work on(pic related). However, designing and building my own house with my own hands was supremely more satisfying than anything I ever did working for money.