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11055749 No.11055749 [Reply] [Original]

Literally what is wrong with me. 12 months ago I started a program to grow more intellectualy. I started playing chess regularly, read dozens more research papers, started showing interest in smart topics like mathemathics and geared my entertainment input towards that on youtube. I kept meticulous notebooks detailing my day, started drinking coffee, I cut sugar and also became more spirtual/social/genuine. What was it all for? nothing! I just realized I can't even solve a simple problem which I flunked last year- and I'm the same person who studies calculus intensively during the summer while my pals where cruising in the pacific. Got any insight, my brain is fried and I feel like giving up - seriously. I can write a more coherent story, but I just chose the quick and dirty path - please see past that.

>> No.11055757

Stop with the coffee.
Also this problem is fucking easy.
t. engineer

>> No.11055767

>Also this problem is fucking easy

Precisely the reason I feel totally fucked rn , anon.

> Stop with coffee

I'm scared Ill drop in IQ if I do that, what are alternatives to keep focus - tea?

>> No.11055777

How though?
Also not OP, just need to see how you do this. Took POE last year, but forgot how to do statics.

>> No.11055778

>what are alternatives to keep focus
Just do nothing.

>> No.11055785

Well BC is horizontal so that's the only forces it can take which means AC takes all the vertical component forces so you calculate how much that is and add up the forces at C so they get to zero.

>> No.11055854

I'm a fucking brainlet. where can i learn this easily?

>> No.11055855

How often do you masturbate?
I think that may be related to your issue

>> No.11055860

A classroom at your local college?
Or a book at your local library or amazon.
Or khan academy I don't fucking know.

>> No.11055868

basic dynamics course on khan academy

>> No.11055904

I masturbate once a week, but I am trying nofap despite my relapses ( I relapsed today).

>> No.11055907

Here's an option, Quit 4chan and spend every hour that you would on here reading some textbooks.

>> No.11055929


>> No.11055933
File: 524 KB, 600x568, 1503114909149.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you read a textbook that details solving problems like the one you posted, or are you just watching edutainment on youtube?

Also, chess is not inherently intellectual. It has the aura of it, and there's a certain prestige (at least among the common folk) of being good at it.

How is drinking coffee supposed to make you smart? I drink coffee because I like it, and it's a good pick-me-up.

Why are you reading random research papers? Even people who study a subject don't tend to sit around reading research papers until late in their education. You'd get much, much more out of reading textbooks. In fact, I very much doubt you even comprehend most of what you read in these papers.

>> No.11055973


>> No.11056110

OP here, thanx for the advice. I'll try and do that..by 4chan...hey awesome future!

>> No.11056138

I study civil engineering and get a lot of stuff in class which tends to nullify reading textbooks at all. But on our second, third and fourth point, these seem legit take-aways and pretty based in fact.

>> No.11056151

This. Coffee is a shitty meme.

>> No.11056176 [DELETED] 
File: 611 KB, 599x446, 1570924315668.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honest opininion: you are *nearly* as smart you think you are, if literal high school physics throws you for a loop.
Tip: stop with the chess and the IQ tests and reading random research and just fucking focus.

>> No.11056185

This. Drop the coffee and pick up a nicotine habbit instead

>> No.11056197

Coffee isn't going to make you smart. At best it can just accelerate your thought process but that wouldn't even be helpful if you don't have the problem solving skills.

Reading textbooks like others have mentioned can and probably would help quite a bit. Seeing how a problem is solved and experimenting with the hows and whys of the process and solution is a good way to understand the sort of thinking used(at least for me).

Also reading a ton of research papers, meticulous notebooks, and constant study are absolutely pointless if you tire yourself out mentally. There is no point in building up a repository of information if you don't have the energy, creativity(which requires energy), or critical thinking/analysis skills to properly use it all.

>> No.11056283

Not smoking though. Get nicotine from peppers.

>> No.11056437

Not OP but I got BC~99kN and AC~-71kN, does this seem right? It seems way off

>> No.11056454

>thinking you can gain intelligence
you can gain knowledge but your intelligence is static

>> No.11056497
File: 63 KB, 1120x520, chad_file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek, I thought I'll drop the answer from the worked out assignment sheet. So here you go chad, your answer seems right.

>> No.11056574

This needs a big disclaimer saying that AC and BC are both rigid arms and can't move.

>> No.11056583

Maybe do more active activities to clear ur head or something or just try and find out a more efficient study method?

>> No.11056588

Thanks playa

>> No.11056596

It's a statics problem the disclaimer is implied.

>> No.11056623

In the last two weeks I have had to relapses, one today
we're out here anon

>> No.11056654
File: 24 KB, 400x400, 156346546654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nibba be like I'm watching 3Blue1Brown to get smart while the boys out there surfing in cali. Nibba be like how come playing chess and reading papers and watching YouTube videos doesn't help me solve this high school problem

>> No.11056657
File: 11 KB, 600x315, 1570428519031.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok Mr smarty pants what's your secret sauce

>> No.11056684

Doing "smart people things" to grow intellectually is a meme. Why don't you take the time you waste on mental masturbation and just sit down and work through dozens of exercises. Eventually the way to solve them will become imprinted into you.

>> No.11056702

Also, why isn't the weight of AC and BC noted? Does the force of gravity not exist in this universe?

>> No.11056821

Thanks for the tip, anon - much appreciated.


>> No.11056842

It's a vector problem, hence the weight of the rods aren't necessary for working out the solution. However, the rods are used to figure out the direction of the reaction forces. Either this, or we're talking about some situation in space. Hope this helps.

>> No.11056881

it's WRONG dumbass, u never use statics, u use finite/boundary or roark's

>> No.11056884


>> No.11056889

kek whatchu no bout modes of vibration

>> No.11056895
File: 105 KB, 1024x600, Screenshot_2019-10-13-19-49-18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally saving

>> No.11056897

Yeah sounds like you burned out. Ancient secret- schedule some free time for yourself in there too. That fuckin cruise in the Pacific sounds great for a few days/week. Then back to the books.

>> No.11056898
File: 75 KB, 1024x600, Screenshot_2019-10-13-19-49-35.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u study civil bitch?

>> No.11056902
File: 93 KB, 1024x600, Screenshot_2019-10-13-19-49-40.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i just broke ops bakwards captain'zzizl fo drissueouial

>> No.11056911 [DELETED] 

It's a linear algebra problem in disguise. You just want to find the vector components along the unit direction of the poles and set the resulting linear combination equal to the vector:
[eqn] F = - \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}} ( 80 \cdot \hat{e}_1 + 80 \cot \hat{e}_2 [/eqn]

>> No.11056914

what about fem or posttensioned masonry walls retire

>> No.11056920

It's a linear algebra problem in disguise. You just want to find the vector components along the unit direction of the poles and set the resulting linear combination equal to the vector:
[eqn]F = - \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}} ( 80 \cdot \hat{e}_1 + 80 \cdot \hat{e}_2) [/eqn]

>> No.11056948

OP, you don't have to do smart people stuff (like activities) to be smart. And there's no shame in not being the stereotypical smart person. All you need to do is do what smart people do regarding your field of study only. Such as doing the problems, reading the subject, spending time making sure you understand everything, etc. Playing chess and reading shit you dont like isn't gonna boost your IQ or anything, it will just burn you out. Also, try making sure you understand the subject, do all the practice asked by the teacher (be efficient, don't do a page full of extremely easy problems just for the satisfaction; if you have ease, move to the harder ones) etc. If you have problems getting stuff done, if you stress out too much, etc or you have an unbelievably hard time doing stuff you feel should be easy, consider seeing a psychiatrist. I don't know enough about you to give any personalized advice, but having been in shitty situations academically, I can only suggest you try worrying a bit less and try looking forward some more, as cliche as it may sound. I almost dropped out and quit quite a few times, yet I'm doing pretty good right now

t. mentally ill person with grades all over the place who has been suspended, kicked out and held back in his highschool years, who now gets pretty good grades (As and Bs exclusively, mostly As) in college.

>> No.11056985

>sounds like you burned out

I "was" burned out, feel much better now thanks to you guys.


Thanks for that jam-packed advice, anon. I'll try doing more hard/efficient exercises as well - for the heck of it.

>> No.11057133

ur truly retarded like sam altman

>> No.11057285

this seems obvious to me
i wonder if its the 8 total hours of physics assignments i did in highschool or im just above some threshold. feel bad for OP if its the latter.

>> No.11057429

that's a really cute way of doing this, I never would have thought to do it like that

>> No.11057494

>he doesn't ankify random, likely inconsequential findings in the literature to save for later

>> No.11057500

hard work is the secret sauce. Everyone seems to be running low these days.

>> No.11057566
File: 35 KB, 750x821, sdsdao25su5111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>also a balloon flowing diagonally sideways
That's why smart people laugh at the average engineer.

>> No.11057641 [DELETED] 

because you're trying to do what you aren't supposed to do with your life, you can still force yourself into it but I don't think you can withstand the emotional stress for too long before going nuts. you can try drugs to enhance your performance.

>> No.11057648

>what are alternatives to keep focus
Keep the sugars low, no processed foods, no drugs, have a regular sleep schedule, eat well at regular hours and drink abundantly throughout the day. Exercise if you can.

>> No.11059055

Chill tf out is what you need to do. Bang the gf. Get hammered. Lift until you fail. Nobody’s perfect and we’re not meant to be

>> No.11059056

Lol i just assumed the balloon was in the process of going vertical and we were supposed to find the “instantaneous” forces or whatever

>> No.11059075

>80 kN

>> No.11059108

You've introduced a ton of distractions that drain your energy
You need to choose one single goal and structure yourself completely around that
Focus means complete removal of distractions, if you want to be good at solving mechanics problems then do only stuff directly related to that. Don't research random shit and play chess etc, because these things don't bring you to the goal. Cut away everything not essential to what you actually want

>> No.11059181

thats just dot product, right?

>> No.11059185

>chess is not inherently intellectual
explain? not arguing, just wanted to know what people think. one can argue that you can just move pieces and play at a 1000 level and never grow and still think of yourself as a "chess player".

>> No.11059661

Are you self taught? This should be high school stuff and it follows a basic methodology. Analyze the forces in the y and x directions and then just apply Newtons formula on those directions. You can’t be studying hard if you don’t know this

>> No.11059696

ngl this sounds like a 14yo kid trying hard to flex their way into MIT

Realistic advice: Get the fundamentals right before you start trying to go above and beyond.

Why watch 3B1B videos on Fourier transforms when you can't even apply trigonometry properly?

Why read published research papers when you can't even balance static loads?

Know the first principles before you go out doing whatever it is you really want to do.

>> No.11059705

it sounds like you were clamped, vaccinated, and circumcised. thats the all-american tradition imposed by the elites to make sure the populace is too dumb to start a revolutoin

>> No.11059728

>meticulous notebooks
>read dozens more research papers

You're not studying at all, you're trying to learn by osmosis like a brainlet pajeet. Drop all these "smart person behaviors" and start actually solving problems.

>read through a textbook chapter
>take /very/ minimal notes - some equations or comments only
>solve as many end-chapter problems as you can with whatever time you have
>feel free to skip some early questions to focus on the more difficult ones
>attempt every question marked as "challenge" or similar
>add anything you want to remember to your notes and keep it minimal

>> No.11059783

cope harder, don't be such a faggot

>started drinking coffee
why would you do drugs? that's fucking stupid. coffee is the best antioxidant by far, but don't drink it everyday

>> No.11060109

>he thinks everyone will make it