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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11055190 No.11055190[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

what the fuck

>> No.11055201

not science or math

>> No.11055214

holding a physics degree.

>> No.11055229

Anon half the population have below average IQ.

>> No.11055409
File: 119 KB, 583x482, 1548672444364.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>another IQ thread

>> No.11056464

stop being obsessed with metrics like height, penis size and iq you fucking spergs. way to be a reductionist brainlet

>> No.11056479

>how to spot someone who tested low

>> No.11056480

All would be forgiven if you look like pic related.

>> No.11056496
File: 28 KB, 558x898, aspergers_processing_speed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bet you're an aspie with really shitty processing speed, but decent everything else.
>Picture related

>> No.11056511

Genuine question I have, does this board actually believe IQ tests are not significant at all? And if so, is there any particular reason why? I'm not saying that I believe it matters in every day life, but I kind of have a hard time believing that having a below average IQ is irrelevant when it comes to succeeding in a more logics based field. I can understand that having an IQ of say 125 should be good enough for a vast number of academic pursuits, but anecdotal experiences I have would suggest that they (IQ of ~125) are extremely disadvantaged in maths/physics compared to someone with an IQ of say 140.

So, is it actually believed that IQ isn't that important, or are people just trying to encourage each other and deny their own shortcomings?

Note: I'm no genius in any way, I'm above average but I would say that I'm too stupid for physics. I see my own shortcomings, and I also see those of the less intelligent people I know. I'm essentially in the middle and I don't really have any biases that I know of. I'm just genuinely curious since like I stated, I'm pretty much dead in the center, and intelligence definitely seem important.

>> No.11056518

For some reason, /sci/ has a lot of nurture faggots, who pretend to try and ignore the statistical significance of psychometry, as well as its relationship to genetics.

>> No.11056529

This is actually fairly normal for /sci/ retards

>> No.11056832

i want a clumsy high iq gf and i want her now goddammit

>> No.11056848

Anyone who worries themselves with IQ is retarded

>> No.11056856

Me too, anon, me too.

>> No.11056869

Scored consistently 120 in gr 10, all the way to uni and after. The pain is unreal

>> No.11056872
File: 87 KB, 540x546, 1514640556162.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao, imagine only being superior, instead of gifted.

>> No.11056912

During the Nuremberg trials they had the nazis go through iq tests. One of them, Rudolph hess, scored 120 on his iq test and if you read his Wikipedia page it says that he demontrated aptitudes for science and mathematics. So there's hope. Here's the wikipedia page with their results btw: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nuremberg_trials

>> No.11056934

Oh my gosh. The last sentence it felt like me. Im a perfectionist.

>> No.11056938

>retard obsessed with IQ consistently tests low
Everything checks out OP. Have you ever considered you're not as smart as you think.

>> No.11056955

>Genuine question I have, does this board actually believe IQ tests are not significant at all
It's split between those that think that IQ is (more or less) everything and those that think that IQ has absolutely no meaning. I personally belong to the first group.
>but I kind of have a hard time believing that having a below average IQ is irrelevant when it comes to succeeding in a more logics based field
That's because every sort of metrics clearly shows that IQ is not irrelevant.
>they (IQ of ~125) are extremely disadvantaged in maths/physics compared to someone with an IQ of say 140
They're disadvantaged (at least statistically, individual cases might differ) but the difference overall between a pair whose IQs are 125 resp. 140 is smaller than between a pair whose IQs measures 85 resp. 100. This ultimately is due to the mathematical (statistical) nature of IQ where rations primarily determine relations between individuals and 125/140 > 85/100.
>So, is it actually believed that IQ isn't that important, or are people just trying to encourage each other and deny their own shortcomings
It's not only about IQ. It's about the realization that any psychological manifestation, any behavioral trait a person has is ultimately due or at least strongly motivated by genetic components. It's the realization that people are not actually in charge of their own lives. That their actions, their reactions, their thoughts, their emotions are to a large degree predetermined.

>> No.11057199

Where did you take your IQ tests?