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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11049457 No.11049457 [Reply] [Original]

Can science explain why the ratio of females to males is approximately 1:1, despite the fact that only 1/3 of males end up reproducing?

>> No.11049474

Citation needed, but the common line of argument is
and I'm sure there's a million extensions of it since the 30's

>> No.11049488

Male ratio is much bigger than female ratio. It's not 1:1 more like 4:1. Depends if country is after or before war.

>> No.11049492

U R delusional

>> No.11049495

>western countries accept millions of immigrants yearly
>90% of them are males

Am i?

>> No.11049515

>despite the fact that only 1/3 of males end up reproducing?

Is this actually true

>> No.11049517

Because there's a ~50/50 chance of each baby being a male or female you dense motherfucker.

>Made retarded hypothesis that suits worldview
>Automatically assume its correct
Great job spastic, confirming your bias like a true champ


>> No.11049518

The historical average for males is 1 in 3 and for female it's 2 in 3.

>> No.11049532


>> No.11049537

> It's not 1:1 more like 4:1.

how can people post such obvious boldfaced bullshit on /sci/. unless you we're born and raised in a prison I don't even understand what would lead you to this conclusion

>> No.11049540

Is it true in the modern era?

>> No.11049543

No, but it will be again, shortly.

>> No.11049546

It's not one third. It's one fifth that end up reproducing.

>> No.11049554


>> No.11049560
File: 11 KB, 489x627, OK cupid male and female ratings.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

80/20 rule.
Pareto principle

>> No.11049707

Because women can have multiple children. That is, if the fact that only a third of males produce children is correct at all.

>> No.11049716

the same reason why you don't shoot a single sperm

>> No.11049724

are you fuggin dura? biology my dude. learn it

>> No.11049731
File: 13 KB, 396x324, male-messaging-curve.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you ignoring step two?

>> No.11049734
File: 13 KB, 381x313, female-messaging-curve.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11049740

how is that possible?

>> No.11049768

>men like to message hot women

>women have to settle for average men sometimes

Wow doesn't disprove the 80/20 rule.

>> No.11049995

Whats actually crazy is that the ratio skews towards males in a pretty significant way after a large conflict kills a disproportionate number of men and then just returns to normal.

>> No.11050024

Fuck off polfaggot. Why dont you go and save more of those schizophrenic pngs that substantiate your entire world view.

>> No.11050026

Men are more likely to die

>> No.11050032

Continuing this thought, men are the disposable gender. Women are required to be alive for children to be born whereas a male doesnt need to stay alive for his female counterpart to give birth.

>> No.11050040

>how can people post such obvious boldfaced bullshit
erry day in /pol/
now they do it here too

>> No.11050080

So what if his hypothesis suits his worldview, probably everything you think suits your worldview.

>> No.11050083

>Because there's a ~50/50 chance of each baby being a male or female you dense motherfucker.

This, obviously. OP is probably a nigger.

>> No.11050595


>> No.11050604

>men can have it good after a huge number of men die first :)

>> No.11050869

cause girls are picky

>> No.11051077

>I've never had sex with a female human therefore everything is wrong!!!!!!

>> No.11051108

except ur mum

>> No.11051270

Yes I can.

From the book the 'selfish gene' (a absolute must read btw):..

Say there was an even more imbalanced situation that human incels.

Take elephant seals. In an elephant seal colony only a few % of the males actually reproduce. The rest are basically celibate or die in fights with the chads that reproduce.

You might ask in that situation why don't elephant seals stop having so many males? Seems like a waste right?

Let's consider what happens if they do: If elephant seals could 'decide' or 'evolve' to produce 99% females and 1% males... Then we could think about a population in which there are 99% females and 1% males. Now as a INDIVIDUAL elephant seal.. it pays you a SHITLOAD to have a male, because if you have a male child your genes spread like WILDFIRE... whereas if you have a female child you can only have the normal amount of offspring.

So.. there is a massive evolutionary pressure to create MALES... this will revert the balance back to 50%. Infact in most species it's self balancing exactly at 50% because of how reproduction works. 50% genes from mom 50% genes from data.

Any movement away from the 50% would genetically PAY the smaller ratio to increase itself.. until it self balances.

Yep. Nature doesn't give 2 shits about incels, no matter how many schools you shoot up. The media might care but, ESS ratios and math don't care ;P

>> No.11051276

are women even human, is it bestiality to have sex with them?

>> No.11051294

Because women don't only birth girls. How is this a question?

>> No.11051310

To follow up on this...

What it means for humans over a longer term:

The 50% sex ratio is fixed genetically, over the hundreds of MILLIONS of years it takes for vertebrate sex ratio genes to fix themselves... It's been determined that if there was a random mutation in which a single organism had a 49% chance of males and a 51% of females.. that organism's genes would actually do WORSE off than a 50/50 ratio.

>> No.11051601

>reading Richard Dawkins
No I will not read some atheists book on evolution. What does he know about evolution?

>> No.11053440

Why not have a 2:1 women to men ratio?
Why 1:1?

>> No.11053446

men die too frequently from disease and warfare, women dont harvest enough nutritious protein laden foods to keep the tribe alive by themselves and the hormonal and behavioral profile of an aggressive animal like a human male is not compatible with the behaviors required to raise human children. we would have had to shift the entirety of our evolutionary trajectory towards something like elephant clans or lion prides to get away with skewed female:male ratios and we have neither the body size nor the killing prowess to do this (though there was no choice in the matter). the acceleration of weapons development due to intertribal conflict and the benefits of dividing labor between the sexes allowed our technology to advance to the point that crop domestication war more efficient than hunting and gathering increasing our relative fitness in an environment that still favored megafauna over us.

>> No.11053448

Because the evidence to the contrary of that guy's hypothesis is just a Google away

>> No.11053453
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What's the evolutionary advantage of males who contribute to society yet don't reproduce?

>> No.11053456

>go outside
>see more males than females
>go to next city

>> No.11053471

This. The whole self balancing ratio thing is misnomer, because the sex outcome is a random choice since multiceller orgasms became sex differataned, it happens before the expression of evolutionary pressures.

>> No.11053961


Helping to raise Tyrone's kid after he runs off would help that kid survive so that Tyrone can go knock up another chick and rinse and repeat

>> No.11053972

Where do you live where there are four times as many men as there are women?

And what's your explanation for this phenomenon?

>> No.11053980

3/4 of women are muslim and cant leave their homes

>> No.11053989

But how does this behavior (in the cucks) end up being rewarded with passing on genes?

>> No.11053995
File: 367 KB, 1484x1150, FE9CC016-FA3F-45AC-ACEF-F2FE27C7361B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ACKSHUALLY it’s the 82/72 rule

>> No.11054481

For now. Project it'll go all the way to 20%

>> No.11054712

Except it's still the 80/20 rule. The only difference is that the other 52% of men are cucked enough to be OK with sleeping with used goods.