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11045965 No.11045965 [Reply] [Original]

Are human beings a tournament species when it comes to mating? Modern dating seems to imply this is the case.

>> No.11045976 [DELETED] 

>it's another incels post unsourced charts validating their inferiority complexes thread
Download Tindr and unironically have sex

>> No.11046003

>modern dating
what makes you think it was any different before, other than "some nerds on the internet told me so"?

>> No.11047119

serves em right.

before sexual revolution girls were forced to have sex with ugly and worhtless dudes

want sex after women slavery is abolisheD? become desirable yourslef.

hhaha you ugly undesirable fucktard are you really comfortable with admiting that girls would only fuck you if forced?

>> No.11047125
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>incel general #209
imagine being unable to have sex in this day and age

>> No.11047153

here you can see the people on sci that need to reaffirm with themselves they think they can get laid by creating an artificial boogeyman weaker than them

until most the highest echelon partners match with each other it's an uneven field. like everyone else, you want to get the best partner you could possibly get, so while you have the chance why not choose to overreach?

>> No.11047160
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>> No.11047166

>its another "guy thinks that letting women have rights benefits society episode"
Kek. Imagine white-knighting this hard on 4chan

>> No.11047181

Its really simple. In non rape culture girls chooses me.
And the lonely incel just fantasises about raping. Stay virgin

>> No.11047185

It's a biological phenomenon called sexual selection. Females in many animal species will only breed with males who possess the most outstanding traits.

>> No.11047193

>Females in many animal species will only breed with males who possess the most outstanding traits

Is this why white women go for black men? Because they are dark?

>> No.11047194


>> No.11047196

The vast majority of men have and will find mates though.

>> No.11047197
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>actually wanting to have sex with women

When did 4chan go from "eww 3dpg" to "reee inceldom is so unfair!! why can't we just rape people" I think it was around the time Trump was being elected and we got invaded/flooded by trumpfags and russian bots. You'd think these people would have figured out what kind of place 4chan is by now, but no, instead they're trying to change 4chan into some white supremacist inceldom hug box fantasy.
These people just don't that get 2d is much better.

>> No.11047199
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Because blacks are better lovers

>> No.11047202

How do you know that.

>> No.11047213
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its always been this way.

the problem today is not handsome guys its just that they have shit standards nowadays. there is no reason a good looking dude should be dating the ugly women. people are thirsty.
this is a coomer world.

>> No.11047215

take a wild guess

>> No.11047217
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This anon gets it.

>> No.11047225

I live in Atlanta and white women I've seen with black men are trashy, fat, and/or have severe personality issues. They know Chad is unlikely to fuck them, so they resort to seeking Tyrone instead

>> No.11047235

lmao this pill is so black NASA is spending millions faking an image of it

>> No.11047252

>men are easier to get than women
damn imagine my shock

>> No.11047302


>> No.11047325

lol at incels complaining about the basic functioning of life.

A man can impregante as many women as he likes.

A women can only be impregnated by a dozen guys tops and if you factor in lack of modern medicine most girls die in childbirth at second or third son so its logical that nature programed males to be :rape anything you can find, put your cum in every hole, youllg et more cum in 30 minutes, its statistically very likely that at least one every thousand hole youo come in will be a fertile pussy (there are other factors that favor this but the programing is mostly that)

and girls are obviously programed to a) only really desire to be impregnated when they feel VERY aroused, meaning they find something they like VERY much, or when they are raped. Both favour competition and constant bettering of the race

>> No.11047334

>put a dot between the 3 and the 0
>use other three dots to draw a tiny dick and balls

>> No.11047347

Hypergamy (left) is probably the dominant trend in our species. Organized paired monogamy is what was predominant in western traditional culture (and other civilizations as well).

>> No.11047350

So diverse! go sweden!
Because the porn industry pays them

>> No.11047352


>> No.11047358

>Organized paired monogamy is what was predominant in western traditional culture (and other civilizations as well).
this to the maxy max

how hard is it to understand? "natural"behiavour is to rape eat shit on the flooor and do whatever you want as soon as you want it see: africa.
western civilization is succesful because it supresses our instincts in order to achieve a better functioning as society.

Hold in your need to shit until youre in the bathroom.
Hold in your need for sexual pleasure until youre with a willing partner outside of a work situation.
Hold in your need to murder FOREVER

This is how a car factory works. Discipline.

On the other side: nigger thinking, rape shit do whatever the fuck you want the instant you want it. Thats how africa works.

Compare a nigger shitting in the street in africa versus a nasa office, thats how superior whit eman culture is

>> No.11047359
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Have you won genetical lottery and was born as woman? No? Good. Suffer for 80 years then perish.

>> No.11047377

t. Totally ignorant of African geopolitics and life

>> No.11047381

>muh 4chan secret club
Imagine getting your worldview from fucking /pol/

>> No.11047383

i think that with eman everything is less shitty. that eman made a lot of cool shit and if it wasnt eman who colonized africa then one of the other assholes would have been and they are much more brutal.

based Eman

>> No.11047827

>In non rape culture
AHAHAHAHAHA what kind of basedboy FAGGOT wrote this?
>e-everything I dont like is /pol/ >:((
>it's not a secret club anymore, lots of us redditors are here now

>> No.11048143

its simple loser boy. In rape culture ugly undesirable men could get women by raping (physically or metaphorically) now that we yaaass quen (yu go girlll) are in power you have to bend over and do what we want?

want us female beauties??? you have to be desirable to us.

For example for me it has to be six packs. Only via rape could an ugly faggot have sex with me.

a nd when we get mandatory reparatiosn not even money rape will get ugly men laid

>> No.11048157

Yep. If you have any flaws as a man, it's over

>> No.11048161

you have to see whats left after we choose

but you dont just want a gf, particularly between ages 18-25. You want to have sex, with many girls.

So many girls are single waiting to see if they get fucked by me even one time. After she gets her vagoo filled by a couple of chads multiple times then shes "ready to settle down"

>> No.11048192
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it's funny because women should never be given freedom, they don't know what do do with it and just squander it and end up less happy for it. notice how women like dominant men for instance, they may not think this is the case with society too but they would be a lot better off under something like sharia. and ofc society would be much better off without women's influence as well.

>> No.11048195
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it's no surprise the west has been in such a long term decline.

>> No.11048200

>Another thread where incels cry about women and drag eachother down


>> No.11048202

All beings are tournament species. Darwin emphasised sexual selection just as much as he did natural selection.

>> No.11048217

feminism is a symptom not the cause of a decline.

>> No.11048221

right, the cause was women;'s rights.

>> No.11048239
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soon... very soon

>> No.11048241

i cant understand right wing losers?

overweight/underweight/extremely ugly teenager sustains the following:
-I am a right winger because i believe that no one should give you anything for free, no handouts, each has to earn everything he wants.
-Ok right winger, i guess you respect womens decision not to date you cause youre an insufferable piece of..

>> No.11048245

you need to look deeper.
Why do women have less rights in healthy societies? Because they are chaotic with weak state power, if any, and men have to be and are warriors. Any woman unclaimed by a man capable of defending her is just going to be snatched by a man capable of defending her.

The decline is caused by the state becoming too powerful. Human societies need a low level of violence to be healthy. Too much violence - war - makes economy and infrastructure impossible to build and maintain, too little creates a parasite class - bureaucrats, people on absurd benefits, etc - that starts to consume wealth until the system collapses.
Feminism is a symptom of societies that are too safe, like ours. Fertility below replacement is another symptom - the society is so sick it's unable to reproduce itself.

>> No.11048248

Yeah I guess even highly successful men are incels when they turn away a sexually liberated 30 year old hag with a 1000 dick stare.

>> No.11048263
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who caused the state to expand like this? women, they consistently work against the freedom you mentioned. so yeah the issue is women having rights and freedoms.

>enlightenment happens
>prosperous liberal capitalism spread across west
>free flow of ideas unleashes human potential
>science and technology breakthroughs happen day after day
>wealth grows and accumulates
>culture flourishes
>millions pulled out of poverty
>living conditions improve drastically
>then one day women get rights
>police nannystatism gains traction
>speech regulation
>political correctness
>feels over reals
>west thrown into world wars
>police states start propping up
>hate crime laws enacted
>scientific and technological progress is exported to asia

>> No.11048280
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>> No.11048287

nope, thats a fantasy in an incel mind. Incels are people who beg for sex daily and don't get it. not from a 30 yo not from a 40 yo not from a fucking 50 yo. No one would bed them because they are simply disgusting people.

and its mind blowing how they go from, no one should be given anything no matter how important it is to "women should be forced to like me because reasons"

>> No.11048292

Women can only have power if the state is powerful enough to give it to them in the first place. Again, feminism is a symptom, not a cause.
Lynching was the last sign of a healthy society. When the people somewhere had it, they just acted in total defiance of the state and the state was too powerless to oppose them. If the state tried to enforce hate speech laws and other bullshit in a healthy society, officials would be killed without repercussions.

The state is an AI executed on a biological substrate. It's rather dumb and very slow - but obsessed with nothing except to grow and preserve itself. The symptoms you notice are symptoms of increasing enslavement of humanity by AIs.

>> No.11048297

it was women who propped up this state, let's not put the cart before the horse here.

>enslavement by AI
AI is good tho. from my experience as someone in the field i find that women hate AI. and we're not enslaved by AI, rather a pseudo-matriarchy. and i say pseudo because it is a few men at the top which are supported by women who continue to encroach upon our freedoms while liberating themselves at our expense.

>> No.11048307

LOL poverty has been steadily increasing since the industrial revolution, all that progress is for the priviledge upper stealign class, whiel we workers rpoduce all.

what a fuckingn brainwashed cuck that never even read a history book (much less the at least 10 history books you must read to have a semi acceptable opinion of the subject) to think what you said is true

>> No.11048310

nope, you got the dates mixed up, they are close together so it's forgivable but your faggotry is not.

>> No.11048352

new 4chan is absolute cancer

>> No.11048354

it was always cancer. Only sad sad people ever unironically posted here. Anyone who takes it as anything mroe than a place to troll around a little is beyond saving

>> No.11048361

>>>>innovation is exported

bruh look at marketing trends
there is no money in creating innovation without IPs and artificial monopolies only in quickly commercializing it (2nd mover etc)

>> No.11048368

honestly that's probably a good portion of the problem, which is the virtual normality of places like this because they're large

lots of people don't have their shit together and find holes to fester in, and the internet has put a strange glassy finish on the appearance of those in-groups

>> No.11048373

innovation is not exported lol what a lonely virgin incel you must be to believe this.

99.999 of all discoveries are not from the west.

brief period of discoveries from the west ensues
brief period of discoveries from the west ends


>> No.11048376

oh god it's a "We are the oldest Society" cucc

the fact you're even here means u gonna be undesirable af when you go back to the Mainland and marry :(

>> No.11048408
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a lot happened in that brief period. till the west gave women rights. most discoveries were from the west, now it is moving to asia.

>> No.11048450

for 90% of human written history most discovery was in the middle east and in china. To think a measly 5% of the west make it special shows why youw ont be regainign your throne any time soon.

>> No.11048456

actually europe also had discoveries prior to the dark ages. but like with all these discoveries prior to the scientific revolution they were small and trivial. see pic related in previous post for more details.

>> No.11048487

I was poking fun at the fact that women pull the exact same lines after they hit the wall.

This goes both ways.

>> No.11048494

it was like that throughout almost all of human history and prehistory

>> No.11048540
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Not him but you're confusing marriage with fucking. Highly successful men will fuck women with a shit ton of experience but it's unlikely they will marry them because that experience comes with a lot of baggage. But said men aren't beyond fucking other women post marriage even if they get with a 10/10 virgin since they really don't have to settle with just the said virgin. There's a reason concubines and "illegitimate children" were/are a thing.


You do know the catalyst for the expansion for women's rights (not the birth) was because of world wars right? World Wars weren't some casual fallout of women's rights it was the original tool that helped expand it. When you send the majority of your young able bodied men to fight in foreign lands for years you still need people to handle the manufacturing side of the military industrial complex. That basically gave women the foot in the door they needed to enter the workspace of traditionally male career jobs and when companies saw that said women could do the job with the help of automation for slightly cheaper it pretty much sealed the deal.

>> No.11048543
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I had an epiphany today, while readying for classes (I'm in university), and it was rather calming. My realization was that love doesn't exist. At least not as we imagine it to.

Most would imagine love as the romantic connection between two people, some kind of pure and beautiful thing which brings a great happiness. Some kind of apotheosis.

However, this is not the case. Love is merely another cynical invention of evolution, brought about not because it offers some transcendent spiritual state like Christians might tell you (though only in marriage), but simply because those humans who were capable of pair-bonding (falling in love) had a higher chance of survival. It's just chemicals. Just fucking particles bouncing against each other. It doesn't objectively exist beyond pointless chemistry.

This is why I despise normies. Because most of those blind fucking apes gleefully rut like animals in the mud, just because their DNA told them to. Just because it makes their crotch tingle. Even those who, fundamentally, know what I've said to be the case continue to engage in the repulsive acts our ancestors handed down to us. Without thought. Without reflection. In that instant of copulation they become less than insects, they have the willpower of fucking algae and the self-awareness of a rock.

I refuse this barbarity. I will transcend the limitations and distractions placed upon me by my forefathers. I will rise beyond the primitive hedonism by which my peers have been imprisoned.

Everyone who has sex. Everyone who masturbates without shame. Everyone who gives in to the hollow false pleasure of "love". They should all just fucking die.

>> No.11048553

>You do know the catalyst for the expansion for women's rights (not the birth) was because of world wars right?
that was the vote, further expansion of their rights.

>> No.11048554
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You have to be 18 to post here.

>> No.11048556

I'm not ever giving up fapping, if that makes you mad, stay mad

>> No.11048557

respect, fren.

t. volcel who had sex historically

>> No.11048558


>> No.11048565

turn the 20 into an 80.

>> No.11048570

you mean right, right?
Also, not just "predominant", but essential. Civilization was built on the backs of men providing for their wives and families.

>> No.11048579

>in rape culture ugly undesirable men could get women by raping
If that is what you mean by rape culture, then it hasn't existed since long before civilization or even organized farming.

>> No.11048584

What does CensorIQ mean?

>> No.11048591

Yes, but have all of you tried being attractive?

>> No.11048592

it's topics that people are willing to censor, in this case iq.

>> No.11048595

draw a negative sign in front of the 3

>> No.11048600

university is 18+ retard

>> No.11048616

Yeah but you aren’t lmao

>> No.11048619

He's not me. Rofl.

>> No.11048638


>> No.11048680


Have you considered that everyone is miserable now?

We were happier being starving 12th century peasants dying from typhoid.

Yet now we sit in cozy beds with netflix and playstations, but we are miserable.

Happiness is not logical. it's an evolved trait. this has nothing to do with women.

>> No.11048681

Gee, you're in for a lot of bleak discoveries if you've only just realized this now.

>> No.11048691
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You're confusing a lot of things here.
So, the femdom narrative you are pushing does exist in certain subsections of modern society, but not all.
I've seen plenty of trad-Christians with fairly decent women who aren't giga-chads. I see these people and it actually looks pretty great. I can see why /pol/ loves this so much.

However, the world is broad. >>11048579
Rape culture exists in Africa.

I would say that men trying to fit into the 7/10 box for a 7/10 girl seems.. pretty fair. The /pol/ narrative of hypergamy I haven't really noticed. People are not exactly accounting for the partner count thing to be that some people just have more sex out of personal desire than others.

I don't really know how to feel about a one-night stand after being in a long term relationship. I think a lot of dudes can actually say "yeah I'd fuck her if she just walked in here naked, but not the sort of thing I really actively push for". I think that sort of sex happens organically, but that probably would end up resulting in a MTR to LTR anyways.

Most people, including myself, try to use politics and society as somewhere to put the blame instead of taking our behavior into account. It's a normal thing, especially without good parents in the home (personal example of me not wanting to take responsibility).

This is /sci/, not /pol/. You're going to have to try better than that. Everybody likes to construe that statistic and not take all personal variables of participants into account.

It seems almost feminist to say that all men have sexual preferences. Some of them are gay. Some of them aren't hyper-sexual. Some of them don't want to risk pregnancy in their youth.

>> No.11048745
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>Only via rape could an ugly faggot have sex with me.
yeah not even incels are rushing to rape you tranny. If they are going to do it might as well get some prime puss, not some surgical gape.
>a nd when we get mandatory reparatiosn
I am now a cat girl, give me money nigga
>I'd get pussy of hoe weren't getting raped
poor fitness, get fucked loser.
I've fucked a black guy, the ass was kind of too tight. not again.
holy shit she is a fuckign cow. I am supposed to be jealous of that? these freaks putting the pussy on a pedestal. It's like a drug, so degenerate.
>women rights good
>rape which is a natural action is bad
ok whitey stay extinct.

>> No.11048746


>> No.11049573

>want sex after women slavery is abolisheD? become desirable yourslef.
Judging by the hordes of dipshits I know that don't want girlfriends/wives because it would cut into their video game and anime time, women have to put some effort into making themselves desirable too, at least if we're talking about long term relationships

>> No.11049633

I know what I meant, if you strip a man of culture it will seek to impregnate as many women as it can and it will probably fight for it.
Monogamy was essential to civilization. I dunno about today but I will sit and relax with my wife and comfyly watch what happens to a World where monogamy is no longer the trend.

>> No.11049639

Oh right Afrikan geopolitics is dictatorships and land expropiation with a trully dignified economic collapse as the final chapter.

>> No.11049689
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>LOL poverty has been steadily increasing since the industrial revolution
You dumb fuck, I thought /sci/ was for people who actually read about stuff.

>> No.11049727


>> No.11049735
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>> No.11049744


>> No.11049749

Stop crying like a girl lmao

>> No.11049769

Closest thing to math or science in this entire thread