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11042890 No.11042890 [Reply] [Original]

Why is this book like €300 new, and €150 used? That's an insane amount of money, even for a textbook. How do people afford physical copies of their books?

>> No.11042899

>paying for books
>not getting them from libgen

>> No.11042956

I bought several books that I barely opened. It's generally hard to estimate how much you will need a book until after you are done needing it.

>> No.11043691

the uni pays for it

>> No.11044311

Buy it from a pajeet.
It cost me 20 to 30 bucks.

>> No.11044320
File: 41 KB, 688x456, 1568204027967.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are you going to do about it?

>> No.11044411

Paying money to study calculus is the biggest smoothbrain thing you can do. We are on the cusp of the information age and never has more free material been available.

>> No.11044420
File: 312 KB, 2048x1152, cover74b-2048x1152.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're lucky you might be the only person in your course who remembers that despite looking like this university libraries carry books that you can borrow and there's probably a requirement that textbooks for courses are available.

>> No.11045639

That's why I mentioned physical copy. I like having physical copies of my books, but that exorbitant price puts a stop to that.

>> No.11045648

I don't own a textbook that cost me more than £50, and I own a lot of textbooks. Maybe babby maths like Apostol can cost that much in the US, but in the UK more advanced textbooks are relatively cheap; probably a supply and demand thing. My most expensive is Becker Becker Schwarz

>> No.11045656

Apostol costs that much in the UK too. Also, what made you think I was talking about US prices when I gave the price in Euro?

>> No.11045717

welcome to jewniversity

>> No.11045782

This. buy it from a local used or buy your books from India/ Malaysia or any place that speaks English but their prices are lower.

>> No.11045894

I'm assuming Indian amazon is not the place to do that? Their price is the same.

>> No.11045899

its not even a good textbook

>> No.11045907

>how do people afford physical copies of thier books
And how much do you pay per unit?
Image being this poor. I just charge it on families credit card.

>> No.11045952

What's a good calculus book then

>> No.11045953

I pay $0 per unit

>> No.11046007

Fuck of eurofag and pay your bussels fag parade tax

>> No.11047814

“It would be a shame if you rented the textbook from the library and took pictures of every page definitely don’t do that” -my professor

>> No.11047817

>not Courant

>> No.11047917
File: 818 KB, 950x1275, 1564197126482.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Introduction to Calculus and Analysis Vol. 1

>> No.11047920

alternatively, you can buy a cheap laser printer, ink, paper and binding equipment and bind pdfs yourself for under $100. My cartridge is $30 and it prints about 10k pages before going out. I'ts pretty comfy

>> No.11047984
File: 79 KB, 1280x720, 20924CBD-2508-4ACE-95D5-C4F6C7C787D9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he actually believes this

>> No.11048021

You can buy it from abebook.

>> No.11049678

woah great idea, ill try that

>> No.11049686

I "stole" them from my uni's library, like most people do here in my shithole country. I don't know if they do this in the first world although it seems very unlikely.

>> No.11049757

Calculus: An Intuitive and Physical Approach by Kline

>> No.11049867
File: 22 KB, 323x400, math-proofs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anywhere I could get pic related for at most $20?

>> No.11049913

This desu. For some reason physical copies of math books help me learn better even though I like digital

>> No.11049976

Just download and print it

>> No.11049977

do analysis smoothbrain