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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 53 KB, 500x500, soy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11025253 No.11025253 [Reply] [Original]

Is there any scientific basis to the claim that soi can make men effeminate? Is onions actually good or bad for your health?

>> No.11025270

are you implying there's a connection between soi and onions?

>> No.11025311

Not really. It does contain "hormon-like substances" which may or may not affect you in any way. There were no conclusive long-term studies performed in this.
Milk and tap water contain such substances as well. Also some shampoos.

>> No.11025314

My wife's boyfriend started bringing my a lot of onions products as a kind gesture and he remarked that I've gotten a lot more masculine over the past few weeks. He's so sweet!

>> No.11025315

Meant s o y. Yikes, 4channel is really acting like a fragile snowflake sometimes.

>> No.11025340

only onions protein isolate, whole and fermented forms (edamame, natto) are among the healthiest foods on the planet (like nearly all whole plant foods)

semi-processed forms like tempeh and other tofu products are not terrible but one shouldn't consume them as the bulk of their calories.

>> No.11026813

My unscientific opinion is that since onions is used as a meat filler/replacement it makes you fat leading to severe man boobs. Look at photos of the founder of basedalent.

>> No.11026873

phytoestrogens dont seem to affect mammalian physology. so no. its more likely those males more in touch with their social conscience will eat more zoy and those males tend to show less traits traditionally considered male. so theres the connection.

>> No.11027620

found the newfags

>> No.11027622

You should go back to /pol/.

>> No.11027713

low quality bait, but nice try anon, i almost kek'd

>> No.11027731

>avoiding word filters
jesus, summer has ended. go back to school

>> No.11027733

It's totally fine.

>> No.11027774

Yikes sweetie. That board is racist, misogynist, homophobic, transphobic, islamophobic and extremely toxic. I just showed this post to my wife and she can't believe what you wrote!

>> No.11028756
File: 47 KB, 522x472, 1446874172752.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Hey guize, is a /fit/ meme based on broscience true because It fits /pol/'s ideas of reality?"
Donate your brain to science, you aren't using it anyways.