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11023964 No.11023964 [Reply] [Original]

>the calc 1 exam is tomorrow

>> No.11023966

same anon

>> No.11023967

Good luck anon :-)

>> No.11023972

i bet you'll fail reflections about the y-axis

>> No.11023992


>> No.11023997

why do mirrors only flip left/right? and not top/bottom? spoopy

>> No.11024014

>>the calc 1 exam is tomorrow
this is your passage to greatness anon.

>> No.11024023

Calc 1 is easy as fuck.

>> No.11024030
File: 32 KB, 512x512, 1509099914802.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its all just a bunch of magic formulas that do neat things, you just have to make sense of it all

>> No.11024095

Because of how you define left vs right as opposed to top vs bottom

>> No.11024099

Just remember. Integral is the anti-derivative but with the constant.
The area under the curve is its finite integral between any two boundaries.
If you have questions concering limits and your equation will look like 0/0, use Hopital's rule.

>> No.11024149

That picture need his bachelors degree on the wall.

>> No.11024160

stand side ways and then look in the same mirror and ask the same question.
does your prof not give a formula sheet? otherwise it's pretty trivial.
soon you won't be a wage slave, still a slave, but you'll be able to enjoy yourself more.
this is what happens when you're not taught the underlying theory.

>> No.11024407

>calc 1
>wojak burger flipper
literally kys

>> No.11024409

>formula sheet
>for calc 1

>> No.11024412

>he thinks calc 1 is anything but burger flipper tier

>> No.11024421

man what are you doing with your life
i think you're replying in the wrong thread

>> No.11024522

Did your prof give you a formula sheet for your Calculus I exam? For real?

>> No.11024718
File: 47 KB, 555x803, 18 (1)-1(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good luck OP, don't fuck it up.

>> No.11024755

Try Numerical Methods, anon. Calc 1 was stupid easy. Now, I don't even know what half these symbols or proofs mean and the dumbfuck chink professor can't speak a word of English and there are no tutors available anywhere because it's a stupid autism branch of math that has like two applications in real life. I want to die.

>> No.11024763

What's calc 1? What are the topics?

>> No.11024773

it literally has more applications than anything else

>> No.11024775


>> No.11024789
File: 67 KB, 528x463, fxpt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd like to take your word for it, but how can any of this gobbly-gook with two dozen different symbols in one problem mean anything? It gives me extreme anxiety just looking at them. It just seems so unintuitive. You have to brute-force memorize it all because it's so abstract and intricate, and that's just not working for me.

>> No.11024793

> g(p) = p
What the fuck am I reading?

>> No.11024794

im not trying to be an ass but have you done much maths before
theres nothing remotely esoteric in there, you would see every symbol there in calc 1, barring maybe xi

>> No.11024798

>How do symbols represent reality

>> No.11024802

drop out and buy bitcoin. $10 an hour now will be $100 an hour if it 10xs in 4 years. teach yourself calculus

>> No.11024808

I can "understand" all of the syntax and their mathematic meanings, but why is there just so much of it? How is anyone supposed to sit down and take all of these isolated expressions, listed one after the other after the other, and find any kind of relevant meaning in them?

I found a much simpler explanation for the fixed point theorem online, and it really isn't that complex of a process - in fact, I believe we covered it in calc 2. But my exam questions will be phrased in this verbose way, and that is where I am going to struggle.

>> No.11024819

its just being rigorous, someone has to do it
i very much doubt an exam on numerical methods would be this finicky, surely youll just have to use the actual method which is braindead easy to solve problems
its numerical analysis where you actually have to do this work yourself, they may aswell just present it to you now so you have a some sort of foundational understanding

>> No.11024841

I'm taking a numerical methods class and in my department the course is basically just a programming class with some of the basic theory as to why the methods work. Once you get to the class the math in that photo will make sense, but it's definitely a slower way to learn for a lot of people.

>> No.11024881


>> No.11024898

You’re kidding, right...

>> No.11024991

and this in the nicest way

>> No.11024995

and even if this isn't relevant yet, you can use it to check yourself with limit properties when undefined

>> No.11024998


>> No.11026074

>just got my calc 3 exam back
we're all gonna make it brahs

>> No.11026075
File: 16 KB, 236x214, C1EAF23A-5F7E-47C6-896A-BB3D90C23ABD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just took it bros.....it’s over

>> No.11026083

okay nevermind maybe OP isnt gonna make it

>> No.11026089

Maybe next time you’ll study better

>> No.11026137

Mirrors don't flip anything. It's your fault for projecting onto the person in the mirror.

>> No.11026143

lmao faggot

>> No.11026152

mirrors flip forward/backwards, not left/right

>> No.11026547
File: 145 KB, 633x758, 1DC7E31C-4828-4ADA-A386-44AAC0C08D68.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I went to tutoring & office hours....I’m such a brainlet....

>> No.11026554

For the next exam open up your calc textbook and work problems. One question about the chain rule will be pretty easy if you've done 50 of them.

>> No.11026562

>not using khan academy to teach yourself differential calc the summer before calc 1
>not using khan academy to teach yourself integral calculus DURING the semester you take it

It's not too late to not fuck up completely

>> No.11026572

This writing style is so gay, mean value theorem is simple enough to be explained without making the page look like a IUT PhD paper.

>> No.11026601

>calc 1
you have to be 18 to be here

>> No.11026603

>being smart enough to do this and having the time

>> No.11026623

>giving up because you don't think you're smart enough
>not having enough time to do this but using 4chan

>> No.11026628

Just take the math]D_{\vec{u}}ff[/math] derivative math]D_{\vec{u}}mbass[/math].

>> No.11026630

>You have to brute-force memorize it all because it's so abstract and intricate
umm no, actually the opposite, you can't brute force it

>> No.11026649 [DELETED] 

i did differential calc 2 weeks before calc 1, couldnt proceed any further
proceeded to take calc 1 and do great, then used khan again during calc 2 to do great.

khan is great if you just stay on it over long periods of time, it's amazing what can be accomplished if you just throw time at stuff

>> No.11026652

Drink [math]D_{\vec{u}}ff[/math] nigger.

>> No.11026655

i did differential calc in but a day, 2 weeks before calc 1, couldnt proceed any further
proceeded to take calc 1 and do great, then used khan again during calc 2 to do great.

khan is great if you just stay on it over long periods of time, it's amazing what can be accomplished if you just throw time at stuff

>> No.11026679

Yes, am giving up because I don’t think I’m smart enough.
Ten minutes isn’t hours of time, yes.

>> No.11026681

kys cringe faggot

>> No.11026692

>having the time
If you're taking a calculus class, I'm assuming you're a freshman (or just really dumb). Either way, your other courses should be a piece of fucking cake comparatively, you definitely should have the time to do a few book problems for each chapter.

>> No.11026700

I strongly believe that the executives of Pearson should be beaten.

>> No.11028134

Good luck i guess but calc1,2, and 3 are piss easy

>> No.11028137

At first i was going to make fun of you for struggling with Calc1, then i remembered algebra is somehow the most failed class in college, we live in an age of brainlets.

>> No.11028236

>How is anyone supposed to sit down and take all of these isolated expressions, listed one after the other after the other, and find any kind of relevant meaning in them?
You might have low IQ

>> No.11028239

>Calculus 1 exam is coming
>pffft, this is going to be easy, just apply the rul...
"Find the derivative of x^x"

>> No.11028407

>derivative of x^x

>> No.11028428

Algebra is difficult though. Probably more so than Calculus.

>> No.11028435

tangent line at a point, basic definite integrals

>> No.11028438

i’ve thought about this a lot, here’s my best explanation
stand in between an object and a mirror
look at the object, with your back towards the mirror
the object looks “normal”
now, face the mirror and look at the object using the mirror
you probably turned over your shoulder to do this
this is where the x-axis flip comes from
notice how you could have “looked in the mirror” by bending backwards and looking at the mirror “upside down”
in this case, the object would have appeared flipped on the y-axis

>> No.11028446

ln(y) = x*ln(x)
y^-1*dy/dx = ln(x)+1
dy/dx = y(ln(x)+1)
dy/dx = x^x(ln(x)+1)

>> No.11028452

bruh, I got a Discrete Math exam today

>> No.11028500

y = x^x
ln(y) = x ln(x)
1/y y' = ln(x) + 1
y' = yln(x) + y
y' = (ln(x) + 1) x^x

>> No.11030025
File: 110 KB, 960x960, 1564165229904.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>failed my first calc1 attempt because my algebra is shit
Fuckibg suck at finding patterns and working out factorisation a etc.
Unit circle, lims and other stuff comes easy though

>> No.11030070

I fail to see how, could you explain your position on this, the only thing i can think of is that its more technical than calculus in some areas, but even then thats about it. Also remember im just talking about basic college algebra which is equivalent of a high school algebra 1 & 2 class.