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/sci/ - Science & Math

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11023668 No.11023668 [Reply] [Original]

What is scientifically the best fighting stance?

>> No.11023698

backing off

>> No.11023714

holding a pencil and sitting down and doing math

>> No.11023717


>> No.11023756

If you're in a situation in which you have to fight, something has already gone wrong.

>> No.11023764

Boxing stance usually.

>> No.11023768

and at that point, there's no reason to not fight your way out of that situation
are you just gonna lie down and let yourself get stomped? lmao

>> No.11023782

Just Be Yourself

>> No.11023792

Source with sound, please?

>> No.11023810

desu id proble just run.

>> No.11023812

Scientifically speaking: DEX > STR

>> No.11023825

peek a boo style boxing

>> No.11023826

>doesn't protect their groins
LET GO OF MY PURSE. I DON'T KNOW YOU. A single leg or a rushing knee kick to the groin will put them down for good.

>> No.11023849

Nope, there's a reason why 75% of people can build muscle.

>> No.11023855

none of them has the instinct
if they'd have the guts to step in just once and punch with their weight, the fight would be over in an instant

>> No.11023893
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Even in the last 60 years, humans have grown weaker (or more polarised in ability) as our technological affinity increases. The best stance is to be very far away, holding a gun.

>> No.11024276

Pro tip if you're fighting someone and they're doing this stance with their head way back, kick them in the mid-section (don't kick them in the balls unless you don't mind seeming like a pussy).
They won't have a chance to block it because of their posture.

>> No.11024285

Who are you fighting?
Low to the ground, hands far out, stand at a 45-60 degree angle, be prepared to counter takedowns with a knee
>JiuJitsu Practioner
Similar except put your hands closer in to not get guard pulled on you
Similar, but prepared to do a takedown and get in close and low and keep hands close to face. Spam leg kicks
>Muay Thai guy or KickBoxer
Stay back and keep hands close to body to catch kicks. Watch your legs. Keep your head back.
t. /heem/chad

>> No.11024299

> with sound

>> No.11024332

Changes based on your body type, experience, and your opponent.

>> No.11024342

/box/ owns /heem/

>> No.11024378
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>> No.11024404

Ah gee OP like this anon points out >>11024285
it's not that simple. The best thing is have the ability to float much liek Muhammad Ali talks about. Bruce Lee understood how vital the trifecta was:Flexibility, strength, and cardio, and how much work must go into each one and how each one is just as necessary as the other for true strength. Working on physical conditioning might just be more important than technical ability. With rigorous physical exercise and specific dieting, your awareness and quickness explode like you can not believe on top of being able to maintain immense physical strength. I myself prefer to incorporate an element of rock climbing into my preparation.

>> No.11024419

Scientifically it’s whatever gives you the best chances of winning that fight. If that means standing backwards then so be it. People will believe it’s any of the regular martial arts we’ve seen, but there’s not a single best one because the best stance is situational. A calculator would probably make for a good stance since you could calculate your losing chances before the fight is complete and react based on that.

>> No.11024501


Yeah, this may be the best stance; but my underwear does not have lightning bolts coming out of it.

>> No.11024576

t. Wasn't there for the Paulie-Artem fight

>> No.11024658
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>> No.11024697
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A gun.

>> No.11024701

Not science or maths.

>> No.11024724
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Strike first, strike hard, no mercy

>> No.11024732

>leg kicking a boxer
Stop watching anime fat cunt.

>> No.11024736

absolute cringe. i honestly have a hard time thinking people actually believe this

>> No.11024748

Running away scientifically maximises your chance to stay unharmed

>> No.11024753

You need to never fighted an adult man in your live to believe this. Is the same kind of guy who believes kung fu gives superpowers, or even worse, they believe it works.

>> No.11024756

Southpaw kek
I wanna do MMA but I just hate losing. Same reason I don't play video games.

>> No.11024772

I took some karate as a kid. All that stuff is bullcrap. Learn just one thing and learn it well.

>> No.11024818

>people who have no experience checking leg kicks as they're illegal in boxing
>calls me a genital
no u

>> No.11024821

Fucking BASED!

>God of Time approved!

>> No.11024826

Karate is a meme but boxing, jiu jitsu, and wrestling aren't

>> No.11024833

All of them. You can only be the Master Warrior when you’ve mastered all martial arts. Karate, Kung Fu, Judo, Krav Maga, Etc…

>> No.11024870

They kinda are. Ju jitsu is my fave among them. Ite "science" of using the strength of you opponent to defeat them is cool. I read a bunch of those books by bruce lee and others. Good stuff. Mostly found use for getting out of headlocks, twist arm to lay them down and fight close, like you said. I don't think a run of the mill puss is going to master a discipline, let alone grow beyond it. It is good to master a couple things. Guys here are idiots to think combat is completely avoidable.

>> No.11024899

I'm not an expert, but from what I've seen tackles seems to be very effective. If you can manage to tackle your opponent you are almost 90% likely to win.
t. Someone who watches a lot of fighting videos

>> No.11024924

Remembering to fucking wake up is the most based martial arts there is.

>> No.11025138

I'm a fairly tall and heavy guy. I usually just walk towards them and swing in with a hammer fist. If they defend the first blow the second is sure to hit.
In fights with larger people I'd try to get below their center of mass and just throw them somewhere, into a wall or something.

>> No.11025142

I have no reason to learn how to fight because I avoid going outside. The only fighting I do is intellectual shitposting at other losers like me on the internet.

>> No.11025397

Dont work yourself into a seething shoot, mmgays.

>> No.11025464
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>> No.11025465

Then I invite you to take the shitposting trophy from me, fellow winna.

>> No.11025479
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lolololololollolol gottem

>> No.11025506

Attacking a dangerous threat when there's nowhere to run also increases your chances of being unharmed

>> No.11025525

Yes but preparing for that is stressful and brings death closer. We all gotta figure out what's important to us.

>> No.11026371

>Catching a Muay Thai kick
How do you suggest I grab a kick just above the knee? Not only that but Muay Thai kicks generate a ton of force. The suggestion I would have is to parry the kick like they do in Muay Thai but you will probably lose because his shin is much harder than yours. Therefore, get him on the ground. Also what's heem?

>> No.11026383

Strong hand forward. Jab is more important in street fights.

>> No.11026420

>don't kick them in the balls
Found the retard.

Kick them in the balls, poke their eyeballs, bite their ears, dislocate their arms, use angular momentum to your advantage for throws/knees/kicks/punch, etc.

You're not fighting for honor, you're fighting to shit on them. The only honor fight is in an official ring with rules.

>> No.11026456

>are you just gonna lie down and let yourself get stomped? lmao

Not him but yes that's exactly why I'll do.

t. autist who got bullied throughout high school

>> No.11026576

They're not fighting they're slap boxing. I used to do that with other boys in high school lol

>> No.11026618

there was this one fucker at my school who would slap box with a fucking massive gold ring on and nobody ever said anything about it, hated that motherfucker

>> No.11026751

Depends on the form of karate.
True karate is a brutal weapon, the meme shit is worthless

>> No.11026812

Keep telling yourself that. What is true? I learned from a guy who killed a man in the ring in like five seconds. Before I decided it was bullcrap. Katas are good and all but when there is a structured method, you only need an opponent to break your rules. Bushidokan btw.

>> No.11027128

>You're not fighting for honor
if you're a pussy, yes.

>> No.11027161

>How do you suggest I grab a kick just above the knee?
call him an expletive for being a wimp who throws push kicks to the leg
>Also what's heem?
mma general on /sp/

>> No.11027167

they're slap boxing not fighting for real
a gun > a knife > krav maga/mcmap/etc > mma fighting > random real martial art > fake martial arts like kung fu

>> No.11027239

>Muh snap don't push
They mean to go through you not push you. Have you ever seen how Rick Roufus got demolished by those push kicks?

>> No.11027303

South paw.

Most people are right handed and can't deal with it

>> No.11027319


>> No.11027349

>stomp as hard as you can on their shins and feet
>throw headbutts
>grab the back of their head and pull their head down into your knee repeatedly
>cheat, always cheat, never fight fair
>scratch, rip, gouge, bite, twist, grab, slam,
>throw elbows
>attack nose, orbits, eyes, ears, throat, kidneys, liver, solar plexus, the temples, cheekbones, shins, groin (on men and women both), feet, jaw, spine, joints, fingers, and back of the head/neck
>gouge their eyes and grab their ears and their hair, but also headbutt them and stomp on their feet and elbows them in the face
>twist and break joints and fingers
>slam them onto every surface and corner you can
>scream and say the craziest shit you can
>be an absolute psycho, attack, attack, attack
>literally just rip their guard away and hit them anyway if they try to protect themselves
>most people, even the scary ones, do not expect and cannot handle being assaulted like this

>> No.11027379

Boxing stance, just throw a solid 1 2

>> No.11027384

Honestly going manic like this really opens you up to just getting knocked out by anyone who can stay calm

>> No.11027409


>> No.11027431

It should be noted that a knife beats a gun at close range (within one meter) though

>> No.11027993
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I have gathered all the data I need to become and effective killing machine.