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11020714 No.11020714 [Reply] [Original]

I'm studying physics and at some point I realized that I'm more interested in managing other physicists than actually being the guy who does calculations, measurements, programming, data analysis etc.
All of my peers at uni tell me how they're afraid they'll end up in a job that doesn't involve any actual physics and thinking. That's literally what I want.

How hard is it to get from being a low salary python monkey to being a well-paid leader in the workplace, as part of the management?
I'd say most physicists don't want to take that kind of risk and responsibility, they just want to code and be comfy, go back to their families after work and relax. I'm not like that. I'm an INTJ type of person, a manipulative control freak capable of taking immense amounts of stress without as much as a need to drink on fridays. I literally have no life, no family, just a desire to go higher and higher. Whenever I enter a new community be it uni or a work place, I start mapping the social hierarchy there and try to weasel my way into the circles. This is literally my strong suit, not science. I started studying physics originally because I wanted to climb a mountain. Now I know as much physics as I'll ever need or want to know, but I'm still not far enough. Realizing I'm reaching the top and what awaits me is a mediocre desk job typing shit on a computer making 3k a month is not enough.

>your major should be business
Too late now, I'm not starting over with a new major. Besides, I still like science.

>> No.11020741

I hope I'm not triggering people with my narcissistic post. I do realize most STEM guys are idealists, don't care about money, and just like to think about interesting concepts. Most people I know would do research for free and see it as something greater and beyond money.
I get it, I used to be like that too. But at some point I realized I had gazed at the cosmos in awe for long enough and wanted something different.

>> No.11020830

Start a business, open a startup, you just need to steal a good idea for that

>> No.11020836

What country? Check the job listings. Do the companies in your country even looking for physics grads? Unlikely.

>> No.11020884

I’m a bachelor’s in physics and I’m unemployed. I have an interview on Wednesday though.

>> No.11020977

Get an MBA after you graduate. You will get hired into a managerial position making 50% more than the actual physicists. This only works if you’re not autistic.

>> No.11021058

Is this true? I was thinking about doing an MBA after PhD, but not sure if worth it.

>> No.11021992


>> No.11022166

>I'm not like that. I'm an INTJ type of person, a manipulative control freak capable of taking immense amounts of stress without as much as a need to drink on fridays

>> No.11023055

Yes it’s worth it because business owners don’t understand physics, but they do understand management and business school. If you can bridge the gap between the actual physicists and the owners, you’ll be literally invaluable to them. An MBA is worth A LOT, even if you did an undergrad in business. It’s worth a lot more if you work in a different field because it shows you’re versatile and highly motivated. You can typically get an MBA in 2 years and it will exponentially increase your earning potential over time. I couldn’t recommend it more highly for anyone in the sciences wanting to progress their career past academia.

>> No.11023080

Government ANYTHING or "non combat" military roles. If you have a clear record and can convince people you're human, consider federal police or intelligence agencies. Intelligence and Feds especially like smart, rootless guys willing to move anywhere at the drop of a hat.

>> No.11023104

Swallow the MBA pill. I plan to be BS+MS Pure Math and then MBA. I am currently applying for MS, should take 2 years. Then MBA, hopefully somewhere cool.

>> No.11023891

>/sci/ - Science & Math

>> No.11024056

go get blown up in war paopsitter

>> No.11024163

t. Retard

>> No.11024623

>I realized that I'm more interested in managing other physicists
If you're still interested in physics, your goal should be to become a PI. We always need these politician kind of guys. To be honest, most physicists hate applying for grants or taking to non-scientific people about their work for the sole purpose of "pls gieb moneyz". We also hate that management stuff internally. Becoming a professor can go two ways: either you manage a small group and therefore you become a "top scientist", or you manage a large group and therefore become a politician.

>> No.11025065

Why is 14 year old me making threads pretending to be a collge student?

>> No.11025079

It seems there are several MBAs. Which one to take?
There's "Entrepreneurship and Innovation", "General Management", "HR and Talent Management", "Engineering Management".

>> No.11026898

I'm in the same boat except I did an MSc. I got rejected from a job on Tuesday but I don't think they assessed me fairly. I'm beginning to lose hope

>> No.11027155

Nah that sounds reasonable. OP is a retard though. He doesn't like doing physics but thinks hegoing to get a ph.d.

>> No.11027665

MBAs are woefully underpaid anon. Enjoy bossing people around and not having people like you though lmao.