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11019585 No.11019585 [Reply] [Original]

Really smart people, what's it like to be really smart?

>> No.11019588
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You tell me, OP.

>> No.11019593

It makes you really, really sad, all the time.

>> No.11019602

>smart people

Pick one, OP.

>> No.11019611

Imagine living in a technology fuelled distopian nightmare in a society that that's precariously balanced on the edge of a self fulfilling prophecy about the end of the world. And history shows these endless repeating patterns that always end up the same, and you know something terrible is coming, but you can't talk about because it sounds so dramatic. Like did you know the tap water is poisonous, and the air that's also poisonous oh and don't get me started on the food....poisonous, did you know our life expectancy is decreasing and we're just pretending it's not.
Sound so dramatic hey.

>> No.11019785

High intelligence is overrated. The retards here seem to think having it would fix all their problems it

>> No.11019793

I believe you, but why? I am dumb and I just want to understand.

>> No.11019799

It constantly makes you feel you wish you were just another retard.

>> No.11019806

WOw, ur realy intelegent

>> No.11019813

Unironically, I have no idea.

>> No.11019849
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>Alone even if you have lots of "friends".
>Heavy existential dread since chilhood.
>Having high expectations about yourself and not being able to lower them for the sake of your own sanity/happiness.
>Maybe this is just me but I cant help but see more of how fucked up is the world and how sad is the human experience...
>You are able to help most of people but you barely can find anyone that is really able to help you...
>You have some times that you say "wow, that was really smart" but most of the time you cant help but see yourself as a worthles dumb piece of shit...
>The ways "normal" people are happy wont work for you even if you try to lie to yourself.
>Finding a suitable partner is even harder than being liked by someone, most of the girls I have met just let me feeling alone even If you are in a relationship because being understanded is the most important thing againt lonelyness.
>This world is fucked up and has allways been, suffering is granted but happiness is not, people think we can "change" the world but that is really a lie that they tell to themselves in order to cope with the existential dread that comes with death and the futility of our existence.
>Its hard to know what problems are because of your "intelligence" or of your own.
>You really dont want other people to know you are smarter, people who brag about it are not that smart, being "smart" has the same merit as being born "attractive", you dont have any merit for the luck you had with your genetics so its dubt to think that makes you "better" than anyone. Smarter? Shure, but you are the same shit as everyone else.

>> No.11019859

I'm not really smart. I'm 120. It's miserable, for my entire life, but just now I'm starting to rise above it and see a proper really strong path ahead. I think if I was even smarter I would have been more stuck up my ass. It took years of proper unlucky bullshit to break me enough to drop all my excuses. If I was smarter I'd still be stuck up my ass, or I'd have been more broken and actually killed myself.

>> No.11019878

Based low iq retard. Assuming you exercise and don't do heroin you can still expect to live longer than your parents.

>> No.11019879

Unironically this...
Sometimes when you look around, it's like otherwise i going to kill my self soon or i end up killing somebody else.

>> No.11019907

Depends if we are not talking only about possibility to solve logical problems but as whole then it's like super hard. I would not call it more intelligent i would say more developed or be internally elder then others are then you are basically fucked. Sad thing is that other peoples sometimes act like animals and their primary goals are "get girl so you can fuck her" or "show others how good you are" even if they are brain dead and since this works at 90 percent of womans because "biology" he is an alpha. They are pretty popular and you ? You know like 2-3 peoples and probably have girl when you will be older in 25+. In school it's just fucked, if you masking it then you are bascially empty shell if not then you are bullied because if you don't act like monkey they will hurt you.

Society contains basically 80 percent of peoples who are destroyed by life, they hate their jobs they don't like other peoples and pretend to be happy so they drink,smoke or take drugs because they are not able to overcome their own ego that is holding them bascially back and returning them into their shit.

Basic tutorial for life in this fucked up age is do what ever you like because it will give you an energy to continue and not thinking about suicide everyday and everything that is taking from you and harming you just throw it away whenever this are peoples or things don't care about it and leave. At the end it does not matter what i will say because if you do not understand or have experience with it then it is pointless to you and anybody else. Sometimes you have to suffer to understand that this is not the way that you should go and choose something else what it is ? It's up to you.

>> No.11019976

*happy retard

>> No.11020028
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It's exclusively positive if you disregard the unrelenting existential dread and/or nihilism, in addition to the persistent loathing of inferior people (which is virtually everyone you ever have to interact with).

But hey, I went through and completely understood 250+ pages on differential geometry in 6 hours today, so that's nice.

Luckily I'm good looking and have some "normal" interests, so I'm able to fit in with the average pleb pretty easy; get laid, get invited to parties etc. I think if your intellect is the only attribute you have, life's a lot harder.

>> No.11020187
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Can enjoy anime, feels good.

>> No.11021029
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>everything becomes easy
>getting good at anything is easy
>is in super high demand, making it double easy
why wouldn't it?

>> No.11021053

depressed constantly.

>> No.11021077

Finding purpose is more difficult
Bill Gates is trying to literally handle everyones shit in the third world, because just being rich and accomplished doesn't satisfy his brain

>> No.11021100

>2SD here. As a kid it felt shitty because of the isolation. Now as an adult I only notice the speed difference in learning stuff and logic things. In other areas, I can learn a great lot from other people even if the have a way smaller IQ. IQ is overrated.

>> No.11021540

I value personality over intelligence, but in ability I value Intelligence.
>be art and computational pseudo-prodigy (I'm proficient but not mastering it)
>high spatial, existential, and mathematical intelligence
>IQ 125-135
>always over-critical and analytical.
>finds everything easy but to lazy to work it out
>bad memory

>> No.11021556

Ah yes, the smart but lazy coup. Ahah! well done anon

>> No.11021792
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I was measured at 3+SD (153). It is incredibly lonely, all the time. For awhile I did drugs (alcohol and pills and downers) to make myself stupid to fit in, along with other drugs (psychedelics) to expand my mind and allow me to feel and explore inside my head. Those habits made me an emotional basket case so I learned to drop them. Now that I am really cultivating my intelligence in grad school (neuroscience phd) I don't have any friends I can really relate with, and even out here everything and everyone around me still seems like it is mediocre and more retarded than it should be. It is constantly frustrating and depressing, I have essentially given up on women, and I struggle with not being insanely critical of myself. My mind runs so fast through problems that I get horribly frustrated trying to be patient with people, but I keep working on that and am getting better.

It is like my mind is honed to be such a sharp knife that it will cut through just about anything (people, ideas, myself) it looks at. The few ideas I cannot cut apart are the ones that really impress me, and only the most intractable problems (consciousness and will) are the ones that hold my fascination. Most other problems (mechanistic science and engineering) seem like childish lego playsets to me that are endlessly boring.

My day-to-day is filled with frustration, loneliness, anger, and depression. But I also love my overpowered mind and would not trade it for comfort. This is my lot in life and I am making the best of it that I can, to hopefully leave a positive legacy on humankind.

>> No.11021806

Were on 4Chan, Autistic and Asperger's Liked to roam in this desolate wastes of, arrogance, ignorance, incorrectness and other negative effects.

We can't escape, because people won't talk to me, but really they do

>> No.11021809

walk with my shoes for a week and then I dare you to tell me that again

>> No.11021819

(same OP here, I am still thinking about this)

There is a thrill to high intelligence that I love that really keeps me striving for more and deeper understanding. When I see how ideas connect in ways that I know very few have seen, I get a rush like I have climbed a difficult mountain or explored an unseen horizon.

A sadness is that I do not have the time to devote to everything I know I could figure out, so I have to choose what is worth my time. I chose the problem of the mind, brain, and consciousness. Sometimes I wish I had chosen physics and cosmology, as I have been able to learn a lot of it on my own and wonder what I could have accomplished if I had gone for that.

I also wish I could be a musician. I barely had to learn music theory, it simply clicked when I saw it, some of it clicking without even having to be taught/learned. I am half shitty at the keyboard and wish I could have the time to practice up to a masterful level, so I could play the complex rhythms and harmonies that exist in my head.

I have a similar desire to write novels, where the language and story wants to flow effortlessly out of me. Most contemporary movies and shows and books I absolutely hate because they are so fucking retarded.

Sometimes the weight of it all comes crashing down on me, and I just sit alone in depression at all the things I will never be able to do. Life is fleeting and tragic, but that is also its beauty. Embrace what you can, accept what you cannot.

>> No.11021823
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And working memory is really underrated. It influences academic success and mathematics ability four times more than IQ does.IQ only is worth it for managing abstractions but on everything else falls short.
> 3SD and ADHD-PI, almost on the verge of dropping out of college (CS degree).
I understand everything faster and better but I am incapable of doing exams / papers on time. My life is a joke.

>> No.11021832

Everyone blows smoke up your ass constantly, there's tremendous and disproportionate pressure to excel, and people think you're magic. It's incredibly difficult to find people who "get" you, and 90% of the time they're neurotic, self-absorbed, or both.
People think tangibly slower than you do. Most of the time, they're perfectly capable of coming to the same conclusions, just more slowly, but sometimes entire concepts are just impossible to convey because they draw upon so much from so many different places for just one step of an argument that has like a dozen steps, and you can think through it at lightspeed while everyone else is stuck on step one of part 1 and will never grasp the overall picture. So you try to be humble and assume that it's a failing on your own part that you can't break it down and translate it into something comprehensible, and usually that's true, but then you realize that not every concept has the courtesy to be comprehensible to them, and that some of them are even difficult for you, and that nobody out of a population of millions is going to be able to help you talk you through the tough ones, so you have to sit there frustrated and getting the faintest whiff of progress on the tough questions for years at a time.
You see everyone around you getting manipulated and ripped off. Constantly. And you often don't see the point in calling it out because the people on your level are the ones doing it and nobody would believe you anyway.
People turn to you when they need help and then go back to treating you like a fucking space alien the instant you finish. Or worse, they stop blowing smoke up your ass and start acting like you're an idiot the instant they disagree.
Nothing feels like a challenge and you're constantly bored, so you spend time in your own head and find it irritating to come out and interact with people.
It's fucking lonely and your life constantly lacks context and help from without.

>> No.11021859

I know this feel. Pretty smart but my memory is completely awful (short & long-term). Understanding comes easy, and goes just as easily. So it never adds up to much (I started to really slow down in college when the classes began properly building upon each other).

Overall, I would say that being smart is exactly the same as being normal, except that everyone around you feels a little stupid. Sometimes it can feel really patronizing when people explain things to me at their own speed. Also, I'm given respect that I've done basically nothing to earn.

>> No.11021900
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Because it is not just calculating intelligence I am blessed with, it is insight. I can see through people and all their flaws. I know I can do this, and most people realize that I can do this after interacting with me. So it gives me an intimidating presence that freaks them out, and it always puts the burden on me to break the ice. People will also resent me and project things onto me, whatever their envy or resentment or insecurity requires to make me a villain to them when they feel they are exposed before my gaze. One bad habit I learned to deal with this uncomfortable reality is to make myself as pathetic as I can to people so maybe they won't be so intimidated, but all that does is scare them off even more. It is a constant struggle to be with people. Their hidden problems are way too obvious, and all their interests seem retarded, and I have to constantly hold my tongue or be avoidant if I can't figure out a way to deftly subvert these things with jokes. Cultivating a sense of humor has been one of my best strategies in general, and, honestly, I feel there is something transcendent about the sense of humor. Why do we laugh? It points towards something great and mystical.

I will keep going on like this, mulling over aspects and complexities, until I divert my attention elsewhere. Partly because your question gets at one of the central themes and struggles of my life, but also because there is no way to turn my mind off. It's probably beyond self-indulgent at this point so I will stop.

>> No.11021950

Like everyone else is just plain stupid

>> No.11021999

> For awhile I did drugs (alcohol and pills and downers)
And you're telling me that you're smart? Bulls-

>to make myself stupid to fit in
Genius idea.

>> No.11022039

I wouldn't say I'm smart, because I'm always noticing how much of a retard I am.

>> No.11022102

I never thought myself as super smart but I was shocked by how much I relate with all of this.

>> No.11022120

Id love to meet you. You carry a heavy burden anon

>> No.11022124

>Why do we laugh? It points towards something great and mystical
Because all of existence is one big joke.

>> No.11022142
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I though this was something related to my personality not my IQ. The projection has been a real struggle even since I was a kid, even when nobody knew, yet I was gifted. Until my 20s when I first when to a psych to make the test I never knew why the same kind of unstable troubled mentally people always picked on me almost on first sight.

Now I know for sure that people can sense when you see through their bullshit no matter how hard you try to hide it or make yourself dumb. This is definitely a major drawback even if its useful (you don't have many deep friendships because you see quick how people really are and the ones worth are really scarce, with girls is even worse because psychos are REALLY easy to foresee)..

>> No.11022144

Almost as if the OP was just spewing shit about his personal experience that has actually nothing to do with intelligence.

>> No.11022145
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>Dumb people are the ones who are not able to see how dumb they really are.

>> No.11022151

I don't know how much of my intelligence contributes to my misery, but I'm certain it makes me inescapably aware of every detail

>> No.11022156

With great power comes great misery until you finally bring yourself to take responsibility. So to answer your question: tough. Being really smart is really fucking hard. So hard it eventually makes you mentally ill and completely retarded. But then you're just a complete retard while being really smart, which just makes the whole fucking ordeal even more difficult. And eventually you decide that the only things that matter are health, work ethic, and passion for life, love, and understanding. In no particular order. Not interested in putting any thought into whether any of those is more important than the other. I'm a huge faggot please rape my face.

>> No.11022163


> Even with those major drawbacks "normal" people manage to envy and hate you for it.
>110-125 iQ is the best zone to be in, dont fool yoursef thinking otherwise.

>> No.11022165

Beneath your resentful stubborn cynicism there is liberation and ecstasy

But that's the easy part

>> No.11022169

fuck your faggot post riddled with riddles

>> No.11022175
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Just laugh, anon

>> No.11022176

No, the best zone to be in is whatever zone allows you to thrive and flourish. There are successful people across the entire IQ gradient. Truth be told the best zone to be in is whatever level of intelligence/awareness that gives you the ability to manipulate your own emotions to use them as tools for manipulating people.

>> No.11022180


>> No.11022191

Purpose is a brainlet's problem. Gates is not smart, he's a businessman.

>> No.11022225
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Dare to say that again

>> No.11022521

He didn't say that, and I know why you are. You might be correct though.

>> No.11022524

There are lots of dumb businessmen, but I don't think Gates is one of them.

>> No.11022547

You realize how stupid most people are and how empty you feel when you have to pretend to have same interests to connect to them. Also sometimes you tend to overlook very minute simply things...

I used to be like that, but once you understand the inanity of the human condition, it actually becomes quite humorous. Simple observation of other humans now serve as a source of entertainment

>> No.11022550

Even when you're high intelligence everything isn't "easy" you still have to have some sort of motivation or drive to pursue something otherwise you become a depressed mess.

>> No.11022573

It's pretty good but God gave me other problems to equalize it

>> No.11022600

You always think about what you don’t have and deter yourself from moving forward, iq isn’t willpower

>> No.11022667

In my case I just dont really care. The only place i interact with people is uni but only to do networking. In my building I dont talk to anybody and on vacations I can spend weeks closed in my bedroom only going out to the bathroom or kitchen. I just find interacting with people is pretty pointless unless I can get something out of it.

>> No.11022671

You understand the depressing truths of reality.

>> No.11022681

if you're smart, why haven't you figured out how to be happy?

>> No.11022733

You have to be responsible and disciplined, not smart

>> No.11022987

147 tested on WAIS-IV here, really depressed and anxious since childhood, around 11/12
grew up abusing drugs to cope with life, coasted through high school but luckily woke the fuck up and got into med school

>> No.11023262

125 here, i understand you. Went through the same shit for a long time, always finding 'smart' excuses for yourself not doing something.
you just gotta make it happen yourself

>> No.11023265

hey man, i don't know if you are really smart, but you should just go and fuck some girls, even if you see through all the shit games. It feels like manipulating, but trust me, just do it and you will have higher serotonin levels.

>> No.11023331

If you're smart you'll figure out a way to be responsible and disciplined. If you refuse, not only are you fucking stupid, you're also immature. Which is basically the same thing.

>> No.11023455

You find yourself bored with what most "normies" talk about. They don't share your same thirst for knowledge and you can conceptualize abstract concepts and make generalizations much quicker. The draw back is you typically suffer from anxiety, OCD etc usually with multiple combined ilinesses.

>> No.11023488

walk in my shoes for a second and then I dare you to tell me that again

>> No.11023513

This is the case for everyone, except most people also have to work hard in order to do things extremely gifted people find almost effortless.

>> No.11023543

>somewhat smart, but surely not "really smart". Never tested my IQ but academically successful (pure math), most of my college friends & professors told me I'm the (one of the) smartest kid they've seen but I think that is really not true and don't think much of it. Met some actually gifted kids and they're on a whole different dimension
>Terrible study habits bc never really had to study industriously. In college Always skipped (almost all) classes & studied on my own. Did well regardless. Tho this might be bc I study math
>For me, grad school has been the wake-up call, which is great. I think no matter how smart you are, at some point you'll be challenged. You just gotta be patient
> Despite wanting to, can't seem to find solace in God. The religions are so simple & baselessly audacious in their "answers" that it's stupid
> somewhat nihilistic but my ambitions to do sth original are much more stronger and has been keeping me from spiraling into the abyss
> realized societal relations, family & friends are important, no matter how fake, dishonest, & mentally taxing they can be sometimes. We are fundamentally social creatures.
>going off on that, i force myself to play what I call THE GAME. Meaning, even tho I'd much prefer to stay inside reading manga, I drag myself to go to informal meet & greet of the dept, also actually make a conscious effort to enjoy the experience
>kind of stereotypical but I like classical music. Really enjoy Tchaikovsky, Bach, Beethoven, & of course mozart. can hum along some of my fav pieces start to end bc have the music (semi?) memorized. absolutely love acting as a conductor. Like jazz too. Miles Davis anyone?
>books. not a very serious reader, but I like reading philosophy. Really enjoy English literature in general
>I occasionally do drugs to, in my own words, "reach otherwise unreachable level of consciousness" but i must keep my brain healthy
>overall I was not given much but I'm glad I lucked out on the brain part.

>> No.11024038


>> No.11024055


> This is what it must be feel like


>> No.11024107

One doesn’t need to be very smart to be like this. Only smart enough to know how fucked up the world really is.

>> No.11024174
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> 125
132, 98th percentile, 1 in 61 and it doesn't get any easier here. I'm smart enough to generally be surrounded by idiots, but too dumb to succeed in any competative intellectual field. I'm the dumbest smart person in the bucket of smart people. And I'm not very motivated to do very much either. I don't really like the world, I don't go outside much, I work remotely as much as possible and if I didn't have a kid 18 months ago I'd be swinging from a rope 27 months ago.

>> No.11024293

Ha, you tell me! I have also ADD, which makes for a fun mixture... fortunately working memory is no problem when I deal with a problem symbolically (i.e. formal notation on a sheet of paper). Speaking and hearing are hard, but hey, one can learn.

>> No.11024439
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Have you tried some meds? Any of them worked for you at all? I failed even 4th line meds, so I wonder if I am not the only one...

>> No.11024723

You're more likely to be depressed or be a weirdo, and with that comes all these tiny things that split you off from the greater mass of the population to the point you cannot really relate to them. At times it feels like your life may be a living example of Plato's cave when you wonder at how others feel and the world is so simple and natural to them, when it never made sense to you. Lots of times when you do something retarded and believe you really must not be smart after all. Sometimes you'll have a thought or view on a topic that is so unusual, you disregard it and never attempt to convey it to other people.

>> No.11024735

Another thing: Your work ethic is probably below average.

>> No.11024767

>If you're smart you'll figure out a way to be responsible and disciplined.

Intelligence and conscientiousness negatively correlated. I guess it isn't exactly the same thing.

>> No.11024799

if u think youre too smart to relate to the average person than youre not smart ur just an edgy retard

>> No.11024807

>Intelligence and concientiousness are negatively correlated.
Bullshit, have you seen academia? Fuckers' competitive as fuck.
Laziness is only a virtue inside of the pseudo-intellectual community

>> No.11024820


>> No.11024829

Take the savedpill:

Wisdom is vain, learn how to live forever and to work towards a thing that cannot end.

>> No.11024832

I wanna pee

>> No.11024838

It’s really hard. But luckily I’ve learned how to grow my benis. My peepee is now 20 inches long and 40 inches wide. It makes interaction difficult

>> No.11024839

I peed

>> No.11024845

>The religions are so simple
There's an unfathomable corpus of theology that stretches back for centuries. Until the advent of scientism, all of the brightest minds were engaged in Theology.

>> No.11024869

Everyone in here will LARP or parrot IQ test results to convince themselves they're intelligent, but at the end of the day, you're still you. You don't walk around thinking about how much of a genius looking to reaffirm this believe all day, it's more that you're constantly disappointed when holding others to your own standards

>> No.11024874

300 IQ desu.

>> No.11024886

Only a person on the spectrum would do what he just did.

>> No.11024909

I think I just pee pee poo poo'd my pants

>> No.11024926

It's not a matter of being too intelligent for others, but sheer statistical likelihood that outliers in intelligence have much more trouble relating with others on the whole. Attribute it to whatever.

>> No.11024937

It's like when everyone around you is a moron with no attention span.

>> No.11024956

Am I the only genuinely happy smart person here?

>> No.11024972

Thing is, intelligence has nothing to do with happiness. Look around you and you'll realise that the average person is also depressed. Because of the human ego, people attribute their miseries to positive traits (extra points if that trait is heritable to an extent such as intellect) so that they can get an excuse to not fix them.

>> No.11024977

how is this relevant

>> No.11024985

Theology is just philosophy limited by presumptious premises written in old literature.

>> No.11025025

Retard detected. Theology is the study of literary archetyoes which govern our sub-conscious. To put it simply, the Bible is a book of myths told and molded by thousands of people over thousands of years before they were ever even written in their current form. Even the greatest book by the greatest philosopher to ever live was only written by one man. Understanding religion is critical to understanding ourselves.

>> No.11025026


You want an honest response? They identify you in grade school, then they put you on dulling drugs so you conform to the status quo. Then in adult hood they persecute you into drug addiction which is easy because they already addicted you to drugs in childhood.

Its super fucking easy to explain OP thanks for mother fucking asking!!!!

>> No.11025029

This is it. And I'm married because I wanted a kid, and now I have a son. But my wife feels horribly slow compared to me and doesn't understand why I am constantly upset or seem to be lecturing. When I try to explain anything about our relationship to her she seems to follow momentarily and then forget it the next time I see her no matter what I do.

>> No.11025032

>Purpose is a brainlet's problem
Thank you. I've been struggling with that.

>> No.11025036

Jesus just go backto reddit. Everything you mentioned revealed that you know nothing of the subject.

>> No.11025039

>Implying most people in theology study it scientifically instead of holding personal theistic biases.

>Implying most people in theology are well versed in the cyclical rebirth, remolding and indestructibility of ideas.

If theology study is about the science of myths and metamorphosis of ideas instead of spitting out old text, then get find me a theologist interest in writing a paper on how comics and crossovers are just modern mythos and how some public figures dehumanize themselves in order to become character-esque in the eyes of people and gain public approval.

Get out with this humanities bullshit and come back when you study an actual social science.

>> No.11025044

I have Aspergers

So I basically I feel like an alien. Im even somewhat popular, but it wont change the fact that every thing I do and think even subconsciously. Is different than normal. Luckily I keep things pretty camouflaged.

>> No.11025091

I think what you said about comics would be a great idea for a theological paper. My only point is that there's good reason to study theology without taking anything in the Bible literally.

>> No.11025098

Of course there is, but people just don't do it