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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 52 KB, 758x520, Capture-d’écran-2016-07-05-à-12.32.01-768x527-758x520.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11019368 No.11019368[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Explain breast shapes and elasticity in relation to nutrition and genes.

>> No.11019377

OP is a sex obsessed incel.
Don't shoot up any schools, OP.

>> No.11019404
File: 55 KB, 600x601, 1443958346638.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11019407

shapes of breasts have no effect on the nutrient level of their milk, they show how good the genes are, humans look for symmetry to show good genes but the bigger the tits the more you notice mistakes so it can be something to warm mates like peacock feathers.
Overall they dont tell you much

>> No.11019411

What if OP is a chestlet femanon obsessed with tits? and she'll shoot all the tits in the school? :))

>> No.11019449

Nice concept for a loli vs oppai anime

>> No.11019469

Please stop bumping this incel/titlet thread

>> No.11019555

bump the titlet thread :D the motivation for this thread was because some idiot artist drew an completely incorrect "Guide to drawing realistic tits" and the moron didn't understand that tits come in all shapes and sizes.
He genuinely thought that ALL tits must be obey gravity/the law of physics by sagging like literal water balloons. He didn't take into account elasticity and various other things.

Basically like every retard physics professor from 5th grade who shoves that retarded law of motion in your face and says "This is law" because explaining real physics would be "too hard" for him rather than the kids.

>> No.11019567

Pears are pretty hot

>> No.11019571

So >>11019411 was right?

>> No.11019595

Actually I'm right. I hate pseudo-intellectual teachers who teach everyone wrong notions of biology and physics.
>We taught him the wrong way his entire life as a joke (at the very least if it was a funny joke)

>> No.11019601

You might as well look at boob threads in >>>/soc/ to see that they come in all shapes. What /sci/entific proof do you need? Do you want reassurance that your perky boobs are perfectly fine? They are.

>> No.11019637
File: 92 KB, 564x660, 1489529089153.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want this guide disproven or extended and argumented till it becomes correct. So far it just offered 1 main direction and it feels like it contradicts other ideas because it doesn't mention them.

>> No.11019640

Like I said, boards about drawing or boobs would be better suited. I don't think that curvature and "underboob angle" are studied by modern science.

>> No.11019652

No sense.

boob sharp is for fat and tissue, just libgenED some book on medicine of breast.

>> No.11019655

Raisins and cherries are the best :)

>> No.11019666

Imagine being this seething over a picture about boobs on the internet.

>> No.11019674
File: 38 KB, 363x400, tdlzbgqzgud01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But also, remember how many people were seething about pictures like this?

>> No.11019690

Then petition your local politicians and school board to push for increasing their wages to a level where they're incentivized to give a shit. Pay anyone poorly and they will tend to put an ever-diminishing amount of care and effort into their work. It's easy to write a post on a Honduran lead-mining forum about how some teachers suck; harder to try to recognize why the problem exists in the first place and take actions in the real world to attempt to change things.

tl;dr Blame people that expect high-quality social services yet consistently vote for politicians that lower their taxes by gutting the same programs. It's usually wrong to blame the teacher (though not always).

"even that was tl;dr": You're being tricked by the rich to blame the poor for problems the rich create and profit from.

>> No.11019706

All of then fuckin UGLY
I much prefer anime Tiddies!

>> No.11019720

Wrong. If teachers didn't want to be poor, they wouldn't be teachers, or would teach at better schools. Here's the truth. Being a teacher means
>guaranteed job
>guaranteed job security (anything short of raping the disabled kid won't lead to termination)
>no competition (no one objectively judges your output)
>guaranteed promotions not on merit or talent but on seniority

In other words, only mediocre losers go to these positions. People that wouldn't be able to succeed in any stage go to the one stage where nothing is judged. And why are they poor? Because to give guaranteed jobs to mediocre people, the pie needs to be split among increasing numbers of losers.

The few teachers that are good at it are already head hunted by elite schools. I've had private schools call me offering to match my fintech compensation to teach math at their school. I already consider it my retirement plan when I get bored of finance. The people who actually teach at public schools are retards. Hence why we need school choice.

>> No.11019736

But this is not about teachers at public schools, this is about someone drawing a "how to draw boobs" thingy on the internet.

>> No.11019746

For me, it’s melons.

>> No.11019762

Wow, I didn't know you were still above ground, Ayn. I see you're just as short-sighted as always. Here's an idea: offering higher wages for public teachers might just attract big-brain, non-"losers" such as yourself to these positions. But we wouldn't want the gross lower-class to readily and consistently be given the means to improve their stations in life, now, would we? That might make it more difficult for upper-middle class brats like you to automatically be granted the cushy life that you “deserve”. Better to call underpaid social servants lazy and stupid in order to feel like you've legitimately earned anything in your life. Much easier than wasting all of that brainpower of yours on dumb stuff like critical thinking and basic morality.

>> No.11019834

I don't know who Ayn is you terminal schizo.
>Here's an idea: offering higher wages for public teachers might just attract big-brain, non-"losers"
But that isn't what you said. You said you wanted to raise their compensation so that they'd care, so don't change the goalpost. My response to that is that no matter how much you pay them, they'd still be mediocre retards.

Now, to address your goalpost-moving point. Sure, we could raise compensation for new teachers but first we'd need to:
>get rid of teacher unions
>cleanse the mediocre retards to make room for the new teachers

Two things I'm sure you despise. But unless you pull those triggers, the economics don't add up. You can't give high paying jobs to everyone. School choice is a good way to pull those triggers but orange man bad and devos woman bad.

I wish we could help the poor. But you fuckers are using the poor as a tool to give free jobs to retards who depend on the unions because they are so useless they wouldn't have a job otherwise. All of that to keep the power you get from those sweet union fees. I honestly hope kids start waking up and start teacher-only school shootings.

>> No.11019840

It sure is good for a society to educate the wealthy instead of the talented. Also, wasn't this about tits at one point? Did OP post hers on /b/ or what?

>> No.11019876

The talented would be getting the education they deserve if it wasn't for the communism tier system that unions push. At this point the only solution is for those kids to wake up and start killing their teachers en masse. Every dead teacher is one fewer fee payment for the union.

>> No.11019884

Take your meds, schizo