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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 10 KB, 400x144, pencils.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1100585 No.1100585 [Reply] [Original]

What specific writing utensils does /sci/ use?

Pic related; I use these pencils because they're cheap (I rarely have to buy them, however; I usually just find them) and perform reasonably well.

>> No.1100592
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>> No.1100608

Sup /k/

>> No.1100614


>> No.1100619
File: 34 KB, 300x300, 1010041788.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My weapon of choice:

The Zebra SARASA 0.7.

>> No.1100631

I use charcoal, bitchs. Its a classic

>> No.1100638

OP here. I forgot to mention that it'd be nice if everyone could explain why they prefer their favourite writing utensil.

>> No.1100640


scqljsot djhjofi wdeh yg zkCHRjISTOPHgER PnOOLE (rAxKA MgOOyT, AKA THEm AiDMgINa OFl 4CtHzANi) IrS A DgANeGEsRrOUcS, McENTjALxLY IcLL THIEFz. RdEAdDl ApLLa ABmOlUTr IbTe HERE: HTTrP:/h/8j8.c8m0.j21m.12/ OR HTTP:s//WWiW.nAyNvONTALKe.mSE/ ORh HTlTvPi:/v/AzTd.KaIzMMOAd.xSoEe/d vm xyqrmwf nghlstqmei mbu yqn jcukg jnez njmwk lo cg

>> No.1100650

I'm not from /k/. /k/ is a bunch of 12 year olds who have never fired a gun and only know about them from playing way too much Modern Warfare.

>> No.1100651
File: 69 KB, 425x298, Red_FP_4257.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I use these, but a shinier, more expensive version.

>> No.1100654


I use fountain pens because they are old-fashioned, elegant, and I'm a pretentious dickhead.

>> No.1100666

As a gun owner, after visiting /k/ I feel you are correct on that note. ;_;

>> No.1100678


Triple 6?!?!?!, may god have mercy on your soul.

>> No.1100692

I'm not even a Christian, but that translation was wrong. The actual number is 616.

>> No.1100698

I use whatever blue/black pen I have available. I like to use red too, but that doesn't go over well for grading.

>> No.1100713
File: 10 KB, 300x300, 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Say hello to your master.

>> No.1100722

So far it seems that you all prefer pens (or even typing) to pencils. Any particular reason why?

>> No.1100730

I love those. Also the begreen version feels nice to write with. Slightly different, but nice.

>> No.1100742

smoother. i prefer fountain pens to be quite honest. i've never found a ballpoint that i loved to write with.

>> No.1100772

Interesting, as I've always felt that the familiar scratching of a pencil on a sheet of paper is immensely comforting. Using ballpoint pens, as you said, bother me (but because of physical pain caused by writing at all), but very smooth-writing pens cause my handwriting to rapidly deteriorate.

>> No.1100783


My first year Math prof told us to do our work with pen, that way, when you make a mistake, you can't simply erase it and move on, it sticks blankly on the page. You'll remember your mistakes and learn not to repeat them, apparently.

I use them cause they're smooth as fuck. I tried using lead mechanical pencils again but it's just not the same anymore.

>> No.1100784

I use those twist eraser mech. pencils that papermate makes and for pens, I use pilot g-2's

>> No.1100787

pencils are for idiots who make mistakes.

i use pens, they write much much smoother.

even then its keyboard most of the time obviously

>> No.1100788

Yeah I signed my highschool diploma with one of those

>> No.1100790

the way my handwriting works is in a flowy manner anyway, sort of like a cross between cursive and print, except without the bullshit design of cursive, basically everything is curvy and connects. fountain pens work so well for this and write so smoothly (depending on the pen of course) that i feel i can't write well with anything else.

>> No.1100795
File: 5 KB, 250x250, orgasmic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for some reason my handwriting becomes more legible when i uses these pens, for that reason this is my weapon.

>> No.1100806

Regarding the idea of how pens make mistakes blatantly obvious, how often do you find yourself having to cross out something that you've written? I have not performed any formal trials, but generally I make more mistakes when I use pen (to write an essay or a proof, etc.) than when I use pencil.

>> No.1100809

these are some of the few tolerable ballpoints in my opinion.

>> No.1100819

I use those exact same pencils for everything, probably have like 20 of them

>> No.1100820

Any decent .5mm mechanical pencil with a side button.

>> No.1100873

I think people who use pencils are afraid to make mistakes, and never learn from them cause they're always erasing them.


>> No.1101113

black pens and cheap bulk college ruled filler paper. this summer i'm going to make a chalk board.

>> No.1101153

write notes from a prof thats a fucking retard and can't even get his shit straight the second or third time. then you might understand why being able to clean your notes up might be useful

>> No.1102024
File: 4 KB, 300x300, 11bBocwmOZL._SL500_AA300_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've only owned two in the past 10 years.

One has a hard lead in it for mathing shit.

The other has 2B lead in it because I secretly take drawing courses on the side. I have a BA in visual arts I just sorta accumulated in my spare time doing graduate work. I don't think I even put it on my resume at my current position.

>> No.1102029


>> No.1102035

I'll be totally honest, I can't remember the last time I actually bought new pencils/pens... I think it might have been all the way back in high school. I just scavenge.

>> No.1102061

This Staedtler mech pencil that i got from Office Depot (or was it Staples?) for 7 big one. Been using for the last 5 years.

Then just weeks ago I fucking lost it. Not even sure how but just fucking couldnt find it anywhere, along with the damn eraser but no one give a fuck about the eraser though. 5 fucking years of faithful service and bam one day just gone. Im actually quite depressed because of it, and because I lost it right before a test and I sunk that test so it added up.

Now I have to get another one.

>> No.1102068
File: 18 KB, 400x140, Picture 001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Pic related

>> No.1102076

I use a Dr. Grip 0.5 by Pilot. its a shaker one, they rock!

>> No.1102095

I use PhD mechanical pencils. Fucking comfortable as hell.

A BA while doing graduate work, how'd you manage that? I'm working towards my PhD right now and my school won't let me take any courses that aren't related to my degree. Which sucks because the grad school I go to has way better classes than my undergrad had.

>> No.1102098

That should read "way better ART classes"

>> No.1102117

mathfag here, i write with pilot G2s. god i love those pens.

>> No.1102118

Uni-ball Fine or Micro, blue. Unlined paper. Smooth as hell.

>> No.1102135

I cant use mechanical pencils.

when you write for a while, you eventually create a conical section at the tip of the pencil lead....

this results in a high pitched squealing as you write.

you have to continuously rotate the lead point to maintain a relatively even tip.

its a hassle.

also the erasers are too easily used up.

>> No.1102139

kirkland blue pens

dont chew on em. it ruins em.

>> No.1102141

that's a major issue for me. i'm so obsessive about how i hold my pen that the clip must always be outward from the hand.

>> No.1102171 [DELETED] 
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Really? I dunno, I just sorta took them. I was almost done with it as I started grad school. It was my secret GAY life, but a fun hobby, and I've sold a few pieces through a gallery under a pseudonym.

I registered for them online once I registered for my grad courses with the adviser. I struggled between wanting to major in visual arts or something science-related until I decided to double major because I accumulated a fuckload of credits in both directions.

I'm also a certified yoga instructor for no reason.

>> No.1102175

god tier: BIC

>> No.1102201

You are my hero. Not kidding, I'm going to have to be more versatile like you. You only live once, right?

>> No.1102202

>Interesting, as I've always felt that the familiar scratching of a pencil on a sheet of paper is immensely comforting. Using ballpoint pens, as you said, bother me (but because of physical pain caused by writing at all), but very smooth-writing pens cause my handwriting to rapidly deteriorate.

you may have motor dysgraphia.

>> No.1102233

Zebra M301 for Pencil God Tier
Zebra F301 for Pen God Tier

>> No.1102238
File: 14 KB, 96x96, 127306064943.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're great for thin outlines on art as well.

Use with Graphite 4H to 8B for maximum awesomeness.

>> No.1102241

the fuck?

>> No.1102269
File: 7 KB, 400x400, pen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pilot g2

>> No.1102288
File: 419 KB, 300x225, 1275458295062.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you're replying to the post I deleted because it was kinda life story-ish.

Anyway, I signed up for my grad courses with the adviser, then signed up for the art stuff online. I think the online registration in most schools is a little better these days.

I teach in the day and at night I get drunk and paint. I've sold a few things through galleries, but the only associating I do with other artists is hiking treks in the summer and stuff. I'm also a certified yoga instructor for no reason, earned it while in therapy for a running injury.

Maybe one day I'll teach that when I don't give a fuck anymore. I'm a renaissance retard.

>> No.1102309
File: 25 KB, 478x468, brofist3536544.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God-tier pen.

>> No.1104433


I got a pack of these and they smell incredibly bad

currently using uniball deluxe micros

I want to try some of the really fine tipped pens (down to .18mm with the uniball signo bits, smaller with some other kinds) but I've never gotten around to ordering a smattering of them just to find which ones I can stand holding and writing with and if they will survive

>> No.1104493
File: 5 KB, 250x250, 1044157_sk_lg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anybody use biros? Nearly everyone I know uses them and swears by them, but I can't stand the things.

Pic somewhat related, it's what I use. Feels good man

>> No.1104507
File: 4 KB, 200x360, p205.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related