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11005484 No.11005484[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is IQ detectable from outside ?

>> No.11005485

Probably through the eyes. Morons have this unaware look while smart people generally look more "awake"

>> No.11005489

He probably deducted that form the fact that CEOs and successful people tend to be taller

I think that I read somewhere that good looks is related with higher intelligence

>> No.11005491
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>another IQ thread

>> No.11005526

Yeah. The main reason why height correlates with IQ is because it implies that the person and his ancestors were well-nutritioned.


>> No.11005663

>one single study
>no reference
>no deep-in depth analysis and studies afterwards
Quit your pseudoscience

>> No.11005681

You must seek the phenotype ASHKENAZI women CRAVE

>> No.11005693

>>one single study


Remember, genes come in packages.

>> No.11005704

At least provide counter-evidence.

>> No.11005792

I guess you don't even have a degree, you just browse /sci/ to do incel shitposting.
I don't need to. You two have clearly no idea how papers work. You don't come to a conclusion by one single paper. It's not my work nor my interested to conduct study in order to further prove or disprove this topic. Kinda sad getting a Ph.D. to conversate with uneducated morons who pretend to understand how papers and science work.

>> No.11005802

>Remember, genes come in packages.
>tfw you lead researches with genetists in order to understand etiology of neurological illness but a retard on /sci/ pretend to teach you how genetic works
Shut the fuck up

>> No.11005872

not iq but intelligence, wokeness and general personality are visible in the eyes.
enlightened people have the best eyes of all

>> No.11006155

>good looks equals to high iq
you just got played by the halo effect. If you didn't treat those good looking people with respect and shunned them every time, They would drop intelligence since they won't have that reinforced confidence they should have from good looks.

Height on the other hand, apparently shows there is a correlation, though not a strong one.

>> No.11006175

Jus scraped in at 90 and apparently these niggas still own batteries

>> No.11006194
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>that lanklet brainlet cope
Daily reminder that you will never compete agaisnt an autistic bald ugly gnome.

>> No.11006625
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[math] \mathbb{ P ~ H ~ E ~ N ~ O ~ T ~ Y ~ P ~ E } [/math]

>> No.11006646

Probably not from appearance but I can usually tell who's really smart from their personality and as others have said their "aliveness" they just seem more awake and present.

Though I think there are people who are generally smart and there are people who are smart in particular ways, the second group can seem "dumb" from the outside.

>> No.11006655

Skin color is a good proxy.

>> No.11006665

It's incredibly annoying when people show up who obviously have no understanding of what they're talking about.
You should get used to this however as it's hardly confined to 4chan. Academics is full of such people who leave their small field to "teach" other people how to conduct their studies

>> No.11006681

It's less about "IQ" and more about thoughtfulness.
I would agree with anons who say you can see it in the face, and I would also add, obviously, in one's personality. People who are always thinking deeply about things, extrapolating information and analyzing their observations and surroundings, they are aware of their current state of mind and feelings, and they are aware of how their current state of mind and feelings affect the thoughts they are having.
You can see it in their eyes, when they are looking at and focused on many things, instead of unfocused and just "seeing" what's in front of them. The less thoughtful person is more animal-like, so instead of piercing with their eyes to extract useful information in order to act with calculation, they just broadly perceive what's around them in order to react, unaware of their own thought processes and unconcerned with those of others, so they just let their emotions fly and get carried away by them.
One big giveaway is any talk of "intuition". A less thoughtful person trusts their feelings because they basically just run on automatic mode; Animal, instinctual, they don't have to think about it. "I have a feeling about this" is how the less-thoughtful judge things. Thoughtful people think about the way they are feeling, determining the root causes of that feeling, and then making judgments based on those reliable and definable external sources.
It's like reading the cover-slip summary of a book vs. reading the book.

>> No.11006715

>You don't come to a conclusion by one single paper.
He clearly showed you multiple ones you retard.

>Kinda sad getting a Ph.D. to conversate with uneducated morons who pretend to understand how papers and science work.
Argument from authority. Nobody gives a fuck about what you said, but what the evidence says.

>> No.11006734


>> No.11006742

>tfw you can’t write a coherent sentence

>> No.11006805

>one study
>didn’t even understand the other paper
KEK /pol/tard and their retardation at their finest

>> No.11006807

Indeed, personally I believe the smartest people are the ones with the most questions and curious minds, hell, its how humanity got here in the first fucking place.

>> No.11006836
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Obviously the eyes help to detect if one is capable of hunting.