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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 72 KB, 740x588, 71FD9BF9-0D79-4B23-B58F-37FD54680EF0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11003864 No.11003864 [Reply] [Original]

So /sci/, which of you will live and which of you will die?

(Not homework btw, I saw this image in a Facebook group and thought it was both funny enough and challenging enough to share)

>> No.11003883

This is basically just a direct computation as far as I can see.

>> No.11003906

I’m not sure I’m seeing what you’re seeing.
There are :
Z/144Z = Z/16Z x Z/9Z
Z/16Z x Z/3Z2
Z/8Z x Z/2Z x Z/9Z
Z/8Z x Z/2Z x Z/3Z2
Z/4Z2 x Z/9Z
Z/4Z2 x Z/3Z2
Z/4Z x Z/2Z2 x Z/9Z
Z/4Z x Z/2Z2 x Z/3Z2
Z/2Z4 x Z/9Z
Z/2Z4 x Z/3Z2

If p is neither 2 nor 3, (p^l)G and (p^(l+1))G are equal to the group itself so the answer is always 0. So please don't ask.

For p^l=3, it is either 0 (Z/3Z2) or 1 (Z/9Z). This is the only way you can know the 3-part so you HAVE to ask this question (or the equivalent p=3, l=0 which gives 1 or 2). Now you only have one question left to know the 2-part.

For p^l=2, the answer is the number of factors in the 2-part of G which are not Z/2Z (it can be 0 if Z/2Z4, 1 if Z/16Z or Z/8ZxZ/2Z or Z/4ZxZ/2Z2, 2 if Z/4Z2). So it is not enough (your winning probability is 2/5+3/5*1/3=3/5=60%).

For p=2 l=0 : the answer is the number of factors of the 2-part of G (1 if Z/16Z, 2 if Z/8ZxZ/2Z or Z/4Z2, 3 if Z/2Z2xZ/4Z, 4 if Z/2Z4). This is also not enough, but this time you have 3/5+2/5*1/2=4/5=80% chances of winning.

For p^l=4, the answer (numbers of 2-factors that are not Z/2Z or Z/4Z) can be 0 (Z/2Z4 or Z/2Z2xZ/4Z or Z/4Z2) or 1 (Z/16Z or Z/8ZxZ/2Z). This time you have 3/5*1/3+2/5*1/2=2/5=40% chances of winning.

For p^l=8, the answer can be 1 (Z/16Z) or 0 (everything else). This means 1/5+4/5*1/4=2/5=40% chances of winning too.

For p^l=16,32,64... the answer is always 0. So you have 20% chances of winning.

This whole thing proves it's impossible but you have 80% chances of survival if you're smart, and you can't do better.

If you have three questions, just ask 31, 2^0 and the 21 one (or even 22). You will always survive.
(Sauce: the comment section lol)

>> No.11003922
File: 440 KB, 1125x2001, 977F5D50-8746-4BB4-8861-3987AC3B6AF2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually fuck it, it’ll be easier to post screenshots

>> No.11003927
File: 470 KB, 1125x2001, 9B8B0696-227F-48CE-976F-D436E4B71666.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11003936
File: 440 KB, 1125x2001, 00232508-D905-49F9-9D3A-6D5CEF0477E2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posted screenshots because it’s a lot easier and cleaner than going back and putting carrots where exponents should be

>> No.11003953
File: 2.39 MB, 320x240, TIMESAND___0lbye2v2sss2asefccy6nrtyyiibdppr6xfjhvvluppaa1uz8737xgg4uie7i911.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, based on the way the girl came deliberate to mock me when I was leaving the gym by opening her legs for me to look at her pussy, everyone is going to get killed, and all their relatives, and I'm going to be severely cruel about it to that girl who did that today, and also to her family and whoever sent her there to mock my suffering this evening, which was probably Helene, who is the main one who gets off on women sucking basically every dick in town except mine.

Is it not enough that I have to suffer? I need 20 year old sluts mocking me on their way to go suck some inferior man's inferior dick? I don't need it and I don't want it, and I will never forgive the people who orchestrated that incident as I was leaving the gym this evening. I will take away all their blessings. I will take away so many blessings from them, they are going to be surprised that they even had that many blessings for me to take away from them.

So know this: the base case for gangstalkers is crucifixion, but if what you do is so hurtful from the malice of you intentionally stabbing right where you know it hurts, what you family gets will be a lot worse than crucifixion. Please be advised: you're fucking with the wrong person and your ancestors did you a severe disservice by not warning you about me.

>> No.11004012

So this is the analogy I use: What is your thought process? What is your thinking where the odds of you getting a moment of satisfaction from being a cunt to me, on hand, versust me on the other hand literally making hell on earth as a torture camp somewhere, and sending you to suffer there in abject misery for who knows how many years? Even if you are 99% sure that your ancestors told you the truth about everything, does 99 to 1 seem like good odds on a moment of smugness derived from being a horrible cunt versus literally going to hell, forever, and then still losing your immortal soul and going into the second death after your body finally dies? If those seem like good odds to you, or if you are more than 99% sure that your ancestors passed down the ancient secret knowledge to your branch of yall's clan, then you are profoundly retarded and you should consult with someone who knows about odds and stuff.

You all are going to learn fear of the Lord. I am going to learn you it real well. If I had already tortured someone for doing what that girl did this evening, an act of absolutely unadulterated malice, and that girl had seen what I did to that person, then she would have already learned fear of the Lord, and she would not have done it. So... now when I make the example for people to see, she will be the example I make.

>> No.11004018

>Kill me
How? Crushing me with her undoubtedly sweaty, smelly and dirty feet?
Eating me? Anally voring me? Unbirthing me?
What if she unbirths me and technically kills "me" (i.e my personality) over time as I'm turned into her daughter?

anyway math autist must be gassed.

>> No.11004020
File: 181 KB, 800x450, 0345A061-E51F-4606-86B6-C548C05CDFDC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11004025
File: 45 KB, 1036x531, TIMESAND___07621aeifetv0448i9tv0448i9tv0448i9tv0448i900y327.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So... please hear me and believe me: don't be so eager to be the one I make the example out of. Prudence means forethought for the future, so you should have some and consider that the apparatus of violence might yet land in my hand, and that I have promised that I will torture you to death with it if you slosh your buckets of malice on me by ambushing me along the routes I travel, or doing so in any other fashion. Please believe me. Even if you think there's a 99.9999% chance that I'm just a retard who won't do shit, ask yourself if a moment of smug cuntiness is worth a 1-in-a-million chance of you being tortured for decades, and me killing your whole family to rid the world of your memory. Unless you really, really, really love being a cunt, like you have some hyper-psychotic malice fetish, those aren't good odds. I'm a math guy, and I know about these things, and as much effort as I am putting into typing these posts now, even more effort will put into rounding up everyone in pc-related log file when the apparatus of violence does finally get to where it's supposed to be. Please believe me.

If you don't believe me, ask why they call me El Arcón. It's not because I'm a normie.

>> No.11004031
File: 45 KB, 789x368, TIMESAND___08i9grt1a1a1z1zzrrtfv7f4yc2j6jr6v2648i9tv8i8i9ftieytkttv90grt1a1a1z1zzrrthor0y8i9tv327.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11004187
File: 812 KB, 843x564, TIMESAND___King_of_Babylon2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So think about this when you're saying, "Man, wtf is this tard's deal writing all this bullshit?" Think about if there's some other gangstalker out there send to ridicule me at the behest of the allegorical King of Assyria, (the historical enemy of me, the real King of Babylon) and she decides not to do it because she understands the odds are not good for her, even ignoring that it's not good to spiteful cunt just to be a spiteful cunt. So then by writing this, I have saved that person from going to hell. Please consider that, and how huge that is. You might say, "You could save that person from hell by not sending them there for their hype-malicious gangstalking," and you're right, but that's not in the interest of the teaching of the fear of the Lord, and that will be my main objective when it comes to what I'm going to do on the day the apparatus of violence finally lands in my hand. It will be a cruel day, with suffering and fierce anger.

>> No.11004297

oh, it's just tooker. sup schitzo?

>> No.11004350

I will not let my captives go. If you are here with me now, the false gods you serve sent you here to die. I strongly urge you to try think past the end of your nose and ask if you would rather be crucified and die not more than three days after your torment begins, or if you want to be one of the people who goes to hell thinking about how they could have died on the cross and stopped suffering long ago, but there was that one instance of gangstalking I recorded in my log, and then you were denied the relative mercy of that relatively quick death. I know you look at me. If wonder if I am that man, I promise you that I am. If you don't wonder, you ought to.

As good as it if for me if you cease the ridicule your masters send you to serve me, I want you to give thoughtful consideration to the idea that it is even better for (((you))) if you don't do it. I know this requires thinking past your next like on Gangstalker-gram, but I urge you to give careful consideration to the future you want to make for yourself.

I will not let you go. Think about what you want to happen after I don't.

>> No.11004351
File: 21 KB, 770x551, TIMESAND___08i9gfrv334vv1zzrrthor0y8i9tv327.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pic

>> No.11004485
File: 869 KB, 1088x946, TIMESAND___King_of_Babylon+762+++forever.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When Gedaliah (with an H) told the Israelites not to worry too much about going into Babylon and that it would not be like when they were in Egypt, the Israelites killed him for it like they later killed Jesus for saying other things they didn't like. However, Gedaliah was totally correct. It was by them going into Babylon then that made it so an Israelite is the King of Babylon today.

This is confusing to many of you because I'm a king without a crown right now, but I am also the King of Britons, and I have a good claim on the throne of the United Kingdom, and Elizabeth II, who called herself Avis Jorgenson when she pretended to be my neighbor in AZ in the 1980s, is getting very old. Elizabeth is George's "daughter," and Avis means grandparent in Latin.

Indeed, the reason why Elizabeth's father abdicated the throne of the UK was because he knew the real king, the King of the Britons as opposed to the UK, was in America. This goes back to the princes in the tower, my ancestors. I am also the great-grandson of the last emperor of Russia, and I have claims on the Ming Chinese throne, and the Chrysanthemum throne in Japan. So please give careful thought to this: not only is it possible that the apparatus of violence might land in my hand one day, I am very well positioned for it to land thusly.

>> No.11004799

The question just asks if it is possible, so maybe the answer is no.

>> No.11005185

i see that now lol