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/sci/ - Science & Math

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10997920 No.10997920 [Reply] [Original]

>fell for the STEM meme
STEM was a mistake. I should have studied the humanities instead.

>> No.10997927

yeah, low IQs are better served studying English or Philosophy instead. if you can’t have original thoughts it only makes sense to master the regurgitation disciplines

>> No.10997933

If you truly believe this then you should have studied the humanities instead.

>> No.10997943

I have an engineering degree and am about to get my masters in comp sci and I'm retarded and my favorite word is nigger.

>> No.10997950

>fall for the STEM meme
>get bachelors in physics/math
>bang nerdy gf for 4 years
>travel on internships
>get decent gre score but decide fuck grad school
>best decision of my life, academia is simply too stressful

I don't regret going to school for physics and math though, not one bit.

>> No.10997957

should have gotten a business degree. Business is the only truly meritocratic institution in the world, everything else is handjobs and lucky breaks

>> No.10997960

chads aren’t allowed on here. i was a good undergrad in stem at a good school and the whole time i only had one cute girl try to seduce me and only one fat girl try to also court me. and i am average-below average looking

even good stem students only get limited attention from girls. they are much more into the art majors and rich kids

>> No.10997973


Nah that's because you're an autist and don't lift.

>> No.10997977

yeah bro but here's the thing, I kind of regret even dating her. GF is a big time-sink, even if it's good times. I could have focused more on my studies and pursued more advanced research topics.

>> No.10998046

You’re a simp, women are like objects & should be treated as such. Use them when you need them then throw them away when they become worthless. Only person to blame is yourself

>> No.10998054

What did you even study?

>> No.10998058

lifting is only for insecure brainlets

>> No.10998062

>tfw realize I should just stop at a masters and become a teacher instead

>> No.10998065

How is STEM a meme?

>> No.10998100

He probably studied a shit STEM subject or works for a shit company

>> No.10998108

Which STEM subjects are the most shit besides psychology and possibly biology?

>> No.10998157

Psychology is the shittest. Biology and Physics is probably the best you can study

>> No.10998162

Planning to do Comp Sci with Cybersecurity as one of the electives. Seems like a decent career considering how many fucking retards there are. Will also do AI for futureproofing my eventual AI replacement

>> No.10998184

Still helps you get chicks

>> No.10998196

As someone who studies STEM and philosophy, I think you're undervaluing a diverse field of study.

Philosophy is a useful field of inquiry for anyone who wants to better understand themselves, and I would think someone who loves STEM would relish the thought of more understanding

>> No.10998200

>best you can study
HAHAHAHAH, no, medical school does not fall under the field of "STEM". Truth is biology jobs consist of labslave work or walking into cornfields and picking up bird carcasses, minimum PHD to get a good job not like that, meanwhile Mr."I slacked through my algorithms class" is graduating with a BA in CS and making 80K starting.

>> No.10998234

>no handjobs or lucky breaks

Get a load of this guy

>> No.10998235

I was thinking along the lines of Genetic Engineering but ok

>> No.10998237

Philosophy majors have IQ levels equal to physics majors and mathematicians, retard.

>> No.10998243

That's still labslave work, unless you're already renown or have a phd you're not doing any of your own research.

>> No.10999090

you're not wrong, I WAS a simp.


>> No.10999807

I dont know why people lump philosophy in with the rest of the humanities as low iq, every metric shows that philosophy is one of the most intellectually demanding fields on par with mathematics. Even the classical humanities like history are pretty hard when you get to higher levels. Cant say the same about indigenous queer studies or whatever new bullshit circlejerks have been invented recently.

>> No.10999813

Ayyy thata boy

>> No.10999942

>philosophy is low iq
Read Hegel and see how you can handle it brainlet

>> No.10999950

Why not switch to studying humanities, then? It's not too late, if you're not very old.

>> No.10999960

Sounds like bullshit. Has anyone even studied this? I'd like to see a source, if anyone has one.

>> No.11000090

Life is good until you realise the thermodynamics meme is REAL

>> No.11000094

>giving Hegel as an example of a high IQ philosopher
It's over for you.

>> No.11000095

Humanities feels like even more of a meme

>> No.11000109

STEM students become wagecucks while humanities students become Chad lawyers

>> No.11000122

Sounds better than fighting for the common man anyways. You instead get to fight for the overlord.

>> No.11000125

t. never read Hegel

>> No.11000133
File: 262 KB, 578x600, Rembrandt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go Friendo, although this one has philosophy math and physics all within a 4 iq point range, but philosophy is slightly below physics. I wonder if some of that has to do with fields of philosophy like "critical race theory" and "feminist philosophy" and "hegel" dragging down the rest.


>> No.11000146

>Social work isn’t sub 90 IQ

>> No.11000159

>I wonder if some of that has to do with fields of philosophy like "critical race theory" and "feminist philosophy" and "hegel" dragging down the rest.

I wonder if it has to do with margin of error probably being around a point or two

>> No.11000209

That only lists "Educational Testing Service" as a source, but I couldn't find anything on their home page. Couldn't find anything related on google scholar either.

>> No.11000234

>tfw used centrifuge a million times before
>tfw symmetrically organized the tubes
>tfw it wasn’t balanced because the tubes should have been 1 tube position further than they were (3 sets of three tubes), it was symmetrical just not where they should have been
>tfw got scolded by post doc and 2 grad students and all that about how I need to balance my the tubes (I know that but it looked fine to me, it was just a genuine fuck up)
>tfw hate stem now

>> No.11000261

Order looks about right but iq of everything looks too high. Knock it down 12 points and it seems very realistic

>> No.11000265

Perhaps they used a higher standard deviation than the usual 15.

>> No.11000296

Yeah something’s fucky there’s just no way you get an entire population of undergrads that high regardless of major

>> No.11000307
File: 389 KB, 869x3565, 1565391148850.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>low IQs

>> No.11000502

These days you're better off doing a practical subject like finance, business, economics etc. Companies don't just hire you because you have a difficult degree

>> No.11000554

unfortunately most people don't get nerdy gfs because there's not enough of them. we get stuck with normie gfs who just want to go into business or "pre med"

>> No.11001889

Isn't CS the ultimate "get away with being mediocre and still easily get a comfy job with little to no risk of being automated anytime soon" major?
From what I've heard, if you know something boring but useful like COBOL or SQL you'll easily get hired. Or you can go the challenging route and go to grad school for ML, either way you'll be golden.

>> No.11001904

Literally how the fuck do CS majors do it to get to that point? All of this fucking math and all of this work. If you can get through all of this, you deserve a comfy job.

>> No.11001962

this list's categories are baffling
>Other Humanities &art
>Humanities & arts
>Political Science
>Social Sciences
>Other Social Science
Surely Political Science is a subset of Social Science, and without a footnote there's no distinction between "Social Science" and "Other Social Science"? The same is true of "Humanities & Arts" vs "Other Humanities and Art".