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File: 24 KB, 255x333, 255px-Einstein_patentoffice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10996656 No.10996656 [Reply] [Original]

Am I reading this right....

After graduating in 1900, Einstein spent almost two frustrating years searching for a teaching post. He acquired Swiss citizenship in February 1901,[50] but for medical reasons was not conscripted.


Einstein was unemployed for two whole years after graduation?

he dodged the draft twice, and then gets his first job at 23 in the patent office?

>> No.10996659

What's your question?

>> No.10996663

Einstein was unemployed for two whole years after graduation?

>> No.10996667

This thread seems familiar

>> No.10996683

woah what the fuck happened to charle chaplin?

>> No.10996699

That is what the article says, yes. I'm not his biographer so I dont know how true that is.

>> No.10996709

Just don't. You're not going to be the next Einstein just because you didn't find a job after graduating.

>> No.10996729

Well yes.
Thats why he decided to fake it till he make it.

>> No.10996938


>> No.10997090

Yes anon. He also smoked weed every day and came up with the theory of relativity while on NEETbux.

>> No.10997112

STEM geniuses are incredibly funny. Read this story of how Kurt Gödel almost fucked up his citizenship hearing


>> No.10997139

That was the 1900s, anon. If you have a job gap of two years on your resume today it just means you'll get auto-rejected from almost any workplace you try applying to.

>> No.10997144

>google drive link
Glow harder fucking cia nigger

>> No.10997898

If you study history the idea of universal intellectual patent is a new thing many are still unfamiliar with it. Patent offices usually meant real estate title office or county clerk etc. Patents being a piece of paper showing ownership over property within the republic/realm.

>> No.10998869

>universal intellectual patent is a new thing
Is it a thing at all? After all patents are dependent on national law.
Patents are not new.

>> No.10998937

I'm just like Einstein as a NEET. Yippee!

>> No.10998965
File: 50 KB, 300x300, CqJz.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>chubby cheeks
>sad sack eyes
>receding or droopy jaw
Holy shit, that cleft chin absolutely saves the day. Moustache was a good idea too.

>> No.10998971

Never noticed it until you pointed it out

>> No.10998989

The sad thing is that I know people exactly like that

>> No.11000827

but what exactly did he find out?