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/sci/ - Science & Math

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10989957 No.10989957 [Reply] [Original]

Which major is the most based? Thinking of changing mine from Civil Engineering to some other shit.

>> No.10989962

Go to biology trust me you won't regret it.

>> No.10989966

Computer science is you want fast easy money after graduation. You just have to deal with larping from /sci/ but you will literally make 6 figures in your first job.

>> No.10989970

EE, CS or Computer Engineering.
Only do math or physics of you feel that you only want to do math/physics and that doing anything else would be a waste of your life

>> No.10989977

Why the homophobia?

>> No.10990509


>> No.10990516

Mathematics or Physics.

>> No.10990518

>Only do math or physics of you feel that you only want to do math/physics and that doing anything else would be a waste of your life

>> No.10990519

Or Mathematical physics

>> No.10990531


>> No.10990790

A BS in Biology is good for medical school but not much else
Also Software Engineering

>> No.10990811

>Which major is the most based?
Maybe you should start by not being a retard.

>> No.10990826
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I double majored in physics and math at an accredited but shitty engineering school

We used griffiths for quantum, didnt cover lagrangian mechanics until last 2 weeks of 3rd year mechanics, hamiltonian mechanics was barely half of a lecture, shitty lab equipment, favoritism towards females, terrible programming classes, etc

I still loved the shit out of it but I wish I tried a little harder to apply for a mathematical physics program somewhere else...

>> No.10990827

>Only do math or physics of you feel that you only want to do math/physics and that doing anything else would be a waste of your life
And what after that? Suicide?

>> No.10990830

quantum suicide

>> No.10990874

Friend of mine is a civil engineer who works for a provincial government. He does city planning or some shit. He works about 10 hours a week. I've made a game out of opening the steam app on my phone and seeing if he is playing PoE during the day. He rarely actually goes to work lol.

>> No.10990958

How much does he make?

>> No.10991276

Only like 60k or so last time I asked. May have gone up a bit by now.

>> No.10991281

>A BS in Biology is good for medical school but not much else
It's good for getting into graduate school in anything related to biology, as long as you actually did research internships an shiet.

>> No.10991576
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chemical engineering is the most chad

>> No.10992282

CS, EE, CE, math, physics

>> No.10992391

How to make 6 figures like this at first job?

>> No.10992407


SoftE in my college is trash because they have to take all the engineering classes and barely any programming

>> No.10992532

OP here, might take Electrical Engineering by the sound of this thread. Is mechanical Eng any good?

>> No.10992717

Tell me why I am so comfy in CE anon.

>> No.10992725

dat b8

>> No.10992782

Don't become a mining engineer, it's a horrible job with way too many people and there is not a shortage of qualified engineers in most places and mining companies do not hand out scholarships and paid intern positions like halloween candy. Don't do it bros.

>> No.10992815

60k a week? Shit that’s good money

>> No.10994439

>Only do math or physics of you feel that you only want to do math/physics and that doing anything else would be a waste of your life
Did Physics, with a PhD, now a patent attorney. Can recommend.

>> No.10996047

thoughts on mechanical?

>> No.10996069

How hard is it to get into ETH electrical eng?

>> No.10996077

based imo,
will never get obsolete and has a lot of variation and application

>> No.10996078

Go for Finance.

>> No.10996081

Is this the college freshman containment thread?

>> No.10996087
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Also reminder that engineering is a scam. You work yourself to death in school to become Chad's little cubicle monkey bitch boy. Chad studied business, which lets him collect $120k a year browsing facebook while barking orders at you. You studied engineering, so you're desperate to please Chad by working 60-70 hour weeks, or else risk losing your $50k salary in the next round of engineering downsizing layoffs.

>> No.10996090

lmao this, anyone who studied anything other than business or medicine is a brainlet slave that got tricked by the government's propaganda (financed by your taxes and lobbies which profit from having sheep employees)

>> No.10996102

Getting into med school isn’t always a possibility

>> No.10996110

Where are the Chemists at?
regular chemistry , the best you can do

>> No.10996114
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>why yes, I studied STEM, how can you tell?

>> No.10996121

I’m not advocating for stem in particular, dumbass, just saying that med school isn’t something you can just waltz into unlike every other major. Of course it’s the best career choice of all, but there’s a reason why it isn’t and will never be a bubble (unlike software eng for example)

>> No.10996124

/sci/ memed me out of studying CS almost ten years ago, because the incels here said it was a bubble. It wasn't a bubble then and it's still not a bubble now.

>> No.10996127

Grad school, suicide, same difference

>> No.10996129

As an FYI, for Civils (i.e. highway, bridge, traffic, etc.), you generally either go public and have a decent salary with exceptional benefits, or you go private with a higher salary, mediocre benefits, but you also may get more opportunities for fun projects and vertical movement. Often I meet folks who have done both, made good bucks in consulting then went to the public sector later in life to relax basically.

>> No.10996130 [DELETED] 

Depends if you want to end up working in either design or management/maintenance kinda fields.

Maintenance tends to lead to higher pay but will suck the life out of you if you go towards the project management route (judging from my bosses at least). Design is more interesting but less pay and less hands on - more computer analysis shit, which can be its own nightmare. Although this is just in general, I imagine you could make it pretty far either way.

>> No.10996140 [DELETED] 

Depends if you want to end up working in either design or management/maintenance kinda fields.Maintenance tends to lead to higher pay but will suck the life out of you if you go towards the project management route (judging from my bosses at least). Design is more interesting but less pay and less hands on - more computer analysis shit, which can be its own nightmare. Although this is just in general, I imagine you could make it pretty far either way.

>> No.10996147

What's the best thing to study if
>I'm europoor (willing to move)
>just want a comfy life (i.e. job security) with the possibility of a good salary
>don't want to be automated anytime soon

>> No.10996169

Something with powerful unions. They are literally your only protection against getting cucked.

>> No.10996180

Med school isn't if all you want is money.
If you are hard working enough to get into medical school. You can go into CS and make a lot of money and not have to burn your 20s away in school going half a million into debt.

Can confirm. Did that. Currently work for a fortune 100 company.

I do that now. Graduated in May. Now making 6 figs. leetcode.com and a strong resume. Graduated with a sub 3.0 gpa too. Companies don't care about gpa. This is for software engineering.

Currently interviewing for companies that pay in the 150k range. The FAANGS.

>> No.10996181

Really? Is nothing safe? I just want a cozy life, I don't care about the cutting edge.

>> No.10996182

Right, I forgot most people here are American.
In most other countries, you get paid to go to med school, and you have little to no debt afterwards.

>> No.10996190

Most countries also don't pay software engineers like they do in America either.

Also most countries aren't America so have fun living in a shit country lmao.

>> No.10996194

>point out fact
>autist spergs out
Being so defensive about your country sure makes your situation look enviable

>> No.10996221

Switzerland, HK, Singapore, Taiwan and others all have SV-tier wages for software engineers
>shit country
Yep I sure wish I could’ve been born in that great country where you either live in the most expensive big cities that drain the life out of you, or you’re stuck in a soulless suburban area that looks exactly the same as the thousands of other suburban areas spread throughout the country, with malls and drive throughs repeating themselves for hundreds of kilometers on end. At least you’re paid a few dozen grand more than most of your euro counterparts, right? I mean, QoL put aside :^)

>> No.10996230

source me on all those wages.

P.S. all that could be true if I was middle class or lower. All my family are doctors with private practices so I had a pretty nice upbringing :p

I work 35 hours a week, including my 1 hour long lunch break.

Don't be upset. Sorry you don't live in NYC making big bucks at 22 with no student debt like me. Yeah. It's possible to graduate with no student debt. Especially if you have parents like mine lmfao.

What part of my comment wasn't a fact?

>> No.10996233

>countries that aren't america are shit
You sound like a typical spoiled kid, I'm pretty sure you're baiting anyway. Good job, your posts are absolutely insufferable
Also NYC fucking sucks, t. actually lived there for a bit, unlike you probably

>> No.10996334


>> No.10996335

Nah, grad school is torture, just makes you wish you were already dead

>> No.10996762

Bio-engineering and genetics is the future. Hop on the train.

>> No.10996765

In America you take out a loan. After you graduate you live frugally and pay off your debt. Then you make bank unlike in the UK where its free but at the same time you make absolute dog shit. I would prefer the former.

>> No.10996795

absolutely based

>> No.10996802

mega based. Got my degree in math to cuck all the nigs and jews with my hot brilliant gleaming cock....and once the CS kids got jobs and I went to grad school I wanted to kill myself.

>> No.10996820

I make $120k doing easy ass HVAC and am at work less than 25 hours a week. I take calls and answer emails on the weekend but fuck m8, my job can be done from my phone.

>> No.10996849

think about employability more than prestige.

>> No.10996857

>Computer science
Ah, to compete with the hordes of H1B pajeets who would gladly do your job for half your pay and that your boss has already planned on replacing you with.

>> No.10996885

Obviously retard.

>> No.10996927

Where do you live, I don't have a passion or anything for this shit, I just thought it would be more tolerable than some humanities courses, so I'll be willing to do this type of stuff. Unless you're joking or something.

>> No.10996947

West coast. I just bought a house on a 1/3 acre for $300k if you want a snapshot of my CoL.

>> No.10996958

I live there too, what state?

>> No.10997034

Not telling that fgt. :^)

>> No.10997084

Well 120k in CA is different than 120k in Oregon, either way I'll consider it if this college shit keeps being gay.