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File: 30 KB, 615x409, crying human face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10988925 No.10988925 [Reply] [Original]

/sci/ I do not understand the biological reason that human beings cry when alone. I can understand why they would cry when around other people, in order to catch them off guard and try to emotionally manipulate them to various purposes. However I do not understand why humans cry when they believe that they are alone. What purpose does this serve? I am curious as to the scientific reason behind this since I have never in my life cried for any purpose other than emotional manipulation. Is there a biological or evolutionary benefit to crying?
t. fellow human

>> No.10988927

>Why do human beings cry when they are alone? [citation needed]

>> No.10988931

I have observed this through means. Perhaps a study should be done where many people are constantly watched to see if they ever cry. Maybe kill their pets and see if they cry.

>> No.10988938

Why do you think people cry in general? And why do you think people avoid crying in public?

>> No.10988943

People cry because they want to gain pity and catch people unawares in order to get something from them or harm them?

>> No.10988962

If that's your definition of crying, then why do you think people cry alone?

>> No.10988966

Because they are trying to trick themselves into pitying themselves so that they can ignore reality?

>> No.10989004

Okay, so why did you make this thread?

>> No.10989064

the keyphrase is "what do I think", he has an hypothesis and wants to confirm it

>> No.10989078

Stop pretending to be a psychopath who doesn't know why people cry. grow up you fucking pathetic edgelord.

Crying relieves emotional stress.

>> No.10989476

>[citation needed] for something obvious
Fuck off redditor

>> No.10990467

I think the reason is more social.
Crying is upsettling and a sign of weakness, so of course you'd rather do that alone.
Unless you're a south italian woman, in which case you cry and scream hysterically like the world is ending and the demons of hell are dismembering to death everything you hold dear right before your eyes.

>> No.10990469

It's not just south Italian women trust me.

>> No.10990478

>t. fellow human

man i'm getting sick of theses caricatural recess. (more importantly, how's the 200IQ life going for you ?)

Is your question close to, if humans had everything they needed why would they cry ?

fuck it i fucking figured it out !

It's because niggers needs to kill peoples.

Like a troie horse.

>> No.10990483

Either this is bait or really a genuine question. Humans cry when they're alone due to feelings of not being able to relate to anyone and results in a spiral of depression. This all occurs mentally, as we have placed an indebtedness towards other people that we rely on, thus if those people were to disappear all of a sudden, the human psyche will not be able to tolerate this.
I experienced the same feeling after I didn't get the overall grade I wanted and got visions of an extremely distraught life.

>> No.10990486

Pretty sure he was joking

>> No.10990492
File: 119 KB, 583x482, 1548672444364.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>didn't get the overall grade I wanted and got visions of an extremely distraught life
Don't worry pal, I got the highest possible grades achievable and still have visions of an extremely distraught life.

>> No.10990514


>> No.10990574

>pretending to be an emotionless psycho on an anonymous online Malaysian arrowfletching emporium

>> No.10990630

Deep emotional expression

>> No.10990647

A pretty good explanation I've heard is that, since we cry when bad things happen, crying is meant to make us feel shitty regardless of wether we're alone or in company, so that we try to avoid having bad things happen again.

>> No.10990724


>> No.10990803

probably depressed, and that's assuming based on the highest grades he's achieved. Therefore it's safe to assume that anon is credibly smart, and since the assumption that ascertaining a high g factor is correlated to having mental problems; that's why anon has visions of a shit life

>> No.10990999

Based and actually thought about this pilled

>> No.10991005

We are in a forest, and there is a tribe of humans. At some point a little child gets lost. He is all alone. Soon he will be killed by a wild animal, or he will starve. So he cries, the mother hears him and she finds him. Now the child is safe. This is also why a well fed baby cries if you leave him alone in a crib.