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10988423 No.10988423 [Reply] [Original]

Is it possible to do a phd in a tough field, let's say maths, and have a full time job simultaneously?

>> No.10988426

Oh man I wish.

>> No.10988429

A PhD is a full-time job. You're paid enough that you don't need to work outside of your teaching assignment at the uni, which is convenient because there physically isn't enough time in the day to do a PhD and an unrelated job until somebody discovers the cure for sleep.

>> No.10988431

100% no.

>> No.10988435

>You're paid enough
If I was paid enough by studying I'd be doing a PhD in Stochastic Analysis instead of working in finance. You just have stockholm syndrome for academia. Or you were lucky enough to be born poor so you can't even tell the difference.

>> No.10988441

Can a company pay you while you're doing a PHD? Lets say you work for an energy company with a Msc in geophysics, would they ever pay you while you're on your PHD if you're researching something of interest to the company?

Maybe they get the knowledge from the PHD to themselves or something?

>> No.10988504

Companies pay for MBA and Masters all the time because these are 1 to 2 years. PhD takes 4+ years. If your boss tells you to leave for 4 years, you are essentially fired.

>> No.10988546

I said "enough so that you don't need to work", not "enough to fulfil your compulsion to buy a bunch of nice shit". PhD stipend is basically minimum wage, but it's objectively enough to not starve on.

>> No.10988559

Yeah, I hope that's what you meant. But if you admit that, you admit that you are living at the same quality of life as a Mc Donald's frier. So much for prestige. When a PhD stipend affords me steak every weekend with my white girlfriend, I'll consider it. Meanwhile finance it is.

>> No.10988564

Have you considered you're just shit at managing your finances? If you're paid at least 15K a year that should be plenty outside of LA/NYC/SF/etc.

>> No.10988580

My compensation affords me
50% into savings
White girlfriend
Steak every weekend
All basic quality of life stuff
Some higher quality of life stuff

Plus benefits like private insurance. When academia matches that (specially white girlfriend), you may tempt me into contributing to your meme system.

>> No.10988584

>I NEED nice shit to be alive
bro just jump off a building with your "I have more than 2 pairs of shoes" looking head ass. School shoes and work shoes, that's all a man needs until his toes stick out his shoes.
>I need [insert popular band] clothes or I'll just die
fucking "I buy new clothes each season" looking faggot head ass. you can get a bunch of under shirts from walmart that'll last you eternity, then get some cubavera button ups or some polos. those will last you eternity. You get some pants, you don't need many, and one pair of shorts for the gym.
you don't need a bed or a bed frame, just get a mat and one blanket.
rice'll be your best friend.
A smooth brain like you wouldn't make it anyways. good luck in finance.
your white gf is just a fucking hinderance to your mind. My black law school gf understands my commitment and is loyal to the end. She respects my intelligence and that's one of the reasons she wants to take my white cock to make brilliant white kids.
suck my ass dude, you'll never be as happy or satisfied as me.

>> No.10988592

Good luck finding someone above 5/10 willing to accept your genes dressing like that.

>> No.10988603

Sorry you need an IQ of 160+ to make significant contributions to academic research. Please stay away.

>> No.10988609

No. Universities pay you to be a PhD student because they would essentially be enslaving you if they didn't

>> No.10988610

What if I'm a functional autist that enjoys 16 hours a day of repetitive lab work? Is it really enslavement?

>> No.10988611

cubavera button ups and polos are fucking classy as hell. I dress humbly because there's better places money could be spent.
only a retard buys into fast fashion. fact is I dont need more shirts, why would I get shit I simply don't need. Why would I get a car that's expensive when I could just not, they both work and drive. I practice asceticism because the accomplishments of the mind are more meaningful to me than a differently colored and arranged piece of clothing. sybarites will afford their dopamine but not their accomplishment or meaning.
my black gf is hot as fuck too. her figure makes her a goddess.
I love her for more than just her looks, she is a great person who loves me unconditionally.

>> No.10988614

I do not kinkshame so enjoy your jungle fever. I like white because just 10% of the world population is white so a white girlfriend is the ultimate status symbol. I'm your average STEM nerd and I graduated with the highest honors but there is nothing that I crave more than prestige and to have my ego stroked. I enjoy that most people would kill for my job. It gets me hard that I click a button and hundreds of people are directly affected, and I can casually talk on the phone about moving a billion dollars. That said, I don't go for memes. I have precisely 2 pairs of shoes, and dress however I want. But white girlfriend and prestigious (in the sense that everyone knows I am better than them just by telling them where I work) job are must haves to stroke my ego properly.

>> No.10988615


yes it is

>> No.10988619

But morals are a spook, therefore enslavement is just a social construct. Ergo it don't matter.

>> No.10988620

I assure you that I'm better than you and academia is losing from not having me. What, do you think I'm some bank teller? Who do you think big banks and hedge funds hire?

>> No.10988623

The fact that you care about being "better" than other people means you have <120IQ and severe emotional problems. You had shitty parents who maybe were slightly retarded, sorry bro.

>> No.10988625

>You can have one but not both

Proceed to drive in the right lane... just thinking... lol. Meanwhile, MD's and Profs are sharing their wives, driving BMWs, and when they go to work they provide tangible benefits for society, which in turn causes society to idealize them on such a level that you only masturbate at night thinking about.

>> No.10988628

What century are you living in? All the hip guys drive Tesla meme mobiles.

>> No.10988635

I can tell you don't have a white girlfriend. SAD.

>> No.10988642

I'm gay. Does that trigger you?

>> No.10988650

No, but I don't know the statistics on which race is rarest among gays. I'm sure most gays are white so a white boyfriend isn't an asset.

>> No.10988670

Im working fulltime and trying to fit in writing a thesis + studying 50%, it's tough. But then again, I'm taking friday nights and saturdays off. If I didn't I think I could've done it easily. But the alcoholism won't cure itself and if I dont drink, then who will?

>> No.10988684

cringe and retard pill'd
yeah but that's not a bad thing
>I assure you that I'm better than you and academia is losing from not having me.
incredibly false and delusional. you don't derive to even be in academia. You're clearly not intelligent enough.
>aiding society
>masturbating to being a doctor
cringe and gay pill'd
you can have both but you actually have to be intelligent.
>white gf
disgusting. you think you'll only be good enough if you fuck white women? you think that you can't be the best without a differently colored piece of pussy. do you even appreciate the mind of the other person you date? or are they so 2-dimensional that there's nothing to appreciate?
money is the most meaningless to me more than anything, therefore you are the biggest loser in the world in my eyes to be obsessed with it. You're so insecure it's gross to watch, anon.
try reading a real fucking book, loser.
everything you say makes me laugh.
go ahead and move you "billions" of dollars, anon. Money just doesn't mean that much to me and i'm not impressed or proud of you. In my eyes you're as foolish and enslaved as a blue collar servant.
I only need enough money to be free from it. I want to deal with it as little as possible so I'm not distracted with ridiculous human fabrications.
I know this is how you cope with not being good enough, anon. However, you shouldn't rob yourself of an experience with indulging yourself with flesh. You're like a child, but I want you to grow up, because it would sadden me to see a child become a corrupted heathen, mindless like any other ape.
read some philosophy, some Schopenhauer, Camus, Nietzsche, etc.
I hope you get better, kid.

>> No.10988715

>Doing interesting work that you love everyday is the same quality of life as working at McDonald’s
Yeah that’s true if you love working at McDonald’s. Not everyone has more passion about going out to eat stake dinners than they do for stochastic analysis.

>> No.10988719

All I care about is meme psychosis and having sex with my white gf. I am a product of meme psychosis, I'm not really a person when it comes down to it, I am a philosophical zombie. I am devoid of reason and my existence perpetuates only to do what my programming demands of me.

>> No.10988721

>Not everyone has more passion about going out to eat stake dinners than they do for stochastic analysis.
fuck steak if that's the cost.

>> No.10988727

Not caring about academia is not the same as not caring about stochastic analysis. Sorry if I don't want to subject myself to poverty only to do the arbitrary ritual meme dance. I could just go into a PhD program and in 3 months have my dissertation ready for publication. But no, academia caters to the mediocre who need the 4 years. Sad.

>> No.10988733

It's also funny how much I'm triggering you. I wonder what is it about me that gets into your nerves. Is it that I am not allowing you to ignore the fact that despite you being more intelligent than most, you are poorer and less respected than almost anyone? I'm sorry if that's the case, I didn't mean to hurt your feelings. I hope you get white girlfriends that can suck the anger right out of your dick.

>> No.10988754

>I could just go into a PhD program and in 3 months have my dissertation ready for publication
lmao you actually believe this

>> No.10988758

You don't want to be attached this much to a company. They will only pay your 4-year studies if they know you'll make more money than you cost and for a longer time. Of course your thesis could be so relevant that you could leave any time after those 4 years, but that's too unlikely to you consider ever happening to you.

>> No.10988760

for you to consider*

>> No.10988768

I know I could. Modern finance is based on stochastic analysis and I keep studying for my own pleasure. If you stopped being so gay and opened a PhD program for superior experienced practitioners who graduated undergraduate with the highest honors in pure mathematics where you can go in directly into research, I'd be your first client. And I know a girl and 5 other guys in that boat too. I can guarantee you that the average IQ of high finance practitioners is at least 50 points above the average IQ of university professors.

>> No.10988803

>stochastic analysis
lol maths are gay and useless
if you're not a geneticist you're a fag

>> No.10989052

I work at a Bulge Bracket bank, next to a theorethical Physics PhD who is a genius, completely off the charts (can talk about almost anything, even the most niche autistic shit) and he thinks IQ is a meme. So yeah, stop comparing imaginary power levels and do something profitable while you're at finance.

>> No.10989131

Not him, but jesus that last part was so stupidly funny.

>> No.10989221

>Is it possible to do a phd in a tough field, let's say maths, and have a full time job simultaneously?
Why don't you try it and find out?

>> No.10990683

>Is it possible to do a phd in a tough field, let's say maths, and have a full time job simultaneously?
Magnanti says yes.

>> No.10990694

Sounds like someone likes living extravagantly. This bad boy needs to drive a brand new BMW and update his phone every two years. Trips abroad at least twice a year too.

>> No.10990697

Also, if you are being funded for your PhD, you usually can't work. Generally there are clauses in your contract that say you agree to not work outside of the university during your time as a graduate student.

>> No.10990718

I got very limited funding from my PhD. And when I went hope having completed the degree I had my earthly possessions in two bags, one with books and one with clothing. Then I did a few years of post doc on similar lifestyle. I am not sure this is for everyone.

This is also the reason why most of the people I did a PhD with never got a girlfriend.

>> No.10990721

>white this black that
are you a burger?

>> No.10990758

>Is it possible to do a phd in a tough field, let's say maths, and have a full time job simultaneously?

>> No.10991111

Are things like licensing patents in a personal capacity usually forbidden in PhD contracts?