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10986910 No.10986910 [Reply] [Original]

Did Einstien steal someone else's research?

>> No.10986932


>> No.10986958

gonna go with yes on this one

>> No.10986963

>I considered my time transformation only as a heuristic working hypothesis. So the theory of relativity is really solely Einstein's work. And there can be no doubt that he would have conceived it even if the work of all his
predecessors in the theory of this field had not been done at all. His work is in this respect independent of the previous theories. - Lorentz

Case closed.

>> No.10986966

/pol/ says he did so it must be true

>> No.10986968


>> No.10987002

There is no way to know for sure one way or the other so no point in speculating.
Seems odd that he has shitty grades and worked in a patent office for years before coming up with his theory though.

>> No.10987014

If we're going /pol/ in this thread, might as well go all the way. https://redice.tv/news/the-einstein-monster

>> No.10987184
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>> No.10987213

No I can feel his aura, he was a genuine physics master. He was very concerned about a lot of things though.

>> No.10987222

Yeah he took all those physics patents that went through his office for himself.
Source = DA JOOS

>> No.10987417

At this day and age, why do you still get your facts from retarded fb tier gossip?

>> No.10987560

He wasnt the first person to work on e=mc^2. There are theories his wife helped him or did all the work.

>> No.10987599

No however he admittedly borrowed heavily from other, (for instance curvature and covariant derivative were largely the work of Ricci Levi-Civita). But this is actually how science works. No advanced theory is the work of a single person, since centuries.

>> No.10987615

If Einstein made himself that insanely famous to where his name is still to this day synonymous with "genius" and his theories are considered *more accurate* adjustments to fucking Isaac Newton despite not actually doing anything but steal other people's work then that arguably makes him even more intelligent than if he did the work the straightforward way.

>> No.10987652

I mean is putting together all the pieces so they fit considered the same as stealing the pieces?

>> No.10988209

He ripped off Minkwoski big-time, but at least he admitted it.

>> No.10988240

>click article source
>With World War II coming to a close, vindictive Jews worldwide openly called for the genocide of the German people. Indeed, this policy was partially implemented. Among the demonic voices demanding more blood was the "pacifist" Einstein.
literally 6 million jews killed hitler lmfao

>> No.10988332
