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File: 141 KB, 640x331, 1568907991489.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10986243 No.10986243 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw Homo sapiens are a brainlet human species

>> No.10986247

Modern humans probably have the same brain size. Brain folds to increase surface area.

>> No.10986252

No denisovan skulls have been found.

>> No.10986254

Who cares when you have an ass like that?

>> No.10986255

Yeah, well who rekt the neanderthal and denisovan bitches? Oh yeah we did

>> No.10986256
File: 244 KB, 923x331, witten.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10986269

Nah, brains become more efficient and smaller just like our mobilephones

>> No.10986276

Why’d you include a Freddy Mercury skull?

>> No.10986282

why do our top teeth jut out farther than the bottom teeth? it doesn't appear to on the other skulls

>> No.10986290

This has to do with a diet that was lacking in seeds and difficult to chew plants. Maybe this human are a lot of meat or cooked food. It is a lack of development from childhood underbite. I hope someone calls me a retard and explains better.

>> No.10986295

i normally jut out my lower jaw a little on purpose because i think it looks better. makes my jawline look more defined

>> No.10986302

Opposite for me. Can't get my jaw back far enough to make my teeth go where they should. What people call a "weak chin" is a better chin for fighting. My jaw looks "strong" but a good punch would send my teeth flying.

>> No.10986314

i'm a pussy that never fights so i never worry about that. i'm like severely underweight, i wouldn't be able to fight anyone who wasn't at least half my size

>> No.10986404 [DELETED] 

Because that's literally how you bite, if they aligned perfectly it would be difficult to bite anything. Picture yourself eating an apple, first you dig your front teeth in and then you come up with your bottom row, now align your teeth and try biting an apple, it would be difficult if not impossible to even take a bite.

As to why the other skulls aren't that way, I think it's to do with the shape of their jaws, their jaws already slope downwards so if they went to take a bite their bottom row of teeth would pull down and out of the way allowing their top teeth to dig in first, so effectively it's the same.

>> No.10986799

>Brain folds to increase surface area.
why do brain folds increase brain power? why is only the surface area important when you lose volume that way? weird.

>> No.10986938

It's not the size that matters, it's how you use it

>> No.10986972

brain is an electrical device increasing m^2/m^3 optimizes efficiency

>> No.10986982

You’re cute

>> No.10986983

chinese/mongols/koreans/iniuts all have very large brains due to their higher neanderthal dna admixture.
maybe we can use that to increase human brain size through genetic engineering?

>> No.10986995

Denisovans weren't larger, were they?

>> No.10987003

Our ancestors had big ass jaws for cracking nuts and chewing vegitation.
As hominid ancestors developed their diets were less and less tough, so big jaws weren't as necessary to have, unfortunately there are just a few too many teeth than can comfortably fit in the modern human head which is why so many people have fucked up grills and wisdom teeth that grow in sideways.
Since modern humans became modern humans by cooking meat and veg our jaws are a bit atrophied to boot.

>> No.10987099

didnt chinks breed with denisovans

>> No.10987142

Larger brain doesn't immediately imply larger intelligence. We are definitely smarter than whales and elephants. Neanderthals were likely dumber because their larger body sizes likely required their brains to divert more resources towards body maintenance.

>> No.10987149

Yes it does. Modern humans are dumb as shit.

>We are definitely smarter than whales and elephants
This is just patently false.

>Neanderthals were likely dumber because their larger body sizes likely required their brains to divert more resources towards body maintenance.
Nice excuses.

Modern humans are simply dumb as shit and it shows in literally everything.

>> No.10987154

>well who rekt the neanderthal and denisovan bitches?
we didn't exactly rekt them entirely, we kinda fucked them and absorbed them into our damn DNA.
remember we were compatible enough for us to interbreed...

>> No.10987161

anon, who the FUCK do you think is flying UFOs over your house? who the FUCK do you think built the pyramids, or the perfectly fitted megastructures of Peru and Turkey?

I'll tell you who. Denisovans. Neanderthals. They are the silent guardians and ancient aliens of our world.

>> No.10987179

but white people usually have Neanderthal admixture and we all know scientifically that white people have higher IQ
therefore Neanderthal DNA must be at least part of the reason
also we know that Neanderthal had complex societies before homosapiens did.

>> No.10987190
File: 334 KB, 700x700, HURRRRRR.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This is just patently false.

>> No.10987206

wonder what would had happened if we humans died out but neanderthals and denisovan proliferated in europe and asia.
would they also fantasize about us and what would we be as a species? would they be asking the same questions as us?.

>> No.10987212

As far as I know. There's only a finger bone.

>> No.10987215

they'd obviously be out colonizing space already and be too busy worrying about getting the construction of their blackhole power plant finished.

>> No.10987217

Well they're doing a shit job.

>> No.10987227

All non-African humans have some neanderthal DNA. Including Asians, Arabs, Australian aborigines, Native Americans, Pacific islanders, Papua New Guinea, etc.

>> No.10987230

don't forget they would have gone all out in eugenics and improve their species.
they would probably even start to create life in other places.

>> No.10987235

I believe that jews are descendants of a group of rogue denisovans.

>> No.10987336
File: 15 KB, 477x268, MV5BZDlkNTAzY2MtNmVjYS00Mzk5LWJlNGYtNzI1N2JhZDgwMmMxXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNzU1NzE3NTg@._V1_CR0,45,480,270_AL_UX477_CR0,0,477,268_AL_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>would they also fantasize about us and what would we be as a species? would they be asking the same questions as us?
They probably will find us moe as fuck
Maybe they would actually find us attractive too as we will have neoteny from their perspective
I mean the most handsome neanderthal you would see is a literal muscular ron pearlman
Most of us would look harmless and even weak

>> No.10987343

>We are definitely smarter than whales
Are you sure about that? Whales don't have the physical capability to use tools, that doesn't necessarily mean they are less intelligent. They may even communicate in language.

>> No.10988143


>> No.10989096
File: 75 KB, 400x240, boskop-3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually, that's Boskop man. A species only known by some fragments of their skulls.

>> No.10989110
File: 70 KB, 612x612, 1567218596236.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Their brains had far fewer wrinkles. More wrinkles = more processing power.

>> No.10989200

Homo Capensis is more likely. The skull isn't so large but still larger than a human. It's possible that Caesar's father was one of them.

>> No.10989217

Kek I do the same thing

>> No.10989574

>Caesar's father was one of them.
julius caesar or the zeppeli one?

>> No.10989591

Oh I got it wrong. Homo Capensis was the name they gave to the Boskop man. In any case, pic is vague evidence that Caesar was a hybrid.

>> No.10989597
File: 46 KB, 748x997, content-1529959007-julius[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and pic

>> No.10989602

The cerebral cortex isn't a ball-like volume, but a sheet. More folds allows more of the sheet to be packed into the skull.

>> No.10989624

ayyy lmao

>> No.10989668

Asians have the largest brain and the highest IQ of all humans. So larger brains in humans = "larger" intelligence.

>> No.10989697

Overbite jaw =/= square jaw. Learn the difference.

>> No.10989715

I don't think I'll learn much from you. Knock yourself out.

>> No.10989744

Most of that extra volume in N and D skulls is allocated in the occipital lobe which seems to be far less important when contributing to intelligence than say, the frontal lobe, which is relatively larger in modern humans

>> No.10989750

More cranial space does not equal more brain matter. If that were true, we would be ruled by whales.

>> No.10989758

witten is no homo tho

>> No.10989817
File: 306 KB, 665x665, sandhill-crane-414276_19201.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is the IQ of this bird?

>> No.10989863

>largest brain.
IQ? Whatever. But brain? How many legitimate sources? I see a bunch of theese peeps and skull goes straight up from the neck in the back. Am I coincidentally witnessing a rare sample?

>> No.10989877

Look up the papers of the race researchers that have been all been excluded from scientific academy due to the political/taboo nature of the subject.

>> No.10989881

Give a dummy a hint.

>> No.10989906

this, also they were meter-tall hobbit people

>> No.10989910


Actually the Inuits have the largest cranial capacity estimated at 1440cm while East Asians are 1425cm. Despite that size they have contributed less to Academia than those of African diaspora.


Not him but you're full of shit. Even by race researchers standards you're still off.



>> No.10989922

>cranial capacity
Holy shit their head diameter is 1440 cm?

>> No.10989927

Am him. You refer to the only study i found within the margin for error nearly 200 years ago. This isn't what my eyes have seen. Convince me I'm wrong.

>> No.10990728

Earlier examples of Homo Sapiens also tend to be larger brained than their descendants, by a significant amount. Also, that "Denisovan" is just a scaled up Neanderthal skull.
Asians are brachycephalic. They tend to have very wide braincases rather than long.
The percentages of admixture in Sapiens are pretty damn low if we consider that we arrived in their territory, in which they were established, as hunter gatherers. How low the percentages are is actually pretty surprising, with models suggesting that interbreeding must have been extremely infrequent to match up with what we see. It's also believed that some of their testicle related genes would cause infertility in male hybrids.

We could not have fucked Neanderthals and Denisovans out of existence because we didn't fuck them anywhere near enough for that.

>> No.10990848

0. stay out of trouble
1. gain mass
2. get pepper spray
pick all

>> No.10991001

>It's also believed that some of their testicle related genes would cause infertility in male hybrids.
I doubt all of them and female hybrids must have been okay then.
it would explain why the majority of europeans have neanderthal DNA, they inherited it from female hybrids.
ergo we did fuck them to extinction in a way and live in those europeans.

>> No.10991049
File: 133 KB, 464x510, brain weight of famous thinkers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

big brains still occur in modern humans, notice cuvier the biologist/naturalist has a brain weight of 1830g larger than a neanderthal.

>> No.10991054

plus my brain is pretty big and I have a neurodegenerative disease, look at my corpus callosum it is highly abnormal, a normal corpus callosum should be around7cm^2 in cross section I got 10cm

>> No.10991065
File: 68 KB, 776x446, Sag SE T1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heres my corpus callosum, 10cm^2 in cross section

>> No.10991208



Im thinking asians have a tighter range and it is larger variance of whites that make numbers seem smaller on average. What i see here really disagrees with my common experience. I'm near San Francisco and see plenty of each. Ubiquitous Asians don't appear to have larger skulls than typical gringos. It isn't a fun thing to google

>> No.10991356

Asians have a little more Neanderthal actually, but you missed the main point. The amount of Neanderthal DNA we have is extremely minor. You're looking at 2% Neanderthal DNA and are thinking "Oh damn, we must have been fucking them so much they're extinct!" The reality is, 2% is dreadfully low. To be only 2% means that Homo Sapiens rarely produced offspring with Neanderthals. It would be much higher if we fucked them into extinction.

Surprisingly little fucking happened. Scientists look at these numbers and wonder "Why didn't they fuck more than this, why is there so little?". Of course, there's also signs of natural selection against their DNA, due to the aforementioned fertility issues.

In short, it's more believable that we killed most and fucked a few than fucked most and killed a few.

>> No.10991855



>> No.10991914

Still no skull. Just an educated guess based on their DNA. Pretty fucking cool, but OP's still a faggot for posting a scaled up Neanderthal.

>> No.10992045

>Asians have a little more Neanderthal actually

I read this here but think it is old news. Personally, I have 3.5 percent and japanese wife is unremarkable. Its all greek to me.


>> No.10992136

New studies come out all the time. More recent studies, which I don't think have been overturned yet, found East Asians to have 20% more Neanderthal DNA than Europeans on average. So, 2.2% on average vs. 2%. These are averages, of course.

But in general, those percentages lead to the same conclusion. Reproduction did occur between the populations, but surprisingly infrequently. If we simply absorbed them into the population through sex and genetic swamping, we'd have way higher percentages.

Though because I've gone on this tangent, I'm wondering how this compares to genetic introgression in other families, like bears. I guess I'll go look that up.

>> No.10992211

can we make this percentages higher?
we do selective breeding and slowly rise up neanderthal genes
would that work?

>> No.10992246

You could, sure. Not everyone has the same Neanderthal genes. From what I recall, about 20% of the complete Neanderthal genome still exists, scattered around the population. Natural selection appears to have weeded out quite a few, and plenty of those that remain also have deleterious effects in humans. Increased risk of depression is thought to be one.

So, hypothetically, breeding a 20% Neanderthal is possible, but that's the leftover 20%. The shit that the selection pressures on Homo Sapiens didn't scrub completely from out genome.

>> No.10992366

Oh, by the way. While finding clear percentages is a little harder with bears species, probably not as exciting to people, it seems roughly comparable.

>> No.10992386


>Im thinking asians have a tighter range and it is larger variance of whites that make numbers seem smaller on average. What i see here really disagrees with my common experience. I'm near San Francisco and see plenty of each. Ubiquitous Asians don't appear to have larger skulls than typical gringos. It isn't a fun thing to google

Maybe it's actually that having a smaller head gives you more folds and makes you even smarter

>> No.10992537

Asians literally have wider, shorter, braincases than Europeans. There are more directions to grow than back.

>> No.10992542

I do this too, thinking about getting plastic surgery fix my severe lack of chin and jaw.

>> No.10992619
File: 118 KB, 639x902, qwsofss5fsv21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinking about getting plastic surgery fix my severe lack of chin and jaw.
remember this, genetically you still lack chin and jaw.
if you have children, they won't get a proper jaw and chin.

>> No.10992624

just get your child prastic srugery too arr rook arrike if arr get same prastic surgeon me Doctor Chang me do good job verrry good

>> No.10992697

Why is this considered a small amount? The grandparents of your grandparents have as much in common with you.

>> No.10992703

Adding that there may be more in common but we cannot see the difference in dna if it is so similar. It was only a decade ago that this shit was revealed.

>> No.10992907

That's not quite true. Your grandparents' grandparents are Homo Sapiens, after all. Certain traits are common to the genepool, and that ratio won't change too much without new blood or selective pressure. If Early Eurasians bred often with Neanderthals, to the point of "absorbing" them, you would expect a good deal more than 2% or even 5% Neanderthal genes. More than 10%, even. There hasn't been enough further migration into Eurasia from non-carriers that the population would have diluted it down to 2%.

Anyhow, a paper on the subject of Neanderthals.


>> No.10992916

Another paper that looks at it a little different, referenced in the first I linked.

>We find that observed low levels of Neanderthal ancestry in Eurasians are compatible with a very low rate of interbreeding (<2%), potentially attributable to a very strong avoidance of interspecific matings, a low fitness of hybrids, or both. These results suggesting the presence of very effective barriers to gene flow between the two species are robust to uncertainties about the exact demography of the Paleolithic populations, and they are also found to be compatible with the observed lack of mtDNA introgression.
But basically, if you know what the fuck you're looking at, Neanderthal DNA presence is low as fuck.

>> No.10992928

Important points.
>Moreover, the very low level of Neanderthal ancestry observed in Eurasians (1.9–3.1%) (2) is somehow surprising, because one would expect to see massive levels of Neanderthal introgression into modern humans if admixture was not strongly prevented during the range expansion of modern humans out of Africa (3, 15).
Don't fall for clickbait headlines about fucking species extinct and how we're all super Neanderthal. Seriously, there's evidence of extreme selection against Neanderthal testicle genes, which suggests hybrids were like fucking Ligers with the males being infertile.

>> No.10992953

2011, 2012. Go back a little more and i was getting the dunce chair for calling bullshit when teacher says we didn't interbreed. It was only 2008 when svante came out with this. 2012 admits we don't know shit in conclusion. 2011 states that we have as much as 3 percent when my DNA test in 2018 says 3.9 and others here claim more. I don't hate things for being old, quite the opposite. But we are just scratching the surface here. Didn't even know denisovans existed until recently. Exciting times.

>> No.10992960

I understand that their population was very low. I don't know how we know that. I understand the Neanderthal jizz was a one way street. Maybe just not so many opportunities but 1 in 77 generations seems like impossible odds. No click bate for me. I watch all those carta and max plank videos on YouTube while sleeping. Can't understand half of it.

>> No.10993006

4% is still pretty fucking low. You'd expect at least 20% from "Fucking them into extinction and genetically absorbing them".
Both are just theories based on the evidence. It's a fact that our Neanderthal DNA is pretty low, considering how population expansion works. These are theories trying to work out why it's so low. Models with more frequent or successful reproduction expand the projected genetic introgression by a lot.

>> No.10993064

Dat occipital lobe...did Denisovans have better vision, perhaps even having 4 cones instead of our trichromatic mutation

>> No.10993469

yes but probably was rare.
there is a woman who is tetrachromatic.

>> No.10993697

That's a Neanderthal Skull that someone labeled as a "Denisovan" in their picture because they were a fucking retard. I think it's from some cryptozoology site originally. If we had an identified Denisovan skull laying around somewhere, it'd be widely publicized.

>> No.10993770

>You'd expect

>> No.10993773

Affirming pic is fake.

>> No.10993800

Yeah, just another Neanderthal skull, but depicted at a larger scale.
I've actually been looking up how much DNA is left over from other immigration waves. Quite a lot tends to be present from each, so Neanderthal DNA is definitely oddly low. if we assume we were fucking them all the time. Especially since our ranges overlapped for 100,000 years.

>> No.10994017

Is skin color an independent adaptation for modern humans. I hate to be obvious but it takes some doing to get the black out. no racist. You obviously know more about it. If I understand correctly, a lot of our Neanderthal inheritance isn't the same among us. Suggest more isolated incidents and not routine occurrence?

>> No.10994080

>Is skin color an independent adaptation for modern humans.
I think most mutations for light skin that we have developed in Sapiens, but there are a few from Neanderthals. I'd need to look into it more to tell you the specifics. Off the top of my head, the markers we use for estimating color in Sapiens predict that Neanderthals were mostly black. Which either means they were either quite a lot darker than the modern European, or they had different genes for reducing pigment that we didn't inherit.

Should be noted, studies suggest Europeans only became as light as they are about six thousand years ago. Blue eyes are a little older, 10,000 from what I remember. Neanderthals seem like they may have had more to do with straight hair than light skin, but I'll need to look at the latest papers.
>I hate to be obvious but it takes some doing to get the black out
It's important to note that Africans actually have quite some diversity in pigment genes. Some have mutated to get even darker, some to be lighter, so there were already depigmentation genes to select for and concentrate from the African population.
>Suggest more isolated incidents and not routine occurrence?
Pretty much. There are enough Neanderthal genes to be significant, but not enough for introgression to be routine.

>> No.10994122

Oh, a comparison that might be interesting, though it's hard to find the numbers, but your average brown bear has around 2% percent cave bear ancestry and 2% percent polar bear ancestry, and they are much more distantly related than we are to Neanderthals.

>> No.10994877

Always get a kick out of the visual similarities in russian and Alaskan brars and trees. Interesting subject to me but wouldn't know where to begin to learn. I'm reading "The Gene" right now but it's for dummies. Probably right up my alley. Hope you're around to school me next time I see one of these threads pop up.

>> No.10994887



Heard more than a couple stories like this but never hear the final testing results.

>> No.10995399
File: 1.33 MB, 1438x709, asian.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hence why the average iq of asian is in the 90s at best. While for pure European countries the average in Scandinavia was 115. Now the fact Europeans have created basically every invention.Then there is the fact Europeans had the first civilizations in Asia and taught them about the wheel the bronze age until brainlet asians overpopulated them.

Cope harder asians can only copy what Genius Whites/Europeans create.

>> No.10995489
File: 919 KB, 3404x2068, gr4_lrg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, they interbreed. One population of brown bear is actually 5-10% polar bear. Interbreeding between species is just a thing that happens.
A lot of this shit gets published on various sites in articles, so I mostly just vaguely recall something I saw before and google a few terms I remember. If you have an interest in the subject, it's not too hard to get a rough outline.

Anyhow, it's been posted here, and spread over the news, but there's been some DNA based studies to work out the differences in how Denisovan bones grew compared to Sapiens and Neanderthals. They claim 85% accuracy, if I remember. Cool shit, but probably only gives us a vague impression. Seems they had pretty wide heads.

>> No.10995497
File: 2.09 MB, 2760x3450, firstglimpse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A painting based on the predicted skull of the teen Denisovan girl.

>> No.10995505
File: 632 KB, 2880x3485, 1-firstglimpse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The cavebear DNA thing. It keeps saying I'm posting spam when I link directly to the paper.
And here's a sketched over sculpture of the estimated girl. Might as well post something potentially 85% accurate in a thread that started with a fake.

>> No.10995546

Most east asian nations score higher than average, higher than mostly white countries, even when only considering white people.
In countries with considerable amounts of asians and whites its the same, for example asian americans score higher than white americans. This is not new, we've known for a long time now.
You can ignore science and agree with boomers as much as you want on /pol/, but this is /sci/. if you have no interest in actual stats and science why are you here ?


>> No.10995683

Maybe you guys should duke it out. There may or may not be fishy data as your average car wash or sweat shop asian may not be scrutinized by academic research. Of course, the ones who made it here in the US due to shrewd acumen will be noteworthy. Doesn't mean that everyone seeking asylum is on the same level. Idk. I know some pretty god damned stupid asias and a few smart ones. The smart ones are trained to be smart. Anecdotal blah blah.. FIGHT!

>> No.10995698

more surface area = more area for connections to form

>> No.10995711

I hope, in the far future, individuals will have the ability to transfer their living nervous system into a seperate vessel, like a dense-boned, 7 foot denisovan or neanderthal body.

>> No.10995725

Watching some history channel junk right now. Says that Neanderthal practiced ceremonial burying of the dead before "we" did. Interesting. I wonder if "we" took a leaf out of their book.

>> No.10995728

Sorry, I did (Me) instead of (You). You've done quite enough. I'm just sharing.

>> No.10995880

The fossil record and its interpretations are constantly changing and quite incomplete, so I'll just say it's hard to tell. It's a solid "maybe", as we could find evidence that overturns or further supports that conclusion, or evidence that would have may not have survived the ages. I very much doubt we've found every grave there ever was. We haven't even found every hominid species yet. A new one was discovered just this year.

>> No.10995889

uh no
cant make fire
cant hold anything
no binocular vision
cant weld easily under water ../
to busy fucking each others blowholes

>> No.10995902

This. They're playing with an incomplete puzzle with lots of missing pieces, many of which may belong to a different puzzle, or not be pieces at all. They have very little idea what they're actually doing.

>> No.10995904

Do you have any evidence supporting this particular belief?

>> No.10995915
File: 42 KB, 806x476, JACK MA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've got another one.
>Jack Ma

>> No.10996106

What's this reconstruction based on? It looks nothing like the ancient statues of Caesar.

>> No.10996116

If Scandinavians are so smart, why are they so irrelevant in world politics and history?

>> No.10996172 [DELETED] 

Asians score the highest on average and northern Europe was basically the last place to be civilized. They were so uncivilized that they become a separate caste in Asia (Kshatrias) and apparently Asians attempted to exterminate them multiple times because they saw no other way to deal with their reckless violence. Scandinavia was still a backwater with nothing important when the rest of the wrold was more or less fully civilized.

>> No.10996178

(East) Asians score the highest on average and Europe was basically the last place to be civilized. They were so uncivilized that they become a separate caste in Asia (Kshatrias) and apparently Asians attempted to exterminate them multiple times because they saw no other way to deal with their reckless violence. Europeans might have RUINED the bronze age civilization, it is known to have been exterminated by foreign forces of uncivilized people. Scandinavia was still a backwater with nothing important when the rest of the world was more or less fully civilized.

>> No.10996195

? Are Indians considered Asians?

>> No.10996214

>Do you have any evidence supporting this particular belief?
their skeletons and skull shape.
jews ancestors probably interbreed with denisovans or neanderthals a long time ago, enough so that jews became their own ethnicity.
just compare ashkenazi jews with neanderthals and you will see a resemblance.

>> No.10996227
File: 145 KB, 850x543, 1426371361275.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just pay attention to their skulls.
then compare those faces with jews and you'll see something.

>> No.10996246

Denisovans = Devas; collectivist, peaceful
Neanderthals = Asuras; individualist, violent

Jews and north Asians = predominantly denisovan admixture.

Europeans = predominantly Neanderthal admixture.

>> No.10996265

Citation needed.

>> No.10996308


>> No.10996353
File: 35 KB, 477x218, 4522994677_550bb416d7_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

neanderthals were adapted to cold enviroment.
jews are more like desert dwellers.

>> No.10996360
File: 43 KB, 461x409, 1460660822182.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Denisovans = Devas; collectivist, peaceful
>Neanderthals = Asuras; individualist, violent
>Jews and north Asians = predominantly denisovan admixture.
>Europeans = predominantly Neanderthal admixture.
lets see where neanderthals lived and where denisovans were found.
maybe we can figure something out.

>> No.10996418
File: 327 KB, 898x628, 254204.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Think of jew jews, not aryan admixed zionist jews.

>> No.10996422
File: 171 KB, 541x562, Nigger1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10996426 [DELETED] 
File: 167 KB, 539x561, Niggers2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10996449

Can you do the boobs now?

>> No.10996455

you're absolutely retarded if you believe in biological race

>> No.10996466
File: 246 KB, 619x682, 1561002382945.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are denying reality if you don't believe race and intelligence are genetic

>> No.10996472
File: 2.59 MB, 710x400, DNA Geneticcs.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10996479

Subspecies don’t exist. Neither do species.

>> No.10996483

nice b8

>> No.10996490

>Subspecies don’t exist. Neither do species.
t. subhuman

>> No.10996499
File: 2.62 MB, 1800x3972, 1567450554893.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Think of jew jews, not aryan admixed zionist jews.
Like This?

>> No.10998371

How many Neanderthals In your DNAs Anon?

>> No.10999162

I am unusual in that regard and also have a negative rhesus.

>> No.10999168
File: 861 KB, 3544x2128, 1403757591978.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10999201

she looks kinda pretty to me.
is that normal? she is a primitive beast and yet I find her endearing.

>> No.10999217

Oh boy here we go with the schizo /pol/ pseudoanthropology

Cite a genome comparison study or fuck off

>> No.10999220

Not quite true, Australian aborigines are in the same boat as sub Saharans when it comes to Neanderthal DNA

>> No.10999224

Maybe the Neanderthal population was about 2:100 ratio of the homo population

>> No.10999225

That takes the cake.

>> No.10999286

>humans developed different styles of thinking and behavioral tendencies due to adapting separately from one another

>> No.10999437

Keep in mind that reconstructions are imperfect. The same skull can get reconstructed in a wide variety of ways depending on the biases of the artist.
I'm pretty sure Aborigines have neanderthal DNA at about the same ratio as everyone else.
Could be, I haven't studied their projected population numbers, but that's pretty weird by itself.

>> No.11000326


>> No.11000342

unironic smooth brains?

>> No.11000348

ayyyee lmaonus

>> No.11000450

This wouldn't be the first time leftists denied darwinian evolution.
