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10984050 No.10984050 [Reply] [Original]

The Navy just CONFIRMED ufo's are real... hmm?


>> No.10984057

>dude tabloids are legit i swear

>> No.10984062


>> No.10984160

“navy confirms that flying object remains unidentified”

btw it wasn’t flying, it was an IR artifact of a ship exhaust that looks like its rotating because the camera was rotating and the video is auto-leveled

>> No.10984168

>source: dude trust me

>> No.10984175

Not the same guy. It sounds far more plausible than ayy lmao.

>> No.10984923

>flying object remains unidentified
thats the literal definition of UFO idiot

>> No.10984928

This some /x/ lvl shit

>> No.10984929

So the videos are real but what of the alien spacecraft?

>> No.10984937

If that's all it was it would have been a lot easier to lock onto.
It was flying whatever it was.

>> No.10985378

UFO =/= Aliens, probably some unaccounted for foreign aircraft tests or some shit

>> No.10985386
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>> No.10985498

>Russia Today
This is so totally not Anti-U.S. propaganda

>> No.10985674

Thanks US navy, very cool.
Also ufo can litterally mean any flying object that is not identified.
I could make a kite and would be a ufo.

>> No.10985693
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The sad thing is, you probably felt smart writing this bullshit.

Okay, go ahead build a kite that gets classified by a jet pilot as an UFO and not as a fucking kite.

>> No.10985711

What if.
Just what if.
Like with every other UFO sighting in existance.
They couldnt get a clear picture.

>> No.10985728
File: 137 KB, 608x905, Passaic, New Jersey, July 31, 1952.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They couldnt get a clear picture.

If you get a clear picture you will immediately claim it's fake, because it's too clear.

>> No.10985730
File: 114 KB, 612x731, FlyingSaucersMemorandumMarch22-1950.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10985740

of course UFOs are real, people see unidentified flying objects all the time. Doesnt mean its ayys

>> No.10985755

doesn't mean it's not ayys either

>> No.10985771

I don't disagree with you, but i think its more likely to be some spook shit.

>> No.10985775


>> No.10985984

No, several pilots saw it with their own eyes. It also appeared on the uss radar for at least two weeks. The pilot was interviewed and said so.

>> No.10985991

Here is the sauce, interview of the pilot.

>> No.10985997

>several pilots saw it with their own eyes.
>It also appeared on the uss radar for at least two weeks.
Except you have no idea what they saw is related to the video or what was on radar was the same thing. This is why no one takes UFOtards seriously. They constantly exaggerate and make up connections that don't exist.

>> No.10986013

Based Russia Today. Pushing gullible, american retards further and further into their delusions.

>> No.10986019

DISCLOSURE imminent?

>> No.10986046

so there are aliens?

>> No.10986130


>> No.10986132
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>> No.10986214


oh, so everything is fine, no further investigation needed

glad you cleared that up, the masses would have panicked otherwise

>> No.10986236

>Unindentified Flying Object
Any flying object that is unindentified is a UFO.

>> No.10986241

>this grainy video is definitely evidence of a supreme lifeforms
this is not science

>> No.10986859


ignoring everything you can't explain is also not science

>> No.10986870

Fuck off, we have radar confirmation of multiple UFOs from multiple aircraft and multiple ships+ visual confirmation of those same objects by pilots and their aircraft’s cameras

>> No.10986991

Unidentified, so not American, all it means. It's scary the Chinese are this advanced, hopefully it is aliens.

>> No.10987000

To be fair, it is a large part of science. Need to have that hypothesis up front or it's all meaningless.

>> No.10987007

>we have radar confirmation
No we don't, we have some people saying that.
>visual confirmation of those same objects by pilots
Again we have anecdotes.
>and their aircraft’s cameras
Which show blobs that could be anything.

>> No.10987015

>This some /x/ lvl shit
It's actually /pol/ and /k/ shit because this is a massive national security threat.

>> No.10987036

OK, what about the other videos that were likely ball lightning?

>> No.10987060

>No we don't, we have some people saying that.
People in the US Navy, confirming that something is happening that they don't understand. At least not at any level below TS/SCI.
You haven't watched enough of the confirmed videos.

>> No.10987066

>People in the US Navy
You mean the same people that brought us mermaids and dragons are still telling tales?
>You haven't watched enough of the confirmed videos.
Point to a video that isn't a blob.

>> No.10987070

>You mean the same people that brought us mermaids and dragons are still telling tales?
You're high.
The Puerto Rico DHS video. Nucleated object with modification during maneuvering, everything in focus.

>> No.10987086

>The Puerto Rico DHS video. Nucleated object with modification during maneuvering, everything in focus.
Post a screenshot of "everything in focus"

>> No.10987091

Do your own research.

>> No.10987095
File: 93 KB, 1754x1142, pixels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do your own research.
OK, I looked up the DHS puerto rico video and it looks like deep fried dogshit. Also it's a fucking bird.

>> No.10987108

dude, you are fighting the good fight but unfortunately ayylmao retards have reinforcements that go deep. the better tack is to quickly debunk them and then get some sleep

>> No.10987115

probably some US secret aircraft or something they were testing out
t. stable genius

>> No.10987116

Inb4 staged 1st contact to implement NWO