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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 786 KB, 1400x2104, infinitesimal book.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10981315 No.10981315 [Reply] [Original]

>"On August 10, 1632, five men in flowing black robes convened in a somber Roman palazzo to pass judgment on a deceptively simple proposition: that a continuous line is composed of distinct and infinitely tiny parts. With the stroke of a pen the Jesuit fathers banned the doctrine of infinitesimals, announcing that it could never be taught or even mentioned. The concept was deemed dangerous and subversive, a threat to the belief that the world was an orderly place, governed by a strict and unchanging set of rules. If infinitesimals were ever accepted, the Jesuits feared, the entire world would be plunged into chaos"

Were the Jesuits right all along?

>> No.10981945

wtf I love jesuits now

>> No.10982005

Finitism vs Infinitism, the oldest true intellectual argument.

>> No.10982041

Yet another anecdote showing how faggy c*tholics are. What a surprise.

>> No.10982045

so no calculus student would suffer with this shit until Newton

>> No.10982306

I think people are slowly realizing they were right.

>> No.10982408
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well they were right

>> No.10983456
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why didn't we listen

>> No.10983462

>the entire world
You mean: The current surface.

>> No.10983471

Who is this man?

>> No.10983491

Humans are arrogant to use concepts such as infinity and claim as an AXIOM that infinite sets exist. No one understands it. It’s all pseud wankery.
>hurr but muh Cantor diagonals
It sure is easy to prove infinity by first assuming it exists to begin the proof

>> No.10983502
File: 122 KB, 680x235, 0BFFAF36-43CB-436E-AE0F-5AC5449B997A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

foundations meme thread?
foundations meme thread

>> No.10983507

He's some meme dude from youtube who contends with very basic mathematical concepts and doesn't even believe irrational and transcendental numbers can exist.

>> No.10983518
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to be fair, irrational numbers are unsettling. They just go off into infinity with no identifiable pattern.

>> No.10983525

He’s a math professor who went to Yale. He’s not that much of a meme and is obviously intelligent

>> No.10983534

From the same book:
>[pg 12] "Yet, useful as it was, the concept of the infinitely small was challenged at every turn. The Jesuits opposed it; Hobbes and his admirers opposed it; Anglican churchmen opposed it, as did many others. What was it, then, about the infinitely small that inspired such fierce opposition from so many different quarters ? The answer is that the infinitely small was a simple idea that punctured a great and beautiful dream: that the world was a perfectly rational place, governed by strict mathematical rules. In such a world, all things, natural and human, have their given and unchanging place in the grand universal order. Everything from a grain of sand to the stars in the sky, from the humblest beggar to kings and emperors, is part of a fixed, eternal hierarchy. Any attempt to revise or topple it is a rebellion against the one unalterable order, a senseless disruption that in any case, is doomed to failure...."

>> No.10983539

From the same book:
>[pg 14] "From North to South, from England to Italy, the fight over the infinitely small raged across western Europe. The lines of the struggle were clearly drawn. On the one side were the advocates of intellectual freedom, scientific progress, and political reform; on the other, the champions of authority, universal and unchanging knowledge, and fixed political hierarchy. The results of the fight were not everywhere the same, but the stakes were always just as high: the face of the modern world, then coming into being. The statement that "the mathematical continuum is composed of distinct indivisibles" is innocent enough to us, but three and a half centuries ago it had the power to shake the foundations of the early modern world. And so it did: the ultimate victory of the infinitely small helped open the way to a new and dynamic science, to religious toleration, and to political freedoms on a scale unknown in human history."

>> No.10983558

Infinity is a trick of Satan. Man, who can hardly understand the finite, thinks he can understand the infinite. It is surely the result of ego and loose thinking

>> No.10983565


>> No.10983574


>> No.10983576

Modern man's denial of an absolute, finite truth in favor of an infinite, relative truth, has made him think as if his mind was God.

>> No.10983610
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chaos, chaos!

>> No.10983621

Don't we have enough of this sanctimonious crap on /lit/?

>> No.10983788

¿Do C*tholics worship C*-algebras?

>> No.10983822

I mean, they Jesuits right. Space itself is discritized. Infinitesimals don't exist in nature

>> No.10983837
File: 89 KB, 666x1024, 1542052479447.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>talking shit about Wildberger

>> No.10983839

we were too cocky

>> No.10983871


>> No.10984022


>> No.10984167

infinity doesn't exist. Smallest parts compose everything. without smallest parts, nothing could coalesce together to become larger objects.
an infinite amount of 0's is still 0, and nothing.
conversely, an infinite amount of even smallest parts would add up to an infinite whole, so there everything is coalesced into a single object.

so there is a finite amount of matter in the universe, and it's composed of finitely small smallest parts.

if we assume the smallest part is on the scale of planck units at [math]1.616255(18)×10^{-35}m[/math], this gives us 35 decimal places of [math]absolute[/math] accuracy required for using pi to define a 1 meter diameter circle. Any more accuracy is lost between planck units.

pi has an end and its end is 35 decimal places, so not even pi is infinite.

>> No.10984170
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>> No.10984187

Math is better without the axiom of choice, but when a result can only be obtained by using it, then we should use the tools at hand.

>> No.10984188

to clarify, if the diameter of the universe is [math]8.8×10^{26}m[/math] in 8.8 septillion meters, we only need to know pi accurate to 61 decimal places to accurately measure the circumfrence of the universe to planck unit accuracy. so 61 is actually as many decimal places of pi that can even exist.

>> No.10984199

Read Spengler's connection of the infinitesimal calculus to the foundations of the modern culture. Just as geometry was the foundation of ancient culture, and algebra the foundation of medieval culture.

>> No.10984227

what the heck bros i thought we needed 31 trillion digits of pi

>> No.10984238

Didn't know Spengler touched on this.
A question arises, then. What's next?

>> No.10984244

The sum of the first 61 digits of pi is 300...does this mean anything?

>> No.10984259
File: 20 KB, 556x874, 1568514408727.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it must mean [math]\pi = 3[/math]

>> No.10984284

Unification and differentiation of the very spaces in which mathematics operates in.

If the Greeks saw the world as the walls in the cave, and the medieval Christians saw the world as the what the cavern was as shown by the light of God (stars piercing through), and our faustian civilization saw the cavern as an infinite expanse. Then, whatever is next must see reality as a network of interconnected each operating with it's own set of rules, and the morphisms between them as a tunnel from one to the next.

If the information overload of the internet has shown us anything, its that globalistic ideological totality will never work. Universalism is dead, but that doesn't imply a complete semantic apocalypse.
Information can still be translated between representations while still persevering at least some of its structure.

>> No.10984314

Wondering what the effect would be on our current understanding of physics...

>> No.10984318

It's actually 301

>> No.10984367

The basic idea would be that instead of laws being universal, instead each reference frame would understand reality as a translation of information from causally connected reference frames.
A reference frame is a representation of the structure of the information which has interacted with it. A translation of this representation is part of causality. I would assume that if aspects of structure are not preserved in this translation, this would likely contribute to entropy of a system.

>> No.10984560

not math

>> No.10984623


>> No.10984688

infinitesimals have nothing to do with finitism/infinitism.

The real numbers and the standard approach to analysis do not use infinitesimals.

An infinitesimal number is a non-real number that is smaller than every real number but also not equal to 0.

This thread is full of brainlets.

>> No.10984711

>Its isomorphic to 1/inf but I am going to pretend its not the same thing

>> No.10984774

pi isn't math either, its the unit ratio defining the circumference of a 1 unit diameter circle at [math]1_{m}:\pi_{m}[/math], and that is equal to exactly [math]3.14159265358979323846264338327950288[/math].
Relative to the diameter of the universe, it's instead [math]1*10^{26}_{m}:3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693993751058209749445*10^{26}_{m}[/math]

using the 1m:πm ratio, a pi meter describes
3 meters
14 centimeters
1 millimeter
592 micrometers
653 nanometers
589 picometers
793 femtometers
238 attometers
462 zeptometers
643.038327950288 yoctometers; or 643 yoctometers and 236,592,285 planck lengths.

>> No.10984813

a standard 32-bit float register in a computer can render 6 decimals accurately.
This allows for 1micrometer accuracy relative to a meter with only 6 decimals, which more or less lines up with how smoothly 3D rotations have been handled in video games over the past 20 years.

>> No.10984905


>> No.10984940

Are you telling me my crypto rig isn't helping the human race?

>> No.10984962

I don't understand how infinitesimals are able to describe anything in what appears to be a finite universe.

>> No.10985238

1/inf is 0, retard.

>> No.10987049

does that mean 0*inf is 1?

>> No.10987054


>> No.10987102

math is not metaphysics you brainlet.

>> No.10987125

math is an abstraction of metaphysics.

>> No.10987180

just because we can model infinity with limits or in non-standard analysis with infinitismals doesn't mean that is how reality actually works.

after all, doesn't quantum physics show distance is actually discrete?

>> No.10987363


>> No.10987409

Is everyone on sci a retard? The Cantor diagonals proof is NOT to prove that infinity exists, it is to prove that there exists a level of infinity greater than the countable infinity.

>> No.10987509

I don't think that was his point.
Cantor's argument relies on this idea of 'containing infinity' with magical elipses.

>Suppose you have a real number 3.14 . . .

That's not a real. That's a rational number. It can be written as 314/100. If you were able to contain an infinitely random sequence of digits then it would not be infinite by definition.

>Well what about 1/3 = 0.333 . . .?

Wrong. No mater where you stop you will be off by a little bit. If mathematicians are okay with this then would they have issue with saying that there exists such a thing as the largest integer? Simply 999 . . .?

>> No.10987594

I am somewhat sceptical of the claims of this book. the author fails to explain the problem the authorities had with infinitesimals. he just keeps repeating that ‘the idea threatened the established order’, without explaining why should this be so. my guess is that there were such arguments over the divisibility of the continuum as described, but that the political aspect is most likely made up, and the real reason, as gleamed from the quotes, was that the claims were a reformulation of atomism. infinitesimals are divisible, and the author either misunderstood the concerns the authorities stated clearly, or he just tried to emulate and hence avoid mentioning Greenberg’s ‘Swerves’, which brings a similar claim (of having turned the world towards modernity) about atomism.

>> No.10987596

No it doesn't.

t. Physicist

>> No.10987682

>very basic mathematical concepts
yeah, nah. Fuck off with that noise and go bitch about the scary math "cranks" on reddit.
This. Cantor is the biggest faggot fraud in the history of mathematics.
These but unironically
>it is to prove that there exists a level of infinity greater than the countable infinity.
The shit that I took this morning proved that there exists a level of leprechauns Xx~greater~xX than the purple leprechauns. Wow math is ez with my turdagonalization argument. Now I'll throw in a bunch of Hebrew letters, whoooa fuckin revolutionary new maths
>he just keeps repeating that ‘the idea threatened the established order’,
Well thank goodness that progress moves ever forward, we just have to accept orders of infinity and cut our dicks off

>> No.10988079

>Well thank goodness that progress moves ever forward, we just have to accept orders of infinity and cut our dicks off

It's great to hear that even mathematics must be classified as either pro or anti trannies.

>> No.10988382

Well obviously infinity is an axiom, bit nothing about cantor's argument is about proving infinity, it assumes infinity, because math is axiomatic. We can't prove infinity that's why it's an axiom.

>> No.10988386

Because we never listen. What a stupid question.

>> No.10988393

Nah, he believes undefinable real numbers can't exist. He's fine with algebraic irrationals and even definable transcendentals like e and pi.

>> No.10989678

Are you basically saying he only believes in computable (There's some algorithm that could in theory calculate it with infinite time) real numbers?
This would include sqrt(2) btw.

>> No.10989837

No, there are definable numbers which are not computable.