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1097992 No.1097992 [Reply] [Original]

Hi /sci/
Is it possible to create a welfare state which is economicaly efficient?

>> No.1098011

Polit/ics/ - When /sci/ gets ass backwards

>> No.1098009

Don't think so. But after having to pay 200 euros per year in college, I think it's worth it.

>> No.1098019
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>>He doesnt realize that he is paying for all the stupid fucks college education too if he is getting a worthwhile degree.

>> No.1098029

It's not that many days since you posted this exact thread.
Maybe you should wait a little longer.
Besides, religion and magnets are better troll threads.

>> No.1098054


No. Society should exist solely to serve the needs of the rich. Everyone else should wallow in misery and despair.

>> No.1098068

As I said, it's worth it.

But it's awesome to see you rage about it :)

>> No.1098078

It most certainly is.

Robots do all the work
Humans receive all the welfare

Sounds pretty win to me.

>> No.1098096

when i was in college i went to a doctor and had him diagnose me with "clinical depression", which if you fill out the right forms gets you about 1200 bucks a month from dshs in my state.

as long as you make under 800 dollars a month from other sources you can keep collecting this money, so I had various other part-time jobs and just made sure my boss knew never to give me a paycheck over 400 bucks, and on months that end up having 3 paychecks (there are 2 per year) I would always take a week of unpaid vacation.

if you add in revenue from a couple websites I run I made about 2500 bucks a month for working about 20 hours a week, shit was pretty cash and I graduated with zero debt. figured if i'm going to be paying taxes for fags to sit around and do nothing the rest of my life i ought to at least use it while I could etc.

>> No.1098139

Don't think so, at least not as long as people expect something in return for all the welfare given out.

>> No.1098347


So you're proud that you're a welfare cheat and made it more difficult for people who actually need help to get it?

>> No.1098432


You're a college graduate and you can't even capitalize the first letter of every sentence?

>> No.1098444

What do you mean by "welfare", OP?

Just programs that address human needs like housing and medical care for the poor? Do you include the humongous handouts given to war profiteering corporations? What about all the R&D grants given to pharmaceutical companies to develop drugs which they then sell at a several hundred percent markup?

>> No.1098461


What, you mean like Sweden?

>> No.1098604


wat? i didn't cheat, i followed all of the rules to my advantage. i didn't have to lie to get the doctor to diagnose me as depressed, actually probably 3/4 of everyone on 4chan would probably be diagnosed with some "disability" that enables free money collection.


yep, i actually literally don't know that you capitalize sentences and this is exactly how I write all of the time. problem?

>> No.1099200


What about the people who are legitimately depressed to the point that they don't seek medical help like you did?

>> No.1099217

Nope, have to go the whole socialist hog, at which point mentality changes and it becomes efficient again.

>> No.1099233


> Paying
> For college
> In Sweden


>> No.1099808

Imo after robotics reaches a certain stage a lot of simpler jobs will be done by robots. At this point welfare is a necessity to keep a stable society.

Some people think that a better way to handle the problem is to give unnecessary, made up jobs to people to make them active, but it would probably cost more money then just giving the welfare directly.

>> No.1099813


>> No.1099820

Creating an economically efficient welfare state is like trying to make a perpetual motion device that uses gasoline.

>> No.1099844


Where'd he imply that?

>> No.1099859

That's because those ingredients don't mix. Economics = scarcity; welfare is the opposite.

One of them has to go.

>> No.1099870

Uhuh, so why does Norway have essentially the same GDP per hour worked, i.e. productivity, that the USA does?

>> No.1099881

Economically efficient = everyone has an incentive to work their hardest =/= welfare state

>> No.1099895

because americans are lazy

>> No.1099900

Under our current philosophies. It's possible our way of thinking can and will change over the coming centuries.

>> No.1099912

Financial incentives don't make people "work their hardest".

>> No.1099929


Implying that more money means harder work, despite ample evidence to the contrary.


In which case, why does the USA have the highest GDP per hour worked?

>> No.1100002

Its hard to get people to be efficient when they don't have motivation, but money isn't the only thing capable of motivating people. For example Amish don't use money, but they work from dawn to dusk because they think it will get them into heaven.

>> No.1100037


because the US has a bunch of people on salaries who generally get reported as 40 hours a week but they actually work much more than that.