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10979362 No.10979362 [Reply] [Original]

When you guys say that someone isn't good enough for medical school, what does this mean exactly?

I'm currently getting my bachelor's in a typical premed degree and I'm really scared I won't make it.

I've been getting As in some classes which are considered difficult (orgo, biochem, physiology, anatomy). I'm not a smart person at all. I did bad in school all throughout my life but I also never studied. Just masturbated and played video games. I had to go to a community college and then transfer to my local University when I finally got the motivation to do something with my life. Once I learned to apply myself I can achieve good grades, but I also feel like the classes really aren't that difficult at all if you follow what the professor says.

I'm basically afraid of spending all this time and then not getting accepted anywhere. When do I know that it's time to give up and find something else?

>> No.10979508

Dude fuck medical school, fuck being a doctor. Have you ever stopped to think about how shitty of a job that is? Instead of going to med school, use that time and money to get a PHD and do something wayyyyy more interesting. If you become a doctor you'll be hating life by 30

>> No.10980207

I want be a doctor because I'm lonely and working with patients will fix this

>> No.10980221

>When you guys say that someone isn't good enough for medical school, what does this mean exactly?
It's a temperament thing. The academic material isn't what's hard, any midwit who was smart enough to earn a bachelor's can learn the medicine easily.
Medical training is extremely stressful and asks ridiculously long hours of you. It's one of the worst things you can do to yourself. You need freakishly strong motivation and a high stress tolerance to not get swamped underneath it.

peak kek

>> No.10980229

It's true I went into research before deciding to be a doctor and it was because I was tired of spending all day in a cold lab by myself doing the same thing day in and day out. I like the emergency room because it's like a box of chocolates you never know what you're gonna get. I want M.D as opposed to anything else just for the clout really and because I feel like people will value my medical advice more if I have an M.D after my name than D.O or P.A or ARNP

>> No.10980500

Have you ever actually spent time in an ER? it's just white trash and screaming junkies oding on meth. Sure there might be a few cute nurses, but theyre all coal burning white trash whores that haven't even taken an intro biology course.
You were warned OP.

>> No.10980769

Yes I've been volunteering in the ER for over a year. I actually want to do trauma surgery no exactly ER physician

>> No.10980772

>not getting an MDPhD

>> No.10980813

>someone isn't good enough for medical school, what does this mean exactly?
it means I wouldn't want them to be my fucking doctor playing with my health

>> No.10980827
File: 197 KB, 1286x383, acceptance rate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Depends on your what race you are. If you're asian, you're fucked. Claim you're latino if you're asian. Or if you're white, claim you're 5% black.

>> No.10981007

Maybe if you weren't an idiot and took care of yourself you wouldn't need to go to the doctor

>> No.10981384

>dude if you were a doctor you wouldn't need to go to the doctor
okay everyone should be doctor I don't disagree it's just that most people are too retarded to be one (even most actual doctors are retarded)

>> No.10981405

>what does this mean exactly?
It means that person isn't a cold sociopath with a well-trained bedside manner.

>> No.10981449

or there are more delusional yellow and white people

>> No.10981455


>> No.10981651

>orgo, biochem, physiology, anatom
thats not hard, your biochem is a meme for real biochemists.
doctors pretend to be hot shit because they fix humans, if u survive calculus, biophysics and biochem you will be ok.
Come to 4ch if the stress is too big for u

>> No.10981730

Doctors are in the front lines making a difference in people's lives everyday. While research saves more lives in the long term, it's not as visual or attractive and it's a group effort rather than an individual. Additionally, you can spend your whole life researching some protein only to have your work be destroyed by some gook who finished before you or just find out it's a dead end.

Becoming a doctor is more physically difficult and shows immediate results. So I would say that yes, in this context doctors are "hot shit". To refute this would just be a cope

>> No.10981739

I didn't take medical biochem I took real biochem 1 and 2 because I wanted to challenge myself

>> No.10981773

>your biochem is a meme for real biochemists
What. Are you saying that chemical and synthetic biology course and structure and function of molecular machine course were memes?

>> No.10981838

lmao. fine, do it.

>> No.10981841

that's racist.

>> No.10981843

at least you odds go up above 50% regardless of grades once you hit 30-32, flip a coin 3 times you should hopefully get in, if not they don't want unlucky doctors anyways.

>> No.10982123

I love how everybody backed off after OP said this. OP is too fucking adorable.

>> No.10982132

holy shit can I actually say im black? my great grandmother is black, could this really save my life?