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10978492 No.10978492 [Reply] [Original]

Do racial preferences (yellow fever etc.) have biological causes?

>> No.10978526

Yes. Whites carry a green beard allele that makes them ostracize people who don't also carry it. Whites without the allele essentially become pariahs for (to them) no clearly identifiable reason. Most eventually solve it by finding a non white girl/or boyfriend and marrying out of their race.

>> No.10978543

lt;dr incels convince themselves they are into some type of women far out of reach (Asians, say) so they have a rationalization why they can't get laid

>> No.10978549


>> No.10978580
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MHC diversity. The least similar your partner is the more chances of having offsprings with a better immune system due. Some females in vertebrate species select their mates by "smelling" this difference.


Maybe this also extends to some humans in their preference for foreign mates as a strategy to avoid "incest" and therefore increasing their immune capabilities against parasites and other pathogens.

>> No.10978589

Asians have no body odor.

>> No.10978603

Although evidence of sexual selection by "smell" in humans remains non conclusive, it wouldn't be surprising if our species resorted to other strategies. Anyways I think I have managed to give OP an answer.

>> No.10978636
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>> No.10978641

Yes, we instinctively crave the higher IQ of East Asians.

>> No.10978727
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old men do

>> No.10978730

as if those sluts have an iq greater than their shoe size

>> No.10978733

only because they're senile and forget to shower

>> No.10978739

I have jungle fever because my penis biologically desires to deposit sperm inside big booty black bitches

>> No.10978744


>> No.10978747
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they're just disgusting by nature

>> No.10978749

no one smart would spread their legs to producers just so that they can slave away in the soul destroying idol industry for pennies

>> No.10978873

Asians don't smell even if they don't shower, they have different sweat glands. (actually some europeans also do, you can tell if your ear wax is actually waxy, instead of sticky brown substance - it's the same gene) Their bodies still may produce the "old man smell" I think.

>> No.10978884

What is "old man smell"?

>> No.10978999

They do though. Less estrogen = more intelligence

>> No.10980109

Doesn't explain observed sex differences in racial preferences. This theory fails.

>> No.10980131


>> No.10980401
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Yeah. More diverse gene pool

>> No.10980739

>he fell for the diverse genes meme

>> No.10980748

dead skin cells

Go to a geriatric center and you'll smell it. Old people smell.

>> No.10980749

So all of those white guys i see with asian females are actually autistic. Makes sense.

>> No.10980750
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>Do racial preferences (yellow fever etc.) have biological causes?

Yes, low testosterone and physical deficiencies, which causes an inability to compete with physically superior peers and numerous rejections from potential mating partners.

>> No.10980768


Asian/insectoids have a lot of accumulated genetic deficiencies, including an atrophied musculature and a skeleton with shows signs of severe historical periods of inbreeding and malnutrition.

>> No.10980775

Yes; life seeks diversity, always. If it didn't, it wouldn't be life for very long.

>> No.10980798

Inbreeding and outbreeding preferences.
See Avi Tuschman's Our Political Nature

>> No.10981307

The least similar your partner is the more chances of having offsprings with a better immune system due.

wrong what you want is someone thats equivalent to a third cousin.

>> No.10981368

Yes, assuming mind/body dualism is false.

>> No.10981652

Bullshit. The best genetic distance is further than your family but closer than other subspecies (races).

>> No.10981985 [DELETED] 
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The Gook goblin is the last chance for reproductive success for the physically deficient White man who fails to attract a partner from their own group.

>> No.10982002

some of the finer rocks are at the top of cliffs and mountains, using the ones beside the floor where you sleep will result in low quality creations.
Keep fucking your cousins Eugene but I'm after some fucking fine pieces.
A man must go out past the mountains for good pussy.
asian pussy is tight as fuck and white dick is huge, win win win.
frankly I think most asians look pretty poor, no doubt they all probably have good pussy, but just like any group some uglies will exist and some gems will too.

>> No.10982039

What task do you assign each of these girls?

>> No.10982042

what's wrong with a blue striped polo?

>> No.10982044

to suck my dick

>> No.10982059

have them grade undergrad problem sets

then yeah, suck my dick

>> No.10982095
File: 572 KB, 356x275, 207DEE38-7F98-40AE-BE3C-1383FF7A85BE.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes and no, humans naturally tends to avoid inbreeding but there is also some cultural reason why you might prefer asian women like for example they are portrait by the media as more submissive and more traditionalist than wester women and that really help to shape your bias toward them

>> No.10982232


>> No.10982612

I hear this all the time but I seriously doubt it. It sounds like femcel cope.

According to your yahoo answers-tier analysis, I married my angry psycho chink wife because I was brainwashed into having preconceived notions about her morals and personality. The reality is that I think she and most other Asians are aesthetically superior to other races.

I think this idea continues to propagate simply because most women, and some men, are extremely vulnerable to social engineering through mass media and other sources of information which are perceived to be authoritative. So it becomes, either through rationalization or desperation, a plausible excuse for the femcels who can't even dream of competing with the asian who stole her boyfriend and/or beta orbiter(s).

>> No.10982625

I love the mix of "muddy and dirty" faces with modern makeup and waxed eyebrows. What kind of low IQ shitbrain actually watches such garbage? Also what the fuck is that chainmail doing on the breeder?

>> No.10982709
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There is no such a thing as autism, it's when you're white and lack the allele - nobody who has it will talk with you when you don't have it.

AFAIK if you succeed in the task in the picture, you don't have it, if you fail, you do.

>> No.10982713

>According to your yahoo answers-tier analysis, I married my angry psycho chink wife because I was brainwashed into having preconceived notions about her morals and personality.
>humans naturally tends to avoid inbreeding
>there is also some cultural reason why you might prefer asian women

Holy heck buddy, relax. He gave it as a minor possibility in some cases.

>> No.10982718
File: 38 KB, 450x270, abo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes thinking abos there is next to no overlap in physical attractiveness between asian women and abo women is just the result of cultural brainwashing, The amount of cope in these "it's culture" or "it's a desire for muh genetic distance" explanations is hilarious,

>> No.10982739

You could find old fat women in any ethnicity.

>> No.10982747

Fucking glowniggers get off my board

>> No.10982751

We're talking about distributions. Show me a couple of cute unmixed abo women.

>> No.10982758

Asian women looks like girls, soft faces, shorts and white males are tallers,handsome and better social status.


>> No.10982761


I don't think so. It's more likely an environmental trauma that turns men away from their own race. The breakdown of family structure for example is a significant factor. Most white guys I know with Asian wives have dysfunctional family units.

>> No.10982765

Is there a scientific way to obtain North Korean gf?
I think we would complement each other quite nicely.Also
*aham* fuck consumer south korean thots

>> No.10982766 [DELETED] 

No. See >>10982709 above.

>> No.10982767

No. See >>10982709 (You) above. But sure, if people from these two races happen to marry, (don't ask me how it happens, but it clearly does) the result is a disaster.

>> No.10982778


Is it 2,3,4?

>> No.10982779


Scratch that, didn't read the last paragraph

>> No.10982781

Yes I like black women because of my alleles

>> No.10982782

>is just the result of cultural brainwashing
Are you retarded? We keep saying, over and over, that it is a possibility in some cases. Not the determining factor. Please buddy.

>> No.10982787


1 or 2 or both must be turned over. 3 and 4 won't tell you anything. I'm probably wrong

>> No.10982794
File: 27 KB, 339x499, 51Z8PxVhm3L._SX337_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He gives two reasons:
1. avoiding inbreeding
2. cultural/media image

1 fails because it fails to explain the huge gendered patterns in interracial pairing, it's also implausible because inbreeding isn't a real problem within large racial groups with huge effective population sizes and if anything there seems to be a trend towards some amount of in group preference. 2 fails because it's just begging the question. Stereotypes tend to reflect reality as opposed to causing it.

>> No.10982799

>if anything there seems to be a trend towards some amount of in group preference

Also known as genetic similarity theory.

>> No.10982812

>1 fails because it fails to explain the huge gendered patterns in interracial pairing

Different mating strategies for different sexes.

>it's also implausible because inbreeding isn't a real problem within large racial groups with huge effective population sizes

Not how humans lived for 99.5% of their existence, so that’s irrelevant.

>2 fails because it's just begging the question.

No it isn’t.
You’re a pseudointellectual. Don’t post.

>> No.10982820

>Subspecies is race

No. Subspecies don’t even exist.

>> No.10982821


The horribly mis-sized fitment due to autism.

>> No.10982824
File: 72 KB, 933x699, 54b0e3fb4ab10_o,size,933x0,q,70,h,fe0226.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Asian women looks like girls

That's not true at all. They look more like 16-year old boys.

And without heavy make up, there is very little distinction between Asian males and females. Low sexual dimorphism.

It's probably the most genetically defective race on the planet. Breeding with them is like deliberately including heritable defects into your DNA.

Might as well fuck invalids and dwarves.

>> No.10982826 [DELETED] 
File: 65 KB, 1024x673, 1518094753832.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao, looks like one of the fucking Jannies is a Gook goblin lover himself, deleted a comment here that probably hit too close to home.

It went along the lines of:

Asian goblin breeders are the last chance for reproductive success for White males who have visible, physical or psychological defects.

Unable to secure a mating partner of breeding genetic quality, the White Omega male must settle for the Gook goblin otherwise face genetic extinction.

It's a survival mechanism.

>> No.10982831

You are not wrong. People with the allele think it's obviously 1 and 4.

>> No.10982834


Shitposting is the last chance for attention for White males who have visible, physical or psychological defects.

Unable to secure friends, the White Omega male must settle for antagonizing strangers online otherwise face existential loneliness.

It's a survival mechanism.

>> No.10982836

>Source: My ass

>> No.10982837


Is that why I'm married to a Korean?

>> No.10982839

I can have anything but blacks

>> No.10982840
File: 26 KB, 1964x901, journal.pone.0031703.t003.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Different mating strategies for different sexes.
Obviously true.

>Not how humans lived for 99.5% of their existence, so that’s irrelevant.
You're trying to explain something (people tend to prefer mating with people that are genetically dissimilar to them) which does not actually exist except for very closely related individuals. People tend to associate with people that are genetically similar to them your theory predicts the opposite. Racial sexual preference are a deviation from the general rule.

>No it isn’t.
How do stereotypes emerge?

>> No.10982856

>two reasons
Two POTENTIAL reasons, among millions. You are being super autistic.

>> No.10982874

>You're trying to explain something (people tend to prefer mating with people that are genetically dissimilar to them) which does not actually exist except for very closely related individuals.

Incest is very much a relevant issue for the typical Hominid, who knew maaaaaaaaybe two hundred other people. Additionally, we were generally polygynous which makes relatedness an even greater concern. This would encourage regular exchanges of genetic material with other social groups/tribes via peaceful emigration and immigration, taking captives in warfare, or some other process. However, because of simple geography and the existence of prior exchanges, the nearby “alien” groups will tend to already be pretty similar to your own. This is itself easy to witness with the remarkably clinal darkening of skintones you’d observe if you started in Scandinavia and trekked southward through Germania and Russia into the Balkans, then to the Mediterranean, North Africa, and down into central and Eastern Africa. Cultural conditioning is sufficient to overwhelm this natural drive and the concern of inbreeding depression is largely gone in the modern world, but so does the modern world allow for groups that would never interact in the Stone Age, say the Bemba people of Zambia and an Anglo-Saxon, to encounter eachother and exchange genetic material.

>People tend to associate with people that are genetically similar to them your theory predicts the opposite.

“Associating” and “impregnating” are different things, and how true is that really when there’s a hundred other “groups” superimposed onto that one?

>Racial sexual preference are a deviation from the general rule.

Yes, we call that cultural xenophobia.

>How do stereotypes emerge?

Observation combined with bias and a little imagination. Instilling biases in people is trivial and anything but cold fusion.

>> No.10982917

People tend to mate with people that are abnormally similar to them even in random phentypic traits like height. You can say this is due to mysterious cultural forces that overwhelm our desire to do the opposite but I see no evidence for this.


>Observation combined with bias and a little imagination.
There is little evidence for significant bias in stereotypes.


>Instilling biases in people is trivial and anything but cold fusion.
Citation needed when it comes to groups a population actually has some experience with. Sounds like you fell for the social psychology memes that never replicate.