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/sci/ - Science & Math

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1097753 No.1097753 [Reply] [Original]

Are you there Mod? It's me, Anon. I know you're probably busy beating your meat, but times have gotten really tough.
Everywhere I look it's magnets or religion troll threads.
Mom hasn't stopped crying, dad has started drinking, and I just don't know what to do anymore.
So Please, if you can hear me. We could really use your help.

>> No.1097768


>> No.1097781

1. Come to a website world-famous for its inane trolling.
2. Encounter trolls.

Honestly, you're educated men of science. What did you think would happen?

>> No.1097783

Mod occasionally drops by and swings his banhammer around. They don't do it often enough though.

What we really need is a janitor

>> No.1097786

all metathreads are troll threads

>> No.1097808

wtf is a metalthread?

>> No.1097822

insane trheads about game ´physics would be more related to the board that this maggotry of religion and magnets.

fuck, id even take a youtube link thread-o-rama. there is ONE good thread now wich is a infodump.

>> No.1097823


Think about it.

>> No.1097824
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>> No.1097853
File: 45 KB, 600x750, Steampunk-Lincoln-steampunk-1038417_600_750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think this is what Mod looks like.

>> No.1097855

he said meta not metal

he said inane not insane, look it up.

so this board is for clever people?

>> No.1097866

are you not aware that /sci/ has been invaded by /b/tards?

>> No.1097885

It happens every day around this time, i guess middle school gets out around now? cuppled with that some schools r out 4 summer... bad times man

>> No.1097887

I support this

>> No.1097893


>> No.1097899

apparently not because you just missed your trolling

>> No.1097912

Meta, it means "beyond". As in metahuman, metaphysics or metamaterials.

In this case, this is a superior thread beyond all other threads.

>> No.1097905

Actually i'm 19 and majoring in law.. And i can't say i ever particularity liked /b/, but i also didn't learn of 4chan until 2008.

But yeah, fuck off troll

>> No.1097909

so true

>> No.1097920

You're just as bad. Get back to /b/.

>> No.1097932

>implying that shorthand isn't allowed on an internet forum

>> No.1097942

That was a weak defense, man.

>> No.1097953

I dunno man, i don't care too much about grammar when on a thread as silly as this one.

>> No.1097956

Someone should start a sciencechan, it's the only way I can see to get a science imageboard with good moderation. I would probably look into it for a summer project, but I would probably have to learn some coding; I'm already planning to learn a couple of new languages and don't want to add to that list. Does anyone know how much knowledge/skill is required? I have no clue about making website ATM...

>> No.1097964

Well, the imageboard software should be available somewhere. If you want to code it yourself, it takes some experience though.

>> No.1097965


there is one, but it's slow as fuck. slower than /ic/

>> No.1097973
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>> No.1097984

Yeah, I'm pretty sure it even says on this website that there is a free (slightly different) version of the software out there. I would modify it to be less retarded (e.g. noko by default) but basically be satisfied not having to make my own.

>> No.1097989

Well, fair enough. I guess adding another wouldn't help. I kinda assumed this.

>> No.1098008 [DELETED] 
File: 137 KB, 865x534, BombsComparisonChart.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What I would suggest doing is threatening 4chan that if they dont get to ban hammering that we will leave to our own site.

>> No.1098021
File: 29 KB, 695x316, notsureifserious_joker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like a boycott? Oh no, we might cost moot 0.01% of his traffic.

>> No.1098041
File: 9 KB, 245x246, 1272200405026.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh fuck they'll surely listen to that, they can't POSSIBLY lose us, we're clearly the ones holding everything together.

>> No.1098058 [DELETED] 


Cool. Troll alerts. Now that you guys are being fuckin dicks I'm not making a site for you. Fuck Tards

>> No.1098059

>>threatening 4chan


>> No.1098074

Where are those Glorious Dawn guys when you need em. Atleast there a bunch of supportive individuals

>> No.1098129

Aw wahhhh, face it you will always get trolls.