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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 415 KB, 992x684, 7y8fiuyigu vhj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10969404 No.10969404 [Reply] [Original]

Will the gene pool be inhabited by less and less ugly genes in the future?

>> No.10969407

Nope. Good looking rich people don't really breed. They just mate.
The ugly underclass is still breeding at faster rates. Crispr might change things so everyone can be good looking I guess.

>> No.10969440

>Good looking rich people don't really breed. They just mate.

Nice coping.

>> No.10969475

Who is she.

>> No.10969497
File: 465 KB, 750x998, 1556289692768.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10969498
File: 109 KB, 1066x1600, 0024-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone way out of your league.

>> No.10969525

the opposite because of lacking selection toward natural beauty

damn you btfo that guy. imagine being such a loser that a used up whore is out of your league

>> No.10969535

Imagine being such beta incel larper that you disregard a beautiful woman as a 'used up whore' because you know that you'll never even be noticed by her.

>> No.10969547

>pignose with make-up + photoshop
white knighting won't cure your virginity

>> No.10969560
File: 569 KB, 980x719, 8956y345cw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Being a bitter misogynist won't cure yours either

Absolutely tasteless, her nose is fine and elegant.

Every woman wears it, doesn't automatically implies she's ugly without.

Light is modified but her shapes are natural (I'm a photographer)

>> No.10969596

Dont worry anon, if you ever meet her in real life and say that you defended her like that im sure she'll return the favor by taking your hug virginity

>> No.10969601

whatever, mr. micropenis

>> No.10969614

have sex

>> No.10969628

certainly seems so if you look at old paintings of classically beautiful people. Tho I imagine were passing the point of selection and are at the point of every one wins, including your genes. There won't be much improvement from these days forward

>> No.10969631

She looks like my crush but hotter...

>> No.10969720

Looks like trailer trash.

>> No.10969749

Excuse me?

>> No.10969755

possibly the hair dye

i dunno what else could give that impression

>> No.10969759

Im sorry.

>> No.10969765

Whut. I grew up in the trailer park. You guys would love it there.

>> No.10969776

Face looks like it came straight out of the Appalachians or Mississippi.

>> No.10969781

she's white, her face could have come from anywhere in europe or north america

>> No.10969784

Short of some ecological disaster, diversity only increases. So in a sense, yes. Also: The notion of attraction will expand noticably.

>> No.10969819

With white and asian populations being diluted, no.

>> No.10969851

Well, I can clearly see that 1/64 Cherokee and 1/32 West African.

>> No.10969861

Literally racist bigots saying this in a university would get you kicked out and banned from all American universities for being a neo-nazi stormtrooper.

>> No.10969867

calm down sweaty

>> No.10969935

Are you blind? Her face is very nordic.

>> No.10969945

she looks more like a pole or russian desu

>> No.10969946
File: 30 KB, 770x537, anna-costanski.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>B cup
>4 feet tall
>waist as big as hips

>> No.10969949

Fuck no whites will have significantly diminished by the end of the century.

>> No.10969957

She's also out of your league. Your point?

>> No.10969972
File: 479 KB, 887x605, -.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>4 feet tall

You wish manlet, she's 5'5.

>> No.10970038

someone has issues

>> No.10970045


>> No.10970061

3/10 would not bang

>> No.10970066

Are you retarded? The Apppalachians and south are full of norsemen.

>> No.10970069

She's taller than me :(
t. legitimate manlet

>> No.10970145

It's all about confidence boyo.
You could date a girl even a feet taller than you.

>> No.10970177
File: 124 KB, 1200x630, cate-blanchett-feet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The ideal women is thick thigh-ed with a mild gut, 6"4' and feet 14' long with an arch and significantly wider front than heel with thick toes spanning nearly 2' long as well as large hands.

The primary thing that matters is the vinegary fragrance on the moistly sweaty feet, armpits, between the thighs and pelvis and between the breast.

Her breasts can vary.

>> No.10970179

>The ideal women is thick thigh-ed with a mild gut, 6"4' and feet 14' long with an arch and significantly wider front than heel with thick toes spanning nearly 2' long as well as large hands.
you just described a tranny not a woman

>> No.10970183

point being that she is both strong enough to carry out tasks necessary for survival, building things and strong minded as well as able to fight or raise children.

Men should be shorter like a bear or a boar with strong legs and chests.

>> No.10970190

penis size is irrelevant since I have accepted I will never use it and have stopped to pursuit of fawning over women. I've even stopped jerking off. maybe my dick will just shrivel away but I could give less of a fuck.

>> No.10970193

fag, those eyebrows are great

>> No.10970200

2.5/10 eyebrows are bushy af.
i would only bang if she put a paper bag over her head.

>> No.10970203

Nah, it's well known males rate 50% of women as beautifuler, if that makes sense.
Doesn't work bot ways, unfortunately.

>> No.10970421

Beauty is not subjective.

>> No.10970456

Nah, it's a well established statistics.
Somehow, women are more likely beautiful to us.
Just be re-insured, it doesn't work the other way around.

>> No.10970595

When a girl has that kind of eyebrows it means she's smart and intelligent.

>> No.10970622

I think humans offset evolution because those "less desirable" accept that they can get a partner only up to a certain level of desirability and make do with that, thus are having just as many kids as those with high desirable traits. Also modern problems like drugs and obesity are probably dragging it down as well.
So no we're not.

>> No.10970691
File: 30 KB, 726x422, 785EFB65-6544-4640-848A-EBD116FFC2DA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bimodal division
Very rich and handsome people had 3-5 childrens, middle class to upper-middle class are childless or only one child, low class with gov support 2-3 childrens.

Rich people ultra handsome children, poor people ugly childrens.

>> No.10970778

His son seems massively retarded.

>> No.10970807

Yeah because Trump is a genius and Melania has won Nobel laurates in STEM lmao

>> No.10971667 [DELETED] 
File: 28 KB, 474x266, downloadfile-611.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No the number of europeans is decreasing. The gene pool will be inhabited by more and more of this.

>> No.10971682

She’s ugly lol

>> No.10971686

Imagine thinking only Europeans are attractive.
Black queens are better

>> No.10971726

she’s a 7/10, even 10/10s aren’t out of my league, visit >>>/fit/ faggot

>> No.10971804
File: 751 KB, 1014x597, litvb2y83btilr7f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10971818

>calling people misogynists for saying what women really are
yeah you're on the wrong subreddit newfriend.

>> No.10971843
File: 110 KB, 588x1000, 1RtKOun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that boxy rectangular body

>> No.10971845

>Being attracted to whitoid women


>> No.10971874

Do you think every other species in the world reproduces like Ethiopian wolves or something? Only the most beautiful mate and that's what drives "evolution"?

>> No.10971892

>Good looking rich people
Does such a creature exist? The wealthy are all inbred monstrosities.

>> No.10971904

The fact that you even mention this means you never go outside. 99$% people are simply hideous to look at.

>> No.10971985

Fuck off to your "wide hips" latinas deformed by scoliosis nigger.

>> No.10972048
File: 95 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not a matter of wide hips, it's a matter of not being a literal rectangular she-goblin.

>> No.10972068

it wouldn’t even matter at some point because the plastic surgery will do the trick. Imagine injecting nanobots under your skin that slowly but gradually change the bone structure to your liking. you could be brad pitt for one year and harry styles in the other. at that point, pretty genes don’t mean shit.

>> No.10972114

If you actually see her nudes you'll see she actually got a very nice nice body, not curvalicious but refined and elegant.

>> No.10972123

Yes, but not because she's super attractive. She's decent at best.

>> No.10972132

>Implying that 95% of the girls aren't pathetic sheeps with severe insecurity issues that society standards undercovers

Even if he "fix" his confidence the problem is with the rest of the people.

>> No.10972135

Scarily based

>> No.10972158

Yes I'm sure every crippled basement dwellers can afford something like her. Why then?

>> No.10972161

>I'm a photographer

You're a useless piece of shit

>> No.10972199

Stay mad wagie

>> No.10972211

What if that actually makes her smile and opens her up for a chat? You cannot know.

>> No.10972220


>> No.10972260
File: 2.31 MB, 1584x1584, 1539326250864.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>confirming she's a used-up whore
>confirming you're the type of cuck who learns whores' names and stats like they're baseball players or something

>> No.10972366

And I guess collecting images of little anime girls is something a real man does, isn't it?

>> No.10972428
File: 100 KB, 499x594, jl8phukm3pf11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's nothing "real man" about it. There is normal behavior, and there is pathological behavior. Learning whores' names -- memorizing facts about whores -- posting on forums about whores -- pairbonding with whores -- giving money to whores -- are all pathological, disordered, cuckolded behaviors. A sickness of the soul that, sooner or later, is reflected on the mind and body, and represents certain hard limits on your life. I mean, there's no way you're going to get married and have kids, right? Not until you can turn this around.

>> No.10972798

There's a difference between an actual whore who fucks for money, does pornography and has no dignity and a woman who simply poses for an artistic nude. Women have been using their beauty to survive since the beginning of our society origin, but simply because they had no choice mostly due to the patriarchal system we created. There's literally nothing wrong in appreciating beauty, this is something even the old greeks would say. Your "whore" argument is inherently misogynist and immature,

>> No.10972839

Being an eternal beta orbiter to well-adjusted ''innocent'' girls is worse

>> No.10973039

it was until you were born OP

>> No.10973067

Attractive people have more children on average, they also have more female children on average. Meaning that female attractiveness will increase while male attractiveness will decrease, resulting in an increased gender division in desirability (i.e. the value placed on women by men will go up substantially). This will also have a cascade of effects most likely resulting in polygamy.

>> No.10973079

Sources for this?

>> No.10973165

If she has to paint on a new face she's not really good-looking. Also, those pics are always heavily shooped.

>> No.10973181

>revealing the true power levels to plebs

>The wealthy are all inbred monstrosities.
yes yes, all brainless, ugly and totally clueless about the society they created for you

>> No.10973216

she's concretely the kind of girl who looks good even natural, stop with the ''muh make-up muh photoshop'' thing, it's dumb

>> No.10973221

>the society they created for you
Oh how nice of them. How caring. I guess they deserve the right to deplete Earth's natural resources at 10000x the rate of normal people.

>> No.10973227

Look at her without make-up first. Then you may bitch. She looks like a hobbit, close to Maisie Williams actually.

>> No.10973233

nope, people are getting fattier and older

>> No.10973236
File: 6 KB, 223x250, 1549462559030s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tricky question!
I certainly think that unfavorable genes that negatively effect the facial phenotype has decreased with time due to sexual selection there are other factors in it as well.

First of all if you pay attention to the faces you see in the streets and compare those to photographs of people in the 20th and 19th hundreds you will notice that a distinct jawline was much more common and a projecting chin a given.
Of course people have gotten fatter over the decades but if you pay attention to the side profiles of faces you will see a pattern the so called "mouthbreather face".
With dopey eyes due to a larger eye sockets, a bumby nose, no cheekbones, a weak and small jaw and most importantly a recessed chin that goes back.
Some people have it slightly and still look quite attractive and others look completely fucked up due to it. But it is a trend that effects most of the population.
What is interesting is that this trend isn't racially bound. You can see it with first generation immigrants form the middle east for example and when you look at their kids they show the same recessed facial features as the european people.
So it seems NOT to be a genetic problem but a behavioral one.
There isn't hard evidence for it but convincing indicators that posture and diet are the cause for this.
And I can see it with my siblings who have bad oral posture and how they develop these said facial characteristics.
I'm not that old but going from pictures I am fairly sure that people got SIGNIFICANTLY uglier over time (unfortunately while living in a time of increased superficiality).

Also there is the question of low birth rates.
Beauty certainly has major advantages in life which has been proven in multiple studies.
But do these exceptionally beautiful reproduce that much more is questionable.

Not even going into the issue of mass migration fucking up the gene pool...

>> No.10973249

"normal" people can't find their own asses, theyre lucky to have the provisions of mechanized agriculture and mass media.

normal people would be homeless and starving if left to their own devices.

also what resources are being depleted exactly?

i bet you haven't created anything of value to society, yet have been fed, educated, housed, warmed and been medically treated by it

>> No.10973296

thanks Bill Gaytes and all those billionaires helping Africa. We should've let it rot.

>> No.10973316

>Disgusting post from entitled arrogant moron
"Normal" people would be a lot better off without the likes of you.

>> No.10973391

Awfully trolling.

>> No.10973423

No, on the contrary since most poor people tend to breed a lot more than those that can afford a better life.
With that said...the canons of beauty change every couple of decades so who knows what is consider beauty in 50 years.

>> No.10973424


>> No.10973907

>fluent in the language of feminism
>beats off to underage whores
Honestly I feel dirty just sharing an imageboard with this sleazebag.

>> No.10973928

you wont be giving ANY of a fuck

>> No.10973964

Ah, a commie, methinks? Do you really think us proles could have made it without a leader, of any kind?
Lets face it: we're unorganized without a leader, so why shouldn't they benefit from said leadership

>> No.10973973

why do mentally ill boomers type this weird pompous way

I saw some posts by the guy who drew thr "wyatt man" comics and he was exactly the same way

>> No.10973975

It is not pompous it's not!
But it is true. Why should the one who corralled man towards great deeds not be rewarded for his efforts?
I'm probably not a boomer, but you would know that

>> No.10973997

You are missing the big ones. Surgeries and cosmetics. Ugliness is probably increasing just like stupidity

>> No.10974006

You have shit taste mi amigo

>> No.10974017

the more beautiful people appear, the more they will look like clones of one person. yes, there is a singular standard of beauty. you had better hope we never artificially achieve it. or else you will have sex with it for one day, and then you will never be able to have sex ever again at all.

>> No.10974189

>I'm probably not a boomer,
Ya you are. Not knowing what an actual communist is, and screaming commie at any you disagree with is fucking 1950s. You're old and senile af. Take a nap.

>> No.10974506

name please.

>> No.10974528
File: 2.55 MB, 500x278, emelie.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not sure to understand what you actually mean.

>> No.10974538

>Having this much of an inferiority complex for white girls


Literally IMAGINE not being white lmao

>> No.10974551

Imagine being part of a race close to extinction.

>> No.10974554
File: 23 KB, 480x360, 435097253.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>108 replies of 4chan incels arguing about beauty like teenage girls on the fucking science board

>> No.10974558
File: 219 KB, 4400x2700, Demographic-TransitionOWID.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Letting it rot is how they got stuck with endless population growth, did you even do GCSE geography?

>> No.10974631

> be a dirt sucking delivery man
> deliver to the home of a wealthy family
> woman comes to the door dressed like a thot but lacking any physical traits that push her above a 5
> see this post a few days later implying the genetic superiority of aristocrats by claiming that common folk are inferior

This stinks of 16th century absolutist bullshit.

>> No.10975334


I think women wear too much make up. I don’t know what you call beauty. I find myself more attracted to ethnic women whom seem to wear less makeup. Perhaps not as ‘european’ beautiful. But equally as beautiful. There is nothing like a robust, rustic, ethic woman. But that’s me I’m attracted to things not main stream.

>> No.10975380


Perhaps in my mind they make better mothers and partners. I think there is a lot of visa mix/mash up. So it appears like people are progressively getting better looking. There is a conspiracy many female groups try to cover up. Some are even labeled extremist by their male counterparts. I think my mother when she was young was way better looking than my dad. She won several small pageants and usually keeps her youth images in an exchange with a friend. None like to be bothered with. My dad was just smart otherwise he looked like an absolute brute. 6’1, chiselled cheekbones, muscular guy. One of the best pound for pound fighters in his day in panama. Prize fighter but the money wasnt his thing. What I realize is that my better looking friends cousins etc. Live under false presumption. Their biological parent is not whom they are led to believe. That’s because many are participants in a Hollywood racket that promised help in exchange for political larceny.

>> No.10975383

Besides symmetry, beauty is highly subjective.
I, for instance, find this girl's nose kind of ugly.

>> No.10975427

The racket has expanded a bit and it’s full of Italian and Greeks whom are short. And suffer from envy. So they try to apply themselves and fix mutations for beauty. It’s a situation where they organise themselves as family but when they visit Homebases they go through different doors. Different relatives. However here is pressure in it because some european countries are way to proud and don’t want gene altered children and just murder them off for stepping into their bloc. Consequence hasn’t been measured. Rumor is that’s why a whole bunch of whites been getting kicked out of Europe. Same fanatism where they used to put baby helmets on for having different shaped skulls or not looking like the gerber baby so they all look macrocephalic. However it affected their behavior later on because it’s not their natural shaped skull.

>> No.10975453

So from experience I know that a lot of American Indians are in Iran and India. For safeguard. Because US turned around and gave Puerto Rico to Saudis and Egyptians. For business racket. So instead we get Iranians and people from Hindustan as hispanic. So there are times when genetic competition becomes a situation because their papers are tied. And then everyone wonders why some people have been changing. However if they want people killed off they just say genetic experimentation. Even if it’s just paper for per situation. Filing false reports for asset acquisitions.

>> No.10975464

is that chloe moretz?

>> No.10975468 [DELETED] 

So You said that black people ugly?

>> No.10975473

So you said that balck people are ugly?

>> No.10975482 [DELETED] 


>> No.10975487

>I'm a photographer

>Can't even afford a MetArt subscription

kek, story checks out.

>> No.10975490

Those that first tested it out. Were the first to file restriction. And hold up everyone against.

>> No.10975520

People like new mixes. I don’t think beauty changes. I sometimes see the same faces in 600 years or more in paintings. People get tired of the old. So you see more and more different symmetries. This is what’s happening. New faces especially after every major war. New people come in to serve third person resolution. In turn for their safety the hosting nations send people to their guests land.

>> No.10975532

Seriously, donation of advanced country's citizen or billionaires are useless

>> No.10975561

If you have an afghani best friend that says he is Turkish. And he is traditional western afghani. And none of the afghanis in tv look like him. Only some Jewish sectarian groups. Where are the afghanis coming from? If you know about the Persian situation in Latin America and how it has become its focus and you see Bollywood changing. Where are they coming from? You’ll see beauty is the first thing accused. Now knowing their genetic analyses and their proximity to Europe and European history. There is something going on with their protein. Why the change? There are two sects of Germans both identical in every feature. One is white to the point of blood oxidization. The other is very white but milky. What is going on? If these two groups are identical to the point they must have same origins. However they say they came from two distinct locations. It’s presumed one is altered and the other is not. Why is this?

>> No.10975569

Now knowing oldest manuals of european history and expanse. One group proves evidence the other does not. The other takes it apart.

>> No.10975610

They get kicked out of the Sovietism.

Now if you know India had a huge war. Perhaps part of Asia’s lament that causes ethnic and racial differences between Han and the rest. As well as accusation the whites try to play as absurd. Then you know India was home to several tribes as well as Iraqis and Persian traders. Due to beauty and ethnic obsession of the perps they held down their pride in prison camps. They are not even from there but from Africa. There is a missing link in all this. And several genetically altered groups. This is why they say the US will always play tjeir wild card because the navy gave certain black people freedom of domain to the point they play an equal split. Meaning blacks can come from Australia or Africa. Who is spreading if the housed karmic prisoners come from Africa and look nothing like the people occupying their territory. The reason they are housed is because their descendants committed the great crime due to their pride for them based on beauty and appeal and not anything sound because their history is less than sound meanwhile they are attacking people with more sound history and culture.

>> No.10975628

They all know one group abuses the other because they have something to pay off. So they indoctrinate them for the worse knowing their own restriction and the others free. However it wants their freedom and them restricted.

>> No.10975759

girls get more attractive to boost men into action

>> No.10975821 [DELETED] 

they got stuck with endless population growth by being niggers

>> No.10975829

I don't believe global banking and development corporations will ever allow it to reach stage 5, or even 4. That would be absolutely terrible for their bottom line, and economic growth.

Psychopaths like you would sooner push stage 2 for as long as possible while lying and secretly preparing for collapse.

>> No.10976511

Yes, we are moving towards this goal soon

>> No.10977059

I mean, beauty increases the likelihood of reproduction, so I think that's kind of a given.

>> No.10977521

>Psychopaths like you would sooner push stage 2 for as long as possible while lying and secretly preparing for collapse.
It is in everyone's interest for them to develop to stage 4/5, they're kept trapped by their incredibly off balance economies (govt. income being like >90% direct from natural resources) and the forces that keep them there. No industry can develop since it would take too much capital to get it to a point that it could compete with the resourcebucks (see Dutch disease) and the govt. doesn't need the taxes of the people to make politicians rich and powerful so they make no effort improving the lives to win the vote of the citizens (see all the violence and anomalies whenever there's an election in Africa). The govt.s just spend their resourcebucks on armies and militias to keep control of the oil/ore (see the Congo for what happens when a govt. doesn't get total control) and then do massive deals with western/chinese companies to let them do their thing. It was kinda fucked before when it was just western cash rolling in but now it's really fucked since if the west threatens to pull out then China is happy to step in and keep the cycle going.

>> No.10977583

been 3 days and no name yet
please friends i image searched a lot
who is she

>> No.10977590


>> No.10978015

her chest looks weird

>> No.10978017

it’s literally some generic blonde slut

>> No.10978021

Because she's a woman, you virgin.

>> No.10978024

Reminder that black women are hotter than whitoids

>> No.10978026

>/sci/, the science and math board

>> No.10978231

I love economists basically just draw these silly graphics to look like they're based on real data, but in reality they're only based on some fantastical utopian dream they conjure up in their deluded minds.

>> No.10978238

>(govt. income being like >90% direct from natural resources)
Sounds a bit like Canada or Norway

>> No.10978383

Hahahaha btfo

>> No.10978386

>simply poses for an artistic nude
*gallops away*

>> No.10978468

Scarlet from Met-art. Please don't fap to her.

>> No.10978605


>> No.10978720

You aren't even wealthy, of that much I'm sure.

>> No.10978745
File: 766 KB, 1600x1995, 0220CA34-1A4F-4F79-8700-F0C62A1B78B6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10978761 [DELETED] 

>liver lips
>flat gorilla nose
>sponge hair
>soulless eyes
>prognate simian jaw

Yes, they are.

>> No.10978883

What kind of personality do you think she has?

>> No.10978973


>> No.10979241

cold and detached

>> No.10979243

Maybe not ugly Gene's. But the lack of people crippled by polio or smallpox probably does wonders for aesthetic beauty.

Not to mention hygiene from hot and cold running water.

>> No.10980133

emotional yet distant

>> No.10980302

Oh God no

>> No.10980306
File: 214 KB, 826x1024, EE5B5E6E-7BFD-4FF6-91D6-8454399B3177.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that you Crumb?

>> No.10980830

How is that a cope? Do you know what a cope is?

>> No.10980926

Look at her finger ratio to gauge her testosterone levels

>> No.10981352

I think she brapposts on /hm/

>> No.10981429
File: 435 KB, 2999x2135, Demographic-Transition-5-countries.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you believe that all academics who aren't maths/physicists just make up everything they do?

Apt example, their Oil Fund was set up in the 90s to manage their resourcebucks.

>> No.10981435

Background guy is literally me looking at this skank

>> No.10981487

Do you believe politicians in the west who count on high fertility rates in the developing world to offset negative demographic effects on the economy back home are actually counting on


Clearly not. As the "demographic transition" would be an unmitigated disaster for the world economy. But go ahead and keep producing exactly the right kind of excuse/obfuscation these people use to keep enriching themselves off the totally unsustainable status quo if it gets you a nice paycheck.

>> No.10981504

Breeding Between the Lines by Alon Ziv. Read it

>> No.10981537

>politicians in the west who count on high fertility rates in the developing world to offset negative demographic effects on the economy back home
>As the "demographic transition" would be an unmitigated disaster for the world economy.
Please, elaborate.

>> No.10981542

Elaborate about what, exactly?

>> No.10981566

How are politicians in the west reliant on high fertility rates in the developing world? Why is demographic transition a disaster for the world economy?

>> No.10981598
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Population growth = economic growth
>Immigration is vital to boost economic growth

I think you're just playing dumb now.

>> No.10981622

>Population growth = economic growth
That's an absurdly simplistic model, is there any more detail or is that as far as you got?

>> No.10981639
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It's actually basic economics. (You are an economist right?)

Economic growth = Productivity growth + population growth

Now instead of your "absurdly simplistic" (and frankly quite moronic) response, as a logical response you could have instead shown how most of the recent economic growth is due to productivity growth (which is simply not true, explaining your defensive outburst.)

Clearly these facts are counter to your agenda, and there is no point trying to have an honest discussion with someone who as an agenda.

>> No.10981699

I don't think I am being particularly defensive or insulting, I'm just trying to get clarification on what it is you believe.
So your mathematical model is
Economic growth = Productivity growth + population growth
You must admit it is a bit simple compared to something like the Solow-Swan model.
How do you measure 'productivity growth'? Obviously economic growth can be measured as change in GDP and population growth is obvious. Say a nation had an economic growth of +0.9% while it's population grew by +0.5%, what is it exactly that grew by +0.4%?

If you believe the demographic transition would be disastrous for economies then why are countries that have transitioned like the UK or the USA doing fine?

>Clearly these facts are counter to your agenda
kek, what do you think my agenda is?

>> No.10981715
File: 101 KB, 488x281, Screenshot-3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what is it exactly that grew by +0.4%
inflation plus productivity
>then why are countries that have transitioned like the UK or the USA doing fine?
Because of population growth due to immigration. Clearly. You knew that. And now this conversation is literally circling back again and metaphorically circling the drain....

Are you a master of obfuscation?
>what do you think my agenda is?
"economic growth"

>> No.10981726

>what do you think my agenda is?
and to make lots of money any way you can.

>> No.10981741

1. There is smt universally accepted as beauty in our wiring => The more ppl are beautiful, the harder it is to distinguish them. Balancing selection kicks in. Ugliness becomes desirable as it makes you outstanding
2. Beauty has no one single root => Male and female beauty are different things. Males still mate with females, and the offspring may receive features from their opposite sex parent, whichd make em ugly

Either way, never will supermodels surround you

>> No.10981765

now this is cope

>> No.10981766

So now the model is
Economic growth = inflation + productivity + population growth
I still don’t know how you’re measuring productivity, that was my question?

How would you explain Hungary with its strict immigration policies, negative population growth and positive growing economy?

The words economic growth in quotation marks isn’t an agenda

>> No.10981772

You're retarded...

>> No.10981793

China is going to drive them into poverty inuced starvation