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10969141 No.10969141 [Reply] [Original]

>doing phd in china

>> No.10969156

in what field though
make sure you take care of your lungs very diligently, I still have a cough
make sure you intern and have a job lined up before you graduate
you should be learning chinese already

>> No.10969190

>>doing phd in china

In China, It is not what you know, but who you know.

>> No.10969236

>make sure you intern and have a job lined up before you graduate

>> No.10969245

Make sure you have an uncle in the party, lol.

>> No.10969256

i would work with europeans

>> No.10969290

most expats in china are pretty gross people and not that great to be around 2bh, they tend to be sexpats who were losers back home but suddenly act like gigachads with a huge ego, or really degenerate people who needed to restart their entire lives because they failed. if you only spend time with expats it's pretty bad for you.

>> No.10969292

Only if you can speak chinese

>> No.10969454


>> No.10969477

sure go ahead buddy
you before me

>> No.10969478

>hang out with degenerate beta white bois
>hang out with bug people
hard choice desu

>> No.10969539

can a professor be a degenerate beta white boi?

>> No.10969768

I fucking used to love China and it's history and culture and food and architecture until I learned it was all white washed to make it palpable to Americans. Have fun tho with the crumbling infrastructure, overly packed transpo, queue lines, dog meat, weird sauces, big brother over your shoulder every minute, censorship, and the carelessness.

Still tho, would taken chance to backpack through the southern mountains if I could. I just wouldn't live there anymore.

>> No.10969811

their metro is okay

>overly packed transpo
maybe you just visited china in high season?

>queue lines
yes it is a problem i agree

>dog meat
no one forces you to eat dogs fren

>weird sauces
probably all their sauces are hot, i dont like it

>big brother
yes it is problematic if you are a /b/tard with porn in your laptop however the chinese dont abide to law

i dont want to become an activist

im careless myself

>> No.10969825

spoken like somebody who has long made up their mind, why even ask

>> No.10969829

Are you Chinese? I hear a lot about China and while i think it's a cool country it's kind of hard to tell the bullshit apart from the truth.

>> No.10969864

no im not chinese

>> No.10969866

>apply to American job/research position
>HR gets your resume
>PhD from Chinese university
>into the trash

>> No.10969896


>> No.10969904

>big brother over your shoulder every minute
This is probably the biggest reason why I could never live in China. Party informants are everywhere on the mainland. I saw a documentary a few years back where an American film crew was in China, trying to get people on the street to comment on some new government policy, and this random fucking old man standing on a corner walked up to them and tried to shut it down. He ended up being a low-ranking party official or some shit.

>> No.10969920
File: 52 KB, 391x539, 06286a7e419b3035278eb8eb1efa1722.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, is the guy in OP's pic a regular Boy Lover, or a Little Boy Lover?

>> No.10969966
File: 10 KB, 236x236, weEEEEEWOOOOOOWwEEEEEEEOWOWOOOOOO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why's the 4th one look so familiar...

>> No.10970032

I honestly wouldn't trust anyone graduating in China to behave ethically. Nothing personal I have respect for the history of China but modern chinaman is the result of commies killing all the intelligent people. Modern chinese are corner cutting, cheating, lying, lazy, and just generally worthless. As bad as white people if not worse. Japs are based though.

>> No.10970046

>as bad as white people
fuck off commie

>> No.10970049

The west is decadent and rotten. Academia has progressively gotten worse since the early 1900's. Prove me wrong retard.

>> No.10970058

lol if only you knew how bad japanese academia was, it's literally worship your elders: the institution

>> No.10970065

I only care about results. Per capita Japan preforms decently. If they preform decently I don't really care how they do it if it works it works. At least they don't cook the books as much as chinese.

>> No.10970133

okay so maybe japan
would i have to pay for doing phd there in science?

>> No.10970136

>would i have to pay for doing phd there in science?
Well you'd have to be fluent in Japanese...

>> No.10970150

oh that is a bigger problem

>> No.10970157

Thats because of commie liberal bullshit, not whites or 'muuh patriarchy'

>> No.10970164


>> No.10970256

If you care about per capita results whites are still on top tho.
Sure we might have gotten worse over the years but that's besides the point.

>> No.10970273

>whites are still on top
lol no
the objective quality of american publications is little better than chinese for the large part

Just because you have a large amount of papers doesn't mean you have a large amount of quality research. What Americans don't seem to understand is that China is literally just Americanism taken to the logical extreme. It's a caricature of America.

>> No.10970277

Also notice how half of Americans and Chinese self-cite their own shit. That's disgusting. Into the trash.

>> No.10970281

Do you like inhaling smog all day?
Do you like food covered in pollutants and filled with heavy metals from contaminated soil, finding their way into everything from vegetables to meat?
Do you like fascist regimes that will use your presence as an opportunity to steal every bit of information they can from you, and to scope you out as a potential Chinese asset?
If so, then sure. Go be a traitor to freedom-loving individuals all over the world. Have fun.

>> No.10970288

Do you like inhaling truck smog all day?
Do you like food covered in pollutants and filled with heavy metals from contaminated soil, finding their way into everything from vegetables to meat?
Do you like fascist regimes that will use your presence as an opportunity to steal every bit of information they can from you, and to scope you out as a potential American asset?
If so, then sure. Go be a traitor to freedom-loving individuals all over the world. Have fun.

>> No.10970356

Wasn't only talking about the us.

>> No.10970362

The only country that's objectively better in every metric in research than Japan is France. I'd say Germany is about equal to Japan based on the stats.

>> No.10970364


>> No.10970368

Practically part of France but okay.

>> No.10970382

in your wet dreams macron

>> No.10970627

>Per capita Japan preforms decently
you haven't got a fucking clue lol. per capita japan is terrible when it comes to higher education. you have no idea. it's so bad.

>> No.10970636

how to heal academia?

>> No.10970667

My buddy is a chem prof with a mass spec business and he speaks no chinese, but he is in china almost every couple of months selling them his mass spec machines.

>> No.10970672

Create an AGI. Problems solved.

>> No.10970692

enjoy being enslaved

>> No.10970767


>> No.10971207

>switzerland part of france
I wouldn't mind that, provided we get rid of the swiss first.

>> No.10971212

Swiss people are like jews. They're actually French just more inbred than usual.

>> No.10971216 [DELETED] 
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>> No.10971280

Ever heard about Edward Snowden? It's not like Big Brother isn't a thing in the West, it's just more subtle, which is arguably worse since many people don't notice it. But you can be sure the NSA can search and retrieve everything you ever posted on the internet, every email you ever sent or received, and every conversation you ever had on the phone. There is a file for each one of us in their directories: we're all under surveillance.

>> No.10971282

But France isn't white.

>> No.10971284

>can a professor be a degenerate beta white boi?

oh you bet your sweet ass he can

>> No.10971286


>> No.10971290

>But you can be sure the NSA can search and retrieve everything you ever posted on the internet
Think about it, there's someone there who has sorted every shitpost you've ever made. And they won't share which one is objectively the best.

>> No.10971339

Is France actually good?
I heard France is garbage for studying in and that their students are trash tier and their curriculum is easy as fuck.

>> No.10971533

I only know math but France taught down right Analysis in Freshman school. no Calculus.

>> No.10971537

>I heard France is garbage for studying in and that their students are trash tier and their curriculum is easy as fuck.
only applies to Liberal Arts
France is pretty similar to Italy as far as STEM goes

>> No.10971590

I guess I shouldn't have trash talked France so much then

>> No.10971616

That is as big a meme as the otherside

>> No.10971645

You got that mixed up. It's practically part of Germany. Hell, there almost 3 times as many Italians as French as well.

>> No.10971650

France and Germany might as well be the same country. Genetically French, Germans, and Swiss are identical.

>> No.10971665

Genetically all Europeans are equal.

>> No.10971674


>> No.10971684
File: 71 KB, 852x480, 880198A1-2DAC-4046-91AF-CB39A1242C50.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And how many of those are foreign students, given that over 50% of u.s. grad students are foreign
percaptia we are shit because we have increased the base without really adding to the elite, we have about the same number of great scientists we always have, but we have tons more middling ones.

>> No.10971688

In Germany, the same. Add to it also how hard you lick their boots.

>> No.10971702

I don't think you got that right, my friend.

>> No.10971705

It's almost like you're a natzee sexist racist homophobic bigot

>> No.10971706

It is like that here too, we just lie to students about it.

>> No.10971716

Stop being retarded. It's a PhD. You need to get someone to choose YOU so mentor YOU. Licking boots is a very basic requirement to get into any PhD programm. Either you lick the boots of the person who's supposed to mentor you, or you already licked the boots of the people who gave you the commendation necessary to even get the opportunity to join the programm.

>> No.10971738

You confuse persons. I completed my PhD in Germany many years ago.

>> No.10971740

I don't, btw. I say to them your degree is virtually useless unless you do 3-4 interns, lick boots hard enough in hope for a part-time job, then hopefully a full-time.

Automobile sector is on the verge of huge recession btw. And Germany's economy is almost exclusively about automobiles and what serves automobiles. Anything else is bullshit consulting

>> No.10972150

you are so bitter because you werent accepted to a phd programme

>> No.10973739

which field?

>> No.10973776

are you an osti?

>> No.10974800

im not a burger

>> No.10974865

>not choosing Taiwan

>> No.10975677

i dont know any scientist from my field from taiwan ;_;