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File: 93 KB, 400x298, Highwind_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10967965 No.10967965 [Reply] [Original]

Why don't we have these?


>> No.10967969

We already tried them. Planes worked better.

>> No.10967971

We tried them with primitive technology

>> No.10967979

on Venus maybe

>> No.10967989

What kind of tech do you think we have now that applies?

>> No.10967991

Tesla and water vacuums

>> No.10968034
File: 1.85 MB, 710x400, Amazon Airships.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10968066

that's sad

>> No.10968075

when you order 1 day shipping on your new dildo.

>> No.10968094
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>> No.10968147
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What qualifies as an airship?

>> No.10968170

large vehicle that can hover and move, not just move, and not small

>> No.10968187

>tfw dream of permanent floating airship where you can sleep/eat/shit/bathe/masturbate/don't pay tax/electricity from solar/wind is dead

>> No.10968194

a real life Gaw

>> No.10968238

The problem is we are running out of helium

>> No.10968239
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Its rather self evident. In short, there's no good solution for both anti-gravity, aside from hydrogen/helium. When using this as the primariy lift mechanism you in turn limit what you can carry in terms of both fuel/cargo, limiting the size/propulsion type you're capable of utilizing. In short, you can get more lift/propulstion/speed from actively burning fuel with a foil than using Hydrogen/Helium to try to cancel off the cargo weight and being lighter than air

>> No.10968248


>> No.10968260

>Attention ground units. Anticitizen reported in this community. Code: lock, cauterize, stabilize

>> No.10968277

Cause no one wants a 2 week sea cruise by air to london

>> No.10968481
File: 123 KB, 735x601, hind.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

use hydrogen

>> No.10968497

bootlicking faggot

>> No.10968642

basically this:>>10967969
So there are two ways to stay in the air, being lighter than air or throwing air down. Air doesn't have a very high density, so one has to displace a very large amount of air to stay up. Such a lightweight structure is prone to getting blown around by the wind and can't go very fast. Throwing air down just takes energy. However, in terms of power required per payload and speed, throwing air down is more effective. We can get the same payload much faster with a plane for about the same energy usage with a plane than we can an airship. Really the only interesting case for lighter than air vehicles today is for transporting hydrogen by riding the jet stream:
By riding the jet stream, we don't have to expend much energy moving the hydrogen. Although the locations we can transport hydrogen to and from may be limited.
there's not much benefit to making a big thing that can hover.

>> No.10968933

quaking fearfag

>> No.10968992

Airships would be cool.

>> No.10969026

needs canards

>> No.10969162
File: 133 KB, 600x338, jeff bezos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hey let's make delivery slower than it is now
>"great idea, jeff!" *suckles on Jeff's asshole*

>> No.10969164
File: 140 KB, 1024x819, wagie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Into the cage wagie.

>> No.10969167
File: 94 KB, 690x620, 7481b495c57de3db213a756a9e2dc1ea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Except in bad weather.

>> No.10969172

planes are way better for anything long distance but imagine airship rides between two cities located close to eachother (Europe not America so it's all alot smaller)
that would take off pressure from the roads, it'd be relatively cheap as well as safe (due to naturally safe non-flammable helium)
and it does what planes can't do, travel a short distance over air

>> No.10969204

They are better off using water vapor as a lifting gas instead. Helium is in limited quantities and there's none being made to replace what is escaping the atmosphere. Water is plentiful and with aerogel insulation technologies, making steam balloons is now quite viable.

>> No.10969216

If you're using aerogel youd be safe with hydrogen. Its very heat resistant and the hydrogen would be trapped in the micropores so it would be harder to have a catastrophic failure.

>> No.10969559

>>that would take off pressure from the roads
unless you had a huge number of airships, then it'd make fuck all of a difference.
and where would you build all the HUGE airship hangars?
no. If you disagree then prove that's better in anyway at all. Tip: aerogel ain't that flexible, steam ain't a great lifting gas.

>> No.10969738
File: 184 KB, 1920x1080, hindenvrooooom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if we used with aerogel maybe we could combust the hydrogen for extra lift and speeds.

>> No.10969841


>> No.10970294

use train stations, add a floor and some height and done, you've got yourself a brand new airship hangar for every city
or actually wherever, just need some space for an elevator and some concrete
and if there were a huge number of airships then surely by then had the roads been all by themselves there wouldn't have been a single moving car anywhere