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10964789 No.10964789 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: post fields of math that have no applications outside of theoretical physics or niche occupations

>> No.10964796

But Complex Analysis has applications in Physics and EE.

>> No.10964800

I literally said outside of theoretical physics and niche occupations

>> No.10964811

>EE is a niche occupation
Even your bait is dumb, OP.

>> No.10964826

The point is I wanted to exclude EE without including it in my OP so that people could post other fields of math.

Yes EE is not niche in the general definition of the word but its not a hugely popular or applicable field either

>> No.10964831

>he says while posting on a device that would not exist without EE

>> No.10964838

logarithm theory

>> No.10964846

By hugely applicable I mean use outside of EE

>> No.10964856

Finding the equation of a line through 2 points

>> No.10964861

Trigonometry, useless outside of EE (minus the first E)

>> No.10964864

Stop pretending to be retarded. You can't do calculus without trig, you can't do statistics without calculus, and you can't do any kind of actual science without statistics. +1 troll gold

>> No.10964869

>engineering has no real world value
the fuck?

>> No.10964870

Engineers are just glorified mechanics.

>> No.10964931

read the OP, no niche applications allowed

>> No.10964943

>math should be applied outside of math
you're a sick fuck I hope you know that.

>> No.10964963
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Is it just me, or is complex analysis taught a lot like calculus and not so much like analysis?

Take any book on analysis, they introduce you to sets, metric spaces, covers, unions, intersections, and what it means for a sequence to converge. Yet take a look at a book on complex analysis, they don't talk about those. They just mention derivatives, and contour integrals. and various functions.

>> No.10964994

Wtf is analysis.. I'm trying to finish my maths degree at a different school and everything requires analysis 1, looking at the syllabus it looks like basic calculus?

>> No.10965007

THere is nothing outside EE everything is inside EE. EE is everywhere.

>> No.10965009

and mechanics have no real world value?

>> No.10965014
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Does Topology have any practical uses?

>> No.10965016
File: 17 KB, 440x550, ECD9808B-108C-4CC9-BB95-9AE0794DCA07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no real value
>EE and physics
>analytic number theory which has given us some of the most efficient algorithms out there
If it’s been studied for more than 30 years then it usually has application in nontrivial areas dipshit. People thought number theory in general had no practical value until cryptography. You cannot know a priori which math is “””””useless””””””
Hint: it’s all useful in some way, so you ought to divide the question into: do my priorities lie in applying stuff we know or in finding new mathematics?

>> No.10965017
File: 32 KB, 450x449, 826-02271560em-portrait-of-a-man-side-view-stock-photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hurr durr what the fuck is google how the fuck will I know what this is durrrrrrrrrrrrrr

>> No.10965022

> it looks like basic calculus?
Yes that pretty much what it should be.

But don't get fooled by it just because it looks basic. It's all about constructing the theorems, such as the ones calculus is based on, from basic principles. You are going to have to prove weather or not limits and derivatives exist based on general assumptions. Sometimes you might be asked to find the value of a series or two.

>> No.10965023

Yes. There’s physics, but also robotics and the loads of computational topology problems out there. Topology has become useful for areas in TCS
>t. EE
I like EE and do lots of personal projects out of stuff I learn in art of electronics, but it’s not all since even as a mature field it can’t penetrate into TCS, physics, or other subjects. That is, RF and analog have given us lots of great stuff, but just because information theory started in EE doesn’t mean that EE researchers meaningfully contribute to communication complexity

>> No.10965026

Isn't that more graph theory tho?

>> No.10965027

If you want to go hard mode, do analytic combinatorics or analytic number theory and tell me “complex analysis is easy.”

>> No.10965034

Fuck off millenial scum

>> No.10965131

>millenial scum
>be me
>born in 1999
>gen z
younger than you and smarter than you.
die boomer fart bag

>> No.10965188

Depends, ive taken a math department complex analysis course that was actually analysis, and a physics course that just did like contour integrals and residue theorem etc

>> No.10965299

>what is the laplace transform
>what are harmonic functions
Lol you retard.

>> No.10965391

Rejoice, Topological Data Analysis is the hot new thing in Data Sciense now.

>> No.10965463

What isn't a niche occupation?
Isn't anything any person does to make a living their niche?

>> No.10965551


>> No.10965557

Knot theory is used extensively in modeling protein folding. I know point-set topology is used in statistics. By definition topology is the study of space, so I'm assuming physics uses it.

>> No.10965587

>EE its not a hugely popular or applicable
Do you have a superfast degenerative disease? I swear you're getting dumber by the minute.

>> No.10965766

But complex analysis has tons of applications.

>> No.10965896

>information is niche
>units should matter
ok pal

>> No.10965975

Oh my god just shut the fuck up

>> No.10966189

I took grad level Complex Analysis and it was alot of fun. Very cool subject to get into if you don't treat it like complex calculus 2.

>> No.10966226

>as a mature field it can’t penetrate into TCS, physics, or other subjects
nanocomposite research suggests otherwise. it gets deep into chemistry, physics, and material science.

>> No.10966492

Would you like them to tell you what a metric, neighborhood, open set or derivative is once again?
Try taking several complex variables course, it will be nothing like calculus

>> No.10966495

>does addition have any practical uses?
Anything beyond calc 1 requires topology

>> No.10966990

Reminder you don't really need 'complex analysis' for control theory, signal processing and circuits. Highschool level complex numbers with a few extra things is all you need.

>> No.10968129

*cough* Fourier transform *cough*

>> No.10968157

Fractional Calculus

>> No.10968163

Several Complex Variables.

>> No.10969396

gender studies