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File: 135 KB, 768x497, reading-voltaire-s-tragedy-l-orphelin-de-la-chine-at-madame-geoffrin-s-salon-painted-in-1812-by-gabriel-lemonnier-1743-1824-oil-on-canvas-129-5-x196-162278848-58e6e3323df78c516266d3a6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10963883 No.10963883 [Reply] [Original]

Why are so many people mistruful of science and of scientists? There seems to be a growing issue of the public being skeptical of science, skeptical in a bad way. Alternative ideas, which are often not scientific, seem to be growing in popularity in every aspect of life.
The complete opposite seems to be happening of what enlightenment thinkers proposed, that we would have a scientifically literate public.
As science and technology become more and more complex, there seems to be a correlation with more and more people checking out and irrationaly dismissing science.

>> No.10963893

Because no matter how much scientists like to make out that they are dedicated to objectivity and the scientific method, they have throughout history played to the tune of the prevailing orthodoxy of society.
Nowadays is no exception they pander to the equality cult because they covet funding for their research, and you only get funding if your research is convenient to the current narrative.

>> No.10963896

Easy access to information means also easy access to false information. You have the opportunity to believe what you want and can google whatever you want to support it.

>> No.10963899

read feyerabend faggot

>> No.10963901


>> No.10963903

That's definetely one of the reasons, but I am finding it hard to grasp how ideas which are thoroughly unscientific, so patently false, such as flat earth "theory" are actually growing in popularity. How are millions of people getting through high school without learning basic facts and logical thinking that would equip them to not fall for pure nonsense?

>> No.10963907

Largely probably just a sentiment that scientists don't do alot of work. The college system breaking down to the point where people party for months then cram for final exams has made people lose respect for academia and see scientists demanding high pay/funding to do potentially very little.

I've also felt a growing negativity to scientists in the last 10 years due to the amount of entitled extremely vocal Lefty female scientists who want to shitpost or rant endlessly about how smart they are or how they get 'mansplained' to or how they aren't paid enough (on a decent wage) or how 'We need socialism because i need my funding!'.

>> No.10963908


>> No.10963919

Give 'em hell, paladin.

>> No.10963932

>mistruful of science
they don't like the answers.
it really is that childish

>> No.10963939
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>Anyone who doesn't conflate expert opinion with actual fact is just immature.
t. brainlet
Science is a verb you fucking mongoloid.
It's not some infallible institution you can defer to for all your beliefs.

>> No.10963963


But he’s right. Typing pol doesn’t invalidate the claim. Now Look up Bruce lahn being forced to stop research on microcephalin.

>> No.10963973

If this guy got this much flak for something as trivial as the racial intelligence gap, imagine what would happen to someone who openly challenged Einstein's idea of spacetime curvature.

>> No.10963980

oh look, another one who doesn't like the answers

>> No.10964005

The school system should be better funded. We're letting down our children and not educating them properly.

>> No.10964031

Dunning Kruger effect. They saw a youtube/facebook/reddit post and think they know more than scientists.

But not only that, the difference in political ideology creates a distrust between public and scientists.

>> No.10964047

I will be more accepting to science that was paid for by the researchers. If it is pf any benefit, they will profit from it and should be able to get financing from banks and investors.

>> No.10964079

>difference in political ideology creates a distrust
But it shouldn't.
>Dunning Kruger effect
Just like when you heard about the Dunning Kruger effect and now you have Dunning Kruger syndrome. The world is full of stupid people. Scientists are not excluded. I know every medical doctor I've ever met is a blithering idiot.

>> No.10964111

>But it shouldn't.
Every political(or apolitical) psych paper suggests people with differing belief are more critical of others than those who share the same belief. Its the whole basis of crisis negotiation/interrogation/advertisement business/etc.

>The world is full of stupid people.
The current world is made for specialized learning. This is why 99% of the world is mostly stupid with regards to other topics aside from their field of specialties. In other words, everyone is a genius with respective to their field. Knowledge from a specialist today would be considered genius level knowledge just 100 years ago, but now its just the standard procedure. People who fail to realize that think everyone in the world is an idiot like themselves, thus they equalize their knowledge to those of experts.

>> No.10964171

Not an argument.

>> No.10964201

>specialized learning
Equally lamentable. That an expert in one field may know next to nothing about subjects that directly relate to their expertise. Extreme example is oncologist knowing nothing about nutrition which is what got the patient into that mess. I am an expert in my retarded field and have really tried to learn around the edges of the requirements and communicate with "customers" to understand needs instead of just believing that I know what is best. And of course this >>10964171

>> No.10964209

I'm trying to own some rick and Morty fanboys, can you give me some specific examples of this?

>> No.10964261
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Read the fate of empires. A period of breakthroughs in science is always followed by a breakdown of society. Distrust in science is just a symptom of people searching for any meaning in life they can get a hold of. That's what retards do when they have nothing to believe in, they invent whatever makes sense in their brain. If that's we were never on the moon because they can't fathom it to be possible, then that's what they will adamantly believe, against all evidence proving them wrong.
It's part of the zeitgeist. Pick a random, completely irrelevant topic, and debate it to death, achieving nothing in the process. Humoring these people by talking to them is just playing into their hands.

>> No.10964263

This is not something new, but its modern incarnation started in the 1960s with the hippy movement and the mountains of wacky shit it spawned, which then spawned more.