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/sci/ - Science & Math

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10963344 No.10963344 [Reply] [Original]

This may not be the best board to post this question. But it says "science" and you guys seems to your stuff. So, do we most definitely know the consequences of daily masterbation? I've heard it both ways, some say masterbation causes prostrate cancer and other says it prevents prostrate cancer. Either way, is masterbating daily safe?

>> No.10963351

seem to know*

>> No.10963352

I masturbate 5 times a day for past 20 years, I'm 30. I think if I didn't masturbate I'd probably already be going impotent.

>> No.10963354

>Either way, is masterbating daily safe?
Why don't you try it and find out?

>> No.10963358

Come on now, how would I know I am not a doctor.

>> No.10963370

We don't have the data. What we do have studies to confirm is that weekly sex is good for prostate health later in life. So get out there and meet people, anon.

>> No.10963372

Jerking off takes 5 minutes, social interaction and fucking takes hours. I spend 14-20 hours a day on my research project 365 days a year I don't have the time.

>> No.10965005
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stop pushing this absolute fake news. Its not only immoral, degenerate and shameful, its changes your brain structure; effectively making you a lab rat hooked on dopamine hits from a robotic computer (these studies have been done by the way). Read "your brain on porn" if you want the full details. Also, dont listen to these retarded faggots who will tell you its a far-right thing to do (to stop stroking your penis to someone else fucking a woman). Gary Wilson, the author of the book, is a very 'progessive' (if you like that) guy and only presents empirical evidence. Also, the prostate cancer shit is retardation. Its disproportionately found in old fucks and usually black people. If thats the only reason to jerk off, already being a shitty one, then you know its really not a good thing to do. After stopping, you feel free, free from some form of slavery; your mind is clear (brain fog clears after a couple weeks) and you feel you can utilize your sexual energy toward other things. Most of the greatest leaders never did beta cuck things such as jerking off or sometimes even sex (Tesla in the latter case, Hitler in the former).

>> No.10965043

I think we're just talking about masturbation, not necessarily porn
although I never know for sure

>> No.10965110

but nature will make me jizz in my sleep regardless so its fuckin impossible to not ejaculate at all for a long period of time

>> No.10965138

its just a name; masturbation in the modern sense necessarily entails high definition fast-travelling porn videos

>> No.10965141

the act of watching porn, being a literal cuck of sorts, and shaping your mind to be dependent on the dopamine hits it gives you is a very different thing than wet dreams; one is natural, the other is very very harmful and severe

>> No.10965151

I quit porn years ago but still masturbate about every 2 days. is that a rare case? I do recognize how hard it is to resist with how omnipresent and easily accessible it is.

>> No.10965163

it definitely removes many harms and barriers (which I have a hard time believing given how prevalent it is) but yes, its not as bad, but you may as well try ending it all and altering your dopamine to reward good behaviour and achievements

>> No.10965165
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>its another nofap cultist
never fail to entertain me

>> No.10965169

>watching porn makes you a cuck
but i watch qt femboys banging like warmfreshpaint

>> No.10965170

not an argument; plus, i dont care what you look like

>> No.10965176

Then keep doing that. Im only trying to help someone who wants it, as for you, keep cumming on your hand and fucking up your brain structure cumbrain

>> No.10965179

>mfw watch porn, fap several times a week, yet am married and have plenty of sex and a successful engineering job
Y'all are weak minded.

You're like those people who call weed a gateway drug to heroine and shit. It's basically harmless to the vast vast majority of people.

>> No.10965183

Hope it pays off

>> No.10965189

figured as much

not to those under 25 retard. you may as well sniff gasoline.

>> No.10965200

>fucking up my brain structure
right. okay pal.

>> No.10965201

>not to those under 25 retard. you may as well sniff gasoline.
Lol. It's like those old anti-weed ads. Been fapping since middle school btw

>> No.10965215
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great argument. its almost like decades ago people thought smoking was good for your health. History is truly damned to repeat its mistakes and you swine are the reason

>> No.10965228
File: 44 KB, 600x375, YrVjgrTrgJyMTL2HpYBqxOb98D7JJ5kAekhxx8HL1Lg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this you?

>> No.10965235

for real stopping porn is hard as fuck, especially since I can't give up 4chan, I'm hiding threads and pictures all the time.
as far as jerking off I'm constantly trying to lower the frequency, I've on occasion gotten down to week intervals but I always end up relapsing, though I promised myself I'd never go up to twice in a day again. part of is is just not having other outlets in life though, the times I was able to stop for the longest was when I had something going on in my life that I was excited about and looked forward to.

>> No.10965237

is this a joke? Its almost as though you have no idea what an ad hominem means. just to entertain your little mind, I very much respect the ingenuity of Newton

>> No.10965239

You literally said science was wrong once so we should be wary of it.

>> No.10965244

nice excuses faggot, porn is weakening your bond with your wife. also if your wife knows about it she hates it, if she says she doesn't she's lying.

>> No.10965256

yup exactly my case as well. All I have besides university is 4gag and its full of degeneracy and porn (so I usually just stay on /sci/) but Ive done a 2 months streak before; It required some real dedication (mainly fueled by what I characterized as the pornkike but I dont want to push my politics). I imagine it is the hardest thing one will ever have to accomplish. We are constantly surrounded by sexual stimulants (one might argue women are in essence sexuality). Like I said, one would have to fundamentals change how their brain works and what actions are rewarded with dopamine. I hope you do your best and get at least some value out of it; what I want from it is the clarity of mind- I always feel like an NPC or half-concious and usually with some sort of brain fog and tiredness

>you said science was wrong
[citation needed]. In fact, I use science to argue the point

this. its a cuck move. Probably why divorce rates are so high, these cucked men now just masturbate and their wives grow to despise them even more. We should return to the previously all-too-reminiscent culture of when degeneracy and this sort of crap was intolerable on the television or even in close friendship circles and dates with the opposite sex were of wholesome quality- not slutty whores trying to fuck and cucks whiteknighting for pink haired females online in hopes of getting laid

>> No.10965257

Lol. She watches porn too. Our bond is extremely healthy. Don't be so close-minded. Imagine doing something fun and have it not taking over your life.

>> No.10965258
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>read your brain on porn
I'd rather watch porn on brain

>> No.10965266

this... who the fuck lets porn control them so much they have to start a cult and spend all their time talking about how they don't watch porn anymore.

>> No.10965267

>[citation needed]
You were saying we used to think cigs were healthy. This is because there was not good open science to say otherwise. Just like there is no good open science today that says porn will ruin your life.

>> No.10965282

you aren't actually married, are you?

>> No.10965288

Very married. What's so hard to believe here? Girls watch porn too.

>> No.10965290

Imagine the brain boosting nutrients that would have in a smoothie

>> No.10965293

there's plenty of science correlating porn to negative health traits, erectile dysfunction most notably. the book "your brain on porn" which was brought up a few posts ago outlines a lot of it. you ignoring the science and it not existing aren't the same thing.

>> No.10965296

different anon.
girl I was seeing started talking about some porn she was watching earlier in day, surprised the 'girl' had a dick. describes video down to a t, my surprise she was watching the same shit I was jacking off to earlier that day, had to try and hide the fact I knew what she was talking about

>> No.10965300

I think you're larping to try to prove a point and you aren't even in a committed relationship. Post your ring with a timestamp in the next 15 minutes.

>> No.10965301

give studies

>> No.10965312

I'll be home in 20, you got it. I really can't believe how close-minded you are.

>> No.10965328

30 seconds on google

why would you need to go home? if you're on your phone on a train or something you should be able take a picture right now

>> No.10965361
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I don't wear it to my job because I operate machinery.

But here's my ring and one of my wife's yaoi doujins.

>> No.10965505

you were supposed to put a timestamp, but I believe you, it looks real
you win this round, degenerate

>> No.10966210
File: 501 KB, 1485x3275, 1370358071761.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Read "your brain on porn" if you want the full details.
>only presents empirical evidence.
based 110iq retard

>> No.10966239

Fucking based.

>> No.10967140

Ive seen this trash many times by now, youre not surprising me in any way

>> No.10967333

You've seen it many times and still can't refute any of it? Sounds like a win

>> No.10967340

Nah, it's fine.
It clears your mind for more important thinking.

>> No.10967454

Boil down the points for me and I may respond, but im not wasting my time on something even yourself probably didnt read

>> No.10967478

All I know op is that if I try to go nofap I become more consumed with sex than if I just jerk off when I get horny. If I try to hold it in after a week I have vivid wet dreams and wake up with a painfully hard boner, I seem to function better when I'm not distracted by all that shit.

>> No.10967576

Excessive masturbation causes Large Testicular Vein and leads to being unable to have kids.

Masturbating is bad for you though Anon
Just try nofap and after 20 days see how you feel

>> No.10967622

>Excessive masturbation causes Large Testicular Vein and leads to being unable to have kids.
citation needed

>> No.10967777

Masturbation is healthy, porn isn't

>> No.10967823

Masturbating multiple times a day every day leads to large testicular veins and causes many health problems, one of these is infertility.
Porn causes people to masturbate more than they would normally, and makes them indulge in sick fetishes.

>> No.10967827

I asked for peer-reviewed papers, not for a shitty alternative medicine scam.

>> No.10967849

Varicoceles are criminally under-researched as far as genetic and lifestyle causes. The anon is reaching, but varicoceles are typically the result of preexisting venous problems. For instance I have a major family history of high blood pressure, my dad developed varicose veins at 40, I have a varicocele, but I don't know about my father nor do I want to know. There's some indication that constipation can cause it? But I've never had that problem, so there could be dozens of causes.

>> No.10967873

Most people masturbate, but only 15% have varicoceles. Doesn't seem like there's an obvious link there, but I too would be curious about studies

>> No.10967882

I never said that masturbation causes varicoceles, that was some other anon. It's possible that it could be caused by masturbation and high blood pressure/venous defects, or it might not. We really have no idea about causes.

>> No.10967900

nofap(TM) salesmen are utter retards looking for meaning in an ocean of meaninglessness. if they were women they'd be force-feeding their "autistic" children with bleach.

>> No.10967914

Didn't we just have this thread? There are no studies at the moment that say anything about how masturbation or even excessive masturbation changes the brain/hormonal levels.

These threads are pointless.

>> No.10967922

I'm pretty sure that the average NoFapper(R) can't read any study

>> No.10967926

>t. cumbrain

>> No.10967927

not at all a predictable knee-jerk response

>> No.10967929

It's a predictable response to a predictable post. Enjoy being enslaved by your primal desires.

>> No.10967932

yet you regard sex as the highest achievement

>> No.10967936

nofap is how rapists are made
that subreddit is filled with permaboner retards who seriously think there's a difference between masturbating with a hand vs with a vagina

>> No.10967943

Well there is a difference; the trouble is that the supposed deleterious hormonal changes are many times more extreme when engaged in sex. They just ignore this quandary though.

>> No.10967944

Some of them go """monk mode""", meaning no sex and no sexual thoughts at all
At least they don't reproduce

>> No.10967954

Contrary to popular belief, gay sex is not uncommon within monasteries and some men become monks exactly because they're gay, not for gay sex obviously, they're just uber religious.

>> No.10969598

The solution is probably in researching how much people did masturbation during past times. How common was masturbation 2000 years ago? What about 500? What about 100?

We should go back to those levels, since people were more functional during those times.

Also porn is probably extremely bad, in any case.

>> No.10970329

It's not fair. Why can't I experience this? Never had a single wet dream in my life. I wish I had a dick and I wish I was male.

>> No.10970354

Why are nofap, pol and low IQ so internally linked. It feels like you are talking to the same three people on this fucking degenerate, slavic basket weaving board

>> No.10970369


>> No.10970390
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only brainlets get their dopamine from fapping

>> No.10971400

Good post, not much evidence, but I'll believe it.

>> No.10971405
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>another nofap thread
No. It's not bad. Stupid meme-cult

>> No.10971412

Only if you don't let 2 audiences of opinion mind-watch you while you do it. Then it's the discovery of the century.

>> No.10971437

you'd probably get kuru and die.

>> No.10971669

now this is epic

>> No.10971707
File: 2.19 MB, 1700x2275, Aristotle_Altemps_Inv8575.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just think, what would Aristotle say?

"Aristotle should I masturbate (multiple times?) daily to videos of hardcore porn?"

>> No.10971731

nice evidence brainlet

>> No.10971745

"I intellectually masturbated to both the creation and consumption of this positation, so I don't see why your hand-to-heart conversation would be any different." ~Aristotle's Gay Father

>> No.10971746

>"Being masturbated to is the inherent purpose of hardcore pornography, and to use it for any other purpose it to deny the morality of inherent natures"