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10959488 No.10959488 [Reply] [Original]

>sacrificed the prime years of my life studying in order to get a PhD
>people still don't call me "doctor"

>> No.10959492

Awww. Are you not smart? People usually go out of their way to call PhDs who are smart doctor, and don't mention it to those who aren't.

>> No.10959597

Start wearing a lab coat and take a stethoscope everywhere.

>> No.10959647

>sacrificing prime years of your life
Kek I'm gonna start my bachelor's in physics when I hit 25-26. Academia is literally for early retirement.

>> No.10959772

So did you only study when you were 3, 5, 7, 11, 13...? Sounds slow.

>> No.10959920

nobody calls new PhD's doctor unless you're a postdoc teaching a class to undergrads. really the main perk is calling any random professor you meet by their first name. and then when undergrads or baby grad students come to ask you questions along the lines of "Professor Susskind said blah blah, wat do?" you go "Well, Lenny probably blah blah." and then they look at you like *oh fuck this guy is on a first name basis with Professor Susskind* (even if you have never met Lenny)

>> No.10960154

I usually hold tenured professors on higher regard than just a PhD, so i ask if it's ok to call them their first name even though i am also technically a "doctor".

>> No.10960164

i would agree for emeritus professors, since their only purpose in life is to be that old respectable dude, but if you’re a postdoc talking to a tenured research professor, then you need to act like you’re their colleague since otherwise they will treat you like a slave grad student if you grovel at their feet

>> No.10960171


>> No.10960181

I get called Doctor by interns and students. My colleagues call me by my first name unless it's a formal setting or they are introducing me.

>> No.10960841

doesn't it only make sense if you are in a medical or allied medical field

I call my psychology professors doctor... but the computer science ones (usually wearign a fucking t shirt) get the first name

in my field many of them actually have MD's as well

>> No.10960847
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>> No.10960875


Should have gotten your Phd in medical research....

>> No.10960956

>I call my psychology professors doctor
Psychology is not a legitimate medical field, is not legitimate science, and Psychologists are not doctors. Sorry kid, nothing personnel.

>> No.10960966

>>sacrificed the prime years of my life studying in order to get a PhD

i did so as well but i still don't have a PhD, thanks in part to my shithead advisor

>> No.10961040

Just practice combinatorics and sperg real life counting people will think you are genius

>> No.10961119

so...psychologists with MD's doing medical research council funded fundamental neuroscience are neither scientists nor doctors?

what about all those psychologists with nobel prizes in medicine/physiology?


>> No.10961450

>teaching baby calculus class
>students call me "doctor" and "professor"
>I'm the ta

>> No.10961543

>people refer to phds as doctor
No they dont you underage freak.

>> No.10961592

>senior level engineering course
>prof. is an older gentleman, a tenured PhD who also has a couple decades of experience in industry
>"Hello class you can call me [firstname]"

>> No.10961644

peptides boner pills and a hairline refresh and you can drop 10 years in look so you can date someone that's immature

>> No.10961721

Based and primepilled.

>> No.10961728

The term doctor was initially used for PhDs, but the medical industry, like the corrupt niggers they are, stole the term.

>> No.10961734

if you're sad over not being called a doctor for your PhD, do some serious self-introspection.

>> No.10961774
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>> No.10961791

>Academia is literally for early retirement.
can't wait to spend a whole 30 years not working

>> No.10961793
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“It's Dr. Evil, I didn't spend six years in Evil Medical School to be called "mister," thank you very much.”

>> No.10961812

What about 2?

>> No.10961834

Call them a racist bigot for not using your proper pronoun.

>> No.10961863

I didn't ask them to do it. In fact, I've repeatedly told them to not call me doctor or professor but they're still too shy to call me by my first name so they ended up calling me Mr. Lastname

>> No.10961866

I don't know. Maybe he was an odd baby.

>> No.10961950

What wouldn't be considered 'sacrificing he prime years of your life'? Being a wageslave? Being a neet?
I have been calling every professor by first name since undergrad. Only a cuck wouldn't.

>> No.10962016

/pol/ is leaking again

>> No.10962375

Forgot 0 and 2.

>> No.10962392


>> No.10962404

You will call me Lord one day. Although you worship Helene today, and her helper George, one day you will see make them eat logs of shit, and you will beg forgiveness, but I won't hear you and you will go to hell.

>> No.10962409

>What wouldn't be considered 'sacrificing he prime years of your life
Being employed in a decent job

>> No.10962535

Zero is a prime.

>> No.10962576

So it's being a wageslave.

>> No.10962579

You, americans, are so superficial. There is not a single country except yours that use "doctor" to address to someone with a PhD

>> No.10962610

In most countries it's actually illegal to call someone "Doctor" unless they're an actual medical doctor. Americans like to feel smart and special so they make people call them doctor if they have a Philosophical Doctorate in Gender Studies.

>> No.10962640

le epic trole XDD

>> No.10962659

Eastern yurop here, we do that also.

>> No.10962663

>doesn't it only make sense if you are in a medical or allied medical field

>> No.10962666


>> No.10962686

Not only is that wrong, but in some countries you get a "Doctor" for each of your PhDs. If you're a woman in those countries you get a "Doctor" for your husband's PhDs too. For example, if you have two PhDs then you're "Doctor Doctor Whatshertits" and if you marry a dude with three PhDs then you become "Doctor Doctor Doctor Doctor Doctor Whatshisdick" after you take his name and titles.

>> No.10962689

Holders of Philosophical Doctorates should be called "Professor" if having a tenured position at a university or "Doctor Phil" if they're bald and have a gay tv show.

>> No.10962700

Thanks for your opinion. I'm truly glad I asked for it.

>> No.10962767
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Although you all have "wasted" several years of my life by refusing to acknowledge my many great accomplishments, I am going to waste your enitre lives when I kill your children, and the entire lives of all of the generations of your ancestors when I do genocide on you.

>> No.10963189

[math] 0=0k \forall k \in \mathbb{Z} [/math]. Therefore every integer divides 0.

>> No.10963303

What was your PhD?

>> No.10963406

It is a legitimate science in the fact that they don't even know how to directly measure what they don't really know what they're measuring. But they try.

>> No.10963441

Don’t feel bad I wasted the prime years of my life being a bar tender
>your kids call me “dad” and your wife calls me chief

>> No.10963460
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>nobel prizes in medicine/physiology
nice one anon, you gave me a good laugh

>> No.10963516

t. not smart

>> No.10963940

>have autism
>used to read fact books obsessively
>get interested in a topic
>learn about it (but mostly surface level)
>talk to friends about the topics
>they assume I'm smart
>all complement me
>actually just reciting things I've read

>> No.10963969

that is fucking retarded, by that logic everything in fact can be a science


>> No.10964185

>one most the more challenging and stimulating "jobs" ever conceived
>sacrificing the prime years

>> No.10964249

>be me
>change my name in Please
>get two PhD's
>everyone calls me "Doctor doctor Please"

>> No.10964274

gotta love 4channel advice

>> No.10964281

sacrificing by having to actually study and not banging and partying like normal people

>> No.10964294

If you work more than 40h/w on your PhD then you should not be there to be honest

>> No.10964300

what the fuck, grad students party harder than undergrads, just less frequently due to work. But at least once a month all the grad students go out and get absolutely blasted, and basically choose new banging partners for the next month.
At least in chem/bio/physics, dont know any math graduate students

>> No.10964305
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>At least in chem/bio/physics, dont know any math graduate students

>> No.10964318

You should change it again in Givemethenews

>> No.10964327

I figure they just socialize with a different group, but all the other STEM grad students usually party together, usually with spillover from humanities (but god damn they are annoying)

>> No.10965870

kek and based

>> No.10965879

No no no he only studied in 2003, 2011 and 2017. Not much.

>> No.10966549

>faggots making MD out to be anything special
Sorry, but merely making lots of $$$ because your virtually medieval guild has erected substantial barriers to entry to inflate the value of otherwise mediocre, grind-tier, technicians with no intellectual curiosity is not a sufficient basis to think yourself anything special.

It's amusing to ponder the butthurt on the day when transhumanism migrates the human self to a sufficiently robust substrate as to make these primadonnas obsolete. Maybe they will get a law degree so the honor of having "esquire" after their name might offset the sunset of MD being anything.

>> No.10966558
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>> No.10966592

well aren't you clever

>> No.10966916

>get a PhD in nursing
>be introduced as Dr John Smith, RN

>> No.10967019

we do ?

>> No.10967270

It happens in Silesia, Poland.

>> No.10967895

Can we change PhD to something else?

Master of Physics/Chemistry/Biology

Professor of Math

Philosophy Doctor

>> No.10968177

Master of Forensic Science: mofo

>> No.10968183

Fuck all this thread! I call you doctor mi Anon!

>> No.10968691

He >>10964300 is just trolling, right? Can any PhD students confirm?
I'm at my fifth year now (EE), and I've never been to a party, even though I always wanted. I'm an international student in the US, and I thought all the fun is reserved for undergrads.

>> No.10969496

I was mostly isolated myself. I never heard of any parties but did over hear some of them talking about coming together for board games and such.