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/sci/ - Science & Math

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10958449 No.10958449 [Reply] [Original]

I thought Joe Rogan was controlled opposition, but he obviously bushwhacked black science man with that question and called him out for getting defensive. This is the kind of guerrilla ideological warfare that can let the cat out of the bag. It won't be long now before these questions are answered, whether at the expense of public figures like Tyson, or not. The zoomers are too woke for these standard approved narrative responses. The comment section is completely full of basedboys taking the piss.

>> No.10958458


>> No.10958461
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large scale gradients in the guiding wavefunction

planets and suns are particles

>> No.10958472

Go to school and find out how gravity works.

>> No.10958550
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What is the guiding wavefunction?
I ain't clickin' that shit nigger

>> No.10958556


>> No.10958575

I ain't clicking that shit nigger.
I am already expertly familiar with the popular interpretations of quantum mechanics. I will not be directed to a wikipedia article or a youtube video.

>> No.10958616
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>joe: okay but WHY does gravity work the way it does
>bsm: science doesnt tell you why, you fuckin retard, it just describes. we have such an accurate mathematical description of gravity that we can engineer a virtual hole-in-one from 1,000,000 miles away. asking why ad infinitum is useless, unreasonable, and also not science
BSM was right. Has a frogposter ever said anything of value?

>> No.10958634

Why is good though. Even if we dont know, just say so.

>> No.10958646

>why is good
Not for scientists, no. Why is for philosophers and not for people who want to tackle big, practical issues. If you want to ask "Okay but why lol" for ever and ever (which is possible to do, you will never reach base truth like a small child, major in the humanities.

>> No.10958650

...never reach base truth) ****

I will add: it isn't sufficient to just say "we don't know" to a why question either. Because the actual methodology of science is not equipped to answer "why". We will never, ever know "why" in terms of science.

>> No.10958652

That comes off incorrectly to the public who just loves taking shit out of context.
BSM is barely a scientist, but he is effective at communicating to the masses. Dumb people need dumb answers, so BSM and thr like try to simplify it as much as possible to minimize misunderstandings. Ironically this is why most people have a terrible model of the world, but its also why many projects have funding so its really a double edged sword

>> No.10958663

Based retard

>> No.10958677

I think your missing my point. Im not simply talking about base truths in a philosophical sense, but statistics and probability. If a certain phenomia seems to hold true, but we dont know why, should we create a going theory on its particulars to at least predict how these functions would work in a different environment? When we get down to theoreticals, everything is just a probability, and once it holds true within the 99.999 percentile we say its practicaly true. And once things are practicaly true we try ti find maximes that explain their occurrences to the best of our ability.

>> No.10958689

>should we create a going theory on its particulars to at least predict how these functions would work in a different environment?
Only if it leads to a theory that more accurately describes nature than the current theory.
Feel free to explain how I am wrong

>> No.10958720

Joe didn't ask why gravity works, retard. He even clarified that in the interview, he wanted to know how it works. If he wasn't relying entirely on layman's terms to appeal to a mostly retarded audience, he would have said, "What is the mechanism that causes the phenomenon of gravitation?"
To which there is no possible way that BSM could have responded the way that he did. This is an obvious use of classic misdirection. To take advantage of the ignorance of the audience to completely distort and misrepresent the question asked, to reduce a question of mechanics to a question of philosophy.

>> No.10958726

>"What is the mechanism that causes the phenomenon of gravitation?"
But BSM did answer that. The answer is curved space-time

>> No.10958798

How is spacetime curved by the presence of mass/energy?

>> No.10958799 [DELETED] 

Gravity is made of the forces that God relates in the Quran. Some time in the future we will know. These forces are created by the heavy objects

Quran Chapter 51 The scattering Winds

51:1By those scattering dispersing. And those carrying a load. And those sailing with ease. And those apportioning matter.

This chapter have 360 words. Relating to the influences of gravity from all directions. Shifting time, like a fractal. In a smaller frame to a larger frame

>> No.10958805

We do not yet have a theory of this.

>> No.10958806

Warped spacetime. Your mass is constantly falling.

>> No.10958808

I don't take riddles as an answer. Please unpost this schizophrenic shit.

>> No.10958814
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Speak for yourself.

>> No.10958824

Feel free to share your theory and also the experimental evidence that shows it is more accurate than GR.

>> No.10958831
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Why not exactly as accurate?

>> No.10958843

Okay, feel free to share.

>> No.10958857

Maybe I will, maybe I wont. What's in it for me?

>> No.10958861

>whats in it for me
To support your own argument

>> No.10958863

What argument would that be?

>> No.10958866

Suggesting that you have a theory of gravity that explains exactly how mass contorts spacetime.

>> No.10958873

Does that constitute an argument?

>> No.10958874

It constitutes a claim, now support it

>> No.10958877

Why should I do that?

>> No.10958890

Because you made the claim. For people to believe that you have a groundbreaking theory explaining exactly how gravity works, you have to share that theory and demonstrate it.

>> No.10958897

Science is for explaining phenomena like gravity. Math is used to describe and predict future behavior. The people we call scientists are merely mathematicians who are incapable offering a rational explanation for anything. It's just embarrassing at this point.

>> No.10958903

>t. neither a mathematician or a scientist

>> No.10958907

I have already set my plan in motion. There is no stopping it, now. My theory will be widely known as the theory of everything, because it is so elegant and so intuitive that a child could understand it. I have divined the solution to the great cosmic mystery, and the applications are limitless. Soon I will flood the market with thermonuclear fusion generators and there isn't a god damn thing anyone can do to stop me. It's checkmate and game over.

>> No.10959023

lmao i spat my water out with that passive aggressive bald statement

>> No.10959040


Jesus Christ, that was like getting teeth pulled. Just to get a simple admission after 8 minutes of waffle, of "we dont know".

The real question here is why do so may academics and scientist have to beat around the bush endlessly before they admit that there are clear limits on current knowledge and understanding. Like they going to get crucified if they dont somehow try to avoid the central question for as long as possible.

>> No.10959075

>academics and scientist
NDG is neither of these things. He exists solely to make actual science stupid and appealing enough for the average retard to consume.

>> No.10959335
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>> No.10959644
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>> No.10959667

that was amusing though, based science man

>> No.10959683

That’d funny tho

Imagine the little bacteria pilgrims landing in alien environments