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File: 84 KB, 840x560, 90B90982-52DC-4B2F-809C-2BD70C6CDD89.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10955608 No.10955608[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

scientifically speaking, how does one make a sharpie prediction of where a hurricane will go?

>> No.10955621

Scientifically speaking, the NOAA publicly announced that they actually informed Trump of where the Hurricane may go next beforehand and it wasn't on the diagram so he added it on to illustrate the official report he received.
Scientifically speaking the fake news media has yet again spent an entire week lying and exaggerating a big nothing, and retards fall for it over and over for 3 years straight

>> No.10955625

sniff the sharpie for half an hour first, it seems

>> No.10955629

golden calf holy

>> No.10955630

>>>/pol/ your fellow retards are missing you there

>> No.10955636


>> No.10955637

my sides

>> No.10955644

But the NOAA actually fucking came out in support of him you spastic
Do you need a link? You need to be spoonfed that much?

>> No.10955649

why sharpie then

>> No.10955653

I'll be sure to tell him to use ink and a quill next time

He's not a human printer. He wanted to say "if you're in this area beware" and illustrated it.
Only leftists can get upset because the president wants to warn people of danger

>> No.10955654

We're in full North Korea mode now
fucking Un-American pos

>> No.10955656

retard, the idiot wouldn't need a pen at all if he wasn't lying

>> No.10955665

Interesting read but
>obtained by washington post
I'll be skeptical from now on but they're prone to downright fabricating shit so we should both not be so certain of our viewpoints

>> No.10955668

Also please tell him he shouldn't tweet his important opinions on random news including weather reports like some kind of a youtuber doing this for the likes. A fucking president...

>> No.10955673

still crying about Nixon huh

>> No.10955675
File: 198 KB, 2048x1365, la-fg-trump-israel-pictures-20170522-003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

faking weather predictions like this is a crime


>> No.10955678

I'll be skeptical of the 10,000 lie man

>> No.10955679

Scientifically speaking, Trump also explicitly denied taking a sharpie to the map.

>> No.10955680

omg he might have lied

>> No.10955682

Yes. This thread belongs on >>>/pol/

>> No.10955683

hes doing nothing different than climate scientists

>> No.10955690

We know that, it's just that he's Trump, and anything Trump-related pisses off /sci/

>> No.10955702

that's because he is a reality tv kind of president. there are enough clowns already that can do that job. his role as the president is different but he doesn't give a shit. wasting days tweeting accusations about a fucking weather map. he is like a triggered message board user. SAD!

>> No.10955705

The left decided Trump was 'wrong', worked themselves into a fury and now is doing mental gymnastics to avoid admitting they made a mistake.

>> No.10955713

>screech for days about a sharpie
>n-no it's Trump who was triggered

>> No.10955733

your brain on /pol/
he sent out like 20 tweets about that map already
his twitter is one non-stop screeching
he is so easy to trigger so much fun
just like poltards

>> No.10955738

>reality tv kind of president
an idiot

>> No.10955769

Everyone with a rational mind understands that Trump has been briefed about possible development of the hurricane. I don't get the whole making something out of nothing. This fiasco just reminded me of the "We will go to mars, of which moon is part of" tweet from a while ago. Whoever didn't understand it, needs to go back to school. Literally. Its just a pathetic display of tribalism blindness. There are real issues that liberals need to focus on like borders or immigration or citizenship. Instead they make up nonsense "news" and lose all credibility as a result.

>> No.10955776
File: 373 KB, 952x717, polbrain.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>appending "scientifcally speaking" to the beginning of your /pol/ banter does not make it a science thread

>> No.10955789

nah it's just lie #10001

>> No.10955792

Ever notice trump doesn’t talk when Putin drinks water?

>> No.10955805

but he does that on purpose. he is retarded of course but he is more evil than retarded. because he is obviously a guided troll. twitter wars are an easy way to distract from real problems. like this nuclear incident in russia and a nasty cover-up that followed. all that while he is pushing for bringing russia back to G7.

>> No.10955806

>I'm not mad, Trump is!!!

>> No.10955819

>I don't get the whole making something out of nothing.

Consider that Mueller's investigation found that Trump was falsely accused of colluding with Russia and yet the left continues on about it like they have a mental block.

Sounds a lot like their handling of sharpiegate doesn't it.

>> No.10955843

>weather report and climate science are the same thing

Kill yourself retard, I can't believe all the stupid shit I am reading in this thread just to justify a politician.

>> No.10955851

>I'll take bullshit for $500 alex
The mueller report did not exonerate trump of wrong doing. Mueller literally stated as much, dozens of times in front of Congress. Go back to pol if you want to spout that bullshit.

>> No.10955856

There was no false accusation. They found what they were looking for. Mueller just can't press charges against the president as that's a constitutional crisis scenario. That job was left to the congress/public. We have plenty of evidence of what went wrong with the Trump campaign. What was specifically left out was details about Trump's role. They skirted around Trump and found almost every high level individual around him doing something criminal/unethical and they were brought to justice.

>> No.10955866

Is exoneration something such reports can actually do? And if not, why was that passage included?

>> No.10955898

Prediction of where a hurricane will go is pretty much impossible as we don't understand the mathematics of navier stokes or the heat diffusion equation. PDEs is still a developing field, we are pretty good at linear isotropic 1D stuff. Trump's guess is as good as mine at this point. There is always a 10-15% error at least especially with heat transfer by convection.

Models get the functions to match the right shape and with enough nodes converge to analytic solutions. But we need a certified genius to actually figure out PDEs fundamentally.

>> No.10955908

>but he does that on purpose

>> No.10955928

>can't press charges
"...his option wasn’t ’charge or don't charge’. It was ’clear or don't clear’... he made a decision to not clear..." --Buttigieg

>> No.10955949

>Mueller got what he wanted and would have indicted Trump if not for him being POTUS

Just ignore Mueller's congressional testimony where he explicitly said this wasn't the case.

>> No.10955952

Mods please sticky this thread

>> No.10955954

>Democrat candidate lying

News at 11.

>> No.10955957

Is this a reminder that orange wanted to throw nukes at hurricanes to "destroy" them?

>> No.10955966

>Scientifically speaking, Trump also explicitly denied taking a sharpie to the map.
Thanks for playing

>> No.10955970

>Asked by one lawmaker, Rep. Ted Lieu, D-Calif., whether "you did not indict Donald Trump is because of (Justice Department) opinion that you cannot indict a sitting president, correct?" Mueller replied: "That is correct."
Literally the question was asked and he said he cannot because of matter of power, a constitutional authority does not grant FBI the power to charge a sitting president.

>> No.10955973

>He told another lawmaker that Justice Department rules allow the government to bring charges against a president once he leaves office, but he did not say Trump should be charged.

>> No.10955995

>Just ignore Mueller's congressional testimony
Yeah the one where he says he would have indicted if it weren't for the OLC memo and then backtracked later?

>> No.10955998

>“Now, before we go to questions, I want to add a correction to my testimony this morning," Mueller said Wednesday afternoon. “I want to go back to one thing that was said this morning by Mr. Lieu who said, and I quote, ‘You didn't charge the president because of the OLC opinion.’”
>“That is not the correct way to say it,” Mueller said. “As we say in the report and as I said at the opening, we did not reach a determination as to whether the president committed a crime.”

>> No.10955999

>he did not say Trump should be charged.
He can't say this even if he thinks the president is guilty by his interpretation of the law.

>> No.10956001

They only display 200iq insight when connecting the circumstantial dots surrounding the Clintons, Obama, the Deep State, etc. When it comes to Trump they turn into drooling retards.

>> No.10956013

In other words, Mueller didn't want to contemplate on whether Trump commited a crime because the constitution prevents him from doing so. That's not the duty of the FBI, its the duty of the congress who has the power to find whether the president committed a crime.

>> No.10956029

It was for the DOJ to determine whether Trump or his associates committed a crime. Mueller was instructed to make a determination as part of the authorization of his special council's powers but chose to pass it up the chain to the AG.

>> No.10956031

>It was for the DOJ to determine whether Trump or his associates committed a crime.
The OLC memo says otherwise. A sitting president cannot be indicted.

>> No.10956034

To add, the DOJ had no obligation to share the investigation results with congress. They chose to do so for the benefit of the American public.

>> No.10956035

The OLC memo does not bar the determination of crime.

>> No.10956037

What the fuck do you think indictment means?

>> No.10956040 [DELETED] 


>> No.10956045

>a formal charge or accusation of a serious crime

Learn what these legal terms mean.

>> No.10956046

indictment means accusation basically. nothing else.

>> No.10956047


>> No.10956048

>Maddow doubled down as her ratings crumbled

>> No.10956050

Now retards if Muller said Trump was guilty would that be an accusation of a crime?

>> No.10956054

it's fox news you retard

>> No.10956055

not even a charge. charge means a case will be opened against you. indictment just means i think he must be guilty if i pressed charges if i had the power to open a criminal case.

>> No.10956059

You're late to the party but see >>10956050

>> No.10956064

If the DOJ determines a crime is committed then the next step is formal charges, also known as an indictment.

>> No.10956065


he doesn't have the power to press charges so 'guilty' means i have the proof but i can't press charges since you are fucking president. so the best i can do is present my accusations aka indictment

>> No.10956073

>so the best i can do is present my accusations aka indictment
Which he cant do because the OLC memo specifically states no indictments.

>> No.10956074

>Maddow replaying clips of Napolitano means Drumph is done for

>> No.10956075

>determines a crime is committed
that happens after criminal proceedings start so there must be an official charge first. before you investigate a crime, how do you know if a crime has been committed? but to start investigation you need to press charges.

>> No.10956084

Mueller can and was instructed to make a determination of crime, the OLC memo does not bar him from doing so. Mueller ignored his instructions and chose to let the AG make the determination instead.

>> No.10956086

>DoJ determines
Nope. DoJ is a wing of executive body, and listens only to the president. The congress is the only one that can do it. An executive branch cannot charge the leader of an executive branch as the leader of the DoJ is not an elected post but a appointed post by the president himself. Specifically, the president chose a guy who will not bring charges against him.

>> No.10956092

I don't think you understand how this works at all considering according to you Mueller's investigation could not have happened.

>> No.10956095

>the OLC memo does not bar him from doing so
Then why did he say it did?

>> No.10956098

Determination of crime =/= formal indictment, formal indictment follows determination of crime.

>> No.10956103

Determination of a crime becomes indictment as soon as you tell everyone about it. Which is why Muller didn't.

>> No.10956109

He didn't. He even had to correct his response to Lieu who tried to frame it as such.

>> No.10956112

He only corrected "I would have indicted" to "I cannot make a determination" not the part about the OLC being the reason for this.

>> No.10956121

Indictment is prosecution, not determination.

An example of the FBI/DOJ determining someone to have committed a crime but choosing to not prosecute would be Hillary's mishandling of classified information in her emails.

>> No.10956127

>He only corrected "I would have indicted" to "I chose to not make a determination"


>> No.10956129

it's more like what Napolitano says.... you know, reality

>> No.10956136

>this particular opinion is reality because it supports my bias

>> No.10956150

Wasn't Comey fired for that?

>> No.10956172

>we found no evidence that trump did something but there was no evidence that he didn't do something either so we should still keep pushing the narrative

>> No.10956179

he tells it how it is

>> No.10956183

>we found no evidence
my sides

>> No.10956194

No, Comey was fired for not pledging loyalty to president. President wanted loyalty to him, instead Comey said he will offer his "honest loyalty." Which triggered Trump to fire him.

>> No.10956391

Many such cases.

>> No.10956439

>how does one make a sharpie prediction of where a hurricane will go?

He's president.
He can order the hurricane to hit Alabama.
If the hurricane refuses he can threaten the hurricane with nukes.

>> No.10956446


Not him but you're a brainlet, what the majority of people do not understand is that the amount of evidence they found was not sufficient enough to bring federal charges. It doesn't mean that there wasn't any evidence it just means it didn't reach the threshold for federal prosecution. Had a civil case been pushed instead he would probably be in court right now. But civil doesn't push a president out of office which the libs were hoping for.

This is what is actually meant when Muller states Trump is not exonerated.

>> No.10956474

Nah. The "does not exonerate" quote is from the same part of the report where it says "the President does not have immunity once he leaves office." The implication he's making is clear.