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10947714 No.10947714[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I'm taking an Anthropology class focused on Racism. No, I'm not kidding. Anthro is not my major but I needed an elective credit, so I figured what the hell.

We just started, but right now the emphasis is that all humans are biologically similar with little variation in genetics. Yes, ALL humans: A black man is genetically similar to a white woman is genetically similar to an Asian ladyboi. That's what they are currently hammering into my head right now.

Call me racist, but my bullshit detector is going off. I will accept at face value that all humans on Earth are nearly genetically identical in spite of our skin color, shape of our eyes, hair color, etc. But let's face it: Our respective societies turned out very different, and whenever we collect stats based on racial demographics (average IQ, crimes committed, which way races typically vote, average wealth), all the races turn out very different.

So is there something I'm missing here? Are we purely a socialized species where environment determines success? Or is there something they haven't taught me yet?

>> No.10947724

i followed a similar track to you. when i was even below freshman year i took classes in human evolution. and later i took a demographics class during undergrad.

to answer your question: it is true that ethnic genetic heritage makes a big difference. but on the other hand, sometimes super smart people come out of unexpected ethnic groups. if you look at who wins Nobel prizes in physics or Fields medals, you'll find that it isn't all white dudes.

granted, there aren't many black dudes winning these things, but since it's clearly more "random" than what you would expect from the "white dudes are by far the smartest" hypothesis, academics tend to take a "let's embrace diversity" view. not the "muh white people" view.

>> No.10947727

Read a book on genetics you retard. Yeah race isn't real and all humans are the same species, just like all dogs are the same species and can interbreed. But yes there are genetic differences between people with different color eyes, skin, etc. or they wouldn't fucking look different the way you look is determined by genes.

>> No.10947729
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Has to do with probability; No one's saying intelligent blacks don't exist just as no one's saying retarded whites don't exist. That being said, each are relatively rare.

>> No.10947731
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>Our respective societies turned out very different
Look at this though: 500 years ago, the societies were very similar. 1000 years ago, north Africa was ahead of Europe. 10,0000 years ago, everything was pretty similar: you can see agriculture started in several places around that time: Europe and Africa, but also China and North America. Today there are large differences because the whites beat every other color of person in the race to make science into something practically useful. But what about 500 years from now, or 1,000 years, or 10,000 years into the future? Do you think the differences which exist now are are the differences that will exist for all the rest of the history of the universe? If previous history is any indicator for future history, then the difference that exist today will be different than the differences that exist far in the future.

>> No.10947733

But this graph proves you wrong. If your IQ is below 140 you are fucking retarded so there are more intelligent pale skins than dark skins by definition.

>> No.10947735

100 is the global average.

>> No.10947736

There won't even be a concept of "race" in 100 years when you can change any aspect of your appearance with enough money.

>> No.10947739

Yeah, the average person is a fucking retard. Have you ever talked to an average person? They literally believe in magic gods and souls, etc. and are completely ignorant about all of the natural sciences very bad at maths, generally just actual retards. There's no practical difference between someone with 100IQ and 60IQ.

>> No.10947745

Case in point: if you could use a time machine to somehow go to the year 1000 AD, and you could give this IQ test to some stereotypical whites and some stereotypical blacks, then would the skew be the same or does the skew reflect the culture in transition?

People probably say, "What the fuck is Jon's fascinations with the blacks about?" I tell you what it is: I lived in Georgia (I think) for a long time and I have a lot of first person experience with blacks. All of my own experience tells me that blacks are about as stupid as whites, and it rankles my scientific hackles when I see a dataset which allegedly says that all of my own personal experience is wrong.

>> No.10947747
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Imagine being this pretentious. People with an IQ of 60 is in legitimate mental retard zone.

>> No.10947752

People with an IQ below 140 will never ever make a practical and lasting contribution to society and the human race through art, science, literature, etc. they're are all equally worthless.

>> No.10947759

And what have you contributed so far?

>> No.10947760

Yet they maintain society. Average people are needed for average jobs.

>> No.10947761

This. Missing by an inch is as good as missing by mile. So now go serve some fries to the people who matter.

>> No.10947763

The whole point of Anthropology is to understand the world from a non-ethnocentric perspective. No culture or people do things without a good reason. For instance, hunter-gatherer tribes may make food out of ground pine nuts and grasshoppers, but there's always a good reason. Pine nuts can get them through the winter, since they're always available, and grasshoppers can be easily stored. As such, pine nut-grasshopper cakes can be a nutritious snack that has protein, fat, and carbs. It's by far the most efficient way to stay alive in a dark, cold winter for a hunter-gatherer tribe.

Building on that concept, Mesoamericans, and especially yhe Aztecs, created bustling trade centers like Tenochtitlán. They were technological marvels for their time in 1519, being much, *much* cleaner and more organized than their European counterparts.

>> No.10947762

Also, a large number of the most notorious serial killers possessed high IQ's. Having a high IQ does not correlate to a positive contribution towards society, that all depends on the application of their intelligence.

>> No.10947766

Spanish explorers even described them as paradises compared to the crowded, cramped, trash-ridden European cities at the time. They had public trash services, specialized districts, and aqueducts that kept everyone in great condition. Even with their 200,000+ population, which was way bigger than any European city, they still kept everyone in better condition by comparison.

Now, the North American Indians, by comparison, did not settle in one particular spot or develop these cities. Yet, they are ethnically almost identical, in both appearance and genetic makeup. Why didn't they develop into more advanced civilization like Europe and Mesoamerica? Simply: they didn't have means to settle down and develop agriculture. Their environment didn't have the resources necessary to create these bustling centers of commerce. They couldn't even develop agriculture properly, aside from the Mississippi tribes, which only approached the Aztec, Maya, and Inca, but never really...

>> No.10947768

>Or is there something they haven't taught me yet?

>> No.10947770

>So is there something I'm missing here?

What most people miss is culture. Look up the definition of it. Differences do not stem from the color of skin, but from behavior sets, social values, practices, habits, attitudes, ethics, morals, belief systems, etc.

>> No.10947774
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Now... I won't deny that blacks can, on average, run faster than whites. Do blacks run so much faster that we should consider them a different species? I don't think so, and have similar feelings about my idea that the IQ tests are not wrong, and that whites do outperform blacks on IQ tests.

>> No.10947777

...got to their level.

Their societies went in different directions, despite being ostensibly the same people. This is because they developed around different environments, doing what suited them best in those environments. In the same regard, African societies were built around shithole locations, and as such their societies developed around this to create cultures designed to help people survive in shitholes. They could never have reached the technological stage of the Inca or Aztec because their environment didn't lend itself to it.

That's basically Anthropology tl;dr. In modern day, high income is analogous to Incas and Aztecs, while low income is analogous to West Africans. You do what you can to be the most practical person you can, and that creates disparity in culture, behavior, etc. Not to mention racial tension creates an ingroup-outgroup relationship that fetishizes ethnocentrism on both white and black fronts.

>> No.10947778


>> No.10947786

Countries develop. That's all there is to it. Europe was a disaster during its developmental years.

>> No.10947792
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Basically, everyone is just following their programming. Everyone is doing what they think is best, because it's all they know. Even things like IQ are a result of this phenomena, with the whole process of IQ testing being heavily based on white norms, ignoring other types of norms, but that's a whole different conversation. All you need to know is that, genetically, cognitively, and biologically, even a black man and an asian woman are basically identical. You could pick two random penguins from the antarctic and they would have a greater degree of genetic variation, this isn't news. Differences in people on such a scale as race are basically *never* from disposition, but from situation. This has been shown time and time again throughout history, and biological science in general (especially cognitive neuroscience) knows this all too well. Everyone is basically identical, until they are developed otherwise.

Rant done, I'd love to know thoughts

>> No.10947796

>IQ: 50000
peak pseud brainlet.

>> No.10947801

It is said that humans and chimps share 99% of our DNA. I'm sure all humans are extremely similar genetically but it only takes 0.00001% of our genes to make the difference between a scientist and a retard monkey

>> No.10947808

Blacks and Whites would run at the same speed if they had the same training and body type. Only differences are things like height. Also, whites do outperform blacks on IQ tests on average, but not due to genetics. It's due to IQ tests being biased towards certain methods of thinking and values that are centered around the people who make them; people who deal more with white culture than any other cultures, since academia in america is basically white culture, more or less.

>> No.10947813
File: 1.56 MB, 2970x2483, race realism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
