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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 54 KB, 467x700, vader.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
10942369 No.10942369 [Reply] [Original]

What if /sci/ was responsible for teaching and administrating a school?

How fucked would said hypothetical students be?

>> No.10942392

Well first off, who the fuck else is gonna do it? /adv/-tan? Do they even have a board-tan yet? Short of that you have /wsr/, which is only good for homework, and requires people to ask for help to get anything done.

/lit/ obviously has to run the library, which might be adjacent to 4-school, but is too busy fucking /o/ to actually educate anyone. We have /fit/ for P.E., but who has the ACTUAL applied knowledge to be a teacher? Certainly not a puny board like /his/ or /out/.

All told, even with /biz/ backing, we'd barely be able to run enough to convert even /a/ fraction of /b/ into the amount of academics necessary to get something like /diy/ to university levels of function. Our best bet it to run a highschool, and at that, we are obviously overqualified.

Go fuck yourself. 4chan is a perfect microcosm of the world.

>> No.10942404
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>/tv/ running a film school
>/sp/ managing the /fit/ sports team
>/pol/tards teaching political science

Gentleman, I present to you

Moot International University or M.I.T

>> No.10942407

Very fucked teachers would be either autist who cant explain themselves, sci pops reditors, schizos, etc

>> No.10942415


>> No.10942421

>Not wanting to learn from Mr. Tooker in person

>> No.10942574


>> No.10942578



>> No.10942580
File: 94 KB, 195x189, 1560044873959.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't wait to see /b/ managing the special needs department.

>> No.10942586
File: 69 KB, 620x763, 1566365000320.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The entirety of 4chan manages to raise enough money to build a school in the middle of bumfuck nowhere, Africa to justify the UN giving it money as part of a education mission

Which said African country shall be lucky?

>> No.10942591

You mean /d/isabilities?

>> No.10942595

Pretty sure /sci/ would get serious and not act like retards if this were a real scenario.

>> No.10942596

/d/ would do counseling for all the kids who get molested.

>> No.10942598

>for all the kids who get molested.
so all of them?

>> No.10942607

>Every single kid gets molested and if they tell then they get sent to a counselor who does nothing but draw dicks
The 4chan Academy, my friends.

>> No.10942613

Is molestation really that common? Glad my family wasn't fucked up like that.

>> No.10942645

>mandatory IQ test of each student
>whole of first year maths is just category theory
>cs students socially stigmatized, ridiculed and treated as 2nd rate students
>engineering department is a gay bar
>campus security are literally nazi death squads shooting premeds, non-stem and everyone who complains about not being able to build muscle on sight

>> No.10942653

Just replace every thread with a sticky that links to a textbook, It wouldn't be that different from any other online school except the teachers aren't totally retarded, just very autistic and or mentally ill.

>> No.10942676

>open door guest lecture policy
>more schizos masquerading as lecturers and researchers than lecturers or researchers

>> No.10942678

So basically TEDx?

>> No.10942759

>student body consists of tranny discorders

>> No.10942789

>mandatory IQ tests
we already have those, and everyone has to take 3

>> No.10942879
File: 1.24 MB, 320x256, sci_(fast-summary).webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The subjects would be typical /sci/ topics:
>climate change
>flat earth
>stupid questions
>CS hating
>is this STEM major a meme
>what is the evolutionary advantage of
>you should be able to solve this manga girl

>> No.10942933

>manga girl
>not makise kurisu
newfag, die

>> No.10943388

Looks like a average curriculum out of any Ivy League

>> No.10943418


>> No.10943937

>Which African Country

>> No.10943975

don't forget
>racial differences in intelligence

>> No.10943982

>/pol/ teaching political science

Holy fuck. I can only imagine how awful that class would be

>> No.10943985

This, or Niger.

>> No.10943988

>Tooker for Mathematics
>muscleguy for P.E.
What else?

>> No.10944024

James Watson for biology

>> No.10944302

If only we could get Norman to teach Mathematics too

>> No.10944310

Professor Leonard head of tutorials
Mochizuki guest lecturer
Whitehead Philosophy
Charles A. Murray Anthropology

>> No.10944323

>category theory
like as a stress test?

>> No.10944360

>/sp/ managing the /fit/ sports team
i need this

>> No.10944372

that's IQ thread

>> No.10944379

>Hey class, today we'll learn something saw on a youtube video
>uuh miss (male), can you explain anything that's going on?
>go back to /pol/

>> No.10944381

3/4 of Americans have been molested as a child. Not even joking those are the real factual stats.

>> No.10944519


>> No.10945656

I would beat the shit out of everyone
I'm a 6'2 x 182lbs chad that studies chemistry, I am kind but when I get mad ohh boii you need to run

>> No.10945684

> 6'2 x 182lbs
So... a normal weight?

>> No.10945687

You're a manlet
Be me
>Herculean build 220lb
You don't stand a chance

>> No.10945719

>30000+lbs pure white matter, requires a large body of deuterium oxide to sustain own weight
>Speculative applied biomathematics in relation to quantum chemistry and physics
I will engulf you like a tide of brainmatter and drown your pathetic ego in my eldritch intellect, you puny aspirant

>> No.10945733

I just spit my beer
Holy shit that was fun to read
I haven't kek'd that hard in eons.

>> No.10945740

Errata corrige: wanted to type 192lbs
>192 lbs of fucking muscles is normal
fucking kek
but I am an expert in MMA, I can beat a gorilla bare hand. You don't stand a chance. Also, we all know chemists get more pussy than physicist

>> No.10945745

I can beat a gorilla bare hand. I have no reason to think I would lose to such a gigahuman. I just need to hurt you on ligaments.

>> No.10945763

There are no ligaments to hurt, only brainmatter. I have calculated every move you will ever make, every simple signal that passes through that ramshackle frontal cortex of yours. I see every crease on your goddamn scrotum during every stage of your life. With the power of my immense mind, i have analysed, predicted and countered your every love before your grandfather was even a tingle in his mothers slit. You beating me is less likely than a single, decrepid ant killing the exterminator tasked to remove its verminous kind, and just like an exterminator, i will gass your ass intellectualy until all that’s left is a shriveled husk, bereft of live and mind.

>> No.10945775

lol a dishwasher couldn't get close enough to beat me, I invented a super-capacitor that can unleash a 50 gigawatt Gaussian beam of energy. I hold the moon hostage against the world totalitarian state. No man can defeat me.

>> No.10945781

idk about the others but you at least will be extremely well off, just have a little patience. for me please.thanks (8'_'8)


>> No.10945789
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Weird post

>> No.10945795

he's just like me

>> No.10945843

Based and copy. I'll try to copypaste with this whenever I'll have the occasion. Still, I can fucking kill a gorilla bare hand, you're not my match.
How dare you, you virgin physicist, I'm getting a Ph.D. in computational chemistry, I don't use beaker and other stuffs in which you can cook. But I still can find those stuff and I'm going to throw at you a beaker with a solution of perchloric acid 1,0 mol/L. You don't have the money to build a super-capacitor in time, instead I can get my weapon more faster than you.

>> No.10945853

It would suck to get acid flung desu
I don't want that mental imagery inside me

>> No.10945865

>I don't want that mental imagery
See? Physicists are pussies. I, a chad chemist, am not afraid of using dangerous elements. I'd burn my own face with perchloric acid FOR DIDACTIC PURPOSES, I, AM THE REAL CHAD SCIENTIST WHO DEVOTES ITS LIFE TO CHEMISTRY
I can also beat a gorilla barehanded, did I already mentioned this?

>> No.10946546

based schizo

>> No.10946637
File: 85 KB, 1344x756, 67202877_887160814979814_4735911595207557120_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we'd be building shit like 3d models and designing games we need to do this from our local librarys but we gotta start pushing for better resoucres theyre starting to put 3d printers in but we need projectors and small work stations for various projects

>> No.10946643
File: 70 KB, 672x504, 77ceaa0cb5c40aed33529d53f36027b0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kit bashing like this should be produced in librarys in this day and age

>> No.10946666
File: 19 KB, 400x400, kitbash project case.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

most personel would carry something like this as your personal workstation

>> No.10946670
File: 163 KB, 1024x683, q5chnmJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the average bench would look like these

>> No.10946677
File: 58 KB, 600x473, dred.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im trying to get a collective to intorduce this sci eara to librarys so far ive got the title I.D.I.O.T.S,, International Data and Intelligence Organization for the Transformation of our Species need a better name and we can start to push projects like this into librarys theyd be fricken awwsome

>> No.10946680
File: 406 KB, 980x333, expo01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what librarys in 2020 should be like

>> No.10946684
File: 128 KB, 800x600, dino1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2020 emporiums for random projects full of creativity

>> No.10946690
File: 2.04 MB, 1322x697, emporium concept hall 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sci fi worstations with global projects inorporated stand with me in idiots and we get this shit on the road already

>> No.10946691
File: 253 KB, 1001x668, 1547695364577.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10946693
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>> No.10946701
File: 1.65 MB, 1333x574, emporium hall 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we need 2020 Emporiums which are global research centres full of model kit bashing and comic con shit

>> No.10946911
File: 152 KB, 267x272, earth bead.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

godammit batman we need the real avengers to put this together i think well call the project Glow

>> No.10946920

these centres would encourage the masses to study the impossible shit over night

>> No.10946925

You have my vote.

>> No.10946935

If it was /sci/ as a board then it would beyond fucked. Nothing would every get taught because people here are too much of absolute spergs to properly communicate anything and they'd be too busy trying to flex on all of the students (If they even accept any).

>> No.10946968

you know what he meant, also /x/ ufo posts should be on that list.

>> No.10947034
File: 216 KB, 1200x797, iss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you anon help with the next step ill post this picture every day till we expand the idea i need help gaining numbers and dent names for the project and what aspects should we incorporate who do we bring on board first if we all write to tesla or richard branson with the same idea someone has to click it eventually we need loads on this its gunna be super i might call the project glow so its simple and have you got a better picture as the calling card for this project

>> No.10947042
File: 13 KB, 660x371, 1567530011682.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

join the Glow project anon hundreds of fo shit talking bout a ufopia

>> No.10947045
File: 574 KB, 745x369, flyboard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10947049
File: 121 KB, 947x563, CityHawk-eVTOL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10947090

emporium 2020 anomomous said hed hed give me 5 million if he had it to support this project so i might call it for now the 5 million dollar project this thing needs a facebook account

>> No.10947352

>Chad's main export is Chads
I'm in

>> No.10947395
File: 555 KB, 512x384, 1567395232991.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Please sign the syllabus:
"Niggers, shitskins, curry niggers, goyims, amerifats, sheep fuckers, wogs and chavs. I hate them"

Then no homework just hyperlink YouTube vids when professor redpill asks you questions

>> No.10947579

>professor is literacy Dennis Prager on coke

>> No.10947594

Out of all the eVTOL concepts I've seen, this is definitely the coolest. Looks like a spinner from blade runner.

Also technically isn't this design powered by a gas generator? So not really an eVTOL.

>> No.10948737

That's actually a pretty neat idea.

>> No.10948740

What, is it leftist drivel hour or something?
Is that Marxism still feeding your ego?
Oh wait, it's not feeding you anything!

>> No.10948795

Include me in the screen cap

>> No.10948800

It would be based. But I would end up encouraging people to read French theorists, suggesting that culture can work semi-autonomously of race, and that the trans issue is more ambiguous than they suggest.

>> No.10948806

what if /sci/ were able to live out its eugenic policy dreams and turn an entire 3rd world african nation into 145+IQ super humans via several generations of hard selection?

>> No.10948826
File: 655 KB, 1160x709, ___Cormorant-prototype-1-during-completion-of-aircraft-upgrades.-Photo-take-Nov.-28-2017-at-Urban-Aeronautics-headquarters-during-the-completion-of-aircraft-upgrades.-Image-DSC0558-Photo-by-Kenneth-I..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10948832

reddit go back

>> No.10948834
File: 46 KB, 580x386, airmule_wheeled_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10948837

Include you in which screen cap? Why would I take a screen cap? What do you mean by this

>> No.10948840

>what if /sci/ were able to live out its eugenic policy dreams and turn an entire 3rd world african nation into 145+IQ super humans via several generations of hard selection?
You're confusing /sci/ and /pol/tards and inceltards obsessed with IQ and other pseudoscience shit.

>> No.10948847

IQ isn't pseudoscience as anyone who has taken even a cursory look at the Taleb paper breakdown threads can conclude. though some conclusions are taken out of context.

>> No.10948855

IQ is pseudoscience

>> No.10948859

How is it a pseudoscience?

>> No.10948864

By being pseudoscience

>> No.10948872

It turns out there is a steady 1 SD gap between niggers and liberal whites in iq which will never be closed by altering their environment. this is the only reason they deny IQ but accept things like implicit bias and the existence of a free press

>> No.10948879

>hurr durr the brain, the most complex organs in the known universe which we basically know NOTHING about can be categorized in a linear univocal set of value hurr durr

now I'll wait for the incels
>hurr durr male genetic is superior hurr durr

>> No.10948886

No, those who denies its scientific credibility are those who are actually scientist
t. a scientist with an actual very high IQ who took it when he was 18 OUT OF CURIOSITY but understand its scientific fundaments

>> No.10948888

Can someone explain please?

>> No.10948971

Are we confusing IQ and intelligence here? I recognise IQ as a flawed metric but it has validity in examining distributions of cognitive ability.

>> No.10949035

>but it has validity in examining distributions of cognitive ability.
No it doesn't. Cognition as a whole, is way more complex than understanding some patterns, series or matrix only buy deduction.
>I recognise IQ as a flawed metric
>Recognise it's flawed
>Think would be accurate to examine a distribution after a minimalistic flawed test

>> No.10949042

it appears we will not be able to settle our differences.

>> No.10949049

I agree. You're just too uneducated compared to me.

>> No.10949317


>> No.10949421

[math]LURK MOAR[/math]

>> No.10950747

Fucking idiot I've been lurking in chan before you were sucking milk from your mom breast

>> No.10950876 [DELETED] 

and yet you can't do basic mathematics

>> No.10950879

Yet here we are.

>> No.10951662

have sex

>> No.10951667

I don’t care who denies its credibility its fairly obvious there is a mostly genetic explanation for human behavioral phenotypes, this is almost assured to be the case given what we know about quantitative traits.

>> No.10952114

Dude how do lurking on 4chan has something to do with reddit? Never been there lol

>> No.10952180
File: 31 KB, 477x268, MV5BZWIxYjU4NmItZWE4NC00ZDI1LWIxYzgtMDMwZTQ0OTBhYTI3XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMTkxNjUyNQ@@._V1_UX477_CR0,0,477,268_AL_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10952199
File: 1.39 MB, 4000x3000, 1_4dC3bkLoBCsqqYjMQ6rs6g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.10952225
File: 419 KB, 1600x900, essen4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

emporium 2020 we need richard branson to invest in this

>> No.10952742
File: 158 KB, 1100x544, lab-alien-01_orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.10952781


>> No.10953004
File: 8 KB, 300x168, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

should be a fucking co- ordination test to pass the depop regulations thier wouldnt all that many people left alive i can tell you

>> No.10953020


>> No.10953520

This guy gets it. I would beat up the autists and schizos, round up the few competent people here and run an actually good school.

>> No.10953896

The optimum theory guy wrote a lot about this. Hes a schizoid and autists so take it with a grain of adderall. Something about a wall less "project" based school where students choose their own projects as long as they understood the core principles of his autist theory. Apparantly he thought that understanding the "optim theroy" was enough to diversify into any project

>> No.10953911


Oh and heads up. A based anon found reddit accounts that might have been the optimum guys, and opiumum guy has some... erm... disqualifying political views if true. He allegedly was posting in 2015 that a wall was the wrong approach to the mexican problem and that every american should be getting $1000 a month tied to citizenship. Its insanity i know. And discredits anything he has said since or ever but its good for lulz

>> No.10953925


Can you imagine of every American was getting $1,000 per month no strings attached like they do across the middle east but has a media blackout because Muslims are aleays wrong, always?

Why, mothers so stay home with children and homeschool one on one... it would he antithetical to all of humanity!

Think of it... mothers with their children!!! Teaching their children!!!!!

We all know that because of global warming humanity needs to die off, so the idea of even having children is agaisnt all of our values, and then the idea that not only do these meat bags have children, but actually teach and care for them!!!! BAHAHAHAHHA what nonsense!!!!

>> No.10954040


>> No.10954072


I am the person you are responding to and I completely agree!!!

This idea that mothers and father would be empowered to raise and teach their own children is schizophrenic nonsense!!!! No, as you and I know, global warming means that we must stop reproducing.

AnDrEw YaNg and others who promote a social system based around family and community are clinically ill!!!




Let the human race all die, boys like you and me say!!!

Of course there is a caste f around a million in the USA who live entirely on interest from the working class, which is why inflation goes up while wages stay the same, because they are printing their own money and living without even working, for generation... But they are based Gods and know everything and far superior to us.

They deserve to reproduce because they are not swine like we are.

>> No.10954090


This anon is correct. As a working scientist I have been told not to reproduce because my work is too important, furthermore because of global warming it would be irresponsible to further my genetic line which existed for billions of years.

My boss who said this pops by the office every year or so, in between his yachet sex parties, he has 11 children and is completely right.

I will not reproduce. It would be irresponsible. My boss and his 11 yacht children are right.

They actually print money. Literally. They just print it. No work. So based. Thats why inflation goes up and wages stay the same. Cuz they just print money. So based. I wish to suck his cock someday but never will I reproduce.

>> No.10954382
File: 957 KB, 245x160, giphy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Emporium 2020

>> No.10955889
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