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10934083 No.10934083 [Reply] [Original]

Aboriginal Australians have a confirmed history of 40,000 years and ONLY use set theory for their calculations because all their other mathematical operators are 'physical realm dependent'.

>> No.10934144

So abo maths is the final pill?

>> No.10934203

Wait aren't Aboriginal Australians like sub Saharan African tier retarded? Also name literally any one phenomenon that indicates or can be attributed to a "non-physical realm" whatever the fuck that even means.

>> No.10934207

Yeah but Pirahã only use category theory.

>> No.10934210

white men were manifested into existence by the mother spirit in order to produce petrol to bring dreamtime for all abbos

>> No.10934271

They're somehow worse than the absolute bottom of the barrel sub saharan

>> No.10934300

In terms of IQ yes. But they are also less violent in general, and have some racial advantages such as excellent eyesight.

>> No.10934306

Truly you've never seen a drunk aboriginal practically curb stomp his child in the middle of the road for asking for a snack

>> No.10934311

>tfw there is racism in this thread
Aboriginals are further evolved than east asians but not as evolved as Americans. On paper they should be better than the east asians

>> No.10934313

No one said evolution was pretty.

>> No.10934315

The bottom line is Aboriginal Australian's natural instincts do not align with a 21st century western lifestyle. Basically every other racial groups primitive hunter gather instincts have been tempered over 1000's of years of civilization whereas aboriginals were thrown into it only 200 or so years ago.

>> No.10934317

They could have been the first techno anarchist state

>> No.10934321

Clearly you have never seen white people behave in exactly the same way even though they do. They lived in equilibrium with their environment for 40,000 years even surviving global climate change which shattered their luscious forests into desert. In five thousand years all "more advanced" cultures have done is destroy everything and haul all of us to the precipice of our species extinction.

Very impressive.

>> No.10934339

>I may be tarded but at least I didn't do anything
Very impressive

>> No.10934348
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>They lived in equilibrium with their environment for 40,000 years
>their continent turned into one giant desert

>> No.10934375

I suspect that our culture will need to implement some of their social philosophies to survive the mess we have made of this entire planet. I am sure at tht point we will be thankful thy are still around. With all their flaws and qualities.

Provide facts if you believe I am wrong but climate change was to blame not burning. All ancient cultures burnt. We would clearfell before burning. That is the only difference.

Then again I have heard rumours that they have stories about how they hunted the giant perentie to extinction because they were always sticking their heads inside their wurlies and eating the babies. Undoubtedly they did some damage.

How many of the european megafauna did we hunt into extinction?

>> No.10934381

They have excellent spatial intelligence probably as a result of navigating large distance in a barren landscape with no real landmarks. But they are as coon as coon gets

>> No.10934382

>Cause to celebrate: Australia's Indigenous population is on the rise
But remember, race is a social constructs, so declining white birthrates aren't even real, and are also a good thing, despite not being real, and white should have fewer children anyway, to fight climate change:

>> No.10934383

Go live in the NT for a bit and then tell me how wonderful they are you fuck

>> No.10934395

Imagine celebrating an increase in the birth rate of the worst "humans" on the planet, while actively encouraging whites to make themselves extinct.
Do these Guardian types ever wonder, who will produce the petrol for the Abbos to huff if whites go extinct?

>> No.10934465

do abbos believe axiom of choice?

>> No.10934501

Imo the whites in the NT are even worse. Predjudice huh.

Better question is what is wrong with our culture that makes it unacceptable to them? Or better yet, why are they huffing petrol?

Why are they starting this behaviour in childhood? Our solution was shithouse. Remove the kids and brainwash them with our culture. It didn't work. You are actually stupid enough to blame them for that lmao.

Walk a day in their shoes. Must be nice to have such a privileged lifestyle. Purely the result of being a human parasite raised by human parasites who prey on other races, cultures and even lower demographics from within your own racial society.

This is what they are dealing with. Stupid greedy fuckers like you with an overexaggerated sense of self worth. You're probably on welfare payments too.

>> No.10934502

Leftism is a religion. When a religion is confronted with reality it makes the followers go to extremes to reduce their cognitive dissonance. White liberals so desperately want to believe we are all the same yet literally everything was invented by a white man. This causes maximum cognitive dissonance. In order to alleviate this white liberals must destroy white people, white culture, white countries, basically everything of value. Jews cheer them on because of their pathological envy and natural, genetic, racism and out group aggression.

>> No.10934507


>> No.10934515

Says the cuck posting with white man's technology, living the comforts of white man's safety, living in relative opulence in white man's country. Your cowardliness and dishonesty is amazing. I bet you even think you make the world a better place. At least we both know you won't reproduce, cuck

>> No.10934532

>global climate change which shattered their luscious forests into desert.
They turned the forests into desert because they hunted by burning them down.

>> No.10934541

You have a strange obsession with cuckoldry. Wonder why...

>> No.10934645

>classing arabs and persians as "white men"

Not even a leftie. Hence why I want off this rock instead of staying here to baby you stupid cunts through your environmental apocalypse. You may as well just start calling me an incel you have so little knowledge of me and my beliefs.

White supremacy is not racism. Diversity is important. If you cannot see why then you are part of the problem with the white race.

Nice pol tier argument. You need more braincells to win debates on this board faggot.


>> No.10934724

There is nothing that exists within the aboriginal culture that has any value besides watching them kill each other in coon wars when housing moves two groups that hate each other next to one another

>> No.10934734


>> No.10934763
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>the number of people who identified as...

>> No.10934792
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>identified as


>> No.10934809

Two qualities they have in abundance which our culture currently lacks. I'm not even trying.

Planks in peoples eyes and all that man.

>> No.10934815


>> No.10934823


Probably better communicated to a western audience from the Indian/Chinese philosophies.

Hell even Christianity communicates it better than abos do.

I'm not saying you're wrong, you're just not hitting on the right things.

I think they'd be more likely to contribute some of those genes relating to eyesight/spatial intelligence than anything else. They definitely seem like an interesting subspecies though.

>> No.10934834

Not only. They adapted tolerance to a wide variety of toxins as well.

Their sense of spirituality is less defined than ours. I have a great deal of respect for that. You go to a christian priest and he will tell you EXACTLY what to believe.

More than that. Their spirituality is built upon their connection to their environment.

Our spirituality is sick.

>> No.10934836

They have neither of these qualities unless you count child cannibalism as a quality

>> No.10934848

What colour was old jeffers skin lmao.

>> No.10934849

>You go to a christian priest and he will tell you EXACTLY what to believe.

Most of our priests are just peasants in cloth.

Find a 'real' priest and he can do better than that.

>> No.10934850



>> No.10934862

>You hate slavery but you live in slavery checkmate

>> No.10934864

Can’t people tell they’re bullshitting?
I literally saw a white person in a video saying they were aboriginal

>> No.10934865

And that video was shown to us by the professor

>> No.10934898

Life is harder for the creamies. Unwelcome in our society. Not pure enough to be welcome in theirs.

>> No.10934899

>Wait aren't Aboriginal Australians like sub Saharan African tier retarded?


>> No.10934915

Mutts should be allowed to identify as aboriginal, but saying your aboriginal when you look 99% white and have blond hair and blue eyes and white skin and your aboriginal ancestor was 5 generations ago is really pushing it

>> No.10934933


>> No.10934941

Im also pretty sure they'd live in mud huts if it werent for colonization

>> No.10934942


>> No.10934943
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>> No.10934947

We’ll see what your descendants i invent alone on an island with your memory wiped.

>> No.10934948

The first gulp from the glass of natural sciences will turn you into an atheist, but at the bottom of the glass God is waiting for you.

>> No.10934953

most white walled homes in england and germany are also mud huts

>> No.10934954
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nice original thought on defending the god of the gaps

>> No.10934958

Trapinch was sure an ugly poke. Flygon is my favourite poke though. It’s sad how it was such a mediocre poke

>> No.10934987
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not if I don't have sex you won't

>> No.10935001

Further proof that IQ is pseudoscience.

>> No.10935019

>Aboriginal Australians have a confirmed history of 40,000 years
What does that mean ? Their confirmed history goes back much further than that. Every human group's history goes back 350 000 years.

>> No.10935028
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>muh ancestors had their memory wiped!

>> No.10935035

>retardation doesn't exist
How did a black woman with no formal education find this website?

>> No.10935119

Go back to africa you fucking beaner

>> No.10935121

Are you a nigger or a bimbo?

>> No.10935132

>Slavery is bad but i will fully take advantage of it because fuck it right? But you should feel sorry for what you didnt do.
When will lefties learn?

>> No.10935953
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op here, what the fuck are you guys talking about?
my poor thread... what have these /pol/tards done to it? I fucking hate these guys

>> No.10935965

Just ignore them.

Posts like
are a waste of letters and not even worth responding to.

>> No.10936171

They're actually even more retarded than Africans. Also they genocided the fuck out of the Australian pygmies.

>> No.10936178


This one's my favorite.

>> No.10936201

>black woman
He's jewish

>> No.10936775

You wouldn't understand if you didn't have to deal with aboriginals it's not a /pol/ thing but an Australian thing

>> No.10936782

yall cowards don't even cargo cult

>> No.10936796
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>> No.10936988

Lets wipe your memories and start you from scratch on a deserted island. I can bet a trillion dollars, that you’ll either be dead or your descendants will be living in mud huts even if they’re given 30000 years to develop

>> No.10936991

>I hate polluted air
>then why do you breathe polluted air checkmate
That’s your argument you fucking brainlet. You need more brains than this to survive on a board like this retard. We aren’t rural subhumans like you are on /pol/. Go milk your cow white boy

>> No.10937051

If whites are stupid enough to wipe themselves out whose fault is it? No seriously lol.

>> No.10937055

>finally we can have a unique race take control of its continent again
>finally there won’t be so few Abos in Australia
This is somehow bad?

>> No.10937057

Whites can’t control it. There’s simply no reason to breed when you have money and a high living standard. unless you feel like it’s your duty. But even muslims can’t keep up birthdates. Turkey is dropping and so are the Saudis

>> No.10937062
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No. They have the largest frontal lobes of any waste. They know that science and every action is just vanity at the end of the day. They were known to spend 16 hours a day in REM sleep and thought this was the most productive use of their existence. The dream world is better than the real world. If you weren't a lobelet, a vainglorious petty one at that, you would understand.

>The frontal portion of cerebral cortex was larger in Aboriginal than in Caucasian brains.


>> No.10937064

you are a stupid clueless delusional faggot. abos are literally subhuman as they come. fuck you for propping them up on a pedestal. maybe the other shit you said is true but aussie abos are fucked beyond belief. do the world a favour and kill yourself immediately

>> No.10937067

Dude abos are one of the most highly evolved humans on the planet. They’re furthest from Africa according to the FST analysis

>> No.10937074

So we built a broken society. How incredibly amazing and impressive of us. Not.

White trash is all other races see of us too you know. I know what you're talking about but I have been lucky enough to meet some good ones. Better than any whites I have met so far.

>> No.10937075
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>> No.10937076

Why does petrol smell so good though? I’m not an abo but it smells good to me

>> No.10937093

seething lobelet

>> No.10937100
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big frontal lobe

>> No.10937121
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>> No.10937122

The guy who typed that stuff was definitely in Dreamtime

>> No.10937145
File: 67 KB, 700x605, 5E12ADB5-929F-4E78-A488-418E1E222C46.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Australian pygmies

>> No.10937149


>> No.10937176

Leaded petrol smelled the best from what the old timers tell me. I want some old, no EtOH, chock full of lead gasoline. Imagine the smell. This is what big lobes want to smell. Not cumbrained filth.

>> No.10937178

Does the lead settle in your system and bind to your haemoglobin

>> No.10937182

It forms an alloy with the calcium in your bones, strengthening them. This was what made the roman military so effective.

>> No.10937185

Same thing that happened to wolverine right

>> No.10937194
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is frontal lobes, leaded petrol and dream time going to be the next /sci/big brain meme?

>> No.10937199

Fairly certain this is a pol troll thread. They've been making a few of them specifically targetting abbos.

I wouldn't be surprised if two thirds of the posts in this thread were made by only one or two people.

>> No.10937350

Bimbo confirmed, a nigger wouldnt be able to even type correctly.

>> No.10937365

First of all, not an argument. Second of all, false equivalence. Now listen nigger, I will explain it to your ape brain one more time not in the hopes of your retarded monkey brain actually understanding what im saying but so other people in here can see what a dumb nigger you are.
Living in civilized society with all its gadgets and stuff is not as essential as breathing air.

>> No.10937438

>I hate this water polluted by pesticides in this western civilisation
>but you live in this western civilisation so why do you drink this water hahaha checkmate JUST INVENT YOUR OWN LAKES AND RIVERS HAHAHA
This is your argument. Get some brains before you come to a neighbour like this, back to pol kiddo

>> No.10937484

Well, why dont you?

>> No.10937501

Why reinvent the wheel?
Whites didn’t invent gunpowder either despite thinking there’s nothing more white gunpowder

>> No.10937512

I like Abbos. They are the best race, and have caused the least offense to the earth. If I could press a button that would eradicate all non-abbos and allow them to return to a dreamtime society, I would press it without hesitation.

>> No.10937514

Then why even complain? What does that do for you or society in general? How is your constant whining any different from a child´s? How can anybody take you seriously?

>> No.10937527

I have been conditioned to live in a white society and use white technology. If I try to live like god intended free and wild in nature, I’d probably die to the elements and my entire family and my entire would go extinct because whites already interfered once before. Now we have nukes so it won’t happen again. But if we actually minded our own business then whites would come interfere again. That’s why all this technology is literally like oxygen.
So when you subhumans say “WHY DO YOU COMPLAIN ABOUT SLAVERY USING THE WHITE MANS TECHNOLOGY” you should really go back to /pol/ because this argument doesn’t work in the real world.

>> No.10937543

There are several small tribes in Africa and Latin America (more particularly the central part) that have lived perfectly fine on autonomous societies. Of course, most of them die of young age and some are "saved" by white liberals going on trips to "find themselves". You are just a lazy retarded nigger who wants all the benefits of white societies and white technology without any drawbacks, while at the same time complaining how you can´t live like a savage in the wild because you realize you would die almost immediately.

>> No.10937545

>There are several small tribes in Africa and Latin America
Also a lot of regular "normal" people living in the modern world decided to go live in the wild in a hut and are doing just fine.

>> No.10937548

Brazilians are burning down their jungles as we speak.
None of them will survive and their cultures will be eradicated and destroyed.

I also can’t live without the internet.

>> No.10938468

I can't help but respect this opinion. From what I have seen most of my own race is filled with seething brainlets who can't see past the end of their own nose. Constantly looking for somebody else to blame for the catastrophic mess we have made of our own society. Blaming ghosts like the jews and repeating the same mistakes their parents made.

Sometimes I wish I was abbo. I think they have a lot of the answers we need.

>> No.10938480

Personal choice has nothing to do with it. Everybody has been brainwashed by the jews...

I guess that means whites are braindead fucking retards incapable of original thought then. Prove me wrong.

What the hell is wrong with our white women?

>> No.10938589

>think they have a lot of the answers we need.

Did you ever stop to think that when you're trying to put the blame on "us", you're doing the same thing for the same reasons as those who are trying to put the blame on "them" ?
Or that when you blame "us", you're really blaming a subset of us that is "them" for you ?
And don't you realize that abos are not looking for someone to blame only because they found that someone already ?

>> No.10938708

No. I am just trying to highlight the issues faced by all races in the face of the worst of my fellow white man.

More than that, before we can start lecturing other races on their flaws maybe we should take a very long hard stare at ourselves first.

Additionally it is clear to me that we as whites are responsible for our own circumstances as well as those of other races simply because we ARE at the top, leading everybody into the apocalypse.

It's frustrating. We are the core of all problems. We are the ones with the power and capability to enact effective change. Instead this "jews jews jews niggers abbos" bullshit leaks out of pol into every other board and permeates our society.

I am trying to slap some sense into people who clearly do not have the capability to reach my level of understanding. My bad.

>> No.10938785

Only if you are irrational and emotional.
If you follow the scientific method correctly you'll see that there's literally no evidence to the existence of god or any kind of spiritual forces/beings.

>> No.10938810

Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.

Spirituality is a part of what we are and embracing spirituality benefits us as individuals and as a whole. Nihilism is toxic because it discourages selflessness and teamwork by emphasising the individual. The inevitable result is individuals parasitising each other.

Nihilism has infected western society and its religions. The result is individuals too focused upon themselves to work together to overcome catastrophe.

The great filter is coming for us now.

>> No.10939790

Well you should.

Because you're ok about us the way antisemitic talk about Jews. "Oh they've got all the power, they conspirate as a group for selfish goals, they control the other groups against their will... They're the worst!"
It's all bullshit that you made up to makes yourself feel good. Because it does feel good to have an enemy, and to condemn him. And you also get to feel personally superior because you're so just and fair that you don't hesitate to accuse your own people.

The reality is that it's absurd to criticize the power of a group in which you bundle up the Koch brothers and the poorest polish worker. Same as bundling up Soros and poor Jews, but you don't see it because it's cool to be unfair against the enemy right ?

The reality is that races don't act. People do, with all their conflicted interests, short sightedness, their errors and their lucky streaks... The only thing that unites the whites is skin color. For their daily actions, there's no unity, and there's no control. Everybody is struggling alone.

And that is the same for non whites. They're all behaving exactly like their white neighbours : trying to survive and get ahead with the opportunities they see. So what sense is there in dividing them according to skin color and blaming some for what they all do ? None.

Whites are not at the top, are not responsible, have not the power, nor the capability to enact change, any more than the Jews.

If you want an enemy, go look for the rich and powerful *people*. Be them Chinese, Jewish or Anglo.
You stupid liberal.

>> No.10939814

>And that is the same for non whites.
Not that anon, but you're assuming there's no variation across races in traits like nepotism or outgroup empathy, which seems unlikely.
Group tendencies towards greater nepotism and lower outgroup empathy could easily result in Ashkenazi Jews working in the aggregate to undermine, subvert, or outright destroy their host population, even without any overt conspiracy towards that end.

>> No.10939828

I actually consider myself to be a white supremacist you know. That is why I am so disapointed in our behaviour.

We do have more power to enact change than anybody. White people have most of the money. For now. China is rising and we will need to race them to new goals. A friendly competition.

In our current state we are not prepared. Take the slap. Wake up.

>> No.10940315

You are still making the same basic mistake of confusing a mass of individuals with an unique entity.

A little more, a little less. There's no qualitative difference.

>> No.10940344

Sure. Probably the best of us just need the right person to stand behind.

>> No.10940914

They prefer AD + DC for its relationship with Woodin cardinals